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<br /> --,i . ..` «. - -- ---- - - - -- -- - ---= _ --- -__ — .. ..
<br /> _.� -. �_-_ � t � . ' . f� � , _ . . -. g�=.. Y051�� . � � �-
<br /> -- -= .._ . . .-- -.-� -- �.. --- ----- - - -
<br /> �M f�+oarh N.so tioMi�r dMn��Lrid�r N�!��apiFclb in 11��ON and s6�oMi�diKxwon.b�ply a�M�d►liooMidil.
<br /> , .11Ra.auelino+h�Ito�wooMS«d.xv�e�wb,cun.abyxirtoo��ilnaua�Pre�«d�.upa++nrt�id�[+Mdi�sa�wd ,
<br /> - ' 11M�and�f1�11Ch 0/QM a�tlr�dN IIMy dM�Clnif�R or 1�spply NI audl P10oNd1G alhr!(ICh�d1�1ii1R b�If rM1oQ�/oROI�It
<br /> '---�4��:��W��T�:.._w.....tWnwte�Vwieeli�lend- -- M_MNf10t�%Mf1�0[p0�011i-
<br /> � � -��^q�_--�-------^--------- _:-�-�,......�-�:--rr.----- --�----- � - �
<br /> -
<br /> in.a,.�awa.n�►aaym.ne.w+aK�n.r�oreu�..m►a.au�u�««,na�ro►�.r«,na.r�N+s►u�w�vwa�a�•�� —�• —
<br /> , � Trwai.� . ,
<br /> • �./w�wwMO.hr�upon 1h.occu�nna.a ad Ev�nc a o.faulRh�r.undu.ar Hury.ct is wnn ar Np�l p�aa.di��p,
<br /> � con�wydwMcAnwMriaN�►a1N4HaL�idK's(nMnNttnlh�Rrop�tY.l:�r�nNfttnitsamdi�lcnMort.butwNlw�xabM�Wonbdo
<br /> s0.ana wNho��tnolio�io or.d�e�nd upnn Trtwlo�and witlwut rNMMrq Trialorirom an�►-oblgatbn.dP+�+li act rihich TruMOr t�r �
<br /> aOrMd but t�ik p do and my►at�o do ury olh�r act R d�ns r�c�rff 10 0����xiy twr�oi Tru�br���di�i�l)
<br /> up o n d�nMnd INNrior g►LMbM.P�Y 1D L�nd�r aq aa�and s�p�naK inctxs�s�and suns�QY l+K�in eonrNCMon wNA
<br /> 1h��a�rci�6�►L��drro/�tonsoire�►i�h�'�.to�NtN►witt inMrMHhn'�onutlNed�fwkra4P�inMuNal�.�rhicAahdl bt
<br /> �. add�d b ih�ind�bbdrNts s�cu�d 1��.Lw�d�►ahW not incur�ny li�6ility bscaus�W anylhin�It may dn a o�t�it b db •
<br /> - fMrMxldK. ,'
<br /> �,liteardor!WIli1�M.Tr4�►��P����!►In�rt�lt�r�c�wilh all appNcabis law�.oN'in�nas and ra�uMYo�M.
<br /> - nlMirg b h�dwb'1tl t�ypi�N e�t Nwironml�IW pr+oretiart�coihcWNlt rM�r►sd btierairt i��'F_rwkatur�ntat f�ws�3�Stnata�tlralt - -
<br /> � IcNptn.P�op�rt�rk..iranww6k.nc.so.«n.atab.h.sa�dousor�Yicandar.m►Envi�o�xri�WL.w,c�hl�b�
<br /> hKrkr as"H�zardow IIAN�rid�"}.Tru�ior hK�bf►wuranb and roprs�ntst�UndK tl�ttMra ua no Huardou�i�Aa�ri�b on a
<br /> unautn.Proput�r.Tnafo.h�nbfrw�arneannirya�naanarmNsst�nt�.iesarectors.otBc«..amotoye�sandaa.�w�`.nd `
<br /> •rty aua�ors ta Nnd�r�s tnlw'Mt tron►and ap�iiatanf►snd all claim�.d�ma�losfss andliabili8es srla�q in canr�cYan wir►
<br /> ' �hs pr�r�c�,ip�s,di�posd or AansppR of�ny Ft�sardous Mstet(afs oe.under.trom or abou!1lts Prop�ry.TNE FOREGOM�3
<br /> �-10.A�I�ww�t d IIMM�.Trupor herablt sssisnsto Le�bertbe t�..i�sues anQ profits of tqe Ptoperty:Prcrfded tlat Truslor
<br /> �tiall.unW+n.ocwrr«�a.o Evrneaaraulchenund.►,navame rlp�t�aacabctana�ainauch ranb.aawsana vrafAS.sth.�r
<br /> ` b�Cans dus and paya0lt.UP�1M occun�nce c!f an Ewet of Dafael�Ls��dar msy.atMr in person dr by ap�nt witll ar wilhotR
<br /> bdrpi�p sny�lcfio�or pnG�rq.or bY�rocNw►�ppolnl�d bY a cauR srn0 witl�out rssud b tAs adequacy of i4 aN�riyf•a[H�►
<br /> • uponandWc�Po�tondihePrap�rty.aanf►D�1hK�of.inibownnartKwinlhsnameMtl�sTnaMs.anddo�nysc4whichk
<br /> . �nstMCa�ryo►dMir�bMf�prM�rMStflswlus:mulcd�bility4rsenW�iliy/diMProPeA�►.c►ar►y►P�1llece0tor(�1erMtlhanin,.
