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• '�_��,.. _ �� .�,K:... <br /> ��.��, . <br /> . , • <br /> . . . . ...,_: ._ <br /> � _ _,.,..�.E• <br /> ��.r: .�N'. . -- . - - --_ � . . <br /> r�CI,.,,�._ �� Q nCn , . <br /> ��R��f� ' <br /> ♦ n 93- �oa�i � , <br /> �, ar����`'��i�.�'�i ca�e. ��«.n.0�y wn�a�e�e���..�a�o�+, <br /> W.a�e�e�i��d by tbe�.te ch�e�e.due w+der d�e N«e. <br /> , Z. Mo�Mhly p�eNs d"hze�1�a�ae�x�d Oflydr C4�� Harrawer�INII includo in each rrtanthly P�Y� <br /> Io�Ler wid�the principal aod lnterat fohh in the Nu1e �od any I�te chu�a, �n ii►nadima�t of�ny(�)wca�nd <br /> � • �pecW au�nentr lavied or tc bo lavied a��liut the PropeAy.(b1 kauUoW paymenu or�round rattt oa the Property.�nd <br /> (a)P�niwru for imur�ncc iequired by Par�Qrnph 4. <br /> E�ch monib!y InuWment for i�em�(U. (b)�nd (o)dult oqual one•IwelRh of the mnual amounts�as rwon�bly <br /> __��____,.�._ ectirtiaud by Lcndor� plus an suriount sufficlenl M m�inWn an dditio�u) 6dance of not mooe tlWn coe-sixth of the <br /> e�dmsted anounu. 71ie IWI�nnual amount for each item �hall be �ocumulateA by Lender within�period aWin�one <br /> �eonth befaro�n item would bocome delin9uent. Lendor d�all hold tho Wnouna colbcted in tnut to pay lcans(��,(b)ad <br /> (c)befa�e tf�ey bocome delinquon� <br /> tf u�ny dme the taW of the p�yments held by[.endar for items(a)�(b)end(a)�together wi�h the future monthly <br /> p�yrt�enta for such item�payabk to Lender Pdar�o the dua detes of such ltcme,eacxe� by maro thon one•aixth the <br /> _�-�--�-°��° e�dr�wted wnount af paymcnte required topay such itcme when due.and if pa mente cm the Note are curt+cnt.tha�Lender <br /> :hdl eilber nfutM the excess ove�one-siu�h of the estim�tod payments or�t tho oxoess over one-sixth of tho estimaud <br /> p�ymenu to subsequeat W�noaa�ts DY the optton of Horrower. If tha total.of d!��?Y��made by Bmrowor <br /> ; Wr i�m(�).(b�.or(c)!s iawaffi�ec�t 1u p�r t�e�tem wben dµe.then Batvwec sbadi�PnY w.LKpd�a any�mount naxs�ry to <br /> mialoe np die do�'Icieacp va or beforo Me d�eo t1�o�oem becao�ores due. <br /> As usod in Ihis S�ocunt�r I�uuma��.'Secrxta�Y"me�ns t�e Sa�et�u�r of lia�siaR and 4lxban Develapme�t or bis or her <br /> �i�oo in nqr}^e�u ln wluch the Lendor duosQ�a�y a mo�age ia�►aoe��v oLwe Secretary.oach manthlY P+�Y��t <br /> i alsa include either. ti)an installment af the�uNwaO mort8a�g.e � Aemium ta be paid by Lender ta tha <br /> Sop�etary�or(ii)a monthly ch�rge instead of a mortgf�,e:u�curnnce p�►�cmium if thia Security Inswment is held by 1ho <br /> 5ecnetery. Each raonthly incullment of�he mact8nge insiuwxe premium shall be in ah amount suffieknt to accumulate the <br /> - tbU armualmo�g�ge insurance premium wit�Lender one monlh pdor to the date the fLll ennual mortgaga inaurance <br /> premium is due to�he Secretary:or if this Seciuity Inatnunent is held by the Secretazy.each mon�hly charga�hall bo in pn <br /> ar <br /> amount equal ta mie-twelfth of pne-half pen�ent of the oulstanding principal balance due on the Note. <br /> If Borrower tenders ta I.ander the full payment of all sums secu�d by this Seoudry Instrument.BOrrower�s account <br /> _ sh�dl be pedited with 1he hatance remaining for all instellments for items(a),(b)and(c)and any mortgage insurance <br />,=� peemium instellment that L.ender hes not become obligated to pay to the Secr+etary.and L.ender shall promptly refuad eny <br />- —= exctss funda w Borrower. Immediately prior to a forxlosure sak of the Property or its acquisition by Lender.Botrnwer's <br /> "� aocou�t�hall be c�dited with eny balence remaining for all installments far items(a),(b)end(c). <br />�.. 