, � . .� ___
<br /> .
<br /> f� - _ _-�. - _ _
<br /> -_ .,. `:_._.-_. --- -::; - �_-_— _ - - __ —
<br /> - i < - _ ----- - — . . _�.— � - ---
<br /> — __- -°—F.. =_h - ' ... . .. . .. _ ,_ .
<br /> _a � t - s -. , ` `� ���
<br /> _ `� �= ' . . - ` _ _ _ . , ' _ � . - ' V� . � -. —- -
<br /> - .. �:�.a�o3� ._ .
<br /> . . . � . � _ . � . -
<br /> . : ��:rle�ei�r.I�1e�.:��,.k ci�e� Baao�a s�.0 ps�►,ar�eaanet6e pis�.t�u�.oa i�aat m.�� . . � .
<br /> ' tbe debt ev�deLced by dk 1W�e aed We ciMr�es dre�m�es�e Noie. ` . . . ° ,
<br /> � Z 1�l�J���,��oe a�i t�ier '�e�es. Barecrrersha!��de ie each manmlr PY�•
<br /> - .- �`t�e�-wn1�$�e prn�pt�tie�asst as a�t faf8�U�e Nak�at�aey-__i�a ctt�es���an� �?��� `
<br /> apacW messmeats kvxd a�o be kviod apinst t�e P4�petty.N)kate6oid Payment! pa�d
<br /> - � (c)p�faios�ooe reqahed bY Pa�svaph4; ,.
<br /> . . g,�ch�moahly icstalLnent far ioems ts).`(b)aad(c)sf W!equal 000-tweihh of t�1e anau�l amouN��
<br /> �-�y {�F� �.��SCie�t te m�nnin�n additioru�l b�t�x�mt mae_dq�o
<br /> eaoim�ed amouots. �fuU amwl anwuot[or each i�an a6�1!be aocumuLkd by l.�nder�s pe�iod eadins ca .
<br /> moo�h befae:�n iam wauid�delinquai� i�er abaU hold the amounts coll�ected ia wst to pay ieems(ah tb)�d .
<br /> , (�)����� heid 6y 1.rnder for item�(a).(b)aad tc).to8ettie*wit6 the fwure mml�y.
<br /> ff�t a�ry time the mtal of tbe p� suc6 ioans.exoe�ds br mae tb�n ano-sktb t6e
<br /> ptyme�ts foc sucb�ns P�Y���P�w tde due dap�of •
<br /> • �m�ed aoi�oant af P!Ymeats n�urod top sy.auch it�ems wheu due.and if p� t m the Nooe an c�au,tha►I.endet .
<br /> 'sWlt eid�a aefuod d�e exceu ova ooe-suti�of tbe e.am�led p�y�ts or We excess wer oaawqh�of d�e�ed
<br /> • , paY���p�ynra�bY Hormwe��die a�ttan of�mwer. If t1�to�a1 a�the p�y�aeats made 67►��
<br />" fa item(a�(b),a(c)�s 6�snffiaieat to psy the i�m wl�en due,then Bocc�wCi st�ail PzY to I.eadet aayi mnount ne�swY w:-
<br /> m�e ap the deficieocy oa abefat the date the iuem becanes due. and Qrbor Develapmant or his a her
<br /> _ � Aa uxd ia this Saaait�r Iratnu�nt,"SoQeu�cY"mem4 the Se�cetuY of Ha�B
<br />-- - . � de�i�e. In any yar in wlach the t.e�der amst p�y a mo�tgr8��P��the SeQeta�4 acb montdlY 1�Y�� •
<br />.� sh�U atw include atha: f)an installmrnt uf the umnal m�tgage inwrance pree►iwn to 6e pid by I.a�da w the
<br /> �' - Soc�et�ry►,or(n)a maiathly ci�atge in�ad af a mortSage i�ao�P�Lam if this Sa�itY 1n�mea�is beld by the
<br /> - Seaetay. Bach mom6ty�sqllment of tbea�o�ge iasmance pr�nium s�ILba in aa amo�mt suffic�t to acxumulate the
<br />=-- full anwul moitgage�r�ooe pc�!n��n with L.eMer one manth prioc ta d�e d,�e the full amaal matgage i�u�ce
<br /> = � pianium is due w the Soc�ay;or if this SecuritS►tnsmm�ent is beW b�►the Secaetary.ach manthly c:�e shall be in� -
<br /> = . aoro�mt eqoal w aoe-twelfth of aoe-lwlf pecvent of tba ou�g p�1 bal�nce due an the Nare. . _
<br />=_���. . If Boanwes teade�s w Lrendrr!he fuU pnYma�t of tU sums secated by this Security Iastnnnan,Borrower's aeoa�tt
<br /> - alall be credited with the bf�l�nce rert�inn�8 fa al!iastallments for iums(a).(b)su�d fc)aad any mat$p8� �
<br />`��,` piemiaa}insWlment dsu I�der has not become obligated w pay w the Secie,tary.and l.ender shaU piomptlY sefund au -
<br /> iu u
<br /> ' eacass fi�ds to BoRa� Mmediately prior to a foloclosure sale of the Rvpecty or its acquisition by Leader,Bormwer --
<br /> _.