<br /> ' IrwTeas tAs incortN lhersfram c►pronct the ascurih horoof arid.whA or,without takinp poss�sston ot tAe PropeAY.su�for or
<br /> olherwhs colNct tN�renb.i�wes an0 profib thareo�includins thoae Past dus and unpaid and appt�the sar�te�s coqs an0
<br /> � �pe�s�sdopaationandcoll�ciioc�inctudinpattomeYsfaas.uPenaaYindeboodrtessaecu[edAeret}�,:allinyuchordsraslanda .
<br /> - -. = mny delern�iM.The ent�ring upo�i an0 Wcin9 Posseasion W the Property.fhe coifectlon at suciti rern��€ssues and praflts and fhs
<br /> •pplicadon the(eot s ataeaid.shail not cure or waivs any,d�etauit a nodce of defbutt heieunder or rrtvandats arry act don�in
<br /> . seaponfeWauchdefauitarpursu�nttoauchnodceotdefa�aadnotwithalsnQin�thecontinuenceinpossessionofthaProp�Rya
<br /> . t�e colbctia►.receipt and eppticadon ot ranb,iswes or Qroi�,and Trustea end Lender shall be entittad to exercise svay�ht
<br /> . p�oviaed 1or ip anY of the Lwn Insbuments or by Iaw upon oc�urcence of any Event of OefauiG includtng without IimitiWon ths ri�ht
<br /> �b sxsrci�s the power of aats.FuAher.Lender's�Iphts and tsm9dles under this para�►aph ahali be cucm�stlivs with.and in no way•
<br /> Wniistlon on.L�a�er's�he�and rertiadissunderanysssl�nmaentof ketesandrents reCOr¢�egafn#�+aPrapeAy.Lendsr.TrusMs
<br /> �nd ths rac�ive►shatt be liable to account onl`y for those recib aetually�eceived. �. •
<br /> 11.Erw�d O�Mi.IIie;fullowitp ahall constilute#n Event of OMauit under W��lb�ed af Tnut
<br /> (a) Fai�uro fo pay snY�iiqm��ment of principal a(nterest W any oMer aum aecugd hereby when due:
<br /> (b)Abreacho(ordelaultunderanyprovisioncontainedinlheNob,this0eedolTrusLangoltheLoaninsbvmants�orany
<br /> ather lisn a encumbrancs upon the Property:
<br /> � (c}A writ of exacuflon or attachment or any aimilar process ahall 6e entered ayainst Trustor whicb ahail hecame a lien on
<br /> ; :Ihs praperty or aay poNon thereof or interest therein;
<br /> -- ' (�There ahat!be flte�1 by or a�ainst Trustor or-Bamower en action under any present or tuture tederal,state or o�he►
<br /> st�Me,law or re�utatlon mtatlnp to 6ankruptcy,insaCrer.cy�or other rafiet for debto�or there shall be appointed any trustea -
<br /> � receirer or liquidator of TrusW�or Borrower or o1 all or anypart ot the Properly,o►the rena,issues or profl�fhefeof.w Trustor
<br /> or Borrcwer sh�ll make arry qeneral assiynment tor the benetlt of car6ai'orx -
<br /> (s)Ths ssb,transier.leess.aasi�nmenL comreyranca or fuM�r��rumbra�ce of aIF or any part of or arry interest in ths
<br /> properry,eiq�er votunt�diy a invotumarily.without the expresa wrinen consent al.lender,provldsd that Trwtor ahall b� _
<br /> - permit00d to execute a tease af Me Property that aoes not confain an optlon to purch�..�e and the term ot which aoes not exce�0 =
<br /> ons y�er, : ,
<br /> - (�AWadonment of the Property;or � ' � _
<br /> � (�) HTrusb►isnotanindividual.theissuance,sate.transter.aasi9nment,corneyanceorenaurrb�anceofinerethanatoW -
<br /> of�Q.4.percent of(it a sorporaUOnj ib iasued�Q,out�tandtn�stock or pf a partnership�a total of pereent M -
<br /> . ,psrenerahip iMeresb durir���the perlod this dsed ct Tnr;si remains a lien on the P.rqDerty.