3. A tlon of Payutenta All paymenta under Paragmphs 1 and 2 aball be applied by Lendcr as follows: <br /> ';� .to the mortgage insurance premium to be paid by Lender to the Secretary or to tha monthly charge by the <br /> " ' Secre instead of ihe monthly mortgage insurance premium; <br /> .15r �.to any taxes.special asseasments.kasehold payments ar ground renrs.end�m,flaad and other haxard <br /> - :• ncurance ptemiums.esroqui�ed: <br /> '`��i�,.--- -,. : �.to interest due under the Note; <br /> ;';;�i �.to amort�z4tion of the princlpal of the Note; <br />:,;�t�••� �S� ,to Iste charges duc under the Natc. <br /> • T�' 4. Fire,Fbad nnd Othe�8azord lnsurance. Borrower shafl insure ell improvements on the Property,whather now <br /> 'i • - ;� ' ln existenca or subsequently erected,ageinet any ha7ands,casualties.and contingenciea,including fire,for which I.ender <br />- ;,, �, '�r � r e quires insw�anne. Tf�is insurence shel!be maintained in the amounts and for�he periods that Lender requires. Bomower <br /> � ,,� . °,j shaU also insure all impmvemenis on�he Praperty,whether now in ex istence ar su b s e quen t ly erec te d,sg c�i ns t l o s a b y fl o o d s <br />` •�..�y, ••y to'the extent requited by Ihe Secnetary. All insurence shall be cartied with cornpanies approved by I.ender. The insurance <br /> � policies und any renewals shell be held by Lender and shell includa loss pnyablo clau�es in favor of,and in a fom� <br /> . accepteble to,Lender. _ <br />- In thc event of loss,Borrower shell give Lender immediAle notice by muil. I.cnder mny m�lce proof of loss if not <br /> made pmmptly by Borrower. Each insurancr compnny concemed is hereby au�horized and directed to make ps�yment for _ <br /> ��� � such Ioss dirccdy to Lender.instead of to Borrower and to Lende�jain�ly. All or any part of the ineurance pracceds may be <br /> .�,�. . ;�;r,� appIied by[,ender,at its option,ei�her(e)to the reduction of Ihe indebtedness under the Note and this Secudty Instrument, _ <br /> . ffrst to uny delinc�uent amounts epplied in the order in Paragrnph 3, and then to prepeyment oP principal,or(b) to the <br /> � ---;' �s' resloration or repa�r of tf�c dumuged propeny Any applicuiiai uf 1he pr�w:�l�to the pnncipal shnll not extend or postpone ° <br /> •�' ��'�;�`.'� the due date of the monthly payments which are referred to jn Parngrs�ph 2,or�hnnge thr amount of such payments. Any R <br />`_;�-� =°"•`•�-'�= � • excesa insurance proceeds over un amoum reyuired to puy ull owgtandmg indebtrdness under the Note and this Security _ <br />' r:'� y�s;,;,�;, Insdument shull be paid to the entity legally endtkd thercto. <br />,,'�;�,' t,,,� ���••• � In the event of foreclosure of this Security Instrument ar other t►ansfer of tide to the Property that eatinguishes the <br /> r. : �w•�- -�- ' indebtedness,all r�gh�,tiNe and interest of Borrower in und to insurunce pc.licies in force shall pass to Ihe purchuser. - <br />- v '�`�:1►'',.••` •-� S. Onupancy, Pree�erv�lion, Melntenance pnd Protectfon of the Property; Borrower's Losm Appltcadon: <br /> ��,� I,easehulds. Borrower shall occupy,eswblish.and use Ihe Propeny as Burroweri principul residence wi�hin sixty days = <br /> �,.. . <br /> •:ti; .�..���:, efter the execution of this Secudty Instrument and sfiall continue to occupy the Praperty us Borrower:s principal residence - <br /> '=a.'>:�: •tr�..;' for ot least one year efler the date of occupnncy,unless�he Secretary determines Ihis rcyuir�ment will cuuse undue harclship <br /> '� ' '`�`� for Borrower, or unless ex�enuating circur�stances exist which ure beyond Borrower� con�rol. Borrower shnll notify <br /> ..;:, '�!�t„r.;• ,�, - <br />'`'%�' �%�''�': ,: ,�� Lenders of any extenusting circumstances. Borrower sholl not cammit wnste or destroy, domoge or substontially chtmge <br /> `,�'� ',"E,�,���i�3'•, the Property or ullow the Prtipeny to deteriarate,reasonable wenr und teur exceped. Lender may mspect the Property if the - <br />- , •;;�.:r,,;,:,. . ...;�:, property is vucant or abAndoned or the loan is in defuult. Lender muy�uke reuronable acuon�o protect und preserve such <br /> -f•ti�,-�.