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<br /> .- _ ° , , - as' "ts�slor" ssader � cestaig- D�ed of_�suat dated- ' -
<br /> . 2 � '� � ' � ig�91 , in i�aptct 'to tbat reai satste�descrfesd as: ' � � .
<br /> ` � AIi of the` Baatsriy 32 !/4 Feet of the Ifarth Asif of L�t�gi�bt <
<br /> ' i6) of the� Couaty Sabd'ivi's'soin of gart of the South H�lf�of the Southe�st, _
<br /> - , , � quar`ter (S1/2 SE�/;) of Section Sixteen (16). ia Tovnsbip Blevea (ll)
<br />- , ilostb, :RaaSe ltine (9)s Kest,of the �itb P.H., iu �il Ccwnt�. lfebsask+a.=
<br /> , , � ,
<br /> - � " ta be tatesad iato aaon� �ruator, Artnd R. 3ucic, °Trustea". aad •
<br />-_ � .GRA11D ISLAIID I�{iB5Tl� CO�A1�I, "EenefieissT", he�cebp_ae�caovled$e
<br />_ " . tbat this Acicnavledgeaeat is aade prior to their execution of tbat
<br /> - - ��- - -pee�--t►€-g�at-�ssst-ttiat�i�;--Icaax--aad_und�sst�nd_tIiat_f i1,_the Dee� - —---�-
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<br />,.. , Morcgsge aad (b) that the pover of sale psovided for ia the Deed of .
<br /> ,-, Trust.�sovides esseatially different sighta aadobligatiaas to the '
<br /> Trustor thaa a Mortgage in the event ot default or breuh oP
<br />� obligatioa.
<br /> Ili WITNESS NBEREOP, the uadersigned has. executed this
<br /> Acknowledgemeat on the 17� day �of �u�y .
<br />-:;�:;,� 19 91 . �
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<br /> t Hemues, a
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<br /> � � ain le ersccs Tsusto:, to me kaovn to the the ideatical
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<br /> . '�`� and they acknawledgeQ .�iz� ezecution tbereof to be he!„_ volBatary
<br /> .k` act aad deed.
<br /> , Nit91ss �y hand and Notasisl Seal this �lth day of '�u�y �
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