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--.�i;2�tt��� . �'"a� •�•. ��17 i—•-� : �, <br /> py►a�am ao�y ta la�er be�equirad��dre apdon oi'l�a�der�if natqaja in�uranoe covaa�e(�a�noret�etl br d�e paiotl <br /> IrYt l.e�lr nqute�p)Pr'nvlded by�a bwroe�ppeoved lqr�Aor�6ec+aroe�avail�ble aud b obtala�d. Darowar�If piql <br /> .. 1iM prao�fum�requind to,u+�fnuin mai�a iaroraaoe fa afba.�or�o pavlde a lqM merv�.uatil a6e roqulna�nrt far r�at�/r <br /> ieqt+�noe adt ie�000ndmoe with aay written�p+eeanene betwean llonp�►er aal i.arl�at+x�ppiicahle IaM. <br /> f.I�otton.�or ia.�a�y nWce roaoaMwd a�trk.upon,na inpoalar ol cne P�pa�ty.t,.aaer�a.0 dr� <br /> dor�ower atiattca at tha time ot or prbr ta an inspa�.ioa�It�in�res:o�t►le c�uie fcs the inepbctlon. <br /> l�. Coede�wtlo�. '!'be prooee�s ot any awa�d or cWm tbr damqa,diact a carueqneaWl;�in connectloa wlth Mry . <br /> oondamutlon or aber telcla�o[�ny put of tl�e Prope�ty.or for oawey�noe in fieu of ooadennMion.aro baeby wip�eb�nd <br /> �1l be paid to I.Rt�der. <br /> In the eveat of�wul t�kin�ot the Pmpaty.the proceeds sb�ll6e�pplied to tUe wma�ecured by thL Saurlty Luwmmt. <br /> whether or not then due�with+�ny exad�s paid w Bortower. In the event of�psRial taiciaQ of tbe Prapmty ia which the fair <br /> nurlcet value ot the Ptoperty immedUtely botoro tUo Wdng is eqwl w or g�tor than tha amoutit oP the wau fea�ra/by�his <br /> Sa:udry irotrument immodi�tdy boforo the taking.unlexe Borrowcr and L,ender otherwlee�groe la writiap�the wnu�xurod by <br /> _- tbi� Sxurity Insuument chall be r�cduood by �he amount of tho prnceods mulpplied by tha following fraction: (�)the wW <br /> amount of the sum�socurod immedistely beforo the taking.divided by (b) the fair mulcu v�luo of tho Propemr Inunedi�tdy <br /> befnce tho Wcing. My balMnce ah�ll be ppid to Barrowar. in the event of�p4ctiaJ,t�lcing of tha PropeRy io wt�h tue f�ir <br /> m�M v�e af ehe Property immodWely baforo the taking is las thon ti�e A000�cn4�f the eums seew�ad.immedisOdY befone tl�e <br /> t�3p6.unlas Honsower rnd La�der otherwiee�+ee in wridn�or uat�a.s�pq�ticabk�n►�oManrfwe provida.the pnooeetli ebt�Pl <br /> be�ppliod w tho�viras securod by tbia Secu�ty Guuument wbeth�r or nvt thC sums ue tbea d+�e. <br /> Ii tde Pmp�irt�is ab�ndoned by Horrower.or if.aRer notice by Lender to Botrower tb�t the condemror offen w m�a u► <br />_ ._— �___�_ awmd or sdtk a clAirit fot d�nopige�, Borrower f�ils to respood to Lender wlthin 30 d�ya aRer the dato the notioe i�Qiven. <br /> - I.endu is auttiori�bd�ap oollect and apply the its o�tiaq,eHher to�wtatiou or c�epxir of the Pmpaty or to the wa� <br /> sacu�+ed by ttldis 58ca�ritv Insttument.whether or not then due. <br />_- - UNess [,e»der and Bomuwer otherwlse rgroe in w�ipn�. anv�applieation of procads to pdncipal s1W1 not eatend or <br /> po�tpo�e the due datc of the monthly payments referrod to in pnru�rnphs t and 2 or change tho anwunt of such payments. <br /> _ ______ 9�.Ibrrower Not Rdeasetl;Forbearana By I.ender Naz s Wdver. Extensian of the timc for p�ymept ar modiflautoa <br />- ----�__- - ..�of sirnardzation of the sums sncurod by this Security Instrumrnt granted by Lendqs to any suaxessor i�ioterest af Borrower shaU <br /> _ -- ' , tiat a}�arate w nelease the liability af the origirwl Borrower or gorrower's wcc�or�in interest. L.ender'aiwll not be nequired to <br /> -- • oomrnencc prnoeidings ageinst any sucoessor in interost or rofuse to oatend time for paymcat or othcrwlse modify unortizadon <br /> - -= of"thc eums cecurod by thie Secudty lnstrument by rcason of any dcmand mado by the original Hornower or Borrower's <br />. = --- = swxesso�s in intereat. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any rfght or remedy shall not 6a p waiver of or preclude tl�e <br />- _°.-°..°-� exer�lse of any�ight or Rmody. <br /> 12. Suceesaon aad Asei� Bound; Jdot nnd Several Uabllity;Cacigaere. The covenants and agreementa of thia <br /> ,' Security Instrunxnt ahall bind and benetit the successors end assigns of I.ender and Borrower. subjxt to the prov�sions of <br /> , peca�raph 17. Borrower's rnvenants and agroemei►ts shal! be joint and aeveral. Any Borrower who co-signs �his Secudty <br /> �.