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<br /> a�.r.�a.ob►Mr�o�..aatnMa�a+e««,ea.nw�►din.r«,e�a.nna�owio.�a�.aTn,Morr�n• �n�.w«n
<br /> a. ora..ona w�.+�.o..aaT�,�naaw�oeum�rda,aM�«b.r.►�oma���►.ow
<br /> 4�r�TiwIM wMhout M�kWp�Wi 4rwlor r�pn��nd ware�Ih�t �wnt wr MaaiMd bY
<br /> 7q1r11�II�IMSaII��woiMWef ail�M tS�d of'[IIY�1� , .
<br /> � ♦
<br /> Oary a c , P�r��IN� R�pr���ntativ�
<br /> oi th� B�t�t� a�TruMor 8cank B. 1COl�r•
<br /> D�c�ws�cl
<br /> TIIIR Qf�D OF TEiUBT.I�n�h w ol lh�_�11 d�y et July,,, .1��.by v�d ama�p
<br /> �T�����JT,Y aif��i+ P�r e�nwl R�p a �ntwtiv� nf *1+� F�twt� ef irrank E��n1�S
<br /> w��,o��»_,�343 W. Cacital ,�v�.. Grand Islan���t�1�„h�q�ron�or��
<br /> pNT�q� i+iv� F�4t�te Bank� a N�braaks Qor��+r�*{ee ,
<br /> ���,�b p.0 &ax �}507 Grand tAla�nd. NE 68802 ����T�^�,�nd
<br /> ��� Fiva Pointa B�b — •
<br /> „ .�
<br /> wh��������p7 K N A wdva3 1 Crsnel iwlAnd� N -� 6BgQ2-15o7���'•{,��'�,
<br /> FOR VALUAk)LE CONSIDERATION,includinp lender s axtenslon of crsdit idendfled herNn to�� Fitahr PlrBOifa1
<br /> R�pnaenta�iw of the Eetate of Frank ��l�ho�ar one w mae)an�the trtwt herNn crsatsd.
<br /> tho��ipt of which Is herebr�ck�owtedped,Trustor he�eby irrsvocably�ranb,hemtero,conveya and 6�ssl�m to TruNea,IN
<br /> TFiUST,WITH POWER OF SALE,for the banetit end�ecurlty of Lender,under and subj�cl to the terms and conditiona hereinaftsr Mt
<br /> bhh,ll�nd prop�rty.dparWed u lollows: �
<br /> LoCa ei: (6) and eigh� (8), in block five (5), fn Colloge Addition
<br /> tp WQet Lawn, a�n a�d�ition to the City of Grand Ialand, Hall County,
<br /> Nebraeka�i�nd lot thirty aix (36 Re�ency by the green, an addition
<br /> Topeu�r�rlt���bu ��s, f Gr n I lana N ra� .
<br /> 118 �nprover�sn�,fr�urea,sA�eta,a� ya,{�ies�epeways,eoaemeMs,rfpht�,privilepes end eppuRS-
<br /> nanp�located fhsreon a in enywise peAafninp thereto,and the renta,issuea and protile,reversiona and remeinders thereof,�nd
<br /> �uch penonal propsrty that Is atfached to the improvements ao as to conetitute e tixture,Includinp,but not Hmited to,headnp�nd
<br /> coolinp squipmen��nd topether wHh the homeeteed o�marital intereata,if any,which intereete are hereby released and walvsd;sll
<br /> ol whlch,includinp replocementa and additlons thereto,Is hereby declered to be e pan of the rMl eatete seaund by th�Ilen of this
<br /> Daed of Trust and�II of iha forepofnp belnp wfarrsd to haraln os the"Propeny".
<br /> Thlo Daed ot Trwt ohRfl secu►e(a)the payment of the prinaipel eum end Intarest evid�nced Dy a promisaory note a cr�dit
<br /> apreanent d�tad �7u1�-14. 1993 ,havinp a maturfry date of -Tt11�--14 r 199d .
<br /> In ths orl�inal prinalpal amount o1 s 9 S•021.00 ,end eny and aM moditfcationa,extenslon�and nnewala
<br /> the►eo1 or thersto snd any �nd ell fulure sdvances and reBdvancea to Borrower(or any of tham il more lha�o�e)hereunder
<br /> purswnt to one or more promissory note�or aredit aqreementa(herein celled"Note"►:(b)the payment of other aums advanced by
<br /> Lender to protsct the seourity of the Note;(c)the pertormence of ell covenents and apreemenb of 7rustor aet fonh h6rein;t�nd(d►sll
<br /> pres�nt and future IndeMedness and obliqatione of Borrower(or any of them II more then one)to lender whether direct,indirect, _
<br /> ebsoluts or eonGnpent and wheU�er erlainp by note,puaranry,overdrori or otherwfae.The Nate,thls Oaed o!Truat and any and all �
<br /> othotdocuenq th�t�eoure the Note or otherwise executed in connectton therewith,includlnfl without Iimitatlon yuaqntees,�scurity
<br /> �preemanb and aalpnmenu of lea�ea end rents,ehall bo referred to herefn a41he"loan In4trumeMS".
