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i-;-,_� �.",,..,� <br /> ACKNOWI.iDOiM�NT OF D�tD OF YAUiT • . <br /> . �;� �� <br /> n�ro��w�at�w�o�[�wc� . <br /> Te�Mirt�MMMMM1��t�doa�KNN 11rxMo�M�baitb��OiM M�OMd o1 Tiwt�nd�M��natiqr�ntIMMltMpo��r <br /> dMi�fMOriddlorinMNONOoffhNtpovldN�MyMYdM�1�rMMrqhl��ndobNp�OeMbTnNWrNw+• intlM�+�iM <br /> aad�M�lqfen.atiaaeY�M+onw�a.►rao..darr�f,l�plwl�ll�: nawmn.d+aw.uNa.r• w�r. wap«�►.aa <br /> � �uMOr b�M� �eM�oullai d M�Mi Opi�d a1�TiwtTruMa hpn� w�nnl��t . wa��aurd bY <br /> -- � <br /> R D T ' <br /> ` � . <br /> — P J D �Irwbr <br /> � DEED OF TRUBT WiTH FUTURE ADVANCEB . <br /> TFM6 DEED OF TAUBT.h nMd�as of ths 9 d�y o1 �'Y �1Y 9.3,by�nd amw�g <br /> �T��. JBARY G DI[�!�lITl' IINQ PATI'Y J DDl7I'1T , <br /> rwaM nMlHnp addrMa Is P O BOX 173� A6W► NB 689,�Q�0179 �n"i�ruaa.°wtwuar on�or nwrW� <br /> tla Tro�bs, BIV� POIl�TP3 BMII� <br /> � <br /> wlwr�p addrou is P O BOOC 1507 GRAND I3W[� NB f�8E302-1507 ��„T�.�� <br /> •�'��� ��� FIVE PGINT3 BA[�IIi , <br /> :,,� P O BOOC 1507 G[�J1t�ID ISWIND N� 68802-150? <br /> :;� wlwM er�lYip+Wdr'ns I� lhKNn"L�ndM"�. <br /> -;:, FOR VAWABLE CONSIQERATION,Inctudinp Lende►'a�xt�n�ioo ot ondit id�ntlfiod Mrain to JB�RY 6 DI�ITT <br />:.�::'t�1� <br />'=_%;,�`"1'� AND P111TY J DIl�II'1R' <br /> .��,�� (herein"Borrowsr",whether one or mon)�nd ths trutt harNn arat�d, <br /> __ — ths recNpt ot wh�b is heraby acknowledped.T�ustor hereby Ir�evocably qrenb,hansten,conveya and aaipns to Tru�s.IN <br /> '. TRUST,VYITH POWER OF 9I►LE,torthe bene0t and aeaurih of Lendqr,under and subJect to the ta►ms�nd condidons MrNnNte►sW <br /> . toM.tlts rMl D�aDMb��Y�Iolbwr. <br /> ,��. � � • L�►P RIGHT I8)• NII�IE (9)� TETI (10). ELEIIRI (11) MID �IELVE (12)� IN BLOQC <br />=�i=� �'I176 :(5) IN B�[aQ�N'S 11�DITIQN VILi.11GE QF AL�t1. HALL OOI�1'1'Y. � <br /> Topether with all buildinps,improvemontc,fixturea,aheets,alleys,pasaag�+ways,easementa,ri�ha,p►irmarr,,,oa and appurte- <br /> ,,�� nences loceted thareon or In anywl�e pertafninQ th�reto,and Ihe rents,issues and profits,reversions and�enra m:era lhereof,and <br /> such person�l propeAy thet Is attached to tha fmprovements sa as to conatitute a Iixture,includlnp,but no�I�mi�ted to.heatlnp and <br /> �'���� cooling pulpmen�and topether with the homeatead or maritel Intereste,i!a;y,�~�th��ta�asts arb riarcby releaeed and walved;all <br /> �;';k` of whicb,Inoludlnp replacements end addftlons thereto,ie hereby declared to be e part of the real oapte�ecured by the Ilen of this <br />��� Oe�d of Tmst and all of th�forepoirp belnp refened to hereln as the"Propany". ' <br />-- Thls Deed of Tnm4 anall recuro(a)the payment ol the prinalpel oum and intereat evidenced by a piornissory nob or cr�dR <br /> --= ap►eement dated ��9�93 .havinD a maturiry date ot 7��0�8 , <br />-�� In ths oripinal principal amount of a 20��'� .and eny end all modiflaatlons,ext6nsions and renswei� <br /> -�� thereof or thereto end any and ell luture advances and readvances to�Bo�rowre•(or any of them il more than one)hereunder <br /> '"��'� purswnt to one or more promiswry note�or credit ayreements(herein celled"Nate");(b)the payment ol other aums advanced by <br />;;.�.'