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1-.......lir.�. . ..s: .• ." <br /> ," ° <br /> . .. �- -----=- . .. <br /> • - -�------ � - --_ _. .__ <br /> � _v.,; ... . � . } -: -:•r.'s,+;. , -..r. <br /> .•:.�Y� .r�,y. . , <br /> '!7iL��-_-"- <br /> AqO�OWLED�iEMENT OF DEED OF TNUiT <br /> - ,�u�ro��w�.�o�.�o: .. 93' 1�rt16�S <br /> lin���1hMt1M dooun�nf MMt TwNor N ab0�d b�ouN I��DMd M Trwt�nd MI�ma��I�nd wet tw pow� <br /> o!MNd ptaridvd lor In�C1Md M Trwt provldM�u�+tl�Mlr'�IfNrwM Nphts�nd ob�O�orN b Tru�br @wr� Nt Mw�wtM <br /> W• �.wwrc«a+e.�+aowio.�onund�a+.o..aasn,a.i�c�uaino,ewna�n.db.a�.i..naK•.r�mbn w'�.°�rr�.ryrow <br /> T�w�brTOMo�ir �utl�on a th�O�i�d�Ta ���pA.��aor nw.wnts.nd warmnN Nwt tha w...�o�A�d ey <br /> w���iV1X�L <br /> Il�sb�rt Y�lk�r T�uaor Si�pl� P�rwon <br /> Tnab► <br /> _ ___ 6EF.� pP TRUBT WITH FUTURB ADVANCBS <br /> 7HI8 DEED OF TFiUBT,is nwd�u of the_15.tdL dny of Jui_ �1��3.b�►and amonD <br /> th�7�uqor. ll�r6rrt Malic�r . �inal,R �r�on , <br /> whos�mWinp adAtiss is 1316 Narth 6noust Gr+�ad i���n��in'•Trwtor�'wFiMf�on�ar monA <br /> - �7� Fiv� Poiab B�alc, a M�br�ic� Corporation , <br /> wlw�mdliro add�we Is P.O. Box iS07 Gr�nd T�land� MB 6A8o2 (h�re�n"Tru�w"N�nd <br />_ y,����,� Piv� Point� Bank , <br /> -' whow m�Uinp rddrws is p13 M. Bro�d���l �irrand I�l�nd. MR. 68602-13i7_ .f(�«n»I.�nd�'�. <br />�_� <br /> W� FOR VALUABLE CON8tDERATION,inaludfnp Lender'�extenWon ol credN fdentlHad hwein to <br /> H�rb�rt M�lklr (herein"Bor�ower",whether one or more)end the UuM herein creatad, <br /> the►ecelpt of whlch le hsreby acknowled�aA.7ruetor hereby inevoaably�rants,transfers, conveya and assiqm to Tru�tes,IN <br /> ,�;, Tqll9T,WITH POWER OF SALE,for the baneflt and tecutity of Lender,under and sub�ect to the termsand condidone herelnaiter set <br /> -�� toAh,tM real � �iy dBaoribad as followe: <br />- ` - 7'NE Y�FtiBTY-FifiiB �S�S tl344'! �F 3'!l£ 313!!'l�3ERLY SI6H?Y-£ILi!!3' PEE7 tS89') <br />.`y�t; OF LOT�11) AIiD TIIO �Z). Ili BLOCK F�I�Y•SIIi �B6) MHF.ELER AND BEMNET7"S <br /> ��,.�tf� FOUaTN 1DAIT�011 TO THE CITY OF [iRAIiD ISLA . HAW. COU�iTY, NBBRASKA <br /> �:_,:, � <br />,�5�, <br /> " Topether wNh all buildinga,Improvementa,ifxturea,atreets,alleys,pessapeways,easements,riphta p►Ivilepes and appur�e- <br /> �� �'N,ia <br /> nancsa located thereon or In anywise pertalning thereto,and the rents.issues and pro}Its,revereiona and remainders thereol,and <br /> suah perwnal properly d�at is attachad to the Improvements ao es to constitute a tixture,fncludin�,but not Nmited to,headnp and <br /> '�!��!� cooliny equlpment and topether with the homeetead o�marltal intereets,If any,which interests ere hereby released and welved;all <br /> ��"` of which,Includiny reptacementa and adQfllons thereto,Is hereby declared to be a part ol the�eal�tate�ecured by the Ilen ol thi� <br /> - Deed of Truq and alt of the forepofny beirp refened to harein as the"Property". <br /> 7hi�Desd of Tru�t�hall i6CUre(a)1he poyment oi the prPncipal sum and interest evidenced by e promissory note or credit <br />'�te;: � o������ _, 1�y 16th 1993 ,havinp a matu►1ry date ot Auau�t lst 20AB , <br />;�;��;; ,i;� `1�:: <br /> . � `�""o in the alyinol princfpol amount of S 16•�•� ,and any and all mod111catioRS,oxtensfona and renewels <br /> � �;�� thereof or thereto end any and all tuture edvences and readvances to 8orrower(or any of them It more than one) hereunder <br /> �; pursuant fo one or more promissory notes or credit aflreements(hereln called"Note"):(b)the payment ot other aums advanced by <br /> ;; -� '"��;, Lender lo protect the securiry of the Note;(c)ihe perfo�mance of all Govenants and agreementa ol Truetor set fohh herefn;and(d)all <br /> ,;y�,.,t 1:�,i. <br /> . _.....:.��, present�nd tuture Indebtedneas and obliflatlons of Borrower(or eny ot them if more Ihan one)to Lender whether direct,indirect, <br />`,��. -. ..�,. abaotuts or condnpent and whether aris�ng by note,gueranry,overdraft ar otherwiae.The Note,thia Deed of Trust and any end all <br /> ;��:t2^�� .`� �"� other doouenb that aecure the Note or otherwise executed In connection therewith,Including wfthout Ilmitatio�quarantees,security <br /> ,,"''" i�.