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<br /> . ` ` ' D� aF �C."0l�VEl�Ca �
<br /> _ -- TBIS DSBD, ata�e�-��ttis 25th dap of Jsly. I991, betweea soha �.
<br /> teTolf,�. Trna�eet No�+rest Hank Nebraska, N.a., for�uerly Nas�ait Banlc
<br /> Gramd .�s�and, �tatsanal Associatioa,, Beaeficiasy� and Grand Islaad
<br /> Cbrf,stian Schc�ols, srustor. � .
<br /> iiHBREA.S, Tru�tor, for valuable consideration snd in order to �
<br /> � � secure to Beneficiary the payseat a! said valuable consideration, ,
<br /> - _ � � clid eacectite a Trust Deed, vl�.ch �s �iled oa July 18R. 19A�t '
<br />- recorded ia the of�ice of the.Cisrk o! tbe ConAty 4g 8a11; aad
<br />- fdentified� as Docuaent No. 84-003813, aonvey to Trustes,. h3s �uc-...
<br /> cessors or assigAS, a csrta3a parcel ,ot real astate deseslbed in , ,
<br /> � safd Daed as �o2la+ra,� to-�ritc � .
<br /> � part of the SouthMest Qu�srter ot the Sautheast Quarter
<br /> - �SN1/4 881l41 of Saction Thfzty-Five t35), ia Township
<br /> � � Sleven (il) Northe Raaqe Tea (10) �+1est of the 6th P:M.,
<br />-_. Sall County, Nebrsska. mo,re particularlp descr3.bed as � —
<br /> fellaws: Commencinq at thd Southeast Coraer of the _
<br />== ----- --=- - -- =Scsuthwes� Qttaster o€==fi.h�-�u�heaa� Quar�e�c _of_SeatfQn-=-_--___"_=:__ __;
<br /> , �'his�y-five t351, fa Tawnsi���r Elevea (il}-North, -Range - --- : . _ - �- -
<br />- � Ten (10) f�Test of the 6th P.M., ruaafnq thence Narth •
<br /> �� � '� T�enty (20) Rods, thence West E�qht (8� Rods, thence
<br />=;7� � South Twenty (20) Rods and thenae East Eiqbt (8) Rods
<br />_-�� � .� to th,e plaae of beginning,
<br />�=;"�`; aad the said sam of money has been fu31.g paid to Heneficiary, .anc� � .
<br /> �, - 8eneficiary has requested tLat tbe estate conveyed by the saf.d � . . _
<br /> , II�eed of Trust ta Trustee in the said property hereinbefore mea- _
<br /> �ioued and described be now released to said Truator. _
<br /> T�ORE, the undersiqned Trustee d�es hereby releas�, con- -
<br />. vey and g�itclaim unto said Trustor all.�ight, tftle, interest,
<br />;� ,. , claim and demand whatsoever whicm tae had acquired ia and tlirouqh :=
<br />',:• � the above-described Deed of Trustr toqether with all appurte-
<br />�,��-.:::� -
<br />:,,<<;�:; nances aad privfleqes tberetuito bela�e}�ag or appertaining. «
<br /> �,,�. . � -=
<br /> ,�- . -
<br />, �O�I�T . WOLF � �-_
<br /> . Tsustee .
<br /> � STATE OF NEBRASIiA � ' � � � { :
<br /> . ,;•• )89. .. � f
<br /> : __ - —-:-- eo�i�g. c� �. i �
<br /> ,..
<br /> , " The foreqoing Deed of Reco���ance was ackaowledqed before �
<br /> me on July 25, 1991, by John A. wolf, Trustee. f
<br /> �
<br /> � !
<br /> �
<br /> � �1NY�Nd!�M�N� � I
<br /> � rrp�.t,�N�11,1ri No ary Pnb c � �' �
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