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<br /> _ ._ . . . —__� '_ z_ , - _4 _ ` _� .._ t " _ ' --' .
<br /> � ' 1�G�H0�W�TE��U fbC�YEtlfCmS 31QlIrlC[�IGl�1�G!!lOC1Cd 11ti tI1Q Q(CQ!llSf.�i��Ib.�1011�OOf+ -`• '`— -=
<br /> . �d fu�110Mt 0�11dEaAei i plt dF lI1E p�Opatq.•.1�1111Cp11C�f�Id�iOOS f1C111 a1�4.bC CO�YL'1�Od b�►�ia S�Y '
<br /> . .` taste�mmt Ail of tbe fa�eaoia„�u iefared tn ia diis Sec�uity�ma�t as tbe"Pfcoperty:' : , ,. < `� ; ; �
<br /> — - ,- -.-___.._=_�-=. ------ _ _4_ ��._. --- . _._-- �___
<br /> HORROWFR C'UYENAN�'S 1lmfButmwer is lawfolfy�o�t�e est�lc t�oeve � �ryif�i3�� � -
<br /> �od convry the Plopeny in3 t�t the Ptopnty is ueenauebe�e�exoept foreoaunbranoa of roead. Bona+Ner wra�r�aed
<br /> . w�l defad�menlly the mk m tbe Ptope�ty asa�ast all claims fod demaot�.wdje�t to�a!!a�u�6c�aoes d�cad < . `
<br /> � � THIS SHCRJRITY IIV3'TftU11�NT oo�nbioes �mifard�cavane�fa n�oia�l �ae aad�eon-uoifom�,c�vremb widt ,
<br /> _ti�nited vaci�aosty��o oonstitWe aunifam scc�ity�aa�cova+�ra!P�P�Y- , - : - - - -
<br /> • UNIIaORM(!OYFNAN'1'S. Bamwa�d L�tida�rea�ormdsgiee ss foltowx ,;<
<br /> �--- l. A.�otPfiiefp�l a.d I.ce[e.+�Pr�7�at aM Lale Cre�er- BaRO�x sh�u pampur rar.rlr�d.eire
<br /> priecipsi of�od i�ae.st on Ne debt evidenoed bY tha Note�md a�l►P'�P'�Y��lau chuges�noder the Nae. • •
<br /> 2. Plw�s fir�re��I�w'� Sabjat w applicabie law or to a vmt�m w�uva byr l.e�der,Bortow�er sWl pag tn •.
<br /> � l.a�da an the day maathil P�Y�s xe dut untkr the Nate.anW t6e Note is p�id in fuU,a amn l�'�fa:f�)l��
<br /> tsaes�nd�whicb m�y�in p�ki�it}�over this Security I�oiteot as aT�ea at tbePrnpaty;�{by�re�J►'it�ehotd-`-; <`. "'.-
<br /> paymeocs a gtar�d taus an t6e Ptopaty, if any;(c)YwiY bat,�id or pnapaA.y inwwoce p�emiumt:(�Yeal�►1M� ..
<br /> iasta�rice pt+emiu�,if any; (e)Year1Y�5+8��P��ms.�f any; aad t�mY��P�Y+��'�Bodowet b
<br /> La�de�iq x�d�o�with ihe pmvis�aes af pir�gc�ph 8,in lieu of tt�e paymant�of mottgage,�a•permimma. 7Uae
<br /> items�ca pltod"F.sciow Items." I.�des aas►y.at sray ti�e.colket aad hoW Fia►Js�in aa anouuK not to excxed t6e��aae�
<br /> amaoK a leoder far a fedaally ieturd:m�tgage lom may trqo�e fac Hoauwer�s esaow account und�r the fedaal Ral
<br /> F.st�Sd�anau P�aceduies Act of 4�14 as amended fmm tia�e w ttme,l2 U.S_C.�2601 et seq.("RESPA'�.w�iass aood�a '
<br /> . : )av�,ttut,�pplus tn tbe Funds sas a les�s attwun� If so,l.ender tnay,at aay time,collect and hoW Eimds in an aa�oont aot w
<br /> - e�iaeod�he ks.4er�noant. ,litidec may�stimate ibe atno�mt of R�tds due a�i the basis of currcnt d�qt�ud rea�aa�Ie
<br /> .� �:es�esof e�epeadiUU�es of futune Esc:rysrr iunns orotherwise m aaw�+d�nct a��►p�law. ,
<br /> . - 'tl��'vMs sh�D 6e held in an �tioa v�-L�us�deposits ue in�red�r a�eder�l a�etx.y.inadut�eahihy.a4� ,
<br />- `'� . C;ncL�I.eodeti if tender is snce ao.mastitupon)drin any Federat Hai,e t:oa��otc. i�enda ah�U appiq me Faads t�pag�
<br /> _. .�'the F�•Ite�. L.�kr may aat charg�8ocm�.�e'r for hold'mg aad�pplyiqg:�e Amds.anouaUY�!�$��' `
<br />_- � - : ac�a��or verifying the Escro�v Iieras,unkss t.esxk�pays Sarower iatetsst osi the Funds aid appticable law pamits
<br /> _ `� I.ender to mai�e such s cbarge. However.I.a�der.rT...ay. ral�rire Bonuwa to pa►y a one-time charge fa an�adepeade�ial_
<br /> .. _- est�ie tax�epating savioe used hy L,enda ia c�ion atitb this loan,anless s�ppticable law pmvides odia�iu. Uakss aa
<br /> - ag�eert��t is made or appiicable taw mquirrs intec�st to 6e paid,l.endec shaU noi be�req�nted to pay Borro�?�i any irrte�est or
<br /> �-�` pmings�tLe Phnds. Bamwer at��r may agree in writing,tawever,that inter+est sE��c pud ou the Fimds. l.et�!er - . --
