,r��,� n_ . ,
<br /> ;� C -+;' --� -_ . -{ --
<br /> _ '�'_-___-��.=:�,... _ - .... _ _
<br /> n�s�..�� .. `.. . _ _ ` _. . ` . `� -` -
<br /> _- ,- - - :- . ._ �, _ _ , - ,- - - . �1--io5f89� - - - °�
<br /> - � .` �;� , c ?srtar�Mea�T rKaMts •.eo�7 0! a�T w�t�e� of ielwle and ttr�s �sT � �
<br /> °� . 1'f. M�wt!,��ticrs ot thla.: .
<br /> ' , , �wtlos;et;s�l�-Mrwirr a��tled [o'lsrstor at Lli�addees� kt iortit fa tbe�isat Wraf:!i� c `
<br /> nasd a!'Roa��_ ---• � -'- --_-_, _ .._ � .. � , .
<br /> -- — __ [a�tiw ta-ti�s�q-aziter.+a-lss�truern� • - _
<br /> 16. �"�„ei�t�esc oi S�ces�or irrsee. ;Ife�--iierasT� `
<br /> ' �cutrt �ed aclatarl�dpi 6T te�fiefa:f. tiilad tv trdstor m! sscocded in the.ComttT.in vhict�tba, . ,
<br /> , *to�rttf is teeatd�aM,tiy othes+riae ca41T�s trith the pro►isions of the sFVlicable 1n►of the Stat� .
<br /> ei tt�traairs. snbatit�ts�a�E�= os;ancscsson eo the Tsuste� naed h�rcla or aet�t na�er,
<br /> - ,
<br /> ,`� -` - 17.- SaeeE��ocs aa�IWt�• '�!s-Dced of-irust appil.n_tc and ipur.es to the ben�f!'t of aa3 binds
<br /> � �12�pastles 6efreto, their tNisa. 1*Eatees* dtitaeea, personit repreaentatim, sueceseois and-assi�+s._`- ,
<br /> , :�Ze���£��° �all wean tLe o�ner and hoidcr of ttie�note, �ether oT not eaed as Re�Hcias�
<br /> � _ IWlctfa. . : , � , . ' � - .
<br /> ' I�. sw�Hd�f's l�zs.� pitlpnt �ffectius the liabilit� af anf othtr pe=sao 1Lbla Lar tht ps7-
<br /> u
<br /> � srat oi �rr obliptloa her�in wt�t�a�eds�a�d vichout affaetios.the liee or cbarp bf this Daa�,af_Zsn�t _
<br /> � -- � � upa��inT-?��ot sM izaP�7 mt.tha� oe thereWfore sele�ted as eeeudt�fos the fa2l Ps7��°� _
<br /> , d o61fSaHons, Eeneficisry�aY. frow eise-co ti�e arid wicl�aat noticet•, `
<br /> � -�11-mPU . - :
<br /> , . (a) re�ea�e an= pec�ans eo 1lablet •.,
<br /> . (D) .endad tl�e saturity ui att+tr mT of tht terr of anF �h abligutloa;
<br /> � � (c) �rant other tadulSences: ` , � . :�
<br /> aG`an7 �
<br /> (d) release ar re-convel or caose te be ie2ersee9d ar's+rC�9�. ; .
<br /> • tise at lleoeficiasj�*a oPtian+ any parce2, P�rtloa or ell of tt�prcPertT .
<br /> - (�) take or r�leue aat7 ot�er ar additional securitp #or aap',obiiSatia� , .�`. .
