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<br /> �{�Ipp„IM�ICh�x0�1�Ml�ffllly 1l�1f1�.0������rM�11afM�1ldOf� ,
<br /> pL�KMrnw!►d�Mrn�k�.Mf►� tur�ah�Mb�p�dio -
<br /> M��d�r d�n!►���!^Q�r tM NIaM�ar�uc�,�nl►d�NuK t�nundK or Nw�+�MY���
<br /> .o►H anY fatk�a fp�I P�'a��
<br /> �,.�„�„�,c�a an c-wnca o.�wn�+«.w�a«
<br /> - �.rw��.�r��" �n�so,�a.u.tlo�.��«,�oe��"+o"- -
<br /> • �pmn�wydM�tcheW�i�Nlf+��L��sinMnatiqibiP►opMh��► dp��wfNdFTiuMorl�
<br /> �q andwi�Mlt,t naMC�b ar d�nd upon Truslot a�d Mitl�outr�f�ng Trustot kan+�+Y�•
<br /> �QtNd butf�b do an0 msy�tso do acy►otl�r act it dNms t�cNt�►1�P����y��'�in��--
<br /> .. uPa►dMn�na 1AM.br bSr I�d�.a�r b tena.r al1 coM��m�llf�i on a�in.�nM�a�in tn.Nof�whKh�N b�--
<br /> �n..�o.ccw�r�a�n.a��a�.+�oweN►
<br /> add�d.b 1M ind�DMdrMrs.ai�wb!�!�'1►_.LM��twdt�not Incw�1,f��11 b�ca�+�d��7A�p��Y do or adt b do
<br /> . =�y���hl�7tuNor a1tW k!�P���h►in ca�p�ia�C�witA ail�ppi w�.�dN��'�-- �
<br /> nt�tln�1v industrW t�ypi��a anvironm�nW P������to her�in as"Erwtra�xnwMM tawa"l.Trwlor sNaM
<br /> icMpth�Pra�eRY.iresirom alt w T6pances d��ac►an�s a represe��LerWer tl�at th�sre ro�no Ha:ardous� Ma1e�iW��a
<br /> 1�enin aa"ti��rdous lutawisb'?•
<br /> uadsr ths ProP�h Truslor hereb�l aqraesto indemniyand hold fiumless Lends►.itsd�re�ton.l�iWi�litiss���wilb
<br /> �y�ors b l;sndsrs inferasR irom and s�ainstu►Y and ail cfaims.damaye�. THE FOiiEGO1Fi0
<br /> . q�p��we,Oi�poial oi uan�port ai sny Ha=acdou:Materiats on.uader.irom w about the PropeAf►•
<br /> 10./1�Np��at RMM.Trus�or hsrebY assi�n�W Leode�ths renb.essues and Profib ot�Ae Propert�t:P�ovkwd tt�tTruqor
<br /> aANf.uatlitl�soceunar�ceolanEvsntWCe(aulthareunder hsvethe�httaFOils�andrafairtwet�[en�itaue�and� itll0ut
<br /> b�coms dw ana i�Y��«o�urce�nce�t��Mt�o�a c�ourt arb witlw irepard W�e adequs�l► ibof tscucNY.ufMr
<br /> • txirqirg snY actlon a procesd rq. bf►
<br /> $
<br /> � upon6ndfabpa�sessfonofthsProparty.oranl►O��eof.initsow�name0rinthenameofthsTnrseeaenddoa�Y�s�� ,
<br /> d�emsnaoe�sarY or dssi►abisto_pn�NStt�e vatue.maAcefabitity or rent�"liry o�ths Pra�tY�oratn�P�thereof utUMeresqheceT�:•:
<br /> a the securiry ho�and w�or without taking pas�ess�on ot the PropertY.sue'k+'c�
<br /> �ioreass ttds income there}ran p�o�t -
<br /> p�erwise coltect the rertts,isaues and profits thereoX includlnp thosa Pasi due and unpaiQ.and aDAhf 1�?a���� __-_
<br /> �nses at pppratlon and cotleetian ineluding attorneys'fees.aPon any{ndebteQnesy aecured hereby.a0 in aucb orderas L+ender -
<br /> �y determic�The enterinp upon end taklrts Ro�fion ot tha PropeRy.the coltectton at suct►renb.issues aad p%a�in -
<br /> - appRcation thereof as aforessld shalf aot cu�e or waive arry detault o�noUCe of detauH hereunder or irtvafidate f� Pr��� _
<br /> cespon�eto auch defaultor purauanito ssich notice otQefauttand,notwithstandin�the contlnuanee in pos�essf
<br /> — �colt�cdon�teoeipt and application ot rents.issues or protita,and T�ustee and Lender shall be entiued to exercise everY rf�ht
<br /> � �providsd tor in any otthe Loan instrumenb or by taw upan occurrence of any Event of De s��l+Os c�u�muladve witli+�and in o way i
<br /> W exerciss ths power ot sale.FuRher.Lender's rights an��mediot teases andpen��rded against the Pro�-2$nder�Trustes �
<br /> IimitaUon o�ae fendePs riphfs and�emedies under anY�fl , .