<br /> : Aoeamt s1n116e c�fed voit6 aay bataace�n�Wag far ail instalhnents for iten�(a)N�wd(i);.n.�.�� �4vvs-_ —
<br /> ,3 ----- --� - otP� Ailpaymmts_�r�asagrsg�s 3�2s�bea liea-by f - .- -- - _
<br /> -�-�.___- !� - . �
<br /> -_--�--- - . .. --
<br /> to the e insaraace piemiuca to be paid By t�nder to the Secceta*9 os wtbe nwdlhly�.�wr�,e by the ,-
<br /> Iastea���e monthly awrtgage vtsurance pcemium;
<br /> . ' ���,w y�,�axes,special a�sessments.teasehold payments or gnoarli seats.and fize.flood and ad�er bazard -_
<br />- . uBa�nco p�s,as re4uind: . • —
<br />-x�:-� . . . �p,w inta�est due w�det the Nate; -
<br /> . gZ��py to arno:tiz�tion of the prineip�l of tGe Note;
<br />_ . �w We c1�Se�due�mder the Note. . -
<br /> . ' rN 4. Fie�Ftoei a�Other Ha�ard tusuraaca Hamwer shall insu�e aIt improvema�ts on the P�opert}t.wl�ahes noar --
<br /> ia eststence a ntty erected.agaiast any hazard�,casualdes.and a�atingenc�es.including ftre.for which I.ender --_-
<br />_ . � nequins insur�rre-��intur.u�ce s1r�11 be maiatained in tt�e amounts ar�ci t��d�e periods that l.ender�equu+es. Borrower .
<br /> eq
<br /> •: shall also ins�ue a[t improvemenu on the Ptaperty,whether now in e�cisteno���subsequently e►�ected.agatnst loss by floods • _--
<br /> eno --�
<br /> , �` w the es�ent�by the Secntary All insurance shall be carried with companies appmved by Lender. 'Il�e iasurance �
<br /> . poli��ury nenewals shall be� h eld by Lender and shali �aic lu de loss payable clauses in favor of.and in a foam , �,,.__
<br /> accepu►b]eto,Lender. � ' `'•":
<br /> In ihe evant oE loss.Borrower sha11 give Lender immediate notice hy mail. Lender may malce proof of toss if nat _
<br /> � , made promptlq by Borrower. Fach insurance companY concemed is herebY autIwrized and directed to make payment for
<br /> ' sucb loss dimt[y to Lender.instead of to Borrower and to i.ender jointly. AIS or any part of the insurance'praceads may be -
<br /> applied by Lender,at its oytion,either(a)to the reduction of the indebtet�ness under the Notc and this Security Inst�ttment,
<br /> fi�st to any Aeliny��nent amovnts apPtied in the order in P�ragraph 3.and then to prcpay�aent of principat.or tb)to tt�e -
<br />� 4�� resior�tion or repair of the damaged property. Any applicatian of the proceeds to the pnncipal shall not extend ar pos�o:�e �
<br /> %• the due daze of the monthly payments whuh are referred to in Patagraph 2,ar change the amount of such payments. Any
<br />' . eaces9 insurance pca+�eds over an amount required to pay all ouutandmg andebtedness under the Nate and this Security
<br /> • • insuument sh�ll bc p�0 ta the entiry legally endtted thercto. �
<br /> ln tl�e event a�fa�eclasure of thia Security lnstrument or other transfer of titte to the Property that exdnguishes the
<br /> " indebedness.alt seght,title and interest of Barrower in and to insurance policies ln fvrce shall pass to the purchaseG _
<br /> S. OoeaPa�cY� Preatrvatlon. Msintennnce snd Protectlon of the Praperty;Borra�vee'a L.oa� ApplkaNar _�_
<br /> � 1�Moldsr Borro�er ahal!accupy.establlsh,and use the Praperty as Borrower's pnncipal nsidence within siaty days
<br /> ' after the execution aE`9his Security Instrument and shall rontinue to accupy the Praperty as Borrower's psincipal residence .
