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_. :. �_--. .-- <br /> � • . � _-_:. . <br /> �.;- . <br /> . -� <br /> --�.-- ,..-. <br /> � <br /> -..__�--.�- ._�.�.:__ ,y__. <br /> — : _ - — �i� � -.�- .- - -_.__ . _ -_._ . - —_� _- --- <br /> . -r .:ti. - - - = <br /> `-. ` _ _ .0 <br /> -;__ . _.. , i w.-. - _ - - — — . -. _.�. - __ <br /> ,��: ----- --- --- --- . . <br /> — ; . - _ _ - . . • _ _. <br /> �"'�'_•,` _ t 3 ` _ . .. . ' ' - .�_ . _ _ � . <br /> _ - - y _.. ' ` - J <br /> � . �. � ` � <br /> ' `` � ` � �1� 105130 . . � <br /> �. � . - . , � � <br /> _ � , , ' s�:v�QIIPTCY TRUSTSS�S�BSD . . . . <br /> - — � . �s � fs �de �� a.:s2�,y ot �►��, 1991� bY �Q�s , ` . <br /> - D. Stslna�lcer,� as Trustee� af: the B�tate at CapitoY =Suppl�, Inc. . ____ <br /> �forserly knawn as Blliat S�pply CoaPanp. Letkov Supp2Y, i�Testside _ <br /> SuppiY, Fairbury i SupPiY, Heritage bea�inq.� Levis Leasf.�xJ; <br /> - Oebtor, in the Qnited States Banlaruptcy Coust for the District o! <br /> — N��a��ca in a cass entitled Tin�,� Can;tol Sunnlv. inc._ et ai.� <br />_=�«.°� HJc9o-81177, as Graator, and l�Da= Prcparti�s, Inc., a Nebraska <br />-•��_' � . aarporatfon, as Grantee. <br /> Ti�. • . <br />• � Reaitals ----. <br /> - WHEREl�s, an Order for Reiief under Chapter 11 of .Title i1 af. , _ <br /> t.1ae IInited States Code was entered againat Capitol SupP1Y� Znc. hy — <br /> - the Qnf.ted SEa�tes Banlauptcy Cous�t !or the District of i�Iehraslca __--- <br /> upon Qoluntar��Petition f3Zed J�y 10, i99a. a certilied copg o! --- <br /> ` - such Voluntasy Patition bei.nq attached hezeto ancl incorporated --_--_ <br />- ' hersin a� 8�fh�bit l�f .and , . � --=- _ <br /> =r, • ` WAERE�S, upo� conversion to a� proceecling under Chaptes 7 of .���z�:� <br /> ' � Title 11 0! the IInited States Code, Thosas D� Stalnaker was duly , L�`.��sj�1�I��<r'���- <br /> "�. T�• _ - - _ � �... . -`'�i�`-•�,"~;, �- <br /> .aFPointeci Truatee ot t�e Estate �ot Capito1 SuPP�Y. Ina., a cer - <br />-:-- -- tified copy of whicm agpof nt�¢nt i� attach�! hereto and _�s'�` fi_,�__ <br /> . ,�:. incorperated herein as Exhibit s: and � . - � <br /> . �"n ' = <br /> "y- ' . . ' �'-`""i c''r.:, _>.; <br /> � �S�IS �Thoaas D.. Stalnaker, as Tzustee, fn accordance �ith j._,•.•N�-.: <br /> _ �=:--=�_�s- <br /> - °�.:�. • applicabl�. 8a�nkruptcy Rules, provided all creditors and "ather � r �:�-.� � <br /> 1...�w�;%:' <br /> • a�' partaes=in-isiterest wi t h No t ice o! I i n t e n t t o S e l l t h e p r e p e r t y :. ��;.;�_ <br /> described herein puxsuant to il �.S.C. ; 363 upon Mo t ion l i le d ��t'��_.- <br />� r,� ;': witb the` IIn�ted states �nla�ptaY Court for the District o! ...;.-� = <br /> - ����i,..� Hebraska on Ju�ne 11, 1991, a certified copy of such Motion being ..�;�.�:. .�- <br /> , .,, ;:;�`•`:4: ' ' �'.1�yf�4'_: <br /> ,� 1_; attached hereto aaa fncorporated herein as Exhibit C, and upon the ;;::y, , , <br /> �--�- order of the Court ailowing shor�ened notice perfod and lfmited , . _ <br /> � -=�°=��� service of said Kotion, a certified copy o� which is attached � . _ <br /> � v: �- � hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit D, and upon the .