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<br /> Dollus NS.5...�bt24..1�*.*.*..........}.I'�s debt is evidencod by B�a�wer s note
<br /> z — - -• - -_ -- N� -_ -
<br /> -- - _ _d�te�.tfiep�med-iteasQusSecarity.in��µ8;`3�9��Corruouti�lypay��ts.'�vitl�thtfalt�ifnot•� _
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<br /> �<. Paideulier,dueandpsysbkop ..... �..:_..:_._.......»...».................�...........».............
<br /> . T6is Secutity In�stsurneat secures to Les�der.(a)We repayment of t@�s t�ebt evidenced isy tht Not�with interest,and ai� •
<br /> renea�ls,actsosioas and modiScstions:(b)the payment of all other sums.witE►inurest.advaaced unda paragraph 7 to _
<br /> -:�w .
<br /> protoct the security of t6is Socurity Itutrument;arid(c)the perFormance aiBorraWu's cuvmants and agrcementa For tbis
<br /> =..•- purpos�Borrorrer inevacabty gr��d conveys w Trasta.in uas��vith power of sal�thefoitowing describedpropaty
<br />"°' located in � .County.Ndsr�sica:
<br /> � - Tract of land describec�.as eam�4 at a peint an the soutb line of First.
<br /> � st�+eet, in #�e(�i.Y of Grand Is].aad. Hall �amtY, N�. at.a P°int 8�
<br /> . feet Easter�g fri� fil�e Nwrt]�aesterlp ecrner of Fractianal i�ot.2, in Fract3.�
<br /> Blodc 2� of Pala�t's S1�baivisian of Lot 7 af tY�e Camty S�ibdivisian of the
<br /> ` � Soutt2�east Quaiter IS�) of Sfi� of Sect3on 16. TownshiP 11 North. Ra�4e 9 � .
<br /> , West. s�aa�is�q tl�noe Southeasterly parallel witb Westerly lfs�e of said Iat I,
<br /> . 132 feet to the nort�rrly alley line betw�een First awd Di,visicn Street, �oe
<br /> i�artt�easterly aia�g the Northerly ],ine o� said alleY 43 feet m�re ar ]ess, .
<br /> � ' to a poiut 18 feet Westerly fran the Sa:tt�easterly aorner Of Lot "A", Of
<br /> � ' E]m Plac��itiau, ti�enoe Norti�aesterly para]1e1 with tha Easterly li�e asf
<br /> Sdid LOt "A"� 132 feet to the Soutl�erly 13ne of Fi.rst Streeti tl��oc. S�ly
<br /> alang the South ].i�se oE First Street. A3 feet more o� less to the real plaoe
<br /> of begi�nit�g. � .
<br /> �.4' _
<br />^:��.` ' ,, ' . .
<br /> �. .
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<br /> � whichhasthe�ddressogk...................1k�1..1lEST SPrCQ�iD..S�RPET............�......GRAND..aSI,A�TD.. ........................• �
<br /> - tSnae�l larii�
<br /> Nebruka .............68�01 ................... (••Property Address");
<br /> . w.�' IZJ CiOdl�•
<br /> . , '�;
<br /> `= TIX3ETHER WITH all ttte impiovements naw or hefqftcr etected on the pfoperty.and alt easements. r�ghts,
<br /> - appurterr�ces. renta�ayalties,minenl.oil and ps rights and proAts,water righu aM stack and aU Axtures now or ;
<br /> '.- - - =,-�.-' hueaiter a part of the property.f111 teplacemcnts and additions shall also be covued by this Security Instrument.Ail of the
<br /> �t: foreaoing i�rdemd to in this Securiry Instrument as the"Property."
<br /> � . � Bott�towER CovEN�N'rs that Horrower ia tawfiilly seisod of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to grant
<br /> ' � and convey 16e Propetty and thst lhe Property is unencumbered,eacept Por encumbrances oi record.8orrower warrants '-
<br />• . ,`• '�• and will defend genetaliy t?te title to the Ptaperty agaiaot all ctaims and desnands,subject to any encumbranas of record.
<br /> ' Tti15$ECURmf INSTRUMENT combines uniform co�Cnants for national use and nort-uniform cavenants with
<br /> . _ �-�.f�� - ., iifi�itedvstistiotsshyjESr'ssd'Ktfst�toa�rbt!'tlutes�lttiWtutSeCUt'ity�na n��nentceveringte�it'n't�Y• _ - .
<br /> s•�_,_ •
<br /> , '_;b:�
<br /> __ NEBRASK�—s��re Famity-iNMA/FNLMC UNIfa1fM lNTeTRUMENT _. farm 302a_!Z/a3 .
<br /> :l ,
<br /> ' - ' � NC 82333 LNO
<br /> . . �� . •f,
<br />