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<br /> - — --- - — ° - - -- �—s;�� - �i�arrt.�s� �Y�.wriid���!
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<br /> - asa�aa..a+oroe�oRUna.Fw.a.aaTru.ct�c�udin � ii�wa +�._.. _ey�iiai�.w:�y�owe .��
<br /> . ..lql M'[hrM wiloiR airy judicW{Ma�oNdb�TruMo►npt� Mfd: � wM.�o��
<br /> TUUMoc b�for����Non d�t�d d ttuM. .<,�
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<br /> __ _- - - -- _ . Nti IS. � �. , `
<br /> , , D. rt,rMor ` ,
<br /> , .: -. . � _
<br /> -- - - DEED 17F TR11ST�ffl�F!J'f�JNE ADl%%11rFiC� -= — -`--"-----_-=---- -
<br /> , TMs o�oF��s m�a.a�,. �, e.sc�r � � �ost . . . . .�:,'��.grr+a.n�o� �
<br /> t�7�. � � T ` Nffa and HnebeEd �ct► in hie= �ight
<br /> aqd as apot=st 512 .7damoa�Plaoe� Gc'and Ie1a�ldr I�t 6880�3 -�` '., �
<br /> wlaw rrl�ililq iddeas b (Mntn"rtu�lOr."rrtl�M�r onR 8r:mo[yr
<br /> 1fNTn�� � °if�'�',� 8an1�. 11 CoCnOeatiCR - .
<br /> wtaMm�Nq,aad�'ws is , P.Q. Bcrz 1507..ctarxl �eland. IB .68802 � �t,�,•in,�ar�;ai�<,. .
<br /> . ���y,, Lriv�s Pbir�is Smnkr ]1 Iiebcaeka OO�cpotatiCa ' , .
<br /> - �������s o n o..r �r,�. Gca[�d Is2an8. i� 68802 putNn°I.snes"�., ,
<br /> EOR VAUlA81.E CONSIDERRTION,incko�r.�Lenders axtenston of crodit iden6lied herstn to b�le l� C�oodvs�'ar��
<br /> , • • � `
<br /> _ - ,..:�
<br /> , Jaw�e D Gooc�tin, Wf fe & 8uaba��� (hereln"Borrorira�'.whetl�er ons or moro)aad ths t�uqt t�caci o�fe�`. � -
<br /> ths recstpt d whkh is hereb!►acknowlscqs�.��vator heteby irrevocably yrants,transfe�a.conveys and aftip�s to'fru��. .:.
<br /> . TRU9T.YYITHPOWEROFSALE,tor�abanelitr�ridsecudtyofL�nder.underandsubjecttothetermsandcondi�or�sheneina(le`set •'.
<br /> �iprth.ths[Ml pc+OpM1y.dNCribed as foltowx� ' � - ' '
<br /> �,., . , . •
<br /> �ot 276. iieatla�r► 9ubdivfsicn to tt�e City cf (�and Isla�. Hall Oo�tY. Nebtad�: .. .�•�
<br /> �oyMt�wilh sll buildinps,improverr�arsea:�atiurea.atreeb.alteys.paua�eways.essements.�iyt�t�i��aPP�►b-"
<br /> �Iocate0lherson or in anywise pertaininp thereta,and Me rents,issues and profita,reversions at►ilYemainde[s�tftereof,artd
<br /> �ard�f psrsonal properry that is atlachad W Me improvemeMs so asto conatitutn a Axtu%includinQ,but not limited W,�heAtl�and
<br /> � cooilrp equipmenfi and bpether with the homeatsad or marltal ioterests,itany,which intereatsere hereby releesed an�wafved;a!1
<br /> ot whbh.lactudinp rsplaceme�ris and additions thereto,is hereby Qeclared to be a part ot the reat estate seaured by ths Iten of this
<br /> ONd M Trulit and all ol ths forpolnp 6etn�referted to heretn as tha"Property".
<br /> Thb Osrd of T�at sMll s�cure{a)the paymsnt of tha prtncipsl sum and interest evldence0 by s promissory nob ar credit
<br /> praanent d�Ma �•,�,"'�- ������1 :hnvinp a mawrlty dats of �Ro�v�n�bes 5. 1991 � -
<br /> in the orl�inat pdncipal artwunt�� 3,�`� .a..*�anY and all modi�catlona.extemions�nd rsnewals
<br /> th�r�ol or 1Mreto and any and a�c 14�:re adt��t-ces aed readvances tc Sa�rawer(or any ot them if more U�an one)hereund�r
<br /> pnrswM to one or more promisfory rrbks br credit a9reemenb(herein caK��"NOts'�:(b)the.payment of other sums aQvsnced by •
<br /> L�+�e►to proMctthe�ecurHyr at4vttvcae;(c)the performance of all covenanfs aed apreements ot Trustor aet torth heroiR•and(�a11
<br /> pr�lrst�nd hAurs indebadn�sar�obllqaHons of Borrower{o►arty ot thsm it more than one)to LsnMr whether�irtdir�
<br /> �b�ciM or contln�M and wt+�1lser arlsinp by�ots,Suaranfy,G�verCratt o►otherwl�e Ths Nok,thi�Deed of Trust an��ny and all
<br /> '�rdocuaNSthatNCUrtt1NT�YOteorotherwiaeexecutedinconneetlonlherewith.incfudingwlthoutlimitaUOn�uarantees,sacurity
<br /> �nNnf�and ts�nmenb ol le��and reMS.shal�bs reterred to hereln aa the"Losn Innruments'.
