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<br /> n �'_7 ��y ���OIO�y�� �"�T�� ��.����,.i!._ F�`:
<br /> . ,,,d�e�a�e.eratly nr aQe w dre lrepe�sy y.+ntt.0 da1m.wa a�oas,wbjaot w mry aia�raaoes or,ecor�. '
<br /> � TNL4�E3C'U1R!'I'Y.INSTRUMBJVT oo�bir�unitann oov�ei��fa. qWorW+w�od nou-unitorm oovw�at��ili N�iMi ,_
<br /> vari�rioo�by,juuirdl�tioa ie oon�ihMe�unibrra��eacity i�ttuaiemt oowei�y nd p�+ope�ty. . .. :
<br /> UHtfiORM COVRN'Mt�9.Horf+caer ud t.arf�+r ooveorol nrl u�too iw fc�lluwa: �'.
<br /> 1. Fqw�wt a�hi�1�M1 a�i l�wti Ria�,��at i�d Lae Ciw��a. Borcw►� th�U P�►PUY P�Y '�'�!�►dw dr;,
<br /> Pdacip�[o�f and intem�t on tba debt evldeocaa by tbe Nole u��+nY.P�P�Y�iud late�ge�due under thie IVote,,.:.:,. .... �
<br /> 3. l�Y�d�tor Tax�s aod I�wQa�oe.Subje�ct to�pplia�ble law or w a wrUten waiver by Lcndor.Horrnw�et�'���pq W,` ::�•
<br /> I,ende�on�be dry motNhlY W►Ymakt sre due under tbe Na1e�uati!tha Nate ii paid ln ftttl,t wm("Fw�d�")for.(�),�(d�ely t�pA�_`. '�`.�_.�.
<br /> aod�c�cw�w+ur whlct�n�wy attAin pil�rlty ov�r thi�Sr�curiry inunu►��t Yr w lleu uu tiio FropectY:(b)3naw'I�Iew�ela�ti.PAY�4.:,,.��.:��,
<br /> or�raand rcn4s aa d�o Prope�tY.if Anq�(c)YeulY f�uard or pnoperty jnru[�unoe prcmlums�(d)Year1Y d�bal Gawnqhco�ume. ��•� :i
<br /> if ury:(e)Year1Y mort8�e inwranoe praNurtn. lf�ay�and<fl+�Y�WYable by Borrowar to�.in�aat�c�o wlth . .
<br /> die provialaw of pttagniph 8. in lieu of the pRyment of mottgaga iasur�noa premium�.Ttiese itcm�aro qUed"Brc7ow Iteau."
<br /> L�endcr m�y. at�ny timo. callxt u►d hald Fuade in an amount not to axceod tha maxlmqtil,aa�puat s londer for a fabr�lly,..'•' �„
<br /> nelated mortg�ge ioan awy roquttre for Barrowu's eacrow oocamt under the foderal Rcal Eaata Sctt�exnintt Proadum Act of: '. .
<br /> 1974 a ynendod fiqm cime to time� 12 U.S.C.Saxion 2601 er ssq. ("ItESPA"). unkss�noU�er ipw�3#wt applie�ta tho�un�ls . : ;.
<br /> �s 1�ka�e!'t�anou�t. If�o.i,r,ader may. at�ny time. ooilact r�nd hald Fw�di In su�anaunt not to bot�edd thn t�s0�wnau�u. :.
<br /> L,ender tpay aNmAtc the nnwmrc of Funda due on the buis dP ru�rent dwa u�d�sonabk attmates oP�penditt�reg of fluque
<br /> B�cmw Itmn�or otl�rwise in a000rdancx with appiic�bfe IAw. • � .
