- . . . - t. . . �t - .s ' , _ ' ` � .(� . � . .. � ..... � .
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<br /> � . ' . � . . <�it�� a . . ,
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<br /> . . . _ _..._ _ . . . _, _ . . ' . - . ' . - '.
<br /> �, ; : * � , ,--- :-_ �. - - - - - -- ,�- -- --� :- ---- - - � ��--�0�521� ; - � .
<br /> � �' � . D� OF .P��O6tiVEYI1NCS � ` � ` �
<br /> . - .—_— ` . � - - - - -- .
<br /> � � ' . . Ti+i�Rif�3, t2�e� undersiqned �lilliam G. 82ackbtira of 6rand .i '`` ':
<br /> � Islaipd, 8aI1 Connty, Nebraak�,. a member of the Nebraska State , . �°. , �
<br /> _:-_ - - � _ . 8�r �ssociation.. i�a-Trustee under, the:Trus� Oena datted .-:- - - - °--=--,- - --'
<br /> _ � Navea�be`r 8• �19�8, executed by Lauga J.. Zfm4erman,a/k/a Laura . � -
<br /> - � `J.`Je#fres,� and Raym�nd B. 8immes�san,:�er Husband, as �rnstox,
<br /> � � ia �hich Five Ppints Hsnk of Grand Island, Nebraska, "is amaed °
<br /> � as Heneficiary, and tbe u�dersigued as Trustee, which t�ra$.
<br /> - reccrded in ti�e Office of the� R�qister .of Deeds of Sall.CbuatY,
<br /> t�Iebraska, as Docunent No. 88-106128 on Navember 15, �].988, and ,
<br /> � WSLREAS, the umdersigned has received fran the Five Poa.n�s
<br /> Bank af Gra�ad Islanct, Nebraska, written request to reconvey . �
<br /> - reaiting that the abligatiou secured by suah Trust Deed has been_
<br /> sa�isffed and requestfng the undersigned Trustee to reconvey ,
<br /> ' .' � � the, trust property ta the person or persons entitled �tliereto; ;
<br /> . 3�pt+T, T�RgFORE, f.a accordano� with snch request and the �_ . `::.< .�
<br /> � �, provisions a€ such Trust Deed and the Nebraska Tr.ust- Deede �ct �. . `
<br /> , ... the ut�dera�iqned�. as Trustee��does hereby reconvey; without . � .
<br /> � � warraaty,� tc the person or persons eatitled 'thereto, the estate .
<br /> � � nnw held bg sa3d Trustee thereunder in and ta the following
<br /> ` . - ......
<br /> _..;:..,.-.desaribea'real propertY: - - - -- --� ,_.._ T.—�-_.— . . .__.-- -
<br /> ` �- Parcel 1: The Easterly`Thi.rty Two and Four
<br /> � Tenths Feet {E32.4') of the Northerly Ninety
<br /> and Thirty Five Hunclreaths Feet lN90.35') of
<br /> . � Lot� Four (4) , ian Slock Oae Huaclred Tbirty (130) �
<br /> • � in 1Ccenig and Wiebe`s Addition to �he City of .
<br /> � � ' Grand Islaad; Aail C�ounty, Nebraska. ,
<br /> � � � Parcei 2: The Noitberly Pifty and Nine Tenths
<br /> � . Fee� (Zt50.9'� of Lot Six l6), ia Block Fourteen
<br /> � � (14) 3.n S. G. Clark's Addition to the City of
<br /> � Grand Island, Hail County, Nebraska. � -
<br /> IN WITNESS WAEREOF, the undersigaed has executed thi.s Deed
<br /> of Raconveyance at Graad Island, Nobraska, on September 12, 1989. _
<br /> , -- __
<br /> . W lla.am G. Blackburn, Trustee
<br /> STFi`� OF NEBPASRA) � ' "
<br /> : )ss. � —
<br /> OOUNTY OF �L ) �
<br /> . �h� foreqoi.nq Beed of Reconvey a�ce was ac wledqed before
<br /> me �� Septe �989,. by,�t9illi� G. Blackb��i. Trustee. � ____
<br /> -- -s.-•--,r_....:..:►�_1 / !�/. /_� � � -.
<br /> _ _ . .,.,.,.�;�:. - - .. . __
<br /> MIIWAM A.F.4k+'raS � 5'�'�+�> ��€_ _
<br /> w��� � � Notary L�ublic .;,�`���:_
<br /> .._. . `'' i;�';�=
<br /> : ;�,�;y--
<br /> RE4UEST FOR RECONVEYANCE � �•'_ , -=
<br /> �'..,:ai.�.,;��:;:.
<br /> f The Hen�£�ciary requests the Trus�ee to reconvey the real �,
<br /> es�at above �o the person or perscns�entitled thereto. ��'���,;�F.`��
<br /> -- 'FI1T� j�POINTS BANK �-�,' ::r.:
<br /> .,::.
<br /> : :
<br /> 8y �����i� _ .��;:,�`.:
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