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<br /> � , ` Th� indebtedne�9.'eecured` bY a 'Ttuet �te� ezecu�ed. bl �ARTLl11iII Q�jtl , � .
<br /> � . SUPPLY, INC.,, s Kebraaka�o ratiaR�. aa �1S1DItr to.ZRCHAFd. $. �SUI.I:IV:At1.. a¢
<br /> • �ftUSTS�, for the l�ene�it of ,DAYID A. V/yCLiL and UITHI.EBN A. Y�• Nuaband a�d ,
<br /> ' , � i1i�e: aa BE!lEFICIARY,, dsted Dece�ber 6, 1990.'sua recorded� i�t the ufffcs of �
<br /> _._,. . .. - :__tJrs�-Ye�f�e�_of D_b_e_�s o€._Asll Counti.._I'T�brasi�ss as. InatrUSer�t �a..91-10I314,
<br /> , _ bes beer paid, and t1�— r�.Ae�$r7 bes req�e� _� t--eh;.� y�t - -
<br /> ` xecoa�eJaace be e�cecuted and delirered as. confir�: bY �ts �adorse■ent bel�►. �- ,
<br /> . , � r
<br /> � � Itt_ �onsfderatiott. of sucb pa7�eat and in• accordance �rfth the request� of ` , �
<br /> ' the.BFIIEFZCIA1tYs the�UST84+ re4oAVe�s to the peraoa or persoas entitled , '
<br /> ' tberetQ a2.7. tbe riSht• title,, intexest and cla�s �cqufred by the TRUSTEE ,
<br /> �. .� , purswaat ta ttt� i�d of Trust in the followiag: . .
<br /> � . P2at of-a trect af.1an�}.coaiprfs3ng a part�of the Southweat Quarter .
<br /> �of� tb� Nort�eaet fi�rter (S1i} liE}) +t� Sectioa 1Wenty-four (24);
<br /> . `t Toxqshig El.evezt_(Yl) l�iorth,.itange Ten (!0) iieat af the fttb P.M. in
<br /> � " Graud Islartd, He�.l C��snty, Nebrsslca, nore particularlg describ�d� as::. -
<br /> fo],loxs: . .
<br /> _ _. _ ...: � . . .
<br /> . ::.. ...
<br /> � Begiutti�� ae� ehe,South�rest corne� of_ �a.ic�_Northeast Quarter CN�}}; . .�-�.- --T ,
<br /> : . _ . .�� -_
<br /> �
<br /> - theace Noxtherl.y along the Kest line of said Hortbeast �arter
<br /> (NE�), a clistance of Seven Hundred Fifteen and Fiftp-sfx auudredths
<br /> . �?1�.56� feet to the Southerlp right-af-�xay 1in� of U.S. A�ghiray -
<br /> ` •.I�. 30; t.F�ence deflecting riglit 60° 35� 25'� and ranning North- .
<br /> - easterly��ong eaid right-of-xay 2ine, a distauce of Thirty-seven
<br /> - and Nine Tentba (37.9) feet to the ACTUAL place.of beginning;
<br /> - thercce conti.�uing Hortheasterly along the lasL describe_d course, a � _ _ . ___ _
<br /> - d3.stance of One.Huad�ed Twelve and Thirtp-one �aAdredths (112.313
<br /> - feet; thence deflecting right 04° 59' 48" and rur�ning Northeasteriq _
<br /> ' along said right-of-�ray line, a distance of Oae Hundred Seventy- �
<br /> five and Eight Hundredths (175.08) feet; thenc� deflecting right ��
<br /> 84° 53•4Q" and running Southeasterly, a distance of One Hundred �=�=°-
<br />=- Eighty,four and Seventy-five Hundredths CI84.75) feet; thence '=
<br /> - � deflectin ri hC- 90° OS• 14" and runt�. Souths+esterly, a dis-
<br /> -� �ance of FourBHundred (400.0) feet; thence deflecting right 119° �"`"`__
<br />'? , 25'S3" end running Northerlp, a dfstance of Two Hundred Twenty- �'�
<br /> �,� nine and Sixty-eight Hundre8ths (229.68) feet to the ACTl1A1� place �'��
<br /> _ � of beginning and containing 1.5�iG acres more or less;
<br /> �+�_�
<br />---- . �.
<br /> -".�.'} and -�_
<br /> - Lots Sevea (7-), Fsi.ght. (8) and Nfne (9), Westg�alte� Subdivision, `��
<br />= Hall County, Nebraslca. . �L.�----
<br /> - • '�"�;�p-_
<br /> _= - � ���;�=,=.-
<br /> Au uat 2 , 1991 '
<br /> - -- _ Executed: S . . , , --
<br /> . ;
<br /> d �
<br /> s . �
<br /> , _ ._... .- ---.. . -�---�- _.. . - _:
<br /> . . l.i��• ' � .•_:.^I; :;��y�, ._
<br /> , "�__
<br /> � Mic el . Sullivan � ""�� �� '
<br /> t rx
<br /> ' ' Trustee `; " "i " .
<br /> . . ,...
<br /> a . � � �.�.
<br /> ��� . . .
<br /> � • STATE OF NEBRASKA ) j ` . '
<br /> .. ) ss: . � � • . _ .
<br />":____ COUNfY OF ADA�15 ) � � .: . __ _.. .
<br /> . , -
<br /> - - The foregoing ittgtrument �+as atknawledged be€ore me on Au uat 2 . ? - , -. . .
<br /> � � 1991, bp Mic4tael E. Sullivan as Trustee. i� . �
<br /> . , � , . . . .
<br /> - . • �f��Yli�ill��� ' _. _ Not�ry Pu li. . _ `- =----- .-- ---
<br /> ' . : �:. Mre■�4�■� _ , ' � .
<br /> ,. . � ,
<br />. _. . _. . .. - - - , - -- - - .. . - -- - -- -- --- - - •
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