�� � • +� vacant or abandoned Propeny. 9orrower shall also be in default if Borrower,during the loan upplicution process,gnve <br /> �.� ...�\��:� -�. .' 4 <br /> �-, . �� � '•• -° :�•�Y•�Sy meteri�lly false or inaccurate informution or statememx to Lendcr (or failed to provide Lcnder with any materia _ <br /> �;'t :,•-;;i•:.?ei `,:,j±;• infurmation)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note,including:bu�not limited to,representations concerning = <br /> `r;'�;' � , ,,.. ;•. ;; Bomower�ckcu ene of the Pro rt ati a Princi al residence. If this Secumy Instrument is on n Izasehold,Borrower shall • <br /> .�r��...,��;;,;:,�� <br /> 'J�•�' �y"�'�a��`�'}�E(�� • � comply with the provfsions of theeleuse. If Borrower acyuires fee titl¢to t)x Propeny,ihe leasehold und fce dtle sfiall not = <br /> :•' ' �j.µ4't;;�,�,',• <br /> • , f,.�,,,�,��?:;,;;��; ._ , � be merged unlesx I.ender ugrrex to thc merger in writinr. <br /> " :•stil�j�r:r;'•��••+�-. 6. Charges to Borrower and Protectlon nf Lender's RiRhts in the Propert}�. borrowcr vhu11 puy ull�tn�ernmentul - <br />:°��:�'. ' `��v' �� • or municipal chatges,fines and impositions�hat urc not included in PuTagruph 2. Burrower shall pay thcse obl�guyinns on <br />�;;�i`; _� .�;'�-�;:_.;;� :��;: time directly t�o the entiry which is owed the payment. If fai0ure to pu� would ndvenely uffect Lender's in1eregt in the � <br /> Property.uperro l.enderk request Borrower shull promptiv fumish to Lendrr receipts evidencm�Ihese�aymems. <br />-����+�—r�ti � If Borrower feile to make these payments or the pnyrne►+ts rec�uired by f'Arngruph 2,or fa1Ys fa perform tu�y other _ <br />` covenants`and agteemen�s com�ined ln this Security Iresirumer�t.or tu�e�re is u IegAI proceeding thut mu��ignificantly affect = <br /> _a�e.__..... �..�.......�«n..ou....n. �n.�nfn�.m w.n.MnuloliM.► <br /> __ ;•� _� __ �.lUQCf$�Iglll$l0 I11C MIOPC1i�/13LLCO U5 A vtu:caiii�ts in vwam�uya.�. aw ..v.n..,.....»........ ...�......�� .�..__. .�o�_.�.._.' _ <br /> ����. ,.��:� .•- <br /> = 1 ��} �i�rn(,ender m�y do and p�y whatever is necessary to protect the v�lue of the P�operty und Lender's ri�hts in the Properey. _ <br /> ,i;1� ;�* .��.,..3 ...;•; � _ <br /> .Rr.,;.-.�,r��;•.. incl�cding poyment of taxes,hazard insura�.e and othcr items mcntiaxd in Porugraph... <br /> .. 'i •• *,-� ;� .� pn amo�unts dfsbursed by Lender uu�cr this Paregmph sh:+ll become un udditional debt of Borrower and be secured _ <br />� � ='- r'°.�'•"'�`��'� by thi9����ty lnctrument. These amounts shnll betu interest from the dale of disbursement,at the Note rate.and su the <br /> _°' ��"'j� ";'�`��-�� option of l.ender.shall be immediately due und payable. _ <br /> '��'��-=+%;;��•�*t=%-� •� 7. Condemtwtion. 't'he proceeds of an nward or cluim for damagcs,dircct or connecuon with Any - <br /> ,�.,,...,,.. . . . .. <br /> -- " `� condemnatjon or other tuking of any part of e Pn�peny,or for coaveyance in place of condemn�tion,�re hereby ussigned <br /> _ � , -• and shall be paid to Lender to the extent of the full amount of the indebtedness�hat remuins unpaid under the Note and thiti _ <br /> �`w;�, ��" • '�" '�~ �t Security lnsuument. Lender shWl apply such proceeds to�he reduction of the indebtedness under the Note und this Security _.. <br /> - ,;,,,.k . lnsuument. first to any delinyuent amountR applied in the order prov i de d in Huagrap h 3. an d t hen to prePuyment o f _ <br />_ . . {irincipal. My applicatton of 1he proceeds to the princ�p�l shall not extend or postpone the due dute of the monthly <br />-. f���i� , � _. <br /> � <br /> �a�:6 :i 'a� IIwRt 2��J�puRtsl <br /> ,,., .., . <br /> -:.._ '•i1+ . , <br /> �� + —== <br /> �c - —_. . <br />