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<br /> R;�_ __. -- - -- YENAt+ITS_BoQaw6r and Lender cove�ant and a9ree as fotlowx � �� _
<br /> �. .�_: '_.- —--.._. UNIFOiiM CA � --
<br /> (s` �-•;` , . . t.Pa�N d��M�r��war sAail PranOtiY PaY,w�ien aue�e�rineipat at and tnterest on-Urs _ `
<br /> ' y- , , ���� landlabscharpesasprov�dedlnlheNa�,aadtheprincfpatolanqir�reston T
<br /> :. _��` - `� ��,.�: , an�l Fuhtrs Advancas s�eund biY� ot Trust ' ' .
<br /> 4 Z f�dsterTa�wa�dt�aneRSup�c t��ppticabbtawortoawpttenWalver.byLenQer.Borcowarahatlpsytolander , .°
<br /> - t anit�dsy�yf�m�nlsofprincip�l tandialsrea�repalla�leundsriheNote.un�tlAsNotsispaidintult.swtn(hareio . �,��__T_`,•`_�__.�
<br /> - _�:-'� ,-.=>'=-�
<br /> °-pV q= "Funds°l e4ual b on�-t�wF(Ih of 1M yMrty laxa and a�stments whieh'may atlsin prbrity ovsr this M�d ot Tcust.ant! , , -
<br /> - '�`�3'. �. '_' � � �roundr�ISOnlhsProP«h��►Y•A��one-twdMotvaalYDremiuminsUttrna�btorhszard7naurancs.ptusone twslflhof , -..
<br /> . �., .
<br /> ; '��-.� � . :. �. � - pnmiwn insWtments tormo�tnsuance.h tny.dl as raasonabty estlmated in'dfaliy and hom Ume to time Dy . �' �.r , ,
<br /> r.', �
<br /> ; u' - �on tlls bpis a1 �sr fils an�biils N1d reatontble Astimat�i tf1ArlOt. �` �
<br /> - ,.��-. .':._ <` Tt�Fun�s�tWlb�hsldinaninsHdAbnlhadwosiboraccouabotwhichareinsurodoryuaranteed.byaFederalorstate _ -
<br /> : �::::,.. sy�ncy(indudin��M�der if Ler�b wch an rnsYhAion).L�nder stutl apply ths tunds topay said taxas.ataistn�ents. � �.� . � °� .-
<br /> inwwncsP���9��ranlsL�bKmayeotch+Ik�etorsohoidin�an0applyinylheFnnd�.anahrxtn�s�idaecount _
<br /> • �� '-��`,� : , orvs�ityin0andcampit�o➢saide�n��sandb�"II�unlsaLenderWysBonoweriMerestonlheFundsandaPalicabtsiaw t. �. ... .
<br /> t�nda►�orn kssuchaatfar�e.BorrowerandLendsrmsYsyroeiowritiryatthetimeofexecutionotthisQ�adafTrust i:
<br /> . t-:,r,'�;� `. . . � . .
<br /> • "._` - - t i�nMrat on 1hs Fu�xfs slWl be p�id to Bonowar.and unlass such a�rssment is mede or scaiicalbe Faw�qe�ires such �- � �
<br /> rx
<br /> � �_ . 1n�pp� Lend�shallnatbsrsquiredtopaY�►owsranyinterostoreaminp�onthefund�tende�ahsil�[veto { . .
<br /> _ � _ ` ' g�rpwer w out�e,anannualaccountitqotth6Fundsshow credibanddebibtothcFundsandthe putpasetor .
<br /> ° . - _ y�h�h�ttOthsFundswasmade.TheFundsarepled�edasa �a��ri�YforMesumssecuradbytt�isDeedot .
<br /> . , �, - .
