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<br /> : - ` ' . ` `SEOONI�SEAL ESTA3E MO�'i�GA�GE < _ �
<br /> <,
<br /> < , �
<br /> -:1fHpqf�t(;i;yE gy T�SE pRESENTS:TNAT 1 os WE. �oai� E. Gseealee atld Csrol S. G:unle�., .
<br /> , hwbaa�d aa� Yifs ' � , : � < < .� " ,
<br /> , �� .
<br /> --� �1 . ��a�d5tlteoiNebw�ta.farvaluerxeived `��20s000.00��nt7! � ,
<br /> _ do77ar• snd-ao 100�►� _- - = • ' -
<br /> ,do he�eby gEL[,�ed CO�Wato AMERICAIY FAQ4II.Y FlNANCW.SEltVICES.INC..(�orty�ee�OjlasCowMr.a�d StM� .
<br /> dI+Iebrni�a.tLe initowi�deun'bed Premi+a dtwtad ia Hall � County,aod Stue of Ne6r�k�.tar�iG
<br /> Lots �4 and S,.`in Nsde's Subdiviaiaa to the City of Grand �Island, Hsll Couaty, Nebraslu�
<br /> . . �
<br /> ni�niortp�is JWnior w: ,
<br />-_- _A first.aortgagc vith Ffrst. Federsl 1.incoln ; .
<br /> --- 1'ii�(�?f�l��'!�r : : '
<br /> -_ �. The istentios bda�to coa�g berebqaaa&iotuu titk in fx'simpk iacludina a11 t6e ri�hts oi homatead aud dower.;� _ .
<br /> _ SEClJ�ffiDi�F Thirinortgyeseauat�►Ymentoftbe�:aroddeMsndtheperformanceoftlkcoven�ntsanda�ooementscootaiaed
<br /> _- • .i�.thie mwit�e�nd in aey Wber daenmmt iscbr�wrated derein.Secuoed debt,�s nsed ia thiss mon�igc.includes aay sa�ounts!o��►ou
<br /> �': ' imder tids"�rc"stp�e or under aoy instrodrau soeuted by tUia mort� � � �• �
<br /> - 7`be�debt is evide�ced 6y a revolvii�g credh faan lagceeroent dated August 2, 1991 " • ,witb iaitisl aanaat inteie�a
<br /> = �� su'eof 1a:5096.- . . . :. : ;� .;:�.,`
<br /> �'�;�_ - The above obTiaadan is due and psyabk ori�t�:3, 200! : ;if IIotpaid mtier. - : - •..�.,..,..°
<br /> _ Fat�e Ai�a�a:All amuunts owod usader the abuve agreement are securod even though not ap amoants may yec be.advanced.Futare
<br /> - advanas unde►the agramenf are eoatemplated-aa�wi7 tis sec�uced ar��rill have p.t'sarity ca the aame eatent as if:mqde on tire dace�his
<br /> - �qonga;e is execated.TAe tow u�b �yshis mortgagcat an one timc sha11 noc exceed a msu�imurir�irin�ipat ainuuat of. ' �
<br /> 1�►entq thousand aad ao/1o0 ouars�S2Q,00U.00�+���'*ft�lusint�st.PlusAnYdisbarsemeaumadc�arthe
<br /> .: p�ynKnt of tsua,apecial assesssnents.or insdrstna aa t�se proper[y,with interat on auch diabursemcats �- �
<br /> -N "- �Yuiile Rsta The iateRest ate on the obGgation sect�red by this maRgage may vuy according to thc temis of that o.bfigatioa:'.:.. .
<br /> IJWeshaUpsydltaxd,�adsnyiateraton.ormatminginstaltmrntsofprincipal.datonaoypaormartaageandasi�nukviodupoa _
<br /> ag
<br /> ,.,;;�;; s�idrcaldtstea�dsilathertsu�es.leviesandassessmeatslevieduponthismortgageorthenotewhichthismoAgageisgiventosecure.6efa�e
<br />`��;''�i� thea�mebocomadelinquentandkapthebuildingsofsaidpnmisesinsurcd,loss.ifany.payabletosuchfirstmong�gasorthismoitgagee. •
<br /> ;,,; or both,then thes�presents be void.otherwise to 6e and nmain in full force.
