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<br /> 1. P�r��nan��At�'r'1�1p�,�Iqtiet�t��nd L�te�Cha�e. BaRmwcr ihall p�y wheo dua tha prL�aipnl o�'.wd intercu on,
<br /> the debt ovlda�ad bp d1a Nqip.�1d UI(p.Chtr�at due w�der d�c Nota.
<br /> ' �. MwM�I�FPl►�AaM pf.7�q�,:�wraooe�d 17LMer Ch�e�. 8arower�hall i�nalude in e�oh mauh[ p�
<br /> to�atl�witll;tpa PI�Iaip�l�Itd itit��iu�et fath in 1!►a.Note�nd any I�te chsqer��n inatallment of any(a�tuc��at
<br /> apocid we��nKmt�lavlad or.u►ba.lqY(qd��fiut�hs PraQarty�lb)kaxhold poymean or�rounif re�a an the P�v�p�'�y�+�d
<br /> _ (c)Pmnium�tor tnwr+�aa ialuitad bp���aph 4.
<br /> F�hsmcmlhly iru�tnlltl�mt�;ft►r,jtp»ta(a). (b)and(s)chall oquc�l one-twetfth of the annunl amounta,ei nasanably
<br /> ealnuWad by Lenck►r.�pIqe +�n.wnt►unt�suFflcient ta mAint�in an�dditional bolenr,a of na.mot�e t1Mn onc•sixth of tho
<br /> ---_---.-._ eedmued amounta. The full iutnupl•amount for eAOh Item Bhall be �ccumulatmd by Lendar witbin a perlod ending ane
<br /> moeth baforo�n ltara would baanma•dalinquenG Let�der dwll hold the unounta colloated in uuat w p�y iteme(a�(b)�nd
<br /> (c)bofoto tNay 6acoma dalinquant�.
<br /> 1P.a11q1Y�p� �IGI IOf..t11A Qfl�►mants hcld by Lsndcr for.it�ana(a),Ib)and(c).tagetltisr wtth�ha fwure monthiy
<br /> pnymantn far suoh item�p1►yeblH ta l.endar prlor to the due date.g of auah•items,excoeda 6y mvre than onaaixth tl�e
<br /> eu�mat�d amaunt of pnymanta�aqt�it�xt,topay such items when dua� and if pa ents an the Noia arc current,than Lendm'
<br /> sh�ll�ei�hor nsfund tha eacasss ovor pna�sixth of the esdmated payments or it the excesa over ona•sixth of dw eatimnted
<br /> p�ymunta W aubRequant pNymRntd by�•�ttower.at tl�e option of Bomower. If the total of the pxymema madc by Bwmwor
<br /> for,itam(a�.(b?.or(o)ie inwuf�iainnAta pay thc item when due.then Borrower�hall pay to Lender�ny om�o�mt�ecosswy to
<br /> m�ko up tha dafiaianay on.ar bafons tha dAte the item 6aomea due.
<br /> As uced in�thie Seau�ty•.Inc�t�ument."Secretary"maans the Sec�etary of Nousing and Urben Developmcnt or his or ber
<br /> daoignae. In wny your Itt,wbiAhilhe Lender must pay a mortgeg�insurance prcmium to the Sc:cretary,each montf►!y payment
<br /> shaU alea inaluda ailhesr. (f� an installment uf� annual mo�gage insurance premium to be paid by i:ender to the
<br /> 3eatatary►or•.(lf)a mpnihlyt charge instend of a mwtgage insurance premtum if this Securiry Instntmeat ix held by the
<br /> 3acratary. Eaah manlhla�installment of the mortg�ge insurance pnmium shell be in un amount suffiaicnt to aocumulnta tho
<br /> fbll.annual��mnrtga$e lnr�urance premium with Lender one month prior to the date the full annuitl mortgag� inauronca
<br /> �° pptmium�ia dus tq thA��ry:or if this Secur[ty lnsuument is held br the�ecretary.eaoh monthly churge shall ba in an
<br /> �_ amaunt�equal.ta o�a�twelfth of one-ha1P percent af the outstanding principal balence due on tha Note.
<br /> .- � If Bqrrqwar Wnders to Lender the full payment of all sums secured by this Security Insavment,Borrowerb accaunt
<br />--�• sfia1L be cr�dilad�with the balence remaining Cor ull installme�ts for items(a), (b)and (c)end any mongage in�utanco
<br /> � �ramium inaeallmant thet Lender hav not 6eaune obligated to pay to thc Secretary,and Lender shall promptly �rfund an
<br />-,.� excess funds to Borrower. lmmcdietely priar to a foreclosure sak of the PropeRy or its acquisition by Lender. Bortawer�
<br />- �oeount�ehaU 6e credited with eny bnlance�maining for all installments for Items(a),(b)and(c).