<br /> _-�- 4 . T H�e amount at ths tonds hetd by Lsnder.to�eU'�e►with the tuture manthly instatlments of Eunds peyabte prtor W the due �. - - -. ,.� . . -
<br /> ' - a�q��x�asfasm�rfls,insurance premiuma and aound rants.sh811 exceed the amount required to pay said texes. , . �
<br />_ � ` ��(nsurence premiuma and praund renb as 1helf ia�t due,such excess shall ba at Borcawers opdon,oifher , , �,
<br /> � `�- pr � ��o�id b garrcw�or cradi�ed to BoROwer on momhty instaitmenb ot Funds.N the amouM ot the Funds hetd DY : _ �:ti;_�r�j.,
<br /> `�'�:'� •�.� ` r'' lenWr�hallnotbeauMicienttop*Ytaxe�.aesess�nenb.inwrancepremiumsanQground�enbasfReyfaitdue.8orrowershail ; -r- _
<br /> > > �Yithin�0 da fram the date notice is maited by lender to ,
<br /> ,,: . to!e�an artwurn nec�ery 10 mqke�P the deficiencyi Ys • �r
<br /> �� % �
<br /> `,:''.:•: :: r:.;;.r.~--::: �� ' iniull�afsliw��xcuf redbythisOeedofT�usRLenderahal�prompttyrefim�toaamoweranyFundshelAbY ° •_.<<:. ;
<br /> ,,.:!, ` ° : ���Y�t 18haceatthep�ppe�y issoldortheProperty isotherwiaeacquineday�ender.Lenqershaliappty. ' •..;::�:'�'•"�.�-'.:;�:
<br /> Lender#ia�id�r0�ra�� , . :s :
<br /> " .F,;;°.`,� � . � notate�ihanimmadiatetyp�iortothesateoffhePropertyoritsacqu-isitionbyLender.andFuztidsbeldbyLendecatthetimeof . �
<br /> � ;.,�`,. . � ` apptic�a5oe as a cred'a aqainst the sums aecured by this Oeed ot Trust : � - _ :-
<br /> """�� � , � g,�pptieaYonotgann�nlr.UnlessapplicabTe.taw rovidesotherwise.allpaymentsreceivedbyLenderundertheNote _ � �.,
<br />._ . . , . , andpara�lro o�Hdieii�ntere�st��paeya6t�eorr�i+i�"dte�the►�taithepc+n�s."Ep='a�o��l�ate.p a�nd�ld�►��te e.�ata�ndprWUlcipa%n�:_ .._ .�" -_ ` _.;� �;
<br /> - . ��;. •-.- - � . - �t�qrs , , . ..- -- --- . .
<br /> any Futute Advances.
<br /> �.:...z,� �. ,�;LI�Borrowersshallpayalita�ies.assessmenisandothercharges.firtesandimposi�onsatbibutabletothe 'T"
<br /> ! Property wFiich may aitain a ority over tt�is Deed of Trust,and leasehotd pay�nenis or graeu�d rents,it any,in the manner '��•
<br /> ipray�d underpa�a�raph 2�e�t or,N not paid in sach manner.�y Borrower making paymeni when dus,direcUy to the • • ,
<br /> i payse therep�,�orrovrer ahallpromptly tumish to Lsnder aN notices of amounts due under this paragraph,and in the even! . ;
<br /> , � ; ; BoROwe►shall make�paymenl di�scay,Borrowar sha0 promPtty tumisb to Lender receipts evldencing such pa�ents. •
<br /> �.' � gortower shall prort�ptly dischalpe any lien whkh has pdority wer this Oeed of Trusfi Provfded.that Borrower sha not be 3 �'A
<br /> � � requirodtodischaroea�ny s�u�cbliensolonpasBorrawershailagreeinw�itingtothepaymentoftheobligationsecuredbysuch . �
<br /> i lien in a mannar acc�ps1aeto Lender.or ahafi in�ood iaith conteat sucb lien by,or Qelend enforcement ot such tien in,legal _
<br /> 4 procsedinss whicb operate to praver►E the anforCement ot!he lien or foAeiture of ftfe Prop�rty or any paR thereof. •
<br /> S, H����.Bonowar ahail keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the PrOperty insured
<br /> ' ' i ayainst loss by tits,hazards ineiuded withtn the tsrm'extended coverage",and auch other he=ards as Lender may requira
<br /> � and in auch amounts an0 tor auch pariod�as lender may�equire;provid�d,that Lender shall not� ui�e that the amount af
<br />� � � � such covera�s excsed that smount ol cava�a�s�equlred to pay the aums secured by thi�Oeed ot�rus� �
<br /> Thisinaur�ncscsrrlerprovidinptheinsu►ances allbechosenby Borrawe�aubecttoa�provalb Lender.provided.that ,
<br /> ' sueh approval shatl not be unreasonebly witf�held.A�I premiums on insurartce policies sna(1 be paid m the manner prowded
<br /> unQer para�raph 2 hereof or,if not paid in such manner,by Bor�ower making payment,when due,d�restly to th�fnsurance
<br /> � ' �Atl lnwranCe potiCies and rertewais thereot shail ba in torm acceptabte to Lertder and shatl inctude a standard moR�age , �
<br /> ' , cleuteinfavorotandinformecceptabletol.ender.k.endershatlhavetherighlfoholdlhepoiiciesendrenewatsthereof,and
<br /> Bonowershall promptlyfumishtoLenderall renewal noticesartdall reCelptsot paid premiums.lnlheeventol toss.8onower
<br /> ahai��tveprompt�oticetotheinsu�ancecarrierartdLender.Lendermaymakeproofaflasa�tnotmadeprompttyDyBorrower. ,
<br /> � Untess Lenderand Bonowerotherwisee9rea in writiag,insurance�foceed�shali beappliedto restoratio�or repairotthe
<br /> � ' Properly�ma�ed.Provlded such resto�ation or repair is economica ty feasible end the security of this Oeed o!Trust Is no! .