<br />=- - ���shall ba liab�e to accouM oniy for those renb actualiy rece[ved
<br /> ��,E���,p�1,The foliawin�ahatl consdNte an Event of�etault under this Oeed of Tnist
<br /> �a� Fa7;mQ to pay arry instailment o1 pdneipai or fnterest of any other aun►seeoced hereby when duec
<br />.'' (b)A braact�otflrcts�auit under any provision containeclin tha Note.tt►ia Oeed of Tru..�t.arry of the Loan Instruments.or aml
<br /> other lien or encumbrance upon the Property: __
<br /> (c) A writ ot execution or attachmant or any simitar process shatl be entered againstTrustar whicb shall becamea lien on -
<br /> the PropeRy or any poRion thereoi or interest thereM: __
<br /> :Y ��There shan be flieda^c tv�^�ptcy°nsot ency aro he$rel et�or debio sporeihhere sha ube appait�ted any trustee. -
<br /> - staWte.taw a reyulation e 0
<br /> reCMvsr or liquidator ot Trustor or Bonower or of all o�any pan ot the Properhl.or the rents,issues or pro8ts theraof,or ru r
<br /> Or BoROwe►shaii meike any Qeneral assi�nmeM for the benefit ot creditors:
<br /> �e���1°'�an��ij�o�nYOlu�n��ijy�wlthout the e presshwr'itten coosenteot Lender,provided hai T usto�r�shall bs _
<br />:'r� PropertY.eithe►voWnta y
<br /> ti_ permitller!to execute a le8se of the Property that Qoea not contain an option to purchase and the term of which does not exCeed -
<br />.:} ans yeor. ,
<br />"} lQ AbanQonment o1 the Property:or
<br />�.iF (�)NTrustorisnatanindWidual.theissuance,sate,transter,assiynment,enaveyanceorencumbranceotmorothans
<br />.� percaM ot
<br /> percent ot(it a corpo�aUon)lts iuued and outstanding stock or f�i a partnership)a total ot_--
<br />�q• p�Mership interesq during the perlod this Deed of Trust remains a tien on the p�oDenY� .
<br /> _ �Z R��;��n�oon pMauN.in the event ot any Event ot Gefault Lender may.w���tn cU�c'eom�and PaY�
<br />';,.� Itw.declara sll indehtedness�ureA hereby to be due and Dayable an0lhe same shalt thereupo
<br /> without any prefsnbnenL demand,protest or no t ice o f a n y k in d.Thereatter Lendes+*aY -
<br />. " � (a) Demand triat Trustt�^x°•='°°'-!'!'aAWER OP SALE 9rant9d herein.and Trustee ahail thereatbev ca�u�e Ttua�s.
<br /> T s�LL�----
<br /> •s,'• interest in the Properry to be aotd and the proceeds to be dlatributed,a0 in t�e marmer pravn�ac+K��e�.^- ' ,Y
<br />, `� , Act
<br />-.-�, {b)Exerciss any and all rights p�ovided tor in any of the Loan Instruments or by taw upon occurrence o1 any Evatt ot
<br /> � pefaui�and lnt a►ecelver,or speciticatly anf�orce eny ot tfie
<br /> - (c)Commenceanactiontotoroctosethis0eedolTrustasamoRgage.appo
<br /> eove�ents hersot.
<br /> No remedy herein contened upon or reserved to Trustee or Lenaer is intended to be exctusive a}any other remedy heroin.in en
<br /> taan Instruments or ny��aw�Pmo�nde�d�now omhe�atter exist ng at law or u quiry or by statute,ani0 may bee ercihsad co currontty,
<br /> . hereunder.in ths Lo
<br /> � independeettY or successivety. int a
<br /> 13�r p��su�s tute T1 uatee.Trustee sha 1 not be aliteto any paAy,n ua ng without IAimitatian LenderwBor�owera.T stor or a�y
<br /> : ;: successo
<br />-_-_ purcha�'o^n�'itl��h the e forcement o9 his Ogeed of Trustku tes�ndem�Aed.in w�t�ng,orf atl co�t�e compensat cn o
<br /> acUon i udietal or
<br /> . - expenses whicb may be associated therewith.ln addition,T�uatee may become a purchaser at any�ate ol the PropeAy U
<br /> - under the power of sala granted hereln):postpone the sate ot a11 or any portlon o1 the P►operty.as Provided by taw;or seli the
<br /> propeAy as a whole.cr in separate O�cels or lots at Trustee's diseietion. �
<br /> �q,F���xpMNt.In the event Trustes setis the Properly by exercisa et power o1 sate,Tiustee shall he enUUed to appty
<br /> • �ny sab procaeda lirst to payment o!a0 co�t�anC�penses of exercising ab e a+r.�t�e ev�ent�8onawe or T u�t�or exercise�any
<br /> �� and Trustee s attomey'9 fees.actuallY incurred to extent permitted by app
<br /> �qht prpvlQld by taw to eure an Event of Oe(au1L Lender shall be entitled t�reeover ltom Trustor all cos19 and expenaes aetually
<br /> � incuned as a resuN o1 Trustor'�default ineluding without iimitation ail Trusteds and attorney's tees.to the extent psrmitted by
<br /> _ _ app�ieabte 1ew. .
<br /> 15.�uWn AdranaN.UDo���tuest at 8orrower.tender ss�aY,at its oA�art.rt+ake addltinnat gnd futuce 8dvbncas and re-
<br /> " advancesto�orrower. thelnd aeane�sec�tledbymi�eeedof�s+,�o�"c�a+g��saaY ced op otectthesecurltko�tth� .
<br /> theprincipalemountot �Z,000.00.Whichever i�greater.
<br /> peed o1 Truaf,exceed 1he orlginat principal emouM stated herein.nr 5
<br /> -,;
<br />