<br /> Trustor covonsnts�nd epree�wlth Lender aa tollows: °
<br /> L payn�M pf Ind�bl�dn�q.All Indebtedness eeoured hereby ehell be paid when due. `
<br /> 2.THI�.Truetor Is the owner o1 the Property,has the riqht and euthorfry to convey the Property,and werrante thet the Iien -
<br />- crevted hereby Is a(frot and prlor Iien on the Property,except br liena and encumbrences aet 1oAh by Trustor in wriUnp end „
<br />= delive�ed to l.ander beforo execuHon ot thls Deed o1 TrusA and the execution ond detivery of thls Oeed of Trust does not vfolete any -
<br /> contnct or ofher oblipadon to which Truator ia subject. _
<br /> 3.Ti�.A�s�m�nb.To pay before deNnquency all taxea,epecial assessments and all other cheryes a�aln�t the Property -
<br />- now or heroaRer lavied.
<br />_ �.Inwwnc�.To kesp the Praperry inaured agafnat damage by 11re,hazerds included wi1Mn ihe term"extended coverepe",and
<br />- such oth�r Auards�s Lender mey requl�e,in amounta and with Campaniea acceptable to Lander,naminp lender es an additlonal -
<br />- mmed ineurod,w11h low payeble to the Lender.In oaso of tose under auch policles,the Lender la authorfzed to ad�ust eollect and _
<br />- compromlte.eU claims thereunde►and ahaU have the optiort ot applying all or pa�t of fhe Ineurance prxeede(q to pny indebtedness =
<br />= paund hereby and In suoh order a�Lender mey determine.pl)to the Truator to be used tor the repair or re�toradon of the Property
<br /> or(ilf�(or�ny other purpo�a or ob�ect�sd�fectary to Lender without�Nectlnp thellen ot thia Deed of Trust for the lull�mount tecured
<br /> hK�bp bNore�uch payment evar took place.Any appllcatlon of proceeds to Indebtedness�hall not extend or poetpone the due
<br /> d�of any paymsnl�under the Note,o►cure any default thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> b.E�orow.Upon wrltten demand by Lender,Truator shell pey to Lender,In such manner atl Lender mar datipnate,sufliclent
<br /> . . . ... . .. . ........ .. ---------�--�-�---�-------�_-�
<br />- WRI�00 NIR�Ie Lef10o�l0�y a{RIOyD@C0111@ OY9 On0 O►f110r9 0/[ne lOnvwing:�q itu�awa�a���w�u���w vu nn o�ur�yeo ryan�i.
<br /> th�Propsrty.(11)the pr�mium�on tM pmparty Ineurance roqulnd hereunde�,and pif)the premlums on any moAp��e{nwrnnca �
<br />- nqulnd b�I LerMer.
<br /> 8.M�tntan�nc��R�p�and CompN�nc�wNh Law�.Trustor shall k�ep the Property In pood condltbn�nd repalr,�hall '_
<br />- promptly hp�lr,or rspl�ce�ny Improvement whlch may bs damaped or destroyed;�hell not commlt or p�rn�It any wuq or
<br /> dM�Ioradon of the Property;shall not removQ,demolish or aubstantlelly alter eny of the Improvemente on B�s Properry;ehell not -
<br /> commfl,WHer a permN�ny�at to b�don�in or upon the Prop�rty in vloladon ol any law,a�dlnance,or rapulatlon;and shall pay�nd -
<br /> promptly dltclwpe�t 7rusto�'s cost snd�zpsnze all N�n�,encumlxance�and ch�r�es IevIW,lmpowd or usywd�palnst th� -
<br /> Propuly a�rnr P�R thaeol. -
<br />- 7.��Nnl Dandn.Lendsr I�Mreby salpnsd�11 comp�nsaUon,awards,dams�es and oMer paym�nb or rNl�l(hwMn�Ra
<br /> °procMd�")In conrwctlon wlth cond�mnatlon or oth�r fakinp ot Ih�Prop�rly a part lheroof.o►for corn�yance In tNu of con�nn�-
<br /> ypn.L�nd�r shall b�entltled�t Iq opNon to commencs,�ppwr In�nd protecuto fn{b own n�me�ny�otbn o►procMdtnpa and -
<br /> shdl�Iso M�ntltl�d to mak�any compromis�or qttl�rMnt In connectlon with wch t�klnp or damaps.ln tM event any portlon M
<br /> �c aw�m��N a.���aw
<br />- ON11Mw�ww�rtMC.�.rwr.w��rMw�r�w.aww.tr�wKM.�rrr.
<br />