<br /> . for at kast one ye�r r,,#'ter the date of occupancy.anless the Secre�ary dete�n�z+.�s this requlrement wilt caase undue hardsh�
<br /> -' , for Borrower.ar�s?ess extenuating circu�stances exist which are beyund 8orrower's conuol. Sarrower sh�ll nvtify
<br />� :�� Lenders of any eztenuating circumstanees. Horrower shaU not commit waste or destroy,damage or substantially change
<br /> --, - — . I i .-'�. - . !he PmFertY m altow�Prvperiy tu dei�riorate.cea�onabk�car and tear excepted. !.._�r,i�may utspe'rt the Prol+ertlr if the �.� '
<br /> �• property is vscant or abuidoned or the laan ls in default. l.ender may take reaconable r.ction to prote�l and preserve such ,
<br /> � vacu�t or ab�ndo�Ptoperty. Borrower shall also be in defau(t iP Horrower.dudng the loan application process.gave ,�'''
<br />. �:, materially false ac inaccurate information�or statements to l.cnder (or taited to provide Lender with arry matenal
<br /> ` ,� infamatlon)i�can.tiection with the Ioan evidenced by the Note,including:but not lirnited to,representations conceming
<br /> . • �'� Born�wer's occ�tsaltcy of the Property as a principal residence. li this 5ecunry Instrument is on a teasehald.Borrower shall ' '
<br /> �•� F', coscr�ly with the prov�sions ot the tease. lf Borcawer acquin.x•�e titic to the Property.the leasehald and fee�itte shaU not �...
<br /> ,.� �, � ,- be nxrged unkss Liender agaees to the merger in writing.
<br /> �`�'� i. a�Borro�ver and Prbtection ot l.eedcr's itights in thr Peaperly. Borrowcr cha11 pay ap govemmental
<br /> �v
<br /> " � ' ��` ' ar mwicip��s.fines and impositions thu zre not incIuded in.PacarXaQh 2. Borrower sha0 pay these obbgations on
<br /> . ��''� . de�e directly to r�r ennty whlch is owed the��}r.�en1, If failure to�rz;:'uroutd adversely affect t.ender's interest in the '
<br /> � . property.upon Lender's reyuest Bortower sha11 promptly furnish to Lcnder receipts evidencing ihcse p�ayments. f
<br /> • ' If Bo�rowe�fails to maice thcse payments or the payroents requued by Paraga�'2.or faiis to perfom�any other .
<br /> ..: •, ' caven�nts and agnxments contained in this 5ecnrity lnsmunent.or there is a legal pcocted"ing that may slgmfican0y affect �
<br /> -. - _ , ,..,; .. � I,ender3 tiahts in the Propeity(such as�pmceeding in banicruptcy,far condemnation or to enforce laws or reguladons).
<br /> �' then Lendes may do and pay whatever is necessary to protect the value o�tfle Prope»y and Lender ti rights in the Property. �
<br /> ��~.'ae:�,:.:_ _ i�luding paytnent of taxes.hazard insurance and other nems mentioned"iYi Parag�ph 2. t
<br /> ,:._• p n a m o u als disbursed b y l.ender under this Para h shall become an addiNonal debt of Botrower and t+e xecurcd I
<br /> � ,. �;�r`*.� � byr tlils 5yxueity lnstnunent. These amaunts sf�all bear��t e t fram the date af disbursement.�t the Note rate.su�d at�he
<br /> . . . .r. ,�,;. o p t i o n of Lender,shall be immcdiately due and payabte. �
<br /> �`:��;;:;j�� '� �. Cpdemnatlaa, '1'he pruceeds of any award or ctaim for d a m a ges.d'u ect ot rot�sequen da l,in cannec tian wi t h a n y
<br /> � ,�-_•� co�idenu�ria�or dher taking of any pa�t uf the Ptaperty.ot fos cnnveyancc in place of mncfemnation.are hercby:�ssi
<br /> . �,,, ria
<br /> _ �''" ' a e d s h s l l b e p a i d t o L e n d e r t o t h e extent nf the full amount nf the indebtcdncss that remains unpaid under thc Note this
<br />- __-_ _=:a..�� ' ge�ority�nenE £e�idet slwlf appfy such yrcrcccds to�stsc rcd�a v!