_ �:: -_ . - ,- -- - � .�� =-- -— -
<br /> --.�' :;�. -
<br /> ...
<br /> _.' _ _ ..___...;< _.,,--.. -. „_
<br /> -_:_ . �_-_=-_-.-- .�-.- -� __ - . �_ . � . . �� , g�'`''�` -=-io52�#� - -=_----- :
<br /> �` . 1�7�.ivrrb�.B rMe i�pev.�.�e.�`ao�r a�a�edbar enctea aa d�e p�openy.�r.0 a.e�•.�.�oa► _
<br /> ad�wa�r ar heralkr s�fi�t of tl�c pnpaty. AII�epYcme�ti��dditi��Il M�o 6e cwe�ed by�Sa�rity ,, �
<br /> � � �vcaml, sAl1 d tbe forejoiq�,as iefe�ted to irt dds Sec�ry I�dwnaK.ss tbe"P�+cpettY r--- --- , : .
<br /> ' BORROtA1FR�O1/ENAi!TI'S tMt Baet�uwer is taMfulty,sei�eO.oE the esWe��omey�d aa�1us tQe ri w�et—'---
<br /> � • ����p�y yd��.p�y u�.exapt fa�es af ncael' Baso�es w�t�nb�! ,
<br /> � �t det'end Ssnera!!y d�e 6tk m We Prope�ty�auqt alt cl�ts aad demaed�.sabje��t a aoy a�vnb�s a[�aa�d ' � '
<br /> ` � 7"ELLS SLC[JR#1'Y 1NS't1tU11+�PC oombines wifam cova�►ts far�orW wc �od oa�+inifam ca�nts�witb � .
<br /> --� - - - - . .. ._ .
<br /> limoNed v�ons by ju�ctidn w oo�itute a wufam secmit�i�co�►ainE�ProD�Y. - - - - .
<br /> UNIFORM QOV@IANt!'S. Barower�ad l.eoder co�en�nt�ed apx as foilc�w� .
<br /> - . l. b��e�t dPriNeiMt a�i 1�te�!'r�7���� Batvwet s�li p�ompdy Pry evtKa d�e d�e
<br /> . p�ocipal af�ed�ofaest on the debt evidenoed by tbe Nde�od mY P�WY�md f�te ah�es due indet tl�e S�Jwe. �
<br /> � �. [+Yris�e 7�t�es Ai I�a�oa Subjec�t w�pplicabk t�►ar ta a�mpea�vaiver tiyr La�de�BanoMa sMlt ps�r w
<br /> .,l.e�dv an t6e day aio�hty.py�eats a�e due under the Na�e,aad7 tLe Note is pid in fuq.a�("Eaunds")fo�pf yarly
<br /> uxes�nd�wpi�maY�Priairy ova this Security ta�neat as z liat on the PtapatY.lb}ye�rlY k� .
<br /> pay�ar�eand teats oa tbe PmQatY.if ar►yr, (c)YeatA►��d ar p�ope�ty insarana p�miums: (d3 Y��
<br /> i�cx pemiums.if aay:(e)YadY moct8��A����y: wd(tT a�S►�P�Y��'�'d�1O
<br /> l.eadec.�acoa�d�oe vrith!ho pmvisiaas oF puagraph 8.in liea of t6e payment of mo�tEsge insurana pe�emiwa� 'Ibese
<br /> itans are called"F.�r I�." Lender msy,at any fune,colkct�ad hold R�eds in�smaou mt to exoeed the a�aa
<br /> � amouat�1eMer far s fedaal[y zetated mu�tg�ge lo�miy ieqaire foR Bo�owa�a esc�aw accputu�ader the federsl Ba1 -
<br /> Fsta�e SeaiempK Procadt�es Act of 1974 as ameaded itom time w time.l2 U.S.C.;2601 et scq.("RESPA'�,unlas anntAer ,
<br /> taw�6at applies to We�sets s lessar amoant If sa Ireoder may.u�ay time,coliect aod hold FLnds in an amoia�t not to
<br /> e:ceed tbe iessec amo�mt I�,oder snay adm�te tbe�of Rw�ds due ao die b�sis of cm:eut dats aad�asonabk
<br /> . axim�tes af expeodidmes of fatuie Escrow Items or athawise ia acca�nce�vith applicabte law. �
<br /> 7be�imds ab�ll be held in an institutian wLose dePosits�ane iaw�ed bY s fedec�l ag�ncY.ins�wneat�tity.aE aNdt�►
<br /> Cmch�I.a�der.if LaKkr is sud►aa instiaaan)or in aay F�ctenl Home Lo�n B�ok. I.ender sh�U apply�t,e Fun�ts to pay ,
<br /> � the Etctow Itenn. Le�der msy eot�arge Bormarer fa hoidiag�ad appiying tbe�unds.aeowltY�1Y�8�� , .
