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<br /> �� and�ix�noM►«haiealles a pn oi the peope�ty. Au�ar�d sda�cian+�hait a1.w 6e coveced uy ahi�secutic�r .
<br /> �nsat�rnp�A.Alf QEIbe fc�oins I:e�elened�o in this Secirriry Intuutnent as the"Phope�tY•' � -
<br /> - -- ,- , -' `- 1tI�1'f'S�Ba�eoisisw�uBy�eisedef�hee�-heaetye�snve;u�-aadhasthe-dght.ta�nt --- -
<br /> add came�`tiie F�opaty snd d�t the Property is w�encmnbeKd.cxapt for encumbiu�ces of t�eeoid. Banov��ec w�s�nd
<br /> wUt defead Senerauy the tiue a tAe Pboperty against vl ctaim4 aad dem�nds.sabject w aay encumbranocs of c�ec«d.
<br /> ' THIS SECIJitITY�tNS7ROMENT combines unifam covee�nts far mtional use and non-unifocm coveaants with - .
<br /> timito�ivsri�rialsbyjads�ctiontvooas�ituteaunifamsawitSr�tcaveciRg�lpmpntY: _ , -
<br /> � � UN[FDRM CQ�VENANTS. Ba�►aand L,anda rnveaant�nd aanx as foliaws:
<br /> ` !. l�eeN dplri�e�t a�tMen�PreP�7�����i�-Ba�row�ec sh�ll promptlYPaY�due tk�
<br /> pinc' pf and intarst di tbe debt tvideaced 6y the Nate and anY P�WY�t aM late chugaidue under the Note.
<br /> - �F�for'ly�ucsa�i t��SubJxt w spptic+bTc bw�s.to a wnt�m waivcr by l�rnder.Barower ah�ll pay to
<br /> . Laider ao d�e da�r nionthlY P�Y��te due w�der the Nate.un61 the Note is paid in fu11.A sum t"Fu�nds")fa:ts)Y�u13►
<br /> -- W�es aad asseas�N.s whicd msy�twn priariry oira this Secuary Instcamrnt u s lien oi�tAe Ptopaty:(b)Yeady tatsehotd
<br /> payma�ts a g�umd imts a�tAe Propocty, if any; te}ye�uty hszard or property insw�nce premiums: td}Y�Y �
<br />- inc�uance p�md�ons. if any:(e)Y�9�8� ���P�iwas.if any:md(��nY sams PsY�bY���
<br />;�� Ireeder.in accad�nce and�the povisians of p�ragraph S.in tieu of the pa►yrarnt of moctgage insuraoce p�emwms. 'il�ese _
<br /> Items a�e cdkd"Fscraw Iteim." t�ee�da may,ac ang time.coika aM taW F�uWs in an anw�nt na to oxco�the aw�imum
<br />_ � amount a lender fa�feslarally_�elued.matg�e toan msy roqaine for Baaawers escmw account under tiie federal Real ,-
<br /> > , II
<br /> ; F.sWe Stulement PlvaduRS Act of 1974 as amen�fod from dme to ti�,12 U.S.0�Z601 u srq:("CtFSPA�,nnkss u�other
<br />°`'4�� � . law that�pplies to the Fi�s sds a l�sser artwunl. If so.Lrnder may,at any tune�coltoct and Ao13 Funds in an amount na to =
<br /> r;`z,` C�^ee8 d�e ksser amou�M. I,eader msy estimut the anwa�t af_Ru�s due a1 the basis of curnne data and�isornble -
<br /> _ e.stimates of acpenditures of fim�re F.scrow Ioems or attkrwise in accadance with appticabk law.