<br /> � Truslor cov�naMS aod s�r�es witA�enQer es fotfow�:
<br /> ��.Pay�N ot 1�N1�6bdRws;:AU Indebtedness secured'hareby ahalt be paid when due. �
<br /> 2 TI�Trust�r Is fhs o�rrter cf the PropeRy.has the right and authorlty to convey the PropeRy,and wanants that the Ilen
<br /> -- - --criiMd hereby Is a tlrat and prin�Ueo on the PropeRy.eiccePi foi Tiens and-encui�l�E63 sei toRn�y 7tustorm wrttmp-arr� _
<br /> dNive►b to{.�nder befors exew".ron o1<hia Oaed o1 T►ust,and the execut'An and detiv�ry af thls Oeed ot Trust does not viotate any
<br /> ccnbact a Wher oblipfflon to whlch Trustor is subject . ,
<br /> 9.Ts�,A�nb.To pay betore delinquency a�;:�gs.speciaf assessments and all other chargas ayalnst the Property .. _
<br /> ttow.or here�ller tevied. ' -
<br /> 4,MM�r�ne�.Toksspthst�'r�pertyi�suredagainst�rasqabytire.hazardaincludedwHhintheterm"extendedcoverape'.'.and
<br /> yudi oTher hazar�b as Lender inrr;require,in amounts ana��u1lh campenies acceptable to tender,namin�Lender as anadditbnai �
<br /> nan�d inwrad,with toss psyalsk to the Lender.In caae o1 foss under aueh paticles,the Lende�is authorizad to adjust coltect and
<br /> cqnpromia�,a11 ctalms ihereunder and ahalt have the optlon o1 applying all ar paR dthe Insurance proetle►ds UI to any ind�beedness -
<br /> s�cund h�raby and In auch order as Lender may determine,(ii)to tne Trusto►to be used for the►epalr or restoratlen M 1he Prop�ry _
<br /> wpii)toranyotl�arpurpossoroDjectaaUSfactorytolenderwifhoufaHectingthefienofthis0eedolT�ustforthetultamountsecuad �
<br /> h�rr�Dy bebre aueb payment eve►took ptace.Any application ot proceed�to Indebtedn!!s�ahaU aot extand or p0llpone the due
<br /> �ot any payn�enb ur�r ths NoM or curs any defauN thenunQer or hereunder. `
<br /> 9. Eunw Upon w�itlrn Mrnand by Lander.Trustor ehall pay to I.ende►,in such manner es Lender may d�aiynats,sufHeiaM -
<br /> wn�sb�r6lr L�top�yastl�y b�eoma dwon�or rtwr�ot thetoltow�na(i)all taxe�asws.srrNnb and other char�esa�inat
<br /> ths Propay.(8�ths premiums an the property insuranCe required heraunder,and(iii)the premlums an any mortqape insursnce
<br /> rpulrad by Lender.
<br /> g r�Y�Y�na,ppNe�and CpinpYMk�w1Y�L�wa.Trustor ahall keep the PropeRy in good eonditlon and repalr.shall
<br /> prortlpUy pp�N.a qplacs any lmp►owm�nt which may bs Euna�d or dntroyed:sh�ll nat comrnit or permit�ny wasM or
<br /> Q�Mtlpratlpn of th�Ptopait�.ehalt a0t rlmOV�Qemol��h or eu6�tanUalty alfe�any of the improvements on ths PropsAy,shall no/
<br /> cpmnit sutNr ar permitany act to be doner tn or uptsn the Property�n v�ofaUon of arsy taw.ord�nance,o�re�utaUom,and sha�l pay and
<br /> prcwnpry e�ehar�n 1'iu�tor'a eo�t and exp�n�au Ikn�,encumbpnces and cMt�e!Ilwl�d,impoaad or esft!!�d a�iMl 1M
<br /> Prcputy ar�nY prt tl1ra0L
<br /> ._ ?:#�i�u+��a�,t�ndoria#ssro�i�sstyncdalfcos�sp�seltCt�atYatQ�.ilama�aaQnittet��ymenta0r�e�bt(l+eceini�het _
<br /> °PraeNds"�tn c�nn�CtlanwHh eond�mnaHon a atha�takin�ofthe P�operty or paAthereof,ortor canwyaneain 1iw of eond�mna-
<br /> ypa.{,�ndu�ISt11 br antil[ed at ib opNOn to ecmrtiane�.appNr In aed proleeuts in its own name any aC�On or praC�ldinps.and
<br /> ahall aiso b��nHUaO to make any temprortHS�ar s�ftl�rnn!in eoanetnan with sucb tek�r�a damape tn the aw�H sny poNOn o!
<br /> • �
<br /> �ean��raw�r�oir_. _..--- - - - - _.. . . _ - -- - _ �
<br /> O 11Mwr..rY��r...rrTn.ws.enwM.ere�unwY�llrr.r. �
<br />