<br /> �ocao��or verifyin8 tbe Escnaw Itans.unkss I.rnder pays Bortawer inte�sst oa thc Pund.4 and applipbk taw pesmits
<br /> Lender to m�lce such s chuge. Hawa-er,Lender may ruNin Bamwer W pay a one-time chuge fa an independeat�eal
<br /> -- . °e.c�te tax t�ting savire asei!lty i.er�esnreas�eetia�n�vidi tlus to�n,untess applicabie la+�pmYidesutLe�svise._L��s_s_an- - -
<br /> - - -- a�ee�odnt is ni�cle or apptieabte faw toqtims interest to be pa+d,Lessder stsali aat be seq�ired to pay Ba�ower any in[e�est or- -
<br /> amings on tbe F�d�. &xrowcr and I.ender msy ag:ee ln writing.Aoweva,tt�at mte�+est shall be p�id on the Fands. Lader
<br /> shall give w Bamwer,vvittiont eharge,an umnal aovoeusan8 of t6e F�ds.showing ccedits aad debits to Me�uxis aad the
<br /> piupose tar whicb exh debit to the F�nds was mada. 'fhe Fimds a�.e�:edged as addiaon�l socariry for alt s�s secuad!ry
<br /> this Sa�uity Lns�suna�t � �� �i be t�eld by applica6k law.l.ender st�it.ac�ount ta
<br /> . If the Prn�ds beld by T.atder eaceod the amoaois.�.; .
<br /> ' `.: Buaowet fa the eacess Foa�ds in axa�d�rxe with d��uiiet�xnu of applicabte law. If the artwant of tirc E�mds held by
<br /> l.tnder at any dme is not�Ficient to pAy We Fscro�*Items when due,Len�ter may so aatifp Baimwa ia xTFting,�nd.in
<br /> aucb csse�Bormwer st��y to Leader tbe unount necessacY�� �P���Y• Bvnower shaU make up the
<br /> defick�cy in no mae thaa twetve mantfitY WYments,at t.mder's sote discretiat.
<br /> UP�PAY��in fall of all swns securcd by this SecuritY Insuum�n�,Lender shall pramptly tefimd to Bcxrowet aaY
<br /> Funds held by Lendet. I�ander par�agraph 21.Lender shall acquire or setl the Ptaperty.l.endcr priot to the acquisidon or
<br /> • ` = sak of t6e Pmpecty.sira�!apply any�nds held by L.ender at the 6me of acq�isition ar saie ac a cndit against the sums _
<br /> secut�ed by this�ty tas�ament. _
<br /> 3 /lpplicatio� ot p�ymests. tJnless apQlicable law provides atfierwise,al! payments�eseived by Lenckr under -
<br /> I para�apbs Y and 2 shall be applied:first.ta anY p�epa�t chazges due under d�e Nae;second.to amounts pa�able uader
<br /> p�ngapit w�hird.to interest due:fourth,to principal due:and 1ast.to any lau charges due under the Note. _
<br /> �. C M a R e s;l.ie�s. Borrower shall p a y all taxes. acscssments,charges.fines and imposidans attribut�ble to tT�e
<br /> . pruperty Mhkh may attain priority over this Socurity tnsdomen�and ltasehold paymenu or ground renu.if aay. Barrawa _
<br /> " shall psy these obtigations in the manner provided in ParagraPh 2.a if not paid iutthat manner.Bmrawer sha�t p�y the�4 an -
<br /> dme di�ectly to the person owed payrt�t� Bortawer shall prompUY fumish to�'all nodces of anwu�u r,�Tae paid under _
<br /> this p�aph. If Borrower makes these payments direcdy.Bomawer shall promptty fumish to�ceu.°:Fcs evidencin8 =
<br /> �Bya wcr sdall pcomptly discharge any lien which has prtority over this Securiry tnswment unTess BQSrower.(a)agrces
<br /> in writin�w the payment of the obligation socured by thc lien in a mannet aceeptal�le to Lender.(b)con[ests Fn j�-�s�od iaith the
<br /> liea by.or defends against enfoncement of the liea�r�.Eegal proceedings which in the Lender�opinioa apera�:[�pnwrnt the
<br /> eaforcement of the lien;or(c)sacu�es from the hokler�of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subanfi�adng the lien _-
<br /> to Wis Securlty InstrumeM. If l.ender Aetermines that any part o�t3�e Propetty is subject to a llen which may attaia priority -
<br /> pver t1�Ls Securlty lnsuument�Lendet may give Borrowar A notioe rdrntifying the lien. Barower shall s�tisfy the lirn a talce =
<br /> — one or ma+e of Qie actlotu set fath above within 18 days oP tt�e giving of notice. _
<br /> f � S. Hazs�d ar Property Ias�tneca borrower shaii keep�he imp,curi,��;�v:wv:e�isiing ar h��-^��s t� �.
<br /> propeRy insund against loss by fue.hazarQs included within the tertn'extended coverage'and any orher harxrds,inclading • �
<br /> floods or flooding.for which Lender tequires inswance. This insurance shall be maintained in tbe aasocnts and for the .
<br /> [t..
<br /> Forn3�2� !!!� IpiaR�tn/bpogtsl [`
<br /> �
<br /> �
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