<br /> � ._ ,7p,11��dNs;Aee�MraYoe IJpon Od�ulf.In ths eNenta�i�ny EveM of Oefault Lend$rsnay,without noUcs except aa�iequired by
<br /> 'i�,dectus ail indabtedness sacured hereby to be due�nd payabk ac�ths same shall thereupon Eecoms Aue and payabl� _
<br /> wflfwut any prqe��trt�ent demand,proteat or nodce oi any kind.Thereafe�r,Lender may: =
<br /> (a) Qemand thst Trostes exerci�e ihe POYYER OF SALE grenitE��erein,and Trustee shatl thereaRar causs Tiustoe'a
<br /> intsrest itt'�r�Property to be sotd and the prxeeds to be distributed.et��n tne manner provided in ihe Nebresiw TruslOsaQs '
<br /> . _,..�. � -- '
<br /> � (b) Exercise any an�a11 rights provlded tor in any of the Loan Inshuments cr by law upon occurrence o1 any Event ot
<br /> _ �. OefsulC and _
<br /> (ej Cemmence an aCtion to forectose this Deed ot Trwt as a mortgage.arCCirt a receiver,oropeciticaliy entorce any o}t�s ,
<br /> = Covenart29'ti6-eof. • ' � ' _
<br /> = Np ramedy he,r�i�►coniened,upon or�eserved to Trustee or Lender is inter.d�d ca be exclusive of any ather remedy h4tmin;irs ttse;
<br /> -�= t:ra�,��tnstrurrs�rnls Or by taw p�ovided or permltted.but eaah sha0 be cumd�ai�•re.5t*.at��etrs aCdiBon ta every other ra�edy gtv�
<br /> t�<s:i�er,in the Loan lestruments o�now or heraaiter exiating ettaw or In equiry crCy:�'ute,and may bo exere��ooneunentqr.
<br /> ,r_�pandenslypr suecesstve�y.
<br /> 43.TpMM.The T�ustes may raai�e�t eny tims without ceuse and'ker.de►�ms�r at any tlme Qnd without caws appolM a
<br /> = wcc4stocor�utaTrustas.Tru�iessh�If�notbeHabtetoanyparty.in�'(adir.gwlthoullimitallonLer:derlBorrowar.Trustororany
<br /> purchasaro���Proparty.faranylOSlordamageunlessduetorecktessarWNttulmisconduct,andshallnutberequiredtotakeany .` ;
<br /> ' a�tion in eonnecUon with tha enforcement of thls Deed ot Trust uNess indemnifted.in writing,tor atl cosb.compenaadon o�
<br /> - expen�as whkh mty b�astociated therewlth.tn addlUon.�Irustee may aecome n purdhttser at any sate of ths Prop�ty(judiciat w
<br /> _ unds�1M pow�ot�afs gunted herelnr poatpons the�11e of all or a�y powon of it�e;P�oparty.as provlde0 by law;or aall ths
<br /> �� prop�ry af s Whots,p�in sepsrate parcets or fob at Trustee's diserMior►.' � �
<br /> _--�- 14.fw�and E�.ln the eveM Trustee sefls the Property by exerci�e oi power ot eate,Trustee shaU be aMitlad to appty
<br /> '=� arty sat�precwds flrst to p�yment of all costs and expensas of exerclsing power of sate,includinq a!1 Trusteda tees.and Lender's
<br /> ��= an0 TrusNe's aMUrne�s laas aetwlty incurnd to extent permltted by epptieabte law.ln the ment Boaower or Trustor exerciaea any
<br /> -- rght proviQsd by taw to curs an Event ot OMauI�Lenaar shalf be entfNed to�eeover from Trostar all cosb and expM��s actwlly
<br /> incurred as a rasuM of Trustor's defaulk inetuding wlthouf limifatlon atf Trustee's and attorneyb tee�.to the ex�ent permiltsd by
<br /> - �pplteibt�taw
<br /> - 15 fWiw Adwna�.Upon request of Borrower.Lender msy.at iv option,make addiUOnat and tuturs advanees and re-
<br /> adean�ato Baaawer.SuChadvane�and reidvanees.with intarestlhereon.�hall beaeeured bythi�OaedMYrwt AtnoUnlesh�tl
<br /> � - 4flp14tfCipai=matmtattha re�fbytfri�rt�r,�8af'itU9f.s�ot{ncfadin�surnaadvaacediapsa�ee!lasaixus�o!!!us -- . -
<br /> �� ONd ol Tnq1,exceed 1he ari�insl Rrincipal amouM atatad hereln.or��§�gAg whiche�er i�graat�r. �
<br /> s •
<br /> __ �_ . . . _ . . �. , . - -
<br /> . . _ . -
<br />