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<br /> '_' '___ ".__"-.:"—'_"_r._._.._.__._.. ._.�_..._' ""'.. _. . -."' -""""'__.___'-'_'_"—�'_-'_"__ "' .
<br /> - . , . . _ � _� : _ _ � ; � : 9i;.;:,: .��5l� � :-. =- ,_
<br /> — �_ . I[ODIFICATION OF NSB�ASBA DBSt! taF TBdTST . . -
<br /> 1'gig.�IpiCATION QF_I�iBBHAS$A DB�__OF TBUST ia made and entered lato
<br /> , . - � � �:
<br /> th� Z6th dsy of JuIY, -1951, by snd atnong ALBEE PRIN'1'ING CO., INC. . �._�
<br /> ( 1'�s�oe ), y,rhose m�iling sddress is 123 W. 17th Street, Hox 0, Syracuse,
<br /> Nebrasks 68446; NURWEST BANI� IOWA, NATI�NAL ASSUCIATION (the
<br /> ,suceessar to Norwest Bsnk Des Mofaes, Natlonal Assoclatioa) , (tbe ° ru�te_e"j,
<br /> — whose m�iling address ie 666 Walnut SMeet} Dea Moines, Iowa 5d304; and
<br /> NORWF.lST BANR IOWA, NATIONAL A3SOCIATION- (t6e su��eeaar ta Norwest�;-,
<br /> -= Bsn1c Des bbfae�, Natbnal Ansoeiation) (the "Hens[i�"), whoaa mn�fn�.`:.:r"::�,: . : _ -
<br /> "'" — address is 666 Wal�nut 5treet, Des Moinee, Iawa 50344. . � �
<br /> .�.� ' - � . _. --
<br />::.'-�s ° ]tBCITALS z ' . . . . . . .: �'. ,��;'_;
<br /> _` The Trustors.the Traatee and the_Benef.tciary entered into a Nebraska Deed.af _ ;�-���-_
<br /> T� h reUtive to the
<br />`�?'' ' Trust, dated ss of January;3l, 1989' (the °D�sad oE Trnd"), _`i.�; �%'��
<br /> �-~�` Trastor's intarest in the real property descri6ed on Exhibit�A attsclied hereto ::. -�-,�_
<br /> � and the` otl�er property described in ths:..Deed o€ Trust. The Dee�! ot Trust � E�4�
<br /> h -
<br /> ? �vss fIIed Fe6ru�ry,22, !9$9, en.d was re�+arded aa IJocument No. 89-10�858. The � ,�. '__
<br /> Deed of Tro.st.tv� modif�ed Pvirsuax�t to�a Madification of. Nebraska Deed of ' �
<br /> � � • .T�e�kst, dt�ted �ts af Janqary 28, 7.�90� Eiled �ebruarq 2, 1990, and recorded s�s . �+�`��' -
<br /> - - - , -
<br /> _;., ie- - seettiaes .�Asrne.n�_oF, emon� otL�r : F_ss.
<br /> ,�•. : D�eament iNa: '-80-100539, and prese�tly -
<br /> . things, up. to �i,250,000.Q0 of tlie Trustor's obligations::to the Beneflelsry , ��.";��,.--�
<br /> � (�*�. under a I.oan Agreemeat, dated .lanuary 31. 1989, among.;:,the Trustor, the ��,��•
<br /> -,'.`- �,
<br /> � �� Benefioisry and others, as amended, and the prom3ssory nate, date�� ,,.Y:z,=-'
<br /> ' �=t�' Janusry'26; 1990, of the Trtsstar and others as co-makers. .The Loan ��'•��-
<br /> �x;=--
<br /> Agreement has been amended or extended pursuant to an Amendment No. 1 ta ; -., �,_:
<br /> � I,onn Agrerement, dated January 26, 1990, an Amendment No. 2 and Conse�e� � � �: �';_�� "�`-
<br /> ., 189a, an . Exten,�fr��: .::. : ' �--��:�.�
<br /> Na. 1 to I.onn Agreement� deted. as of January 3, .
<br /> �f �' Agreement, d�ted Aprll 30, 1991, an Extension Agreement, dated as of May���q'. , � � '���
<br /> ... �` � . —
<br /> ,;; 199�, snd an Amendment Na. 3 to Loan Agreement dAted� as af 3uty Z6. 19�� - :f;�•�`=.-=-:=-
<br /> ��' (�e amended and extanded, the "I.aan ARreeisent'�). s�nd g pr`omissory note, - _�_,_
<br /> dated July 26, 1991, of the Trustor and athers as aa-makers (th� RReplac�nent •.`��-�
<br />