��� � T
<br /> , . . . +
<br /> • � �-, , : � � -
<br /> — - -
<br /> L �- . -�� - - -
<br /> s- � - - - - - . -- -� - - -- -
<br /> i - ... � ��--.• --�- ---_.--� ,.. .. .., _.- _ ` -
<br /> .. _ _ .. _ , r .t. q •- � . _ . _ , . . _ . _ .. .. . _. _ _. . _ .. _ _ _
<br /> �� _ ��_ � _�t�___.� , — .. ._ __ _. ... . �_ _' _. _ " ' . - . . . ... ._ _ _.- �._ . . ' '_._" " . ,_ �` _ ". —� "
<br /> ` � '. - - . . . ' ' " . '.. ' ' . . � . .._
<br /> _- -.- - = . , � _ -- � --- - ; : ----- .- -- - � . ; : ��z-=� �i3��m�:�,-� ;_ .
<br /> - � � 2. Tit7.�. Trustos is,t.tte aMner o� tha propsrty, snd hav� �
<br /> = the right-a�-awthority to axacute, tbis OaeB of Tsust in rsspeat :` � -
<br /> - - . to, the PropertY:- � . , .
<br /> - -.- -- 3. � Taxes and �ssesss�eata.. Ta �ay, vh�a dua. �all taxss� � �
<br /> ., ,,�peaial assessmen s o er charqea,=aqainst the property. _
<br /> , . bef,qre the saae �cooe aeiinqu�,t,. ana, �i� the event Bensficiary
<br /> eha�:� �sa requ�.re, to add to the payments requ�.red under the note
<br /> _ ..�.secu=ed hereby. �sacb amowat �aa may be suf#scieat to enabie
<br /> =- — - � � Bane€iciasy to pay 8uch ta�tes. a�s�eusmeata or othcr aharqes as
<br /> _ � . . , they Seco�ae due. . � �
<br /> � • � 4. Re air !laiatena►nce and Ose. �To not c�ammit waste on or," �
<br /> daage to e property nn ta .use ue care. to prevent ottiers froa
<br /> eo doingf to keep the house and �irriqati.on eqnipmeat situated —
<br /> ".���, � �. upon. the afd�edescribed renl estate. ia qoed coadztian and repairi .��
<br />��:;.�,�:, , _ � : � . to keep the psoperty fsee �rom mecbanies or c�ther liens not __
<br /> . e�xpxeesly subordinated to the liea hereaf; to nat make, suffer or
<br />�;`�-� `t �:-. . ,, permit an�.nuisaace to exist nor ta di.minish or impair the value - �_-
<br /> -.•:�,:�`����`:�� o� tti� propezty by ai►y act or omission to act f and to co�apl� :�i.�h �___
<br /> , �.r:`.��•�'� a�1="�e4ui��ts of law �th respect to the preperty. , o=- --
<br /> �, f ' �i� .`Caindemaation. IA the evea��•the jprbperty�:.�,�any,part }���:
<br /> : :. . , e .., . .
<br /> ..�._ ,
<br /> a , . . . ::,.. ,. _ thereo€, sha11---, -ta�cen bp emznea�.:;�,wa�u�..-�.Hene�n+ciary is ., , '���'�
<br /> . , =: - entitle8 to ��callect and receive a13. ����satio�s.�.ch mag- be C� ,:� �-'�
<br /> Y7rt
<br /> - � •f:�' : . ., :-:�.= .- pa�d'.�or ari��.prcperty talcen or for d�iiages, t�a prapesLy Aot taken, �' `�'��; ;���
<br /> �`. t .' Yh��:�; :. I :
<br /> �<;;r,� �: :aicd �eneficsary shaLl. apply such cv�aeasation, at •��s optioa* �-�,:•,
<br />: � - •,:;�;:. ..` '�sther to a reduct3.on af the indebtedr�ess aecured �eaceby or to � ;�?;���;-
<br /> Y`',; '.: . , �...
<br />� � sepair and restore the property so tnlcen. , � �� `��'�
<br /> ��:..
<br /> ���. • �
<br /> , ' 6. Performance bv Beneficiary. Beneficiary may• but shall --
<br /> ��`
<br /> � * � have no abligatson to, do aay act. which Trastor bnve aqreed but � � ��.,,,
<br /> � �" failed to do, and Heneficiary may also do any act they deesa '��- �;•�- •'
<br /> := .�a�-•.:
<br /> ; ..�: necessasy to protect the lien bereof. Tsustor agree to repny, -�;'#j���`:
<br /> � upon demana, eny aums so expended by Beneficiary for the above . .
