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' . : <br /> , . 99 � �73 � 4 <br /> EXHIBIT "A" <br /> A tract of land comprisiag a part of the Northwest Quarter (NWl/4) of Section Eighteen (18), <br /> Towaship Nine (9) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Hall Coanty, Nebraska, more <br /> particularly described as follm�vs: Beginning at a point 435.85 fcet west of the north quarter <br /> corner of said Sa�tion 18 on the north line of said NWl/4; thwce westerly alung said north line <br /> a distance of 51237 feet, thence sontherly along a line parallei to the east line of said NEl/4 <br /> a distance of 1,320 fee� thence easterlY along a Iine parallel to the north line of said NWl/4 a <br /> distance of 94822 fcet to the east line of said NVVl/4; thence northerly on the east line of said <br /> NWl/4 a distance of 44710 fee� thence westerly along a line parallel tu the north line of said <br /> NWi/4 a distance of 435.85 fce� ffience northerly along a line parallel to the east line of said <br /> NWi/4 a distance of S7':90 feet to the point of beginning. <br />