<br /> hatein aeat�a�ed; or ". ,- ."� '. , -"'•
<br /> . • �� .� ��ix3ans os othes-srra�geeata vich debtois:3a:rel.atian thsseto. _
<br /> . 19., P.arssnin�L�i. 1Ais�ee�d'of Trust thall bt �by th� lavi•of ths S�it� of 1labraska and. �
<br /> !n ths,r+ent anT one ar�ore oF�the psavis}ons eantained in tMs Dte��� tsase; �cr tbs not� or an� osh�r �
<br /> � eecmity instsa�ent Sivea in cmmeetloo vith tfits sraaeacttaa shsll be!or snp treasouu bs hrld to be ta-
<br /> o�li�. ille�tal ar mmforceable !n any reapect. euch invalldity, illeqality or �neaforaeabiltty aha12
<br /> not afface anp att+et Provisioas of Yhis 11eed o� tsnst; but ttse Deed af Trust stull be S.oastrued u ii f _
<br />-- � wuch invslid. i11eB�i or enfasceable psovlela► had ntver been contsi�t�cd Rereitt an' ti►�=�in. -
<br /> 20. Effeci of Pothearance. �leiy fosbearance by Eeneficiatq os Ttuatee ta�atercfsin6 mY zighe ar
<br /> � =e�edy haseatder, ar othn�a +�tarded bp sppliceble larr, ah�l1 noe be a srsiver of os precluda the���tt
<br /> ar
<br /> ciee�of apy such right or se�edy here�der. Liker+iae, the aaiver bp IIeaeficiary or ?rastee o! an9
<br /> 4;;� of she lruator mder tbie Deerl of Trust ahall not be dee�ed to De a s+siver af any other os siailu de-
<br /> ° fault suhseqvently aCCUrrtnB•
<br />--- 21. lte-convesaaca by iroatee. IIpon �rltten n4ueat of the Deneficiery atatin� tMt all su�s sacured
<br /> hereD�'fiave,beee� psid, and upva smrender of thie Aeed of Truat mid the note to the ?ruatee for craeel-
<br /> �/f '� latiaa.astd setention aad upm Qa3�ent by Trustos of 'irusstea's fees. Tru�tea �hall re-convvef so Trastor,
<br />_�:�' • . � ' os thi pes�on or 9essoas legaliy entitled tlureto, withoat r+arranty, enY port1an ot the pro�»rCf tt�i
<br /> ttuthfulneaa tlxreofit GsanteGa Se th pre-ecmveyancenieayabeedescrfbsd as�'tthe peraoncosspnraona legailqe
<br /> = entitled thereto."
<br />'�a` 22. AcceDtsnce bY Tsustee. Tsuscee ecceptr tfila truat �+hen thi�Deed ot Truat, duly esecuted and
<br />� ' � acknovledsed, is wade s public tecosd as provided by lav. _
<br />_ =- i[f WIZltESS i1HE1lHOF, Trastos 6aa executed thie Deed of Trust on the date £:sat noted aLm►e. -
<br />;::�.� _
<br />__i,. _
<br />-- - . _
<br />�_r� -
<br /> Y�. .
<br />. S?A?E OP NLERASKA )
<br /> �
<br /> ) sat �
<br /> CfIUNTY Ol H�L )
<br /> -��P 198 $�. bafore me, the�deraistted. a Notas�
<br /> Oa tMa $�j,_day o! �jifJT3l` . • � �
<br />-� ��� ' Public duly co�rierioned and qualified for said Coaoty. personal2y came�
<br /> _`:��t to�e imown to be the ldentical peraon(s) �r1bAe n�n�e'(*) �re enbscsiistd to t e oregoing iaststl�ent
<br /> =:.---ss�
<br /> and acimovled}ttd the executlon therea4 to'be HE� vo]cmtarY Act and deed.
<br />- °-- ---
<br /> . Nitnesa my hand and Notasial Sea] at� � i — in said Ca[tmY. the ate
<br /> •- r . afore�aid. -
<br /> . ` Hy cneeeisqiaa eapirees, ���0����� �
<br /> �: ��r� � �
<br /> ' �' Notsirr P�!!c • ��
<br /> . ����
<br /> - - �
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<br />_ - � _ � � � ' ' ��.' � � � C� � �
<br /> - - ' - j � - ' - . � t�j = � �
<br /> . fR " t a s. c7 �- �o
<br />� . }. t. l. _ , �` y 7 a.. .C.J �� � , nS'd' fj ° �.
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<br /> . : � � � - � .� . �� �
<br /> . . := - . _ ._ ___ . _ _ _� _ __ _ � _ _ . �
<br />