<br /> • f thsreby impaired.H auch reatoration or�epalr i��ot economicalty feasible or if the security o1 fhis Oeed ot Trust would be
<br /> • � ; impsired.tt�e insurance proceeda ahal I be applied to the sum�secured bY this Oeed ot Trust with the exces9,if any,paid to
<br /> ' � BoROwer.H the Properly is abandOned by 9ortower,or if Borrower laits to respond to Lender within 30 days from the OAte ,
<br /> , � notice is maile0 by Lender to Borrawe�that the insurance carrier otfers to settle a ctaim for insurance benefits,lenaer is
<br /> - � euthorized to cotlect ana app�y the tnsurance proceeQsat Lende�s option eiiher to reatoration or�epair of the Property or to
<br /> q�e sum�aaCUred by thia need Ot 7rusL
<br /> '. . • � UnlesaLenderandBonowerotherwlseagreeinwrlting,anysuot+applicationotproceedstoprincipalshallnotextendor
<br /> pos�of1e the due date ot the monthly instaltmeMS referred to�R paragra�hs�and 2 hereot or change the amount ot such
<br /> ' � instsllmenb.N unde�para�rapb 18 hereol Me Property is acquired by Lender,ail righL title and inte�est ot Borrower in and to
<br /> any insurancepoliciesandi�andtothe proceed9thereot resuttingfrom damagetothePropeRy priortathe�ateoracquiaition
<br /> a � � shall pass t0 Lender to the extent o1 the sums secured by this Oeed of Trust immediately pripr t0 such safe or acquisition.
<br /> ',.•._ �. p,.�vaYo�and 11a1M�nana W Pr��7•W•�.L��olds:CandomMiums:Pfann�d Uni1 DwNopn�+N.Bo Yower shall
<br /> . . - keep the Property in gcod repair and snati it01 COII"tlili�M&Sie Oi y6�m1t:s�o�-'stsss�:s!o!d�r'�!2LiQn ot�hw Proea and shall ------�-- -
<br /> � � comptywithineproviaionao1anyteaseif1h1s0eedotTrustisonaleasehofd.IfthisDeedotTrustisonaunitinaconeominium
<br /> or a pfanne0 unit development,Borrower shatl pe�torm all of Borrower's obligatians under the dectaretion or covenants
<br /> � ' creetinQ or aveminq the condominium or planned unit development,the by-taws and regulations ot the condominium or
<br /> ' planneq uo�devetopmenL and conat(tueM dxuments.II a conddminium or ptanned unif devetopment rider is exeuted dy
<br /> � ' Borrcwer aad recorded topether wlih this Oead of Trust.the covenants and agreemeMsof such rider shatl be incorporated
<br /> ' � into and ahafl amend and aupptement the covenants and agreement9 of this Oeed of Trust as ii the rider were a part hereol.
<br /> . �, p�p�tlen p�L�•s g�curi�►.N 8orrower tails to perform the covenants and egreement�contained in this Oeed oi , ,
<br /> � Truat�or itany action or proceeding is commenced with materlalty aftects Lender's interest in the P►operty.including but not
<br /> � '� Iimitedto,eminerttdomain,insotvency.cadeentorcemenLorarrangementsorproceedingsinvotvinga6ankruptorCecedenL ,
<br /> then Lender at Lender's opNon.upon notice to Bonower,may make such appearances.disburse such sums and fake sucb
<br /> � actionasisnecesssrytoproteelLender'aintere�6including,butnotilmitedto,disbursementofreasonabieattorney'stees8nd �
<br /> - � �� entnuDOnthePropertytomakerepalrs.ifLende��equiredmongage;nsuranceasaconditionofmakirtgthefoansecuredby
<br /> the Daed of Trus1.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to malntatn such insurance in ettect unUl such time a9 the
<br /> � � ° fequirertientforsuchinsuranceterminatesinaccordancewithBorrower'sandlender'awrittenagreementorapp1lcatbelaw.
<br /> � • � Boa'ower shsllpay the amounf of all moRgage insurance permiums in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereot •
<br /> Any amounb disbursed by Lender purauane to this paraAraph �, with interest theieon. shali becoma additlonal
<br /> � � • ' i� IndebfednessofBorrowersecuredbythi�CeedotTrustUnless8orrowerandlenderagreetoalhertermsolpaymenLSUCh
<br /> � - amouabapatt be payabte upon noUce irom Lender to Borrower requesNrtg paymeM he�eot,and shall bear interesttrom the
<br /> dateotdisbursementattheratepayabletromtimetotimeonoutstanding pnnc�pAiundertheNateunlesspaymentofinte�est ,
<br /> at sueh rate would be contrary to apptieable taw,in whieh event such amounts shatt bear interesl at the bighest rate
<br /> � ` permissibleundereppNcablefaw.Nofh(ngaontainedinthisparagraph7sha�trequirelendertoirtcuranyexpenseorlakeany
<br /> ac*.�on hereun0er.
<br /> � t,tmp�eltod�tender may matceor causeto be r�ade reasortabie�ntries upon and inspections ot the Propert�.provided
<br /> � ' -� thatLenderahaAgtveBorro�ernaLCepriortaanysuchinspectranspec+tyingreasonabtecausetherefore�relaterfuLenQer's
<br /> � � � , i interest in the Pro�rty.
<br /> „ . . . .:.., . . •
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