� `_ - <br /> '-:'��:�; �: Certilicate oY Service of the Trust�e, a certilied copy of which . --- <br /> "'";��� � is attaahed hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit E; and �. . __ <br /> .�'��-�.:.:. '� . = <br /> w�RE�iB, after notice and hearinq, the United States Bank- <br /> . �����=�:'� � ruptcy Court for the District, o! Nebraska has entered an Order � � ;- <br /> . -,,:,� ...._. . . : : <br /> • ��=`� � '� � appravinq the Trustee�s intention to sell said property and authc- ,.,.,:, . � <br /> . . ,d.�iri{r _ ;i�.5���� . . .,.� :. <br /> �,�_,�'��'.': rfzinq said sa3e, a certified copy of which �s attached hereto and , <br /> : •, �, .-� .� :• incorporated herein as Exbibit F. . ':�:;:•� . �,_ <br /> ,;.• •. -- <br /> ' � ��:. � � � . ` .._. <br /> NOii, THEREFORE, know ali by tisese psesents, Thoa�as D. Stal- ` <br /> � � - e Trustee as Grantor, b�v virtue of the power and authority � : �'• - ,�� -__ <br /> � nak r, , �, . -- <br /> vested in ae, as aloresaid, am consideration of the sum o! Nfnaty � .:1�.= <br /> � ' -� ��� �i Five Thousan� Five Hun�red and No/lOOths Dollars, pafd by the �� �. � � <br /> �.: <br /> '�:°;� .� --.-"`•i--.:—:-1- G�«n..�,- -�=.r°��£F� �*p wt�iah is heaeb� acknowled9�d. --do hereby ---- - <br /> [ �. <br /> • • xr.r• •�. •r � <br /> ' ' � �> ;-:�,� grant, bargain, sell and convey uan� ADam Properties, Inc., a � � � <br /> � � . �'r` '�' `� ; Nebraska corporation, Grantee, and its successors and assigns ; � . <br /> • 3wd'r_:. ..:•. ". ' � , <br /> '�3i.;`4=• � � <br /> �...: . lorever, the lollowing described real estate, together with all and , • <br /> ' ' � � • singnlar tenements, hereclitaments, and agpurtenances thereto f � <br /> � . . � belonc�ing or appertaining; and t,�ne reveraian and reveraions, ! ' . <br /> '',`':;� � :-'k�`f; ' rema£nder an� rema�ns2ers, rents, �ssues and pro��ts thereof, � <br /> " "'�� � loca�ed in Grand Isba�d, Hali �ountp,, Nebraska, tn wit: � <br /> ;_ <br /> , . ��:r.. :,... , <br /> . � � ... Part o� the E�ortheasL one-q�arter (NE 1/a) ot thm , ; � . <br /> � �- � . .; . � Northeast one-qt:arter (NE 2/4y oY Seotion 21 (S 21), : � , <br /> ' ,' �� �� Township 11 North (T il N), RaYtge 9 West jR 9 W), ot the <br /> •.., .� -�, �:�:. ' : <br /> � , .�....:�: 6th P.M., desa�ibe8 as foliows: , . ; <br /> : . �� Com�encing at the Southwest corner of the in�ergection - � - - <br /> • , � o� Anna au8 Eddy Streets, wbich streets are nov estab- <br /> � � •lished and in use= thenae southrregter�y along the Soutb ; <br /> `'��� � boundary of ]ltu�a Street, a distance o! 164.4 feet; the�ce <br /> � � ��'�� �• . � � Southeasterly at a right anqle, a �istance of 140.0 feetit <br /> . : .: <br /> ��� ___�,___ tltanc� Northeast�ly at a.sight angie a distanae oi 16�1.4 � <br /> . .. ... � <br /> --- .� . <br /> --------- .. <br /> � _ . feett-t.hence -Ro�v�t�rly along the westeslp bo�mclary =--�--- - - <br /> � � � ,� � � o! EdBy Street, a diatanee oF 140.0 feet tio the place of ' . <br /> � '�� . ... � � � . <br /> � . . � . - . � . .. if. . , � • <br /> , . I � ..; . . _ _ .� _..^ . . . .. . <br />