<br />-� 3., tfcation of P�yments. All payments under Paragrapbs l and 2 shall be applied by Lender as fallows:
<br /> .�t ,to the matgege insurance pramlum to be paid by L.ender w the Secretary or to the manlhly chargo by Uta
<br /> insteAd of iha monthly mortgage insurance premium;
<br /> - — �p,to any taxes,special asr.�6aments.leagehotd payments or ground rents,and Bre,fload and other haaard
<br />- y in�umnce pnemlums,as reyuired;
<br />==;,;1 �Q,to intareat dua under the Aiote;
<br /> ` - to�nio�iiaaiion of the��-incipai of tha Nota;
<br />.'�)` '�,w�lutc charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4. Fi++e,Ftood ond Other H�urd lnsurance. Borrower shWl i�.cure all improvements on the Property,whether now
<br />__ ��' +n existonce or subsequendy erected.agstinst any hazards,casualties. And contingencies,including firc,for which lxnder
<br /> requites inauance. This insurunce shall be meintained in the amounts and for the periods that Lender requfres. Borrower
<br /> shall also insure all improvements on the Property,whether now in existence or subsequently erected.against loss by tloads
<br /> to the extent requimd by the Secretary. All insurance shull be curried with companies approved by Lender. The insurnnce
<br /> policies and any renewals shall be held by l.ender and shall include loss payable clauses in favor of,aid in a form
<br />. . � nocaptable to.Lender.
<br /> . In the event of bss, Borrower shall give Lender immediate notice by mail. l.ender may mnke proof of loss if not
<br /> _:�; i , `.. .. mede promptly by Borrower. Each insurance campany concemed is hereby authorized und directed lo make pnyment for
<br /> - such loss directly to L.ender.instead of to Boaower and to Lender jointly. All or Any pan of the inrurance proceeds may be
<br /> �� �,��! applied by Lender.at its option.either(a)to the reductian of the indebtednesa under the Note and�his Secunty Instrun�e��
<br />- first to any delinc�uent amountc opplied In 1he order in Paragraph 3.and then to prepayment of princlpal,or lb) to the
<br /> � •..t, restoration or reParc of the damaged propeny. Any applicution of�he proceeds ta the principal shull nw extend or postpone
<br /> r � ' � the due date of 1he m�rnhly�,nyrn�mra which um referted to in Paragrpph 2,or change Ihe amounl of such payments. Any
<br /> � '��s �� eacass inaurance proceed.�c over an amount required to pay all ou�stund{ng indebtedness under the Note and this Security
<br /> . • '.%�y��;r,T�,;
<br /> ..; ,.,i;;,��x,�•�1;' ��ent shall be paid to the emi►y legally entided thereto.
<br /> y ?'�'�' ���"'b�' In the event of foreclosure oP this Security Instrument or ather transfer of'title ta the I'ropeny that ea�inguil:hes thc
<br /> ;;,,!`. , . , ,�:, :..,
<br /> �'G'`'>"�'��'��� indebtedness,all right,tiUe und intarest of Borcower in nnd to in�umnce policies in force shall pass to the purehaser.
<br /> �.�t:�4.N�•'
<br /> '`�..�'. .::. S. Occupancy� 1'reserv�qon. MaMtenance And Protectlon oi tfie Property; Borrower's Loan Applicallon;
<br />-;� '�'h�� " �` l.easeholds. Borrower shull occup ,eswblish,nnd use the Property ae Borrowerk principal residence wi�hin xixty daya
<br />._'r A. ..r[i;{..{ .�. ��^
<br /> �• • after Ihe execu�ion of thfs Security nstrument und xhull con�inue to occupy the Property us 9orrower's principal residence
<br /> , .... .........