<br /> � purposes, and a�y sum so axpended by Beneficiary ahnll be.adde8 - • . ��
<br /> "�-i="'� '� ta the indebteaness secured hereby and become secured by the lien �
<br /> � hereof. Beneficiary shall not iacur any persons�l liability �
<br /> Decause of anything they may do or omit to do hereundes. .
<br /> ... . �` nt of Rents. Beneficiary sball have the riqht, -
<br /> 7. Asss
<br /> power and au orlty urinq e contiauaace of this t�eed of Trusti r -
<br /> �: ,� to ao�lect the rents, issues and profits of the praperty and of_
<br /> �... '� �, , �
<br /> � any pereonal psoperty located thereon with ox withont taking
<br /> ' . . _ possession of the pro�erty affected hereby, aazd T�stor hereby � �
<br /> �:; absolute3y and wacondstional.�y assign aIl s�ch rents, issues and � �_,-�.
<br /> profits to Seneficiasy. Beaeficiary, however, hereby conseats to ; �..,-:,,..��
<br /> Trustor's aollectioas and reteation of such rents. �ssues and �= . . �
<br /> . . _`�� profits as they accrue and beaome payable, so long as Trustor is �
<br /> . i:..
<br /> � �� not, at such t�ne, in default with respect to payment of any � ,
<br /> �-n.� � in�btedriea� secured hereby� or in the performance of any agree- ? ; �
<br />_,-__._. c. �
<br /> � ."�'�;�. ----- ment hereundeic. I�-any even�-o�-��aulf-d�scribed her�a=�s-iii `_-----
<br /> "'�.,. . r��
<br /> ,�»'_�`�� regpect to this Deed of Trust shall have occurred and be aon� { .
<br /> ;;,r.. �::,.,�. , �� •
<br /> ; iA��;� < tinuing, Henefiaiary, as a mattes of right and without nctiee to �.. ,
<br /> � �°�-� �'•` Trustor er an one claimin under Trustor, and without regard to
<br /> .� :��::��,' ' y g � .
<br /> . : .�•��_��;__, . the value of the trust estate or the i.nterest a� the Trustor
<br /> � •�• �' . therein, shall have the right to apply to any court having juria- .
<br /> � ��� � diction to appoint a receiver of the property. ; �
<br /> • -��;.��..��� 8. �Zn�s ec�ti,ons. Beneficiary, or their agents, represeata- . :
<br /> °=` ���"'-� tives or wo�, are authoriz�d to enter at any ressonable time r`.
<br /> ,.�-'�tf:=;�. upon or in any part of the property for�:the puYpoae �o f inspec tinq �.
<br /> �'�' *'='�' - � the same and for the purpose of performzng any of #she acts they
<br /> � �'� are authorized to perform under the terms hereof an8 the Deed af _ �
<br /> ._ . ;r,T:-�.'-- ,- - Trust Note. _ ..
<br /> , ,. :.;?•;�. -
<br /> . .� -',-=`:�:�{:.�.��;�����:7.; � 9. �'ransfer of Pxo ert . Zf all or any part of the ;�.:�
<br /> �r`•�.'::y praperty or any s�n,�.�rest o Trustos thesein is solr�, tranaferred
<br />'.'� �,���°:'���'��:'" , o� �urther encum�r�� s�ithout tihe e�spress or written consent oE . .• ,
<br /> ,.,
<br />.._.; :
<br /> :: -
<br />. : ' ,� °'_�:::.� ` : • �_ :: �; Beaefi.eiary�, Heneficiar ama€, at t,�eir sole o�ption, decia�e a21
<br /> _._
<br /> .. . .�*_ ��_, ,
<br /> -_=- - - -, --- .---� sums se�r b� �2tis Dee a Tretst-te be. irams iate�y .dtse �nd gap- . . '___-___,--- -
<br /> " ' � able and proceed to the remedies availabie to thern •nnder• the
<br /> �•� � defaulti provisions contained herein. '
<br /> � '.�: �:-�-_�� _ - __ _ - -- . . _ _ _ . . _. _ . _ _ _. - - -- - .
<br /> . '. �� ��;; - . .. r�_ ' � - .
<br />� .. x ' 4'�- ..��.4..-:s h' ' . . . .. .
<br />