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<br /> = . A �F DEED OF 7'RUST `�: < .
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<br /> dsdrMi�itab�cAOtabRpMioetwid�rlheM�dMTna�ClnFiudh+0�hut ��s���w�s��!I
<br /> by ri�t.TnM�wi�rout an�l J����T�usbr npr�MM� . . :. .
<br /> - Ttu�lor�foes�hr�d t!�DMd d Tru�t=,---.._� -- �- - ` - -- --- . -- - ---— -. ,_ . � _::= _- -° .
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<br />- - ___ - -. . DEED OF TRUS�'.WITH�UTtiR�.��W�ICES ---- -�——
<br /> � TIiIS DEED OF ZAtJST..ta nMds as a ths ��` �Y ot . A�� . __:��9 gi.,bY+�u�A
<br /> .... ..
<br /> = .. _t�rr�:;�g:•Bo�s i�Roi�aryr..tic�. httstasnd and.rrt�s .:. .'�,�,.. .
<br /> ' ti�ii'Fm�tor. . . .- .. . :. , . _
<br /> wi►bss maNihq;*eQre��is:7r.#9 M Pbo�n� �v� ti�and I�laad �e fi�Al��r�t°Trvsbr:whether•sx�a moral: :
<br /> " Fir�Paiut,� 9ank, a Nbra�k� Corp ` -
<br /> ihe Tn�Me,..:;. , ' :.;�,' .
<br /> ' py 0. Box 13l7 Qarand Lland. � 6Rl�Z .:: (haM�"TrwIM'?.anit
<br /> _ rwtws�ni�HinO#�.-�'::', .
<br /> . . � Fivi�`;�'oiat� 8�ai� �
<br />= the flm�NClacy�" - �
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<br /> ����� P;0. Hos.23i7 �irand Ial�ud. 1B. 688i2-15�? .,. �n"�9..._. . . . .
<br /> _ - - FOR YAW716CEC�T�DERA?t01V.inchrds��er e axtenaian at creditldaatif�lteteia to �Y B S� .. � � -
<br />� i Ro�NOIk ROl�� (heroin"BoROwer".whether one or moce)and the W¢tlteroin c�eefed .
<br /> "�;- ths�eceipt at which ta hereby ecknowtedyed.Trustor hereby irrevocabty�rants,transters.conveys and assi�ns to Tru�IN
<br />• y0. 7qUST,W17'FtPaWEROF�IILE.1ortAebenefitandeecurityofLender.underendaubjecttothetermsandcondNloashKelnailaraet
<br /> _z , tq�il� q�t ���Pl�!!4-SIGa7 t30) PAC�lt A�D B�1t�'S SEGO�D �ADITIOM 70 .
<br /> 'I�S CI7'Y I]��I�i��D ISW1D. �ALL C011�'!T. 1�5��. .
<br /> '- Topett�er with alt buildln�s,improvemeMS.tixtures.sheets.a��eYS.P�9aways,easements,rights,priviteyes and appurte- ___
<br /> nancey located fhereon or in anywise peRalnfiy thereto,and the rents,tssues and profits.reversians and remafnder�thereof.and �_
<br /> such psrsonal properly that Is atteched to the improvements so as to conatituta a flxNre.includinp,but not limftsd to,heetlnp and �-
<br /> coo�Ufp�qulpmenfi and topetherwltb the homestead or markal interests,if any,which inte�ests are hereby releaseA ana watve�alt �f•. .
<br /> of whichrinoludln�r�phcements and aEOitlons thereto,i�hereby declared to be e part ot the real estate secured by ths lfen otthls
<br /> pssd of'Crwt and aIt of the tore�oln�be lnp r e terr s d t o h e r e l n a s t t r e"P r o p e rt y". ___
<br /> ; Thb Oesd of Trust shall secare(a}the Payment of the prtncipal sum and lnterest evldenced�y a promiasory note or c�edit
<br /> - preement detea A�• �' i�l ,having a maturity date of b�y 3. 19�+? —, � :
<br /> '.>.
<br /> • in th�orlpinal principa{amouM of S����� ,and any and etl moditica�ona.extenslons and reneaais •
<br /> '�:,•
<br /> � theraof or lhereto and any and atI tuture advances and readvances to Borrower(or any of them tf more than one)hereunder
<br /> punwnt to ons or more promla�ory�otes or credit apreemenb(herei�►calted"Note'1;(b)the paymeM ot other suma advanced i�j `_;i_:.
<br /> .: `� L�nd�r�p prptect tha�scudty o1 the Note:(a)the pe�formance of a11 covenants and a9reements of Truator set Tocth herelm aod(dy ell �_`_
<br />='' �� prq�nt snd tuturs Incbbtednesa and obltyaUon�ot 8orrowe�(ot any ot them if more than one)to Lender wheth8r direcl.indirect,
<br /> �. .
<br /> ab�oluM a conNn�nt and whether arl�lnp by note.yuarar�ty,overdratt or olherwise.The Note,this Deed o!Trust and any and all
<br /> a olMrdocwnb thatiecure�the Nots or otherwlseexecutedin connectlon therewlth,inctuding wlthout Ilmitation puarantee�,sscurlty ��,._�
<br /> pr�ernsnti and�nmenM ot tea�ss snd rsnts,shall Ee reterred to heretn es the"Loan Instrumenb". 4 .