<br /> _ : r.�'14,, for et Ieast one year ofter the dn�e of occupancy,unless the Serretnry determines this requirement will cause undue htudship
<br /> �"����,;�,^`� for Bomower,or unless extenuuting circurrkctances exist which are beyond Borrower4 control. Bartawer shull notify
<br /> -: # �t� .:.,
<br /> ;.-_ ;'ya,?',,,"J�?; ,A„1;:,' Lenders of any extenunting ci�rumstances. Borrower sha11 not comrni�wn,te or destroy,damuge or substantiully rhunge
<br /> �,- �,..; ;?j��_:., ,,�; the Property or ullow the Property to doteriorate,reasonebM wcar nnd tear excepted. Lender may inxpec�the Praparty if the
<br /> x.� •.�,':�: .�•e � Property is vacant or abandoned or thc loan is in default. Lender muy take reasonubk action to protect+�nd preserve such
<br /> `� '����'•'�'�` • vseant or abandoned Pr�openy. Bonower shall ako bc in deCuult if Borrower.during the lo:m appliration process,guve
<br /> . �t�i;;w�.?;i,ri'���,, -
<br /> _ • , �r���,,;: materially false or inaccurate informution or statemem� to Lender lor faiMd to provide Lender with nny mutenal
<br />- ��.. � � t,.::;'•:: information) in connection with thc loun evidenced by the Note,including,bw not limited lo,representations conceming
<br /> '.�,,, ,(..:,,,•. r
<br /> �'�'w�•; '� ��E�i��';��`'`.`� Borrowerk occupancy of tha Rnpeny a�a principal residence. If�his Secwity In�irument is on a leasehold.Borrower shall _
<br /> ° , : ,..� ,: ,�:
<br /> `�:��:x,;f'i,�r?;�;;:���, comply with the provisions of the lear,e. If Borrower ucquires fee tide�o the Propeny,the leasehold�nd fee title shall not
<br /> ti,y�;yr(;�;>ti��;i;;y'c,��ti be merged unless L.endcsrugrees to the merger in writing.
<br /> .:;:';;`?f+';�'��°'7'A"��;; 6. Chary�es to Borrower and Protectbn of l.ender'e Rights in Ihe Prope�ty. Borrowcr shall pay ull govcmmcnrrl
<br /> , ,;,,.:;.�•.,,.r..�,,�;. �
<br /> ' '�:+°••'`'^;r 5,:�.;.:' or municipnl charges,fines wid impositions�hat an. not lncluded in Pmrngruph 2. Bonower shall pay�heye obligntionx on
<br /> _ � �`S��i.}��,..w•rn';:;1 time dit+ecdy to the entity which is owed the paymen�. If fuilure to pay would advar.�ely affect Lender's intcrest in the -
<br />.- ''•��'Sa;.x-.:, s�.��:' �
<br /> , • Property.upon Lender's request Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender oeceipts evidcnc�ng theae puyments. _
<br /> -=°' ,�_..• . If Botrower fails to muke thesc puymems or the paymenta required by Pnragrsiph 2, or tails to pedorm any other
<br />_�,.� w��•� rnvenants end agreements contained in this Security Instrument,or therc ix a legnl proceedmg that ma�s�gmficuntly nCfect _
<br /> Lender�a rights in the Property(such os a proceeding in bankruptcy, for condemna�ion nr to enforce ews or regulutionx),
<br /> J'_ J__.. S_ L�.. 1.��..0:M1 tL.���.. J� J�S. 6�0+w�{��D'v�MPfv =.
<br /> ,--�= . �,i—.-- 'u`��i.c�nrc� i�ioj%ani mw Nay w�iaio'rcT�a Tic�caiaTj iv'yia.QCCi ua...n.u.... p. i:.:.v...:.....„l:p.�.....�«» ,.�..�.
<br /> "�� including payment of taxes.hazard insurance and othcr items mentianed in Poragraph 2. -
<br /> '"�'���'�"' ` M omounts dlsbursed b Lender under this Paru�ruph shall be:ome an addition�l debt of Borrower and be krured
<br /> 6,�
<br /> � . ..�,.,•..�. -
<br /> ,,. �t;: by thla uriry Inswment. ese amounls sl�nll beor mtcrest from the date of disbursement,at the Note mte,and nt the
<br /> - _._r o�;,;�.;�r� aption of Lender.shWl be immedintely due and puyable.
<br /> ----� 7. Coodemnatioa. Tt�e proceeds of any award or cluim for dwnages.dircct or comeyuentiul,in connec�ion with nny
<br /> --=�--�.�•Ly-_:� condemnation or other teking of any part of the H+operty,or for conveyancc fn place of condemnution,are her�eby assigned
<br /> --__�e�VN�� and shall be paid to Lender to the eatent of the full amount of the indebtedness thAt remains unps+id under the Note nnd this -
<br /> Socurity Instrument Lender shull upply such proceeds tn the reduction of the indebtedness under the Note and this Security
<br /> �`��f'�� lnstrument, fi�st to any delinquent amounts s�pplied in the unler provided in Parugroph 3. �nd then to prePayment of
<br /> , I,� principal. Any application of�he proceedx to the principnl ahall no�eatend or postpone the due date of�he monthly
<br /> � ----:m;u� UwRe 2��JI/wgrs►
<br /> -_ `.qaJi��a�.�,4-.
<br /> J .YS" ..1�:
<br />