�r-,,'�^ Londsr to protect the eacurity of the Note;(c)the perlormance ol ell covenente and apreements of Truator set farth herein;and(d)all _ <br /> _�—� present and luture indebtedneea and Cblipatlons of Bo►rower(or eny ol them If more then one)to 4ender whether direct,indlreGt, <br />-=:=�� �bsoluta or contingent and whether arlelnp by note,pueranty,overdraN or otherwlee.The Note,this Oeed ol Truet and any end all <br />"�"n� ofhK docuenb dN!secure the Note or othervulae exeouted In connecdon therewith,includinp without Iimlbtlon puarantees,�sc�xity <br />=`-' apnsments and oasipnmente of leate�s and rente,ahell be referred to herein as!re"4oa�Inatrumenis", <br />-_�°� Truator covananb and eprees wlth lender ee follown: <br />___:r�"� 1. Pa�t d Ind�bqdn�u.All indebtedness secured hereby shell be paid when due. <br /> =— 2. Titl�.Truttor It tho owner o1 the Properly,hae the right and authority to convey the Prope►ry,ond wa�ranti that the Ifen <br /> - ' crested hereby I�a tlrat and prlor Iien on the Property,except for Hens and encumbrancea ael fo►th by Truetor In writinp a�d <br /> - �'H''� dellvered to lendsr bstore execuUon of thfa Deed of Trwt ond the exeaution 8nd deHvery ot tMs Oeed of Tru�t dosi not violate any - <br />-�•'~��' contnct or other obllpetlon to whfch Truetor is subject. _ <br /> '}T;i-r 3. T�Ka,Ataam�nb.To pay betore delfnquency all texes,apecla!aaseasmante and all other cher�es epeimt the PropeHy <br /> -��'•.', now or heroeRer Ievied. _ <br />—�'� ' 4. Iniwanc�.To keep the Property Uieured agaMat damepe by flre,hazerda fncluded wllhin the term"extended coveraye",and - <br /> "'�'•- such other hazards a�Lendar mey requlre,in amounta end with compenles accepteble to Lendar,naminp Lendor e�an�ddWon�l _ <br />'.:i`�„� named Inaured,with bss payeble to the lender.In case of losa unde►auch pollcles,the Lender la authodzed to adJu�R collect and <br /> -:• oompromiee,all Cleim�inereunder and shall have Ihe optlon of applying all or part of the Inaurance proceeda(1)to any Indebtedness <br />-�i;_���, eecured hereby and in 3vc�OrdBt 88 Lender mey delermin0,pq to�he T�uetor tu be uaed ter the repelr or rostoradon o}the Prope►ty <br />_;^"ti4y� or(i11)f�a�y othor purpoae or object aeUetacfory to Lender wlthout aHecting the I�en ot this Oeed of Truet for the full amount secured <br /> �V`""�s�� hereby befOre�uCh payment ever took place.Any eppllcetfon o�proceeds to Indebtednesa ahall not axtend or poatpone the due <br />'��� d�e ol any payms�b under the Note,or cure eny dafeull thereu nder or he►eunder. _ <br /> �. Escrow.Upon w►Itton demanol by Lender,Trustor ehall pay to Lender,In euch manner ps Lender may de�lpnate,suflicient <br /> ��_;r� sums io meois iender io pey as inay oeooma due one or more oi me ioiiowing:�i�aii taxea,awe�.smenie ana oiner cneryea sysinsi _ <br /> r,,,z-N� fhe Propsrry,(Iq Ihe pramlum�on the properly imurance raqulred hereund9r,and QN)tho premlums on any mortqape Inwranca <br /> �r�. rputr�d by L�nd�r. - <br /> '"�'y;� 6. 1Aak�nana�,R�Ira�nd Compllane�wlth Law�.Truator ehall keep the Propery in pood condltlon�nd repalr;sh�ll _ <br />"`"'���;' p►on�tly rspalr,or replxce my Improvement whlch mey be damaged or doshoyed;shall not commN or pe►mlt�ny watto w � <br /> ---- tNteloiatlon ol th�Prope�iy:shall not remove,demoll�h or subalantlally alter any of the Improvements on ths PropeAy;shall not <br /> �.�p�;�.,;� Commif,su1fK or pKmR�ny ect lo b�done in or upon tlw Property in violedon of any law,ordinance,or ropul�don:and shall pay and � <br /> �.�..r;,;,� promptly dl�oh�rp�tl TruNor's co�t and expens�aI11Nn�,�ncumb►ancei and charyes kvled,Imposs0 or qsatad ayalmt th� -. <br /> --4-- w°p°ny°r�"y put tMr°°L _. <br /> - _ _ 7. �t OanNn.Lmd�r Is hereby afsipned all comp�n�atbn,award�,dama�es and other p�ymsnb or rellef(hareinaker " <br /> _ "P►ocwd�'�In conrnodon wlth condemmNon or other hklnp d the PrapsAy a pan theroot,a b�cenwyincs In Neu of cond�nx�- - <br /> tlon.Lender ohall be onUd�d at Ib opNon to commsnce,appear�re and pro�ecute in ib own name any�otlon or prxeedin�a,and <br /> _,_� ehall alw lw�ntldsd b mdc��ny eompromlN or uld�nt in wroro�ctlon wetl�such twcinp or damays.In M��wnt�ny poruon ot <br /> _-_ -!� wcsa����wwowe..�ar .�� , <br />` ..`T� 01/M NMMnM WnM MC«nnwa TwM wM Mwi�ANOdwwt lr+eW►11MnMa <br />