<br /> '' shall giv�3o BotroweT.without ch�ar�aa anaual accauiting of tl�e Fuads.showing credi��3.debtts w the'Phndc aadt tb� '
<br /> �
<br /> purpogse far which each debit to the�'unds was made.`The�ds a:e pledged as addidot�al su=arity for aA sums secme�$�.:`
<br /> _ this Sxurity Instrumen� • �. ., �:
<br /> - If the Punds held by Lender eacced the arnounts pe�mittsd w be heTd'hy appGcabte iaw,L.ender shall acco�F fii ,
<br />- �` ' Batuwa for tlie eacess l�nds in�acoM�nce with the iequi�u of applicalite iaw. If the�moant of tlie�urdi t�bY
<br />°•��..'� Lender st any time is not sufficie�io pay the Escmw Items wi�en due.L�ender mey sa notify Bonower sm Aiiting,aocf.i�
<br />-` - such case Bonower sha11 pay to LeiitDer che arnount necessary to malce up the deficiency. BaKiower s1iaA.inake up�e
<br /> �� deficiency in no mon than twetve�lY PaYment9,at Lender�s sote discretian. �. .
<br />:�:: '� UPon W►Yment in fufl of all sums secund�b3r�his Securiry tnsuumrnt,Lender shall promptly rcfund co Boirower any
<br /> : . Pu�ds held by Lender. If,under paca�graph Zl,I.anifer st�aU acquire ar sell the PropertY.l.eader.pnor to ti�acquisidon or
<br /> sale of the Prapetty,shall apply an3��'unds held by Lender at the titr�e of acquisition oc sele as a credit�gainst the sums
<br />. � secured by thls Sccuary Insbrumem. � � '
<br /> 3. Applkstbn d Pbymeetst Untess applicable law provides otherwise, ull paymenta received by Lender uader
<br /> paragia�lis 1 and 2 shall6e applied:first,to any prepayrtxnt charges due undar�the Note;secexid.to amouats payable unde�c
<br /> - p�ragtaph Z;thiM.co irtanst due:fourtb.to princip�l due:and lat�to any tate ctu�rges due under We Note.
<br /> `. 4. Chsraes; I.i�. Bornnwer shall pay a11 taxes, assessments.charges, fines and imposidons attributabte to tix
<br />�t:�.., Property whicb may attain priority aver lhis Security[nstrumea�and leasehold payments or ground rents,if any. Bomawer
<br /> , d shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragrapb 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay tt�on
<br /> . time directly to the person owed paymem. Borrower shall promptty fumish to l.ender all notices of amounts to 6e paid wa�kr
<br /> _ � this paragraph. If Horrower makes these Payments directly.Borrower shall pramptly fum:sh to Lender rereipts eviderar�.g
<br /> �.�`•� :, the peyrnents. • ,
<br /> =:"��% Holmwer�hall pramptly discharge any lie�which has prioriry over this Security Instrument unless�rrawer:(a)agrees
<br /> 't��' in wridng to the payment oi the obligation secured�y the lien in a manner acceptabte to LeAder.(b)contes�in Sood falth the
<br /> -- ' lien by.or defends against enfarcement of the lien in,legal proceedings wfuch in the l.ende��opinion operate to prevent,the
<br /> =-- en�'a�ceir�ent of the Nen;a(c)secures from the halder of the ti€nan agreemene satisfactory 2�Lender subordinating the w�en -
<br /> .;y.,,�� to this Savdty lnsbvmen� If Lender dctermines that any part of tF�e Property is subJect to a lien which may attain pri��'y
<br /> • oye.�this Security lnstrumm�Lendes may give Borrower a notice idenxifying�e lien. Borrower chall satisfy the lien ar take
<br /> .. - ; � oot ur tnore of the actions set fonfi above within 10 days of the giving of swri�:-
<br /> 9,, }luard oe property lewraaca Boaowet shall keep rlse improverrtents now existing or hereafter erected on the
<br /> - � - --Propec�yr 4nsured against loss by firo.(taaards incfuded w7thin t3sg uim"eatenAed coverage°anA any otner haz�s.i�i�rg - - -
<br /> iloods ass tiooding,for which Lender requires insurat�ce. 'Ihi>insurance shaU be m�intained ia the amounu and f�c�+.e .
<br /> ' t�, Pwn3p2s 9AS !aoxe 2 oJe pagw
<br /> '3t • •
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