=,:_'� apreornenta end a�sipnments ot leases and rents,shall be referred to herein as the"Loan Instruments". <br /> ,��t '"�'�'=;� Truetor covenentn end agrees with Lender as follo�ra: <br /> + - ��i°s..'.'� 1. Pqm�nl ollndrbt�dnMS.All indebtedness secured hereby ahall be paid when due. <br /> �`�� � �. 2. Titl�.Trustor le the owner of the Rroperty,hes the rlght and suthorily to convey the Property,and warrants thet the Ilen <br /> ��'"'�•�:��' created hereby is a Ilrst and prfor Ilen on ihe Property.except for liens and encumbrances set forth by Trustor in writlng and <br /> . , .;,�; = delive�ed to Lender be}ore executlon of this Deed o1 Trus�and the executfon and delivery ol this Oeed ot Truat doea not vlolate any <br /> =_�:k:�;��.?.,_.•, .;'� canlract or other obUpatlon to which Trustor IS sub�ect <br /> �r"'-�_'.,•"�� 3. TixN,AsMatm�nh.To pay before delinquency all taxes,speciel essessments and all other charyes apalnst the Property <br /> ��� �""'+�-'� now or hareaker levied. <br /> � ���,�.,�;;�,.;��, 4. Inwranc�.To keep the Property insured egalnst damage by tfre,hazards included within lhe lerm"extended coverege",and <br /> �"•�`•� •�•:r > }', such other hazard�e�Lender may require,in amounts and with companies acceptable to Lender,neming Lender as an addirionat <br />'��;:,• ;, .„-;_�.:':_`�y;; n�med In�urad,with lo�s payable to the Lender.In cese of loss under auch poBcfea,the lender is authodzed to edjus�coltect and <br /> .�;,' '�'�" `• • ,� compromise,ell elafms thereunder and ahall heve the optlon of applying ell or part ot the insurance proaeeds(i)to arry indebtednea� <br />- �"�`'!�- secured hereby And In tueh otder ae Lender may determine,�ii)to the Truator to be used for the repalr or restoratfon ot the Property <br />_ •�.{�;.. . <br /> ;;�, ,"k: -� or(III)ior�ny Other purpose or ob�ect eatis�actory to Lender wtthout eNecting the Iien of this Deed of Trust lor the full amount aecured <br /> _�:�a� .T ,�,,,_:-• hereby b�fore such payment ever took place.Any applicetion o(proceeds to indebtedness shall not exlend or postpvne the due <br />--_'- ���`� �;;:- :, d�t�of my payments under the Note,or cure any default thereunder cr horeunder. <br />'6+,. 6. E�crow.Upon written demand by Lender,Trustor shall pay to Lender,In such manner as Lender may de�lpnate,sufficient <br /> � � _�1_. .r �i p w��...e�..e ...�../�1��L.IWuinn•�i�oll favn� naao}am�nfs orv�nfh�r r_.hAre�to_ft aoAfnft <br /> - - -__ �YI�MW�i�iwno��IW�w ...v vvM�°.��:::�. � .�. . <br /> ;1�` . �s`�r �"� tli�prop�rty,(II)the promiuma on Ihe property insurance requlred he►eunder,and(8q the premiums on any moApaye Inaurance <br /> �'1 N: "t '�-. : rpulr�d by Lsnder. <br />" �] �s. �.L: :. <br /> .- ,•�,;..�,,,,.,. 8. IAdnMn�nC�.Rp�ir��nd ComPli�nc�with Lavr�.Trusto�sha�l keep the Property fn�ood condfdo�and repair;shall <br /> � •���N,_, prompUy repair, ot npl�cr�ny Improvemant which may be damayed or destroyed;ahell not commft or permit eny waste w <br /> - —. -_=,,';,.-:;-��.�- cl�erlondon of the Propsrly:ehall not remove,demolish or aubstentlally alter any oi the improvements on tlre Property;ahell not <br /> --=�_=�•�-.:. '•-� commit,wM�r or p�rmk any act to be done in or upon the Property in vfolatlon ot any law,ordinence,or repuladon;and shell pay and <br /> _ !T-'-•�i�"�. <br /> ����q�°A�•:• � ' promptlp discfui�ys at Tnasbr'�cwt and expenso sll Itens,encumbrances and charqes levied,imposed or asssafed apefn�t tha <br /> �a�ra,s_,�. �'";�•'; P�opKy or�nr p�rt thereol. <br /> .�-. 7. End�t DanNn.L�ndK Is hereby assl�ned all compenaadon,awarda,damapes and other payments or reliei(herefnefte► <br /> .- ""=°'`�'` - - '•Proce�d�'�In oonn�adon with condemnatbn or other tekinp of the Properly or paA thereof,a tor convey�nce fn Ifeu of condertme- <br /> � Uon.L�nde�thall be endq�d at Ib optbn to commence,appear In and prosecute in its own name any actfon or proceedinps,end <br /> �n 4 �.. `; shNl�Iw b��nN1Nd to mak�any comproml�e or stldam�nt in connectlon with such fekinp or dam�pe.ln t►w went any portlon of I <br /> ' .:��� ,�;. . � <br /> _ � _-_�•-±�:";" �c s�s�pw�.�w+�wro«�e.�,ro�ar <br /> _,..�� . _ O�M��wrr��.rdue.�wa.rrvM.M�«rwwNONr�en.urodnNwaw <br /> . . <br /> .'���...i.�'�. �.�--� _ -- . _ _ . . - - -— -- - . . . _ _ . <br />