<br /> � Tn�stor ca�enanb and a�ress with Lenae�aa fottowx � [ �
<br /> :. _�.• : qw. �. wA/skliul � ��
<br /> _-- ._, ;.�����.��Rsss.A1!±!►dehrRAne!�s aecured here6y shall be_Oald when due. F_..:
<br /> _ ..
<br /> r'% 2.TiW.Trustor is the owner of the Property,has the�lght and su4horlty to convey ff�e�Propdrt�;8aa wg►�artts trtat the ie�r `,
<br />' created hareby is a tlrst 8�0 prior lien on the Ptoperty.except for liens and encumbrances set toAh by Trustor ia wrltin9 and
<br /> dNivared to Lender hetoresxeoutlon o}thls DeaO af Tru�t,and the execution and delivery o1 tbis Oeed ot Trustdoes aot vlolate any
<br /> conMct o�other obtlgaUon to whlch Trustor is aub]ect
<br /> 3.TayM�MNMnpnb.To pay betore dellnquenCy aIl taxes,speclat assessmenta and all other cha�gee againat the Prop9Ry i
<br /> � � �(• now 0/hereafter tevied.
<br /> "�' 4. InrwanC�.To keepthe Property insured aqainstdamage by t1re.hat�rd9 included within the term"extended aoverape'.and
<br /> � wch ol�r hazards as LenQer map require,in amounb and with companiea BCCept�ble to Lender,namin�Lender as an�ddiHona! �.
<br /> n�rtNd inwr�d,with tasf payable to the,lender.ln case ot toss unQer such policies,the Lender 1�authorized to adluat,collect and �
<br /> aomproml�e,allclaimsfhereunderandSh�IhavalheoptionofapplyingallorpaAOftheinsuranceproceed�(i)toanyindebtednsss �
<br /> � aaCUred h�r+Obyand in such order e�Lender may determine.(ii)tothe Trustor to be used for the repair or re�toraUan olthe Prop9rty �
<br /> `:;: or(ili)forer►yotherpurposeorobJectaatlsfactorytoLenderwlthoutaifectingthellenofthisDeedotTrustforthetullamountsecured �
<br /> • h�rNyy bNpr�wob payrttent evsr took pface.Any appueation of proceeds to indebtedness shatl not extend or poa�one the due i
<br /> • dd�ol aAy paymenl��nder!he Note.ol cure any default thereunder or hereunder. �
<br /> ' � 5. Escrow.UpOn wAtten demand by Ltnder,Trustor ahat!pay to Lender.in auch manner as LendeR may desi�nate,suillGent �
<br /> � aumstoenable Lender to pay aa they become due one or mor�of the tottowing:(i)all taxea,assessmentsand other charges a�ainst �
<br /> . ths Properiy,(ii)the premiums on the property insurance required hereunder,and(ili)the premiums on any martgage insuranoe
<br /> , t - required by Lender. -
<br /> � d. Ma�erYnanet,Rpsia and CanpN�neswHh Law�•Truator shall keep the Property ln yood eondiUon and repair;shal{
<br /> ' _ promptly repalr.or rdpface any Improvement which may be damaged o�destroyed: ahalf not commit or permit any waste or
<br /> QeterioraUon oi the PropeRy;sha11 rtot remove,demotish or substantiatty atiei any o!the Improvemenb on the Property�,shall not _
<br /> wmmif,sut(er or permitAny ectto be done in or upan the Properhr in violaUOn of any faw.ardlnance.ot reaulaUon;and shall pay 8nd :
<br /> . _, _ _.. _._ ':; promptly di�Cherse at TrostoPs coat and expense aff.tiens,ertcumbrartcea and charpea tevied,imposed or as�esxd a�ain�t the
<br /> - - �__.
<br /> ' ,j�,a..�' Propeity 6r sny pdn tnereaf. _ .
<br /> =� : 7, E�ey�nt pan�N,LertEer is�hareby aasi�ned a0 compenaation.awara�,dameges end other paymenb o�rellel(hereinaffer ,
<br /> � • ;,, ' •. „,., ��• "proceeda'�inconne�UonwlthcondemnationorothertaWngoltheP►opertyorpartthereol.arlorcanveyBnCeinlieuClconOemna- �•
<br /> � '�" �•,; •s. �on.Lender ahall trs m�NUed et its optlon ta commence.appear in and prosecute in its own name any action or praceedings.and Y
<br /> - -shalt atso ba eMitled to m�ks any compramlee o�aattfement In connecUon with auch tateing br d�maqe fn the.event anY portle�ef i
<br /> '_:• �;:�:,'�. . " �cswturn.r�rwr.iouwe...to.N - ' - . �
<br /> . uy �.
<br /> ;�,�.,..�, �. 0/fM/MIrWMnYdt�rte�feWNtiSMney�Aree�MNre.tnie�Y�N�Yii► , .
<br /> .
<br /> - , '-•�-�;., '�
<br />