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<br /> =� , _ -� -- - -- — .--- — -- - . - --- -
<br /> � ` � Gail 8. Ae�er, a Siugl� persoQ _
<br /> - �TdH 1lLL l�Eti�bY �HSS$ PRSSSNTS: tiiat �
<br /> . :=, . • � .`herbinalter referred to as thn "Trustor", to
<br /> __Y.�.� ' aeaur� a�Note beariag�evan_date herevith for the principsl mo�t of �rt�� -' -
<br /> � _� . faa issdred sist7►three and 0�/ta0---! - Dollars (S 13,463.� )�gayable -- --
<br /> � to Elta order of G1tAliD ISI�ID.IAVSSTl�ttiT CQlPAt1Y, hereinsft�r refer=ed to aa� the ` , __
<br /> ' 'rBeneficiasy",,prwidin�,fnr psy,aeat of the.entire priucipal balaace, together � . �;��__.
<br /> t�rith intesest st the rate of t4+el.ve cent ( 12.00 Z) p� aAa�. . . ��---
<br /> in acntLly installasat� af 58/i0o--- � —
<br />, y• Dol].ar�,E �.._) each uatil . , 14• at -------- --
<br /> - �`' • nhich ti�e � princigal aad inte�est pravided fos bg �hia ![ot��shall ltave beea patd, ---�- ---
<br /> . ;�� aa Iureby �aat aad �onv�► uatil AR�ID $. B!!eC[, attosae� at ?.av, tiie "Trastee", e�..�- - ---
<br /> _ . the faUapin�-dt.icsibed propertyr ' =�-.�=,� �
<br /> , -� � ' �.°�_--
<br /> . -�'� �r,' t�11i.FS'TA18�AS POI�S: �``�-' -
<br /> _�,.:h-
<br /> • , . ` :���
<br /> . �:=--��'-
<br /> �.°.---
<br /> . _' �� << All of tbe Basterly, 32 ll4.Feet of tbe Nurth Balf,of Iut Si,g�t �8� of �e Canty:?�divisian . . -•_�:..
<br /> , _ -_ � of part of Lfi�Sauth Half of tbe Sauheast Quaroer (Si/2 SEt/4) of Sertim Si�eea �t6), in -:.;�•=-
<br /> . Tot+oshiP E7�rn�11) lbrth.R��C Hine(9)s f�est of tbe 6tb P.M., in Nall Canty,Nebra�a. � :�:°;�.0--
<br /> • ` �':" -. . , - � . � - ' . �,--�_ _,-
<br /> ,: t.._ , ' - ---
<br /> :,. ._ - —
<br /> • - — - -------- ----- —- - - - -
<br /> _ _.�a1..��s. ' s; ,_� _. ., • _.... _. . . . ' — =-- -- --
<br /> � . } �' : . _. , . . . � --
<br /> � TO AAVE AI� .TO HOI.D the same, togetlier Wi.th sli agparteaances, ia trast
<br />� . . , i .. '�.
<br /> `Y � ' ` nevertheless, �and ia case of default ia the psymeat of said Note or aay part � ' .. -----
<br /> . . � � � . . °�_=-
<br /> , �� thereof or interest thereon or ia the performaACe of aag coveaaat teereinafter _ , • .,--
<br /> �~• � IHet fort$� then the Trustee al�s]1 hsve the pa�es to, sail the abc�e-described , ` � ;��°-
<br /> �;:;-:.. �;, ; . -°--
<br /> ' property, �nd upon_reqaest of the Beneficiary, the Trustee shall file for record ' •' �:�=�
<br /> �.;: -�--, .�� ia the Register of Aeeds• Of#ice of Hall Conatq, Nebsaska, s� Notica of :=,, `_�•� '. ��
<br /> � ��`°-.� pefault, setting fortb tl�at a breach of an obligatioa, for which the said property -;�r,�� • ; ::.,-��
<br /> ��.' �.;:_=
<br /> +�;",'�r � . . was coaveqed as security, has occnszed, sad setting fosth the nature of such � - , , .�,_; ��
<br /> �.�. --
<br /> -:..,'�a.�_ � bresch aad the Trustee s electioa to sell the property to satlsfy the obligatioa; � � ���
<br /> �� �= ' ' sud after the lapse of not less than one (1) moath, the Tsustee shsll.give � , .