<br /> - ' IT iS FiIRTHER AGR�BD(I�That if tfie said mortgagor shall fail ta pay such taxes and such interat on,or matudrtg i�stallments of
<br /> ��' princip�l,due an aay prior mongage aad procurc sucb insurana.thm this martgagee may pay such taxa and such interaL on.or matudty _
<br /> . - instsllmentsofp�incipal.dueonsuchpriormortgageandprocuresuchinsurance;andthesumsoadva�withinurestahall6epaid6ysaid =
<br /> ,. ����� mon�or.And this mortaage shall st�nd as security for the same.(2)That a fsul�ue to pay any of said muney.either principal or intenst on =
<br /> :.' ' this ar sny other prior mortgage.when the same becomes due nr a failure to comply with any of t6e foregoing agreements,s6a11 cause the -
<br /> whok wm of money henin secured ta become due and collectible at ance at the option af the mongagec. _
<br /> 1T IS FpRTHER AGREEQ That said mangsgee,pending forcctosure of tbis mortgage and aher daree and pending swy therean or
<br /> -- appestthtretromand pending9ale of premises mangaged.may paysuch taxes and maturinginterest ormaturinginstallmeats of principaRon
<br /> prior mort�ges.procwrc such insuronce and such sums shall be added to the amount due on decra and upon canfirmacion of aate by t6e
<br /> • courtard�redcateaautofproceedsofsale:oriiredeemedduringstey.appealorsale.suchamounushallbecollectedthesameasthouEhit =.
<br /> were�pan of suoh deera. � _
<br /> =; ITISFURTHERAGREEDThatintheeventofdeiaultofanyofthecovenantsorconditionaotthisinstrumenttherentsofthepremiu� _
<br /> are heceby auigned to tho Mortgaga as security tor the payment of the indebtedness secured by this agreemrnt. =
<br /> IT IS FURTHER AGREEDThatlhia Mortgage Noteshallbedue and payabfeifthe propeny subjatrothismortgage isconvtyaAaway or
<br /> " if title thereto shall be vated in any other. ��
<br /> . ,~ Siyxd thu 29ti� day of Jnlq .t9 91 -
<br /> . ' ..; ,. In pasena of • -
<br /> ;. � . -
<br /> :. :_ � � . x�i+c�tD
<br />-:.;. . �.. . .... ....... ............ E`S�EAL)
<br /> ,. � . ............................................................... 'thoioa's'L:�Gi'eenlee
<br /> � .� wm�ESS . =
<br /> � � ,. ( E ) -
<br /> ._ � �QA.�`� ..�, . .. .. .......... S AL
<br />- -=-=- " wi�ESS .................................................... L'a'aY"S�'Crcea'1c��,�F�X9-�' _
<br /> 5fA7'E OF .....�eb?�'s9�..... . .......... ........... . County d .,...�lall......... ......................,..,.,.. :
<br /> �-_ ;_ ............. .... ,. . .
<br /> &fore me,a twmry public quali�ed for said cautrty.person�Ily came Tbomas E. Greenlee and Caro1 S. Gseealee,
<br /> husband aad wife :
<br /> `-' luwwn to me to 6e the identkal person or persoru w!a slgned the foreaoing in rument and acknowtrdged the extrution thereoi ta be hb,
<br /> � • �5` Aer or tbelr voluntary ac1 and deed. 4
<br /> .} ,{. `• ... .............................. t.f.. I9 9�..... • ' N Publlc. -
<br /> ` �,��,+ia�cEa .5�:�. is q-r.?................ . , ........���%�. ... ... a,ri,
<br /> •�` c Ols L�i 1ii1►�i��'��
<br /> ;:�i,.;;' ;.
<br /> :, .
<br /> • - .a. -:_,�._.- SI'ATE OF ..............:.........................::.................. . .. _ _. _
<br /> _..
<br /> � •':,.;;
<br /> •. ;;,::.,:, �:_.,,:. � Enteredon numerlcal index and 91ed fa recard
<br /> ,.�.-• ,;.� . �! ' � in the Ae�ttter of Ikede O�ce oi�aia County 11te
<br /> .f - �lr�., .........y.,.....dayaf ..............................�.........�..i9 ......... . af .............................. oclocicand .....,.......,....... , ..... aflnutd ................ M..
<br /> w���. �ed recaded in BooE ..............................:....... of ............................. .... ae p�e......................,,........... , ... .
<br /> _--_ �_— i�-- -,. .................»........................................,...............................................................,................................,......................:............:.:............. flea,d IIeedi
<br /> � 's _%;�,;:�" . . . By ............................................................. ��Y
<br /> .. '- , '. .•.. �
<br /> , _ � 7WS IN$t1tUMgl�Yr DSAFi'LD slfr-- - -- — __. .--.--
<br /> ; . .;, -
<br /> . . � FS-0266f(NEti ltev.l/81 .
<br /> . � : x . . . _ . _ .
<br /> . . - `. - :..:_ . :. -
<br />