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<br />, . . � . �. . . � . �. . � . - �� ' � 1 . . . t . ..
<br /> � : 1he uudersigned Trustor hereb� ackaarl�lges and undeistsni�s tNst tlse � . , ,
<br /> doeu�int to be e�cecuted pledgiag certain real estate as.securf�`.far a certain �
<br /> � deQt_describad in said. instru�tt. as �+ell aa in tl�e acca�pan�irtg Pra�iseor! �
<br /> ---� -- --�-1�Iai:e; i-s a�Tictut��Dreed aad uot-a lloir�8age;�d-ttr��tbe p�� of-ssla- �.
<br /> 8rante�— - - ----
<br /> , in tt�e 1Ynat Deat proridea substanrialZ� di.ffermt rfgbts a� �o�3igatioi�+s to ,
<br /> ` - . ' tbe Trustor thaa a Mortgage in the eves�t of a default or breach of obligation.
<br /> . � �7be anderaigned Tivator sub�ita thie Acka�rledg�eat ta the Bert�f#ciar3es pawed
<br /> ia a certaia Trust Ueed dated�August Tf_, 1991. Pledg�ag Lhe follo+ting . .
<br /> , � dies�ribed res2 estate: . - '
<br /> , � Mat of a txact of land ca�psisiag a part of tI�e Sout�riest.Q�iarter ' , .
<br /> of the Atorthesst Quartes (Sil} N�}) of Section Tventy=four .{��). _ . :
<br /> Tawnshfp IIevea t21j.Nortb, Asn$e Te� E�a):wesc of t6e 6th� P:M. 3�t ...
<br /> � Grand� Islaad, •�a21 County, Kebraska, aore perticularl� desciibgd aa .
<br /> � . � `fo2lars: , � � , � � :.
<br /> , . . - . $eginning at- ti� SoathWeat carner of said I�Iortheast Quart$r�FNE}); :- ` -
<br /> �-. Weace_hai�slF alon�_the west liae of,said Nartl�east Qnarter , �
<br /> (i4L}), .a distance of Sevea Hundred Fifteen and Fi`fty-six Hundredths..
<br /> ` (715.56) feet to the Southerly right-0f-way line of U.S. .Highwap
<br /> � I�1o. 30; theate def lecting right 60° 35' 25' and ruaning ATortIi- -
<br /> � � easterip alorig said right-of xay line, a diatance of Thirtg-seven �`� .
<br /> � and Niae Tentha (37.9) feet to the ACTDAL place of begianing;
<br /> thence caatinuing Northeasterlp along the-last deacribed c�urse, a
<br /> dietaace of One Hundied Tirelve and Thirty-one Hu�sdredths (I12.31)
<br /> feet; thence deflecting right Ok° 59' 48" and running Northeasterly
<br /> along said right-of-way line, a dfstaace of One Hundred Seveaty-
<br /> � fiae an@ Eight Iinndredths (175.08) feet; thence deflecting right
<br /> � 8ti° .53'4Q�' and runaing Southeasterly, a distance of One Huadred
<br /> Eightq-four and Seventy-five Hnndredths (184.75) feet; theace
<br /> def3ecting right 90° OS' 14" aad running Southwesterly, a die-
<br /> tance of Four Ffundred (400.0) feet; thence deflecting right 119° �
<br /> ?S'S3" and running Northerly, a distance of Two Hundred Zrrenty-
<br /> nine and Sixtp-efght Hundredths (229.68) feet to the AGTUAL place
<br /> , of beginniAg and 'containing 1.546 acres more or less;
<br /> and
<br /> ' ' �g.ots Seven (7), Eight (8) and��l3ne {9), Weatgatg Subdiviaion,
<br /> ." Na11.Countq, Nebraska;� � �
<br /> for the Durpoae of satiafying the �rovisions of Neb.�Rev. Stat. §76-1005(2).
<br /> � The Trustor further acicnowledges arz� "states that this AcknoHledgment is —
<br /> - ' ....
<br /> fiereby executed prior to the execution bf the above d�sEribe� �rc�st�ueed �by -� - - �
<br /> the undersigned. =-
<br /> Deted: August �_, 1991 ' �
<br /> �
<br /> A Nebraska Corporation - TRUSZ�OR �,.:
<br /> By: � l/��C�/� �
<br /> Prpsident i
<br /> . . �
<br /> ATTFSTi �
<br /> (SEAL) ,,,, � �.
<br /> . �� :f 4,�' , ;
<br /> C!C _F,`':. �
<br /> ' " ' . . . . . .. . s . . . . _. . . .. . ��y�•!'�'• yf'' .. , ' . . . •�
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