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��. •,�� `": ' _-...� <br /> A _ _ .. ._._. ._. .. <br /> .ar r_ ._a =...lafj� � �— �—. . . <br /> - 9 i�� _. <br /> — �Cabie lew may tpecify far reinwtcm�nll beforo�ale vf the Property purw�nt w�ny p�►wer of s�le cauained(n duY� <br /> �ity In�truma�tt ar(bl�py of�jud�ment enfoncin�thi�Security In�qumen�. 7�aa candlliau�e+e td�t,�onqwer. (al <br /> p�y�Laider�II Wan� whicN tba� wouW be due wtder thi� Sacurity tnq��nd the IVa1e n it no r�ekt�tli4A��htd, . <br /> wcurted;(b)ci:ne��ny dafiult ot�ny ather cove�unts or�roanauy:(�)pri ul expaua incutred in enfoocin�W�s�Sc�cv�iiY� . <br /> tnsuument.IneludLy,�ut not limited to.�on�ble atomey�'feac +�nd(d)tal�e� wch �ctlon u Lenda may m+�oa�lb�y!�. ' <br /> iequire w aewre�hu�he Ikn of�hi��xudty lnswrr�ent.Lrnderti tight�ia tho Propeity u�d Botrnwerk obii�atlon to p�y th4: <br /> wstw secuned by this Sacurity Inuromau �Ital! cantinue unch�n�ed. Upon roi�w�temau by Borrower. this Secutity� <br /> laawtrxnt and tha obli�ationR socured hereby slWl ran�in fully ef�'ectiva a if na�ccekr�tion h�d axutred. 4bwever,thi� <br /> -- _-�- �ht ta nlnstata shall aot apply ln the case of eccelas�don under para�raph l7. - <br /> 1!. SaN o�Nofei Cl�e d l.oa�S�rviar. The Nae or� d inta�at it�the Note ltoQe�tKr wl�h thi:Security. <br /> Insmu�eN)rtuy ba wld onp or maro dmes witbout priar�atice to�wer. A sak may rault in�ciw��e in!he enlity! . <br /> (luwwn u Ihe"L.o�n Setvlcer")thu coUects mo�uhlY WY�ts due undrr�he Note and this Seeurity Instrumeiu. 71►ens�.sa• <br /> may be ane or more ch�nga of 1he Lo�n Servica wueVted to a ulo of tlie Note. If Ihene is a change of the Lo�n.9e�vk'2r,. <br /> Borrower will be Qivd�wriprn notice of the change in�wxoNw�ce v►r�th pzra�raph!4 above and�pplicablc law� 't1r��t�q�tic�e <br /> will pate Ihe a�rtK md add�era of 1he new l.on Savicu�nd the�ddress w whlch payments xtwuld bo m+�de. Tita�tqRit�wilL <br /> - dco catuin�ny othet informatla►tequired by appIleaDle law. <br /> t0. liwrdaus 5ubtsaca. Borrowm�hall not cause or permU 1he p�eset�ce.use.disposal.starage.�r rekase of,u�y, <br /> Itax�Moua Sub�t�on ar in the Property. Bomawer sh�ll not do.nor allow�nyone elae to do,anything af�'ccting tht� <br /> Pmpnty thit i�in vlolation of pny Environmental Law. Tho ptacediog two sentences sluill not apply to the poesarce.use.or <br /> aon�e an the Propaty of small qwntldes of Hazudauc SuMtAnce�fhat ate arnenlly rnco�niud to ba app�opri�te w oamd <br /> - tenidential uses and w mai�nce oi Ihe Properry. <br /> Barower ahap PromptlY give Lender written notia of eny investigation,claim.demand.IAwsuit or other action by�u►y <br />_ _ govanmental or regulatory ngency or private pany involving the Property and any Ha�rdous Substu�ce or Enviromm�usl� <br /> Law of whlch Borrower h�s actual knowledge. If Botrower leatns, or is notiHed by any govemmenwi or regul�tay - <br /> = wthorlty,thu any removal a wher remodiation of any Hazardous Substance affecting�he Propeny ic nooe�ry.Barrawer <br />- tUall promptly t�lce�11 necessuy�al actiona ln eccordwnce with Frvironmenul Law. <br /> As used in thls parag�aph 20."Hazazdous Subatances"are those substances deMed as toaic or haza�dous subetances by <br />.T�' Fnvlronmenud law and the following subst�a►ces: gasofine,kerosene.o�her flammable or toxic petrolwm products,to�ic <br /> ", ,��• pesdcides and herbicides.volatile solvents. materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde.and radioacUve msuerials. As <br /> � uscd in Ws puagraPh 20."Fnvironmrntal Law"means fe�eral laws and lawc of the jurisdiction whe�e the Propetty is locatod <br /> " d�t�late to health,safecy or environmentAl protecti�n. <br /> ;t�;�;�, NON-UNIFORM COVFNANTS. Borrower and l.ender further covenant and ugree as follows: <br /> r �:J,�• 21. Acakratioa; Rer�rdies. Lender tlu�give nodce to Borrower prlor to acceleration follotviag Borr+ower's <br /> - bre�ch of any covewt or agree�t in tds Secu�ily Inslrument(but aot prior to wocelentbn�nnder para�ph 17 <br /> . onleas applkable la�v pravides otrerw�e). T6e aotla shall speciFy: 1 a)�delault;(b)the actlon required to curo tde <br /> -_- - delwlt;(c)a date,aet kss tiw�30 ra�s fram IYe dote fhe aatice ia giveo to Borrower,by which tbe default must be <br /> cured;aad(d)tbst fnila�to cure the def'�ult on or betore the date specitlal in the notice may resull W accelerallon ot <br /> ' ' :� !6e wmv secured by Wis Security Ipstrument and snte of the PropeMy. The notice shall 11u�ther ioform Borrower ot <br /> • • ��g ' We right to reinstate a11er accekration wnd the�igMl to bring a court action to asserl thc aon-existeecc d A defpult or <br />': ` �.. ,;,f, an otlur detmse ot Borrower to pccekratbn oad sale. U the de�ault is not cured on or 6efore tUe dace s Ifed In <br />�'� �� �„�;fi`�i>';�'�'•: l6e notia�Lender at its opNon mpy requireimmediate pnymeat in full otAll sums secured by tbis Secuthy las�t�menf <br /> �:�� �•�•��• � � r �vithout further dertwnd aad mAy invoke the power of ssde and any olher remedfes permi6tted by applkaMe law. <br /> `•'` '7'' �'"`�� I.ender sbAll be entilled to collect all ez nses incurred in ursuin Ihe remedies rovided in l6is <br /> _ . .� :.,. �._ Pe P B p p�rABraph 21, <br />-� �;�.�+. hcWding,but not limited to,reasonable attorneys'fees and costs ot Htk evtdeace. <br />-_ � If the power ot sale is invoked,7lrustee shali record a notice oi dei'aalt In each counfy in which any parl o�the <br /> � '" -`��•""""�"'. Property is la�4cd.�d t,iiall mafl ropies of such not(ce in the manner prescribed by applkaMe law to Borrower ond to <br /> �� �� ' "�""� '""���� Ihe other persons prrscNbed by applicable Is�w ARer Ihe time required by Applicable law.'IYustce shpll give publk <br /> '. ��;�'��,:��`'����•�''•���s aotkt otsale to the persons and in the msxmer prescribed by applicable law: 7lrustee,without demond on Borrower. <br /> .' �=+�q�y r'"`�'��� ' ehall sell the Property at publir aucUon to the hi�hest bidder a!!he lime ond pince and under the ternns designated in - <br /> � '°�'�+'+'� � •• � Ihe ootice of sale in one or more pArcels and in any order'Ilrustee determines. 71rustee mAy postpone sale of nll or any <br /> `'h� r c e l o t t h e P ro r l b <br /> �{'�°''�',:. , � `•"'' � p a p e y y p u b l i c a n n o u n c e m e n t a t t h e t i m e n n d p l a c e o f a m�p r e v l o u s l y s c h e d u l e d s a l e. l x n d e r o r i t� <br />
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