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<br /> _ � , i�nn�c�or`t oF Nsanns n�.n oF��rs�r ,. '
<br /> -- � TSIg`![ODYFICATt0�1 OF NSH$ASRlf DBifU �F '�RUS'P-�s s�sads aad 8a#�ret!-lnta-: _ - �., '- -- -._
<br /> . tbis 26th daY of Juiy. 1991, by snd among MAVER,tCIt [�DIA, INC. � , . .
<br /> - � ("1�osbo�"j, whoae n�ei}iag address is 123 W. l.7th. Street, B�x O,' Syrraeus�,
<br /> = Nebrasks E8446; NOA.WEST BANH IOWA, � NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (ti�g
<br /> - suecessor ta Nor`vea! Bank Des 1�[oines, .National Associat3on� (the *Trustea"j,
<br />�-`r �whOSe msi(ing �adc�reaa ia 666 Watnut �3treet, Des Muio.ea, Iowt► 50304;; and _
<br />:;:;_: ' NOAWFST HANK� IOWA, 1�TATIONAL ASSOCIATIUN (the succeasor ta NQrweat _
<br /> "`.'�• � Bank Dea�Moinea, Natfonal Asaaciatiod) (the '"Be�"?, whose msWng
<br /> � addresa ia 666 Walnut Street, Des Moines, Iowa 5Q304.
<br />_��= .
<br /> , BBCITALS : ' �. °—
<br />::�,.�. • �s;-;-�:_-
<br /> Ths Trustor,. Ehe Trustee and the Benefieiary sntered.into a Nebraska�Deed.of . � __
<br /> . . Truaf, dsted a� of 'Jannsry 3�, 1989 (th� "Deed oE Trast°), relative .ta the�.:..�.� �=�`--
<br /> ,�,.._:._.
<br />' , _-�' � Trustor's fnterest !n the a�eal property described on Exhibit A_attaehed:heret.o , - _�-_
<br /> and the other �property deaari6ed in the Deed of 'Z�ust. The Deed of,:Trust � ��
<br /> wats flled February 22; I989, and was recorded as D"ocument Ne. 89-100887. The , � �„
<br /> . �;' - Deed of Truat was modified p}�rsuant to a Modtfieation of I�Tebraska Deed of �<,
<br />- - as Dor_t�nt N�s: . . ��G'-�=.'`-
<br /> -_��;,�_.:.,� Trust; dated"as csf-�aiivisry..2&, �199t?, ti�ec� Fe6ruar�t.2, 199Q; __
<br /> -- - 90-ID05�0; and presentl� s�cares payment of, amon� ot�er thfngs,, up t.o
<br />��� �,1.250,QOQ.QO. of the Truator's obligations to the Heneficlary--under: ai I.oan .�,+�.�, -
<br /> � _ Agreement, dated January 3�., 1989, amang the Truator, the HeneEfciary and�� ``� � �.�Y
<br /> � other�;.as amended, and the promfssory note, dated January 26,�195Q, o€ the . �,�:-. �-":y�.==
<br /> ,��,. Trustor and athers as co-makers. The Loan .Agreement has b�en amen de d or .._-:. � '�y,.�;:_
<br /> y..
<br /> � �, . extended pureuant to an Atne»dmeat No. 1 to J,onn Agreements. ..date3. ��:�::��"�,_
<br /> � J�nuary 26, 1990, an Am�endment No. 2 aad [:onsent No. 1 to Loan Agreeme»r., a �:
<br /> - datec!.as of January 3, 199i, an Extonsion Agreement. dated Aprll 30, 1991, nn -�=�-�t`
<br /> <� � ��ctenision Agreement, s�ated as of M�►y 28, 1991, and an Amendment No. 3 fo s>::��_?' ;`y__
<br /> 3�:. :_:._.:, ;`� �
<br /> • :.f,r��,.��. 7.oan Agreemeat, dated as of July► 26, 1991 (�s nmended and ext�nded, thA i:
<br /> .s;,;
<br /> �R;°.--. ��� ' "I.a�a A t^), and a promi�sory notA, dated .1u1� 26, 1991, of th� Trustar `
<br /> ,,,�..��.. .
<br /> ", { �-? end others ces eo-makers (the "Re._pleo�ment Note°�. has beon exr�cuted ard s : .
<br /> . 15�1,� _ deLvered in substitutian for, and replacemont, modl�icatlaA, extansian And
<br /> , . ;":'�,`Y���<<. renewal of, but not 1n payment of., th� pr�m issnrV n�te, da te d J an ua r y 2�,
<br /> ;.. .
<br /> � yV, �:;�� 1990. The parties desire to m�dlf,y the Aoad af Trust ta rePleet I.helr aqreement '
<br /> � � ���..
<br /> "'.��' .�.�_�;�;� . that th� Ueed of �'rast saeeuraA payment of thA Trustor'� oblfgatlona to ttie ;
<br /> ��� :.�;;�1�:. : Benefieiary �inder the Loan Agreem�nt, as qo emendc�d ar extt►nde�7 and undc+r , .
<br /> ��_��'`.,:;i.:. tha R.eptac�ment Note.
<br />�, �+�-. ' �� � .
<br /> - � .
<br /> ' �r, I�Op, THEREFpAJ;, in canalderr�tlon af the abovc pramtses�=s�d other good �snd �.
<br /> vatuable aonsideration, the aum and aufficioncy af svhich is herAhy .
<br /> . . � acknowledged, thA p71x'LIl1li �li!!'Bt0 AfTPOA AR follows: � � .
<br /> --�:%:��
<br /> . ������ 1. The seoond para�qraph af thv Occ�rl, �f `Crust is modifle�l tv rcad r►s i
<br /> G
<br /> �z�r--�' follawa: , . . �
<br /> � �
<br /> .., _Y�+".�_� FO1L VALUAI3I,E CONSjD�RA'I'IUN, '1'rusta� irr�vor.t�bly transFerg, �.-- -� .
<br /> =,��- '-:�r �
<br /> r - '' conveys and �Pr�l�ap ta 'Tr.uat«�, IN 7'RtJST, WlTH POWER OF SAi.l;. , �
<br /> • . . `,;;,:• , ,:�: : . . . , � .
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