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<br /> - - �- � . -. ACKNO{iLEDG�lENT -aF. DBED QF ?RUST ��--- �05�33 �� ,
<br /> HORROWERS RE D • _
<br /> � Borrowers� (wb�tber one or more� �understand tbat the docume�t .
<br /> that tbe borrowers are about� to execuCe is a Deed af Trust and � .
<br /> not a mortgage and that the_power of sale pFOVided for in the �
<br /> - Deed of Trust provides substaaCially different rig�ta and abli- ,
<br />_-" -. _ - -gatians t� the trustors Cha�- a=mo�tgag�-in the eveA�-o�defaul t- - ---------.-_---
<br /> or breacb of obligatian under the Deed of Trust, including, but ; �
<br /> - not `Iimieed to, the lender's rigbt ta bave the praperty sold bp
<br />___ , t&e trustee s�ith���.any judicial procee�ing. Barrowers represent _
<br />- and warra�t that' �tsis acknewledgatent was executed -bp barro�ers
<br /> -_ - � efore the eRecution of the Deed of Trust. -
<br /> - - = -- (/�/� � ` � - .
<br />.��`�`�;�. � M. Hen rix ��o .�ien rix .. --
<br /> -- - � � . "BorFOwe�s" . � �. —
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<br />_ .. - � ' �:����=
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<br /> _ . ... . _...,,, . _ :... __. . .. . _ ... -
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<br /> ..� .. � . . �.vr'*�!T�� ...
<br /> - - -- -- - - - -- -� IbEED "OF�TRUST �'
<br /> _ �� ��
<br /> . -_-- u��_�"�t
<br /> . . , • ����.
<br /> ,� THIS DEED OF TRUST is made as of the 16th day of July, 1991 r";.` �
<br /> � nd RITA M, HENDRIR, �-��-�.�
<br /> � by and among the TRUSTORS, TONY L. HENDRIX a , �
<br /> ` � busband and wife, and as individuals, �.whase mailing address is ____
<br /> At. 2, Box 171, Grand Island,� NE 688at,:.�herein "Bor�owers") --==
<br /> . ;:, th���?RUSTEE, KEOIN A. BROSTROM, w�scsse tna3ling address is 231 �_
<br /> � �;:�. St�utb Locust, Grand Island, NE, (Iterein "Trustee"); and the „� ��;��t_
<br /> � r 9E�TEFICIARY, ISLAND INVESTMENT IHC., whose mai ling a d dress is -�;:��~=:�:_
<br /> 1451 North Webb Road, P.O. Box 14a5, Grand Island, NE. 68$02- `� '�'�
<br /> -.�
<br /> :,r ��� 1405 (herein "Lender"). "'r~°`�._
<br /> . ..�,
<br /> . � .�.:
<br /> � FOR VALUABLE C�NSIDERATION, including the indebtednes$ �:,��y���:�:
<br /> � . � ic�entified herein created, the receipt of which is hereby '�.�%i'.�'
<br /> .,,�
<br /> :�'. � acicnowledged, Borrowers hereby irrevocably grants, transfers, �7.-�:;k'i-
<br /> -;-�=_;_
<br /> � conveys and assigns to Trustee, 1N TRUST, W1TH POWER OF SALE, � .^�� := ."
<br /> •f ����.• for the benef it and security of Lender, under and subject to tt�e �
<br /> �.:� terms and conditions hereinafter aet fortb, the real property
<br /> . �' � described as follows: . �
<br /> � _ `� . ,
<br /> ";- Lots One (1) and Two (2) Fisher Sub�ivision, Hall County, `'" `"�",.._:
<br /> �. . :�' " , Nebraska , ����``;�'�`Y--�-'
<br /> . . . . ��-sf-
<br /> I{�y -_
<br /> � �". • ��ogether with all buildings; improvements, fixtures, atreets, . � .
<br /> ,, " ' . .
<br /> �:....._ _ �.._
<br /> a�leys, passageways, easements, rights, �rivileges, and appurten-
<br /> � � ., _ acaces I Ocafied- Cb�Teon or in airyway per fcs���ing i.t�.ei et4, an3-thc, � ;-- �.
<br /> � aents, issues 'and profits, reversions an� remainders thereof, and �s
<br /> � '`��� saich personal � property that is a�tached to the improvements so f•'. ,
<br /> ' as to constitute a f ixture, inc��'di.ng, but not l imited to, heating F . , „`�;:,
<br /> ard cooling equipment; and togetHer with tbe homestead or marital > �,`+:
<br /> ' � _�� :� interests, if any, wbich �nCesesta are heseby released �n� waived; �(, � , ..
<br /> . nts anc� additions there�v�, is - �t;�..:, �
<br /> . � - � � all of whicb, including replaceae �
<br /> = y���,:: E�ereby declared to be a part of �E�e reaj �state secured �i� ti�e I ien � �.`"'�� ,:�
<br /> ��:�� � o� �his Deed of Trust and all tt�e fore oin beire referred to h�r��n � `'�-�"�';�
<br /> .,�"` a� the "property��, g � g • r � •'� .��.
<br /> -�,
<br /> , � �. ��:��r . This Deed of Trusti shal l secure: I! `
<br /> _ - _ �,,.. .. . �
<br /> _ _ .: `.�_`�rv _ ` . . . ; (a): The paymeaC of the princ ipal sum and ieterest evidenced �
<br /> , , by a Deed of Trust Note dated July 16, 1991, having a maturity ;
<br /> ' �' '_ �� , of July 16, i993, �in the origlnal principal aataunC of NINETY '•,
<br /> ,;�,�, > � F1VE THUUSAND ANO 00/100 DOLLARS ($95,000.00) a�d any and . �
<br /> . , . . �
<br /> ;�`- ; . i .
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