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- .; __—"- .- .. . <br /> _� - � <br /> _..; .:.tW.�:.�7-;�� : , _ . , _. .; ---.� <br /> --.6.rLri6cu#61 � ``-�.- <br /> ,�c. • .. <br /> � ,93- sose�s - <br /> '1'OOLTIiBR W1TH a!!the imprwemeat�now or ha+e�fta croctod on�hc propertY�ud all e�uemcnu.appur�en�nce�. o .- <br /> �rw!ttxwra now a ha�wfler a pct of the prap�ty. A11 repincemenu md addidons sh�li�1�P be coverod by thi�S�cudty <br /> . Iwd+inbnt: All af die taoejoia�i�rotemed to in thl�Sacuriry In�trument u d�"PnoP�Y•" <br /> 13pRROWER CAYFNAN1�ttuu Bortowa is lawfulfy uised ot the WAta haKby comayed�nd tus U�a d�ht to�nnt <br /> w�d caivey thep�nperty�nd th�t the Propesy ls w►encumbered.except tor encumM�r�cea of rocord. Bormwer wart�ntf�ad <br /> wW deknd�emerdiy tbe title w Ihe Ptoperty�atnu�ll cldms�nd demands.subJact to any encumlxances of recard. � <br /> 'Ri[S SBCURTCY CNSTRUMBIVT combines uniform cavexuna for nWaul u�o and non•unifam covenmt� wUb <br /> lia�ited rw�iations by juti�dictbn w cw�ctttuto a unlfoRn ceeurl�ty inattument coverinQ real property. <br /> UN(FpRM COVSNANT3. Botrower�nd l.ender covenaat and�grx ae folbw�: <br /> 1. P�yma�t o�Pri�dpd�od Istae�ti Pr�W9n�t�ad Lue Clu�rQa. Barrower ahall P�'omP��Y P�Y wha�due!he <br /> pritroipwl af pnd intm+est on the debt avidau.ed by�iie Nate uid�nY propayment and Iwto chuges duo w�der the Note. <br /> Z. Fbads tor'i�es�nd lowraaoa Subject ta Applicable law or to a wrltten w�ver by I..cndar.BoROwer dwll pay to <br /> L,ender on.tho day memthlY p�ymentc aro duo under tha Noro.until the Noto is paid in fi�ll.a sum f"E§u►ds")for:(A)Y�Y <br /> . ---� wxec and.asscssmcnts whfch muy attain priotity over ddc Sww'Ity [nsuvment ss A Ilen on tha Prope�ty;(b)Yearly le�sehold <br /> paymenta or g�ouod rcata on Iha Property. If any� (a) Yearly hwurd or Propert!' in�umnce prcmiuma: (d) Ye�rly flood <br /> insumnca p�miums. if any; (e)Yeuly mohgage Insurance promiums.if any; and(�eny sums pxywble by Borrower w <br /> L�cnda,in accordaace with tho provisians of pAragraph 8.In lieu of�he paymant of motigage insurence premiums. 'll�ese <br /> items ars cdled"F.scrow Items." Lender anY time.colloct and hold Punds in an amount not to exceod tho m�ucimum <br /> amaunt a la�der fot a federally rolated mortgage loan may require for Bomower'�escrow ucount under the federal �Leal <br /> Estat�Settlema�t Procrodut+es Act of 1974 as amended from dme to Nme,12 U.S.C.�2601 et seq.("RESPA").unless�t►otAer <br /> law that epplies to the Funda seta a lesser amaunt. It so.Lender may,at any time.callact and hold Funds i�an amount not to <br /> eacad tha lesser emount. [.ender may estimata the amaunt of Wnds due on tho basis of cument dan and rc�son�ble <br /> e�dmatas of eapenditurea of future�scrow Items or othenvise in accordance with applicable law. <br /> Tha Punds shdl be held in an inetitution whose deposi�s ar+e insured by a federal age�cy.insdumrntality.or entity <br /> (including Lender.if lxnder is auch un insdtution)or in any F�ederal Homc l.oan Bank. L.ender shall apply ihe Flmds to pay <br /> the 6scrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the FLnds.annualty analyzing the escrow <br /> account, or verifying tha Escrow Itemc. unlees l.ender pays Borrower interest o�the Punds and applicAble law permits <br /> 'L.ender to make auch a charge. However,l.ender mayreq uire Borrower to pay a ane-Ume charge for An independent rcal <br /> eatate tax reporting servlce used by L.ender in connection wlth Ihis loan.unless applicablc law provides atharvvlse. Unless an <br /> agreemont ia mede or appliceble law roquires i�tenest to be paid,Lender shall nat be required to pay Bomower any interest or <br /> earniqge on tha Funds. Borrower and Lender may agree in wriQng.however,that interest shall be peid on Ihe�nds. Lender <br /> ahWl give to Borrower.without annual accoundng of the Fl�nds.showing credits ead deblts to the F1nds and the <br /> putpose for which each debit to the Fhnds was made. The Funds are pledged as addiNonal securiry for aU sums secw�ed by <br /> this Secudty Instrument. <br /> Ti ibo Fumi�i�cld by[.ande:axcced the amauats permistcd io be htld by appllcsble law.Lender sttel! acrcwnt to <br /> Borrower far the eacess Fl�nds in Accordance whh the rcquirementa of applicable law. If the amount of the Flmds held by <br /> �._ _ Lender at eny time is not eufticient to pay the Escrow Items when due,L.ender may so notif'y Barruwer in wridng,and,in <br /> such case Botrower ahall pay to l.ender�ho amaunt necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower slu►11 make up the <br /> __ deflciency in no more Ihan twelva monthly payments,at l.ender�s sole discnation. <br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secur�d by�his Securiry Instrument,Lender shall promptly retund to Bomower any <br /> -� ------ 61nds held by Le�r. If,under parngraph 21.Lender shall acqujre or sell the Property,[.ender.prior to the scquisition or <br />--�`°--- sale of the Property. ahnll apply any Fl�nds held by I.ender at the tima of ecquisition or sale as a credit againat the sums <br />------ secured by this Security Inswment. <br />--���-� 3. Applicatian ot P�yments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, all payments nceived by i.ender under <br /> �—�-- paragraphs 1 end 2 ghall be applied: any propayment chorges due undor the Note; amounts payable under <br /> � paragraph 2; interest due;fau� princippl due:and last,to any late chazges duo under the NWe. - <br /> _ - <br />