<br /> 'lUe Funds shpU�be held in on institution whose dep�sifs aro insured by A fodeN agenc,y. insqwnentallty��.or enti�r •�I,
<br /> (including Leadu.iT Lender is such nn lr�stitution)or in any F�deral Home Lo�n Banic.L�ender slull apply thes FWadc tq pa�Y We • '
<br /> Eacrpw Items. Lender may not charge Borrowar for holding and applying the Funds.ann�ally analyzing the escrow acCOUM,or
<br /> ver�$ring tha Escrow Items.unless iqnder pays Borrower jntenu on the Funds and applicable law pet�pita i.endar to�iake wci�
<br /> a�e. However.Lender may requi�Borrower to pay a or�time chuge for nn independent r+ad e'state wc repnrdqg�ervEce
<br /> wced by LeiWer in connecdon wlth thia loan, unless epplicable low provldes otherwise. Unless an a$neement i� roade or
<br /> y�plicable law requirc�intercst w be paid.Lender shall not be rcquired w pay Borrower any inte�or eaming�on tbe Funda.
<br /> Borrower uid l.ender may agree in wdting,however� that iatenst ahall be paid on the Funds. Lcnder sfwll givc to Hormwer.
<br /> without chrrge. an annu�l accauming of the Funda,showing erodits and debits to the Fwids w�d the purpose fos whlch arb
<br /> debit to the Funda was mAde.The Funds arc pledged as Addidanal secuNty for WI aums secured by thla Security Instruroent.
<br /> If the Funds hold by L,ender exceed the s►mounts permitted to be hdd by epplicable law.I.ender shall accoum to Borrower �
<br /> for tin excess Funda in nccordnnce with the requirements oP applicable law. If tho amount af the Funds held by L,ender at eay
<br /> lime is not sufficient to pay Ihe Escrow Items when duo,i.ender may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in suoh sase,Horrower
<br /> shall ppy a�L.ender the amount naxssary to make up the deficiency. Borrower slwll meke up the deSckaicy in no m�re thpn
<br /> twelve monthly paymente.at L.ender's sole discretion.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Securiry Instrument, Lxnder shall promptly refund to Bomower any
<br /> Funds hsld by I.ender.If,under paragraph 21. Lender shall ecquire or sell tha Property. Lender.prior to the acquisidon or sale
<br /> of tho Property.shall apply any Funds held by l.endor at the time of aoquieition or sak as o credit ageinst the cums securod by
<br /> thic Security Insnument.
<br /> 3.AppUcaUon of Payments.Unlcsa applicable law provides otherwise.ali payments received by Lender under.pnragraphs
<br /> 1 and 2 ahall be applied: first. ta any prepuyment churges dua under the Note; second,to amounts payable under paragraph 2;
<br /> thit+d,to interest due: ioutih,to principal due;and lawt,to eny late charge�due unde�1he Note.
<br /> 4.Chorges;Liens. Borrower shall pAy all taxea. assessments,churges,fines und impositions auributeble to the Property
<br /> whieh may attain priority over this Security Instrument, and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any. Horrower shall pay
<br /> these o6ligations in the manner pravided in paragn�ph 2,or if not paid in lhat mranner,Bc�rrower shall pay them on time clirectly
<br /> to the person awed puyment.Borrower shall promptly furnish to L.ender all notices of emounts to be paid under this parugraph.
<br /> If Borrower makes these payments directly.Horrower shull puimptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> Borrower shall prompNy discharge uny lien which has prioriry nver this Security Instmment unless Borrawer: (a)agrees in --
<br /> writing to the payment of the obligation secured by Ihe lien in a manner uccepleble to Lendcr;�b)contests in goad faith the lien —
<br /> by. ar deiends against enforcement uf the lien in, legal praceedings which in the LenJer's opiniun operate to prevent the
<br /> enforcement of the lien:or(c) securcs from the holder of�he lien an ugreemen� sa�isfuctory a�I.ender subordinatins the lien to
<br /> tliis Security ins�rument. If Lender detero�ines thut•rny part of the Pr��peny is subject ta a lien which may rttuin priority over _
<br /> this Security Instrument, Lendcr muy givc&irrowcr a n�nicc identifying thr licn,&�rrovvcr shall satistiy the licn ar take one or
<br /> more of the actions set forth above within 10 duys of the giving of notica
<br />