<br /> ". � The Piu�ds sh�ii be hetd'm an instituuon wlasc deposits are in.w�+ed bY a federal agency,insuument�liry.a aRiiy —
<br /> - - ('incttdiog l,encter.if I.ender is such an institutian�or in any Federal Hame Loan B�nR. Lender si�all appiy the fiu�w paY
<br /> the Escrow Itea�s. Lender rnig not chuge Borrawer for holding and applying the Funds,annually u�alyziag the escraw -
<br /> rn
<br />_ - aaainb ot verifying the£saow Items. unless Lender pays Barnwer inte�est on tt�e�5�nds and applicable I�w peimits __
<br /> Lender to make such a clnrge. HowevGr.Lender may requue Botrower to pay a one-time charge fa an udeprndent real �:�,..:.___
<br />_--- --- —_�sptatax rtpoAingsa�ice�sod-hy l.endec in son���rlth�iis toan.unless applicabte law provides othe'vvise. Unless an � �,��::�
<br /> - - agroement is awde or applicable law requins interest to be paid;Lenaer shall norb��rquired to pay Borrower anyt-iat�est or . _ � �-
<br /> pmings ao the F�nds. Harower and Lender may agrce in wnting,boweva.ihat interest sha11 treparct on the Funds:_��r _ _ __ �s�i --
<br />� shaU give to BoROwer.without charse.an annual accountu�g of the I�nds,showing c�diu and de�ts to the Funds and the __
<br /> � pu�pose fa which exh debit to the Funds was made. The Piinds ane pledged ac additional seturiry for all sums secuned by ��__ -�
<br /> this 3ecurity Insaomen�. ����-,.�
<br /> ' ,. � If ibe Fuoda 1x1d by Lender�cad tbe unou�ts Permitted to be held by applicable law.Lender shall account to --
<br /> Borrowa for the eacess Iiu�ds in accadance with the re�Ni�ements of applicabk law. If the amount of the Funds held by -
<br /> Lender at�ny time is not su�ciem to pay the Esccow Items when due.l.ende�may so notifY Borrower in writing.and,in , =�
<br /> such case Barower shall'paY to Lender the amoun[naxssary to make up ihe deficiency. Borrower shall maice up thc .��_"
<br /> ■��
<br /> �_�_
<br />� - deficiency In no moie than twelve monthtY PaYmenu.at Ixader's sofe discnedon. �=__-=_
<br /> i UP�P�Y�nt in full of r�ll sums secuc�ed by this Securiry Iasuumen�Lender s6a11 promptty refund to Borrower any �� -
<br /> i: Fiu�ds beld by Lender. If,uader paragraph Zl.Lendec shail acquire or sell the Pcaperty.Lender,Pnor to the acquisition or �`��:�s.�:.
<br /> , „
<br /> • �; sale of�e Pimperry,shal}appiy any Funds held by Lcnder at the time af acquismon or sale as a credit against the sums •,r��;".':w.,:
<br /> :. sxund by this Secur�ty In4trumen� ...
<br /> �f; 3. Appliwtion ad�P�rnkets. Unless apQlicabte law pmvis�es othen�is� all paymenu received by l.ender under • Y �
<br /> p�ragraphs 1 and 2 shat!be applied:first.to anY prepayment charges due i�er c�e Note:second.to amounts payabk under �;,,�_�:°•=
<br /> paragraptt Z;third,to interest due:fourth,to principai due;and tast,to any Jaze c,�a,.�es due ut�der the Note. • '.�`"�__
<br /> 4. C U a r�e s;L i n u. b orrowers h a l l pay a l l t a xes, assessmen t s, c h a r g e s. fi n e s and i m p o sidons attributable to the , ,;-•,�-..,r:;�-
<br /> � Property which may auain priority over this Security insuument,anct ieasehold paymenu or gr+aeuid ienls.if any. Borrower ;�'•,,��'-�?
<br /> ua
<br /> ;', shall pay these abligations in the ma�u�er provided in paragraph 2,os if not paid in that matu�ec.Boaower shall pay�them on '�.�":"''�
<br />'. .. r tlme directly ta the person owed payment. Borrower shall prompUy fumish to Lender all notices of amaunts to be pa�d under • •
<br /> . : this pangraph.� If Harrawer makes these paymenu�n.�ctly,Borrawer shall pro�gnty fumish to Lender receipts evidertcing ' • : :..
<br /> L the payments.,. � � . ':,.,:�:'
<br /> • Barower sha11 promptly discharge any lien wfi,�;,�has p do r iry over t h ls S e c�*i ry Ins u umen t unless Borrov��e t:(a)a g r ees ;.'• '- =
<br /> � in writing to the payment of the obligatac�s secured by the lien in a manner avoeptable to Lender;db)contests in good faith tbe •;:;,, . �'.
<br /> : � lien by.or defends againsl enforcemen�a of tho lien in.tegal proceedings which in the Lender's c�ion operate to prevent d�e '�'"a:••
<br />�. � eaforcement of the lien:or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an a�eement satisfactory ta Lemter subordinating the t4en : - .
<br /> to this Secarity Instrurtsent. lf Lender detem�ines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien w h ic h may actain p�^i4riry . . . .
<br /> � ' over this Security lnstr�es�.l.cndcr may give Borrower a notice identifying the Il�en. Borrower shall satisfy�Ifien or rake
<br /> � w�e ar mFrrr c�the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notjce.
<br /> - = - —— .��`' � �:3 8F°:1�����E..Be�wr•._o.tiott ka.�thP imnmvrmentv n�w exictino t+r herenftey erecreAten a8tw. _, _ - --
<br /> �`'� `�� Rapesty cas�s'red against loss by fae.�zards lncluded within the tertn"extended coverage"�„a�,y o�n�r n�as.incQ�:.-�s� :
<br /> . � �. .� ftoods oc fiooding.for which Lencl�requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and itsr G�e `
<br /> Far�3A2S !1!� rpq;r 2 aJb paleesl `
<br /> '; • � ,
<br /> .:ry. �. '
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