<br /> ' � '' � writtea notice of the time and place of sale which msy be betweea 9:00 a.m. and � �
<br /> _ . . ;�'�'
<br /> , :.:�;3�_, • . . . � 5:00 p.m. st the premises, or at the Hall County Courthouse, and particulariq � • _ ., ,�..=
<br /> :•�: describiag the property to be sold; said Notice to be published in a aewsps�er of �
<br /> • a geaeral circulation in Hall ��ty, Nebrasks, oace a Week for five (S) . `: .' . � .�•'
<br /> consecutive Weeks, tl�e last publicstion to be at�least tea (10) dsqs but na� �' ' .. -_
<br /> `; . � more thaa thirty (30� daqs psior to the sale; aad the Trustee shssll thea sell eaid .., _ =
<br /> ;� � property at the time and place designated in the Notice, ia the m�ser psovided ;
<br /> ��`�'' � by law in effect at the time of fil.faig said Notice, aad public auctioa to the � .. .
<br /> • ��'��: ,:�::;.,>, .
<br /> ..,; . • l�igbest btdder for casb aad ahsil de2ivor to aucb purchesos A ctOOd eo sho psopos�i� i .
<br /> . � =��- �.����;;,';� • sold, coasiateat with the law ixs effect at that t3me. Additiona2ly, Trustee ahall � �
<br /> mail Trustas a copy of aay Notice of Default aad Notice of ssle heseunder �
<br /> ��=: - ', upoa default addresaed to them at 529 Ae�.tage Cwrt,Grard Isl�d, 1�E 6884� Out of the '` � . �
<br /> �.�.` proceeds of said ssle, the Trustee ahall setain aad psq fiset ali fees, chasgea , , �
<br /> "�'c �, aad coats of sale and all manies advanced ia the exes�iee of the power of aale, }`.� �
<br /> �� ` � � incladia.g the paqmen� of the Trustee's fees actesallq iacusred, aad paq secaad ;
<br />�� -- . - ... . . ..��,:. . . ' - �
<br /> --—�-,-� -- the ob�igationa secmced �r ti�x� Deesu c�i Ttros:.; aud ��e ba3aace, if-aay, sha�1 �s.: : .
<br /> � � �;�':',�� paid to the pezson or pess�ns lega�3.�g entitled theseto. Aaq persoa, iacluding the , • .� �."; .
<br /> � .� Benefi.ciarq, may puschase eaid prw�+esty at such asle. .
<br /> �''� The trustor coveaaata that at the time of delivery of thesQ preaents,
<br /> .,.,., .. �;. -...'... '
<br /> `" . �'}°�.'•• they are seized of said groperty ia £ee aimg2e, and that said property is £Eee .. '
<br /> � • of. e�cucbsances, except eg�braaces, easeatent�, rig8ts-of-wap, restrictioas aad
<br /> ; .,;.�� � . � reaesva�ians.of. record, aud they will psoperly maiataia the property, keep ail � � .
<br /> bnildings 3,ns�se� for fixe and exte�ded caverage ia an amowat equsl to tTxe:: ,
<br /> � '°�uap�a3d balaace ef the afaresaid Note, witk� Ioss payable eo the Beneficlazg, and �
<br /> _ , ' tiil].'psy all tsuee aad asseasmeata agsinat sa�3d pxopestq and aeccunts due on prior � ,
<br /> _ . mc�brances,. aad if theq abail fsil to pay iasuraace psemivme or ta�ces:4n
<br /> � - � a�ioimts due oa prier eacumbraacea, the Beneficiary msy paq the same and�a�2 � '
<br /> - =--- - � . �uats sa paid sha�l became additional.tndebtedness dua isereuader; snd is� case _ �
<br /> • -_ � of.forecloaure, Tsustor will pap any reasonable atto�tey fees incurred by .
<br /> . , ' , Beae£icf,asy or Trustee ia such foreclosure psoceedings. � �
<br /> ' _. _ —__`--'__.____..t • ' . . . .
<br />.._.._._.._ "� . .
<br /> _.. .. ._. . _, . _ _ . . _ _ ... .. . _ .. _ . .._'_____"_._.
<br /> .. . " � . . • � � � . .. .
<br /> .
<br /> _ . �_. �� . .. . . _ . . . . _ _ .. - . ' - . , . � _F . . .
<br /> , ' � �
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