�,:; <br />':� ��;��.';;,�;' I��,ment but does nat execute the Note: (a)is co-signir�g ihis Sacu�ity Instn�menu onl} to mortgage. Brant and convey�hat <br /> u-'f�`•� Borrower's interest in the Property und.r the tcrms of this Security Instrument; (b)i5 not�personelly obligated to pay the suma <br /> ,:. <br /> < secuared by Ihis Security Instrument;and(c)agroes thut l.ender and any other Borrower msy agree t�extetid. modify. forbear or <br /> mAke any accommodetions with reg�ud to the terms of this Security instrument or the Note wlthout t�c�3�rrower's consent. <br /> 13.Loon Clwrges,if the loan securod by this Secu�ity Instrument is subject to a law which se�s maximum loan charges. <br /> . and that law is 8nally interpr�eted so thet the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connection wfth the <br />�- ;} l� loa� excoed the permitted limits,then: (n)any such loen ct�urge shall bc reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge <br />- .: 4;,, to the permitted limk;and(b)any sums alm.udy collected from Borrower which eaceeded permittud limits wfll be refunded to <br /> v h�"'�•� Horrower. Lender may chaose to make this refund by reducing the principul owed under the Note or by making a direct <br /> , J .�r ,;^�} ':d:. <br /> _� , w-.. Payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces pdncipul, the reduction will be treated as a partinl PrcpaYmcnt withoat ony <br /> - -�.::� <br /> :4�'bt�:".'jt, • ,.:" P�Y�nt charge under the Note. - <br /> ',,���;.�,- ., •:.•.�;�: 14.Notkes.Any notice to Borcower provided for in lhis Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by muiling = <br /> '�" � , it by first class mail unless applicable law requires usc oi unother methcxl.The noticr tih�ll be directed to the Property Address <br /> . ;e�-"ewV:�.. :,.,,.; _ <br /> , ,',.�. �x or any other uddress BaRawer designutes by notice t�� Lendcr. Any notke to Lender shall be given by first class mail to _ <br /> ' ;:+,','����� Lender's address stated herein or any other address I.endrr designates by notice tu Bonower. Any notice provided for in this <br />``�� •`� ' Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to�lorrower or Lender when given as pro�ided in this paragreph. _- <br /> , •'t'��;'":;�.�` � 15.Governing I.Aw; Severnbility. This Security Insirument shall be go��erned by federul law and thc law of the - <br /> - ;���' i ,� udsdiction in which the Pra rt is lacuted. In the ev�nt ahat An mvision or cl�usc of this Securit Instrument or thc Note -- <br />-"_;;.� �N�•. . .i p� Y Y P Y - <br /> .�;, � • conflicts with applicable luw,sueh conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrume�t or the Nate which can be <br />�'�•��: ��Y;�;'!�'�" �� ' given effect without the mnflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Srcurity Instrument and the Note are declared <br />_ `:. •,G�tsE��;, to be severable. . <br /> �''.� r ;'`'�" ''�• 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower sh�ll be given one��nformed copy ol'the Note and of this Security Instrument. - <br /> •,�'.;' ,,:f�.:..,,,.., _ <br /> a.) . <br />_,�c;�� ��j��v`," form3028 8180 _ <br /> :<�i'� ` �' . Pp�4 018 _ <br />`i`; � - <br /> .:��, Y.��V,�''r,'�i� - <br />'-�� ' _!l. _ • , _. <br /> °f' ' 'r��::p'�,•��{ ,`� -_ <br /> `I� 'I{ -•A... V � �.. ..-.. <br /> f(i• qiSS��GRt_r�i �. - <br /> �.� n� . S. � }��t��R fif��l�t1^ai�}��;: , ' ... :c.�•j.7'�!���.5�{4'�IC!-S`��������5�I�K: ai<i���� ''•�� 3. . <br /> �- :�1`'� -r 1 � �(:5"`•1'`)A7�'I'�f�`t�'�•; r4;�'•'�.� � r i �I' _1 fi �(C•. �!�! . y�}.,�, t �'�1+�q:�a"p'�'e`�1�+,.a�„y� <br /> ����, t�.�. .� '•.{.�:•�,..i'1��:����f�r�7%1 }�r .. �- A 1 . . '���,1y11y .: .t} -il_ )yJ�' .•' � .�� <br /> 2�.�.7 - � II� t?'t'.a 51 S- l �7. . �ti� �� : �iti:'���. j•`.1.'� �lrr4✓1\�I . ' - ,l.',�.'. <br /> -Lll . �� V . '.>, . t _ �'��it- -?l;1 1� i. ' ',.it�Y ` , , .�'1 .. <br /> . .... - <br /> . . , . <br /> „ . • � <br /> . <br /> ,. . <br /> - • � � <br /> � - `irs'iu v- -- \,� i-?,r: e_ ! L r� t ..�sl,i�_�:��:;,�5�_f:�'1�.�,__ _ I S• .-.,i,'... t�•: <br /> ---- - - _ - -- --- <br /> - . � - .T �r ,� r--'-- ..—�_.f <br />