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<br /> ;�� The i�nd�eht�nese aecured��b�,a,Trust Deed uecuted .b� 1�ARTLAHD AiGRI .� - - ,
<br /> ' SUPPLY, INC., s Kebraska Cozpa�et�on, as �ftUSTt�t. to_ MI(�IA�1..S. SI1�.IVA�i:as , � .
<br /> �IJS?EE, for ttye benefit of GAYLB E. .BADENFEi�f atsd JOIfCL A. BRDENFII�D►f,` .
<br /> H�ub�bd aad Wife. as SENRFICURT, dated Dece�ber 6; 1990• eo� recorded-in tife � .
<br /> -----__�... _�.�-�e,-a€.xh�--ReBi�r�-�f-.�eeds_nf:�11_Cc�satl,.;Zkbraaka:_as Iiistruieat
<br /> = - -- - - -—— -- -- - __ __ _ -- --
<br /> �: lln. 91-101393, .hes been pstd;, `aad tHe �e�ic�aiy�T s.request�dy.a �ncitfag _. .-- .
<br /> � , that thi.� Deed qf Yecon�eysnce 6e esecnted a.nd d�livered ea confir�ed�bT its ' �
<br /> � eadoree�aE belorr. � . ` �
<br /> � Ia consideratioa..of: suc.�t pa7aeat and in accordance xith. the requeat of �
<br /> . the BII�IEFICL1gY, the �USTLE reco�ve�s to the person�or persans entitled � �
<br /> �tftetetq all tbe right, 'title, interest and claf� acquired b� the TRUSTEE .
<br /> . puraoeut to the�Deed of Trust in the following: .. �
<br /> � P1aC of a tract af land co�prisiag a part af t1�e Sontln+est,Qusrter ' �
<br /> af tbe t(ortheast Quarter (SiF� NL}) of Sectioa T�reatp-four (241,
<br /> � ; Tuwnship Eleven (11) North, H$nge Tea (10) Nest of the,6th P.M. in
<br /> Grand. Island, Hall County, Nebraska, more,particularly descri�ed as
<br /> _ . . _ - fo3laxs: . .. . . . , :
<br /> r . . . _.,,- .
<br /> _- .- :- -.-_.- - _
<br /> �� Beginniug a� the Soutbxeat corner of safd Northeast Quarter .CNE�): � . � - -
<br /> thence Iiortherlq aloag the Kest line af'�said Norttceast Qaa.ster
<br /> - (NE}). a d�.atance of Seven Hvndred Fift�ea and E�€�Y-six ff�indredtha . �
<br /> (715.56) �et w the Southerlg'��i.ght-of�+�y line�o� II.S. �ighvap -
<br /> , . Na. 30; r.tience deflecting ri.gi� 60° 35'` �'' and"'running i�ar�h- ,
<br /> , easterl� along sa.fd.�i.Sht-o�--�'ag line, 'a distance of Thirty-seven
<br /> aad Nine Te�stbs (3'�::�� �et � the ACIUAL place of 6eginningi -
<br /> thence cant�auing I�cf��sterly along the last described course, a
<br /> distance of 'E)ne Hundred Tsrelve and Thirty-one Hundredths (112.31)
<br /> feet; thence deflecting right O4° 54' 48" and running Northeasterlp
<br /> along said right-of-waq line, a distance af One Handred Seveatq- _
<br /> five and �.ght Hundredths (175.08) feet; thence deflecting right -
<br /> 84° 53'4f1" and'�sunuiag Southeasterly, a distance of Oae Iiundred
<br /> ' g,3,gk,ty�faus and Seventq-five Hundredths (184.75) feet; thence
<br /> • deflectiag right 90° OS' 14" and runnfng Southwesterly, a dis-
<br /> tante of Four Huadred (400.0) feet; thence deflecting right 119°
<br /> 25'S3" and running Northerlq, a distance of Two Hundred Twenty- -
<br /> nine and Sixty-eigl�t Hundredths {229.68) feet to the ACTUAL place ,
<br /> pf beginning and contafnit�g 1.546 acres more or less;
<br /> and . . .. `
<br /> Lots Seyen,(7), Eight (8} antd Nine (9), Westgar� Subdivision, J
<br /> }Iall� Cauntp, Nebraska;
<br /> Executed:_ AuAUSt 2 . 1991 _ --- - . .. _ '-
<br /> .. � t
<br /> � � -
<br /> � lHich e ul van �.:
<br />- T'rustee
<br /> - STATE OF NEBRASKA ) ' =
<br /> � ' ) .as: _
<br /> = COUNI'Y OF ADAIKS ) � , •
<br /> � • 7'he forego3ag instrument was ackr�owledged before me on August 2 , ;
<br /> 1991, by Michael E. Suilivan as Trustee.
<br /> ' � ���/�MI . . KQ�r p lf
<br /> ._ _--..._ . _ - � Ul�ti�'_- .
<br /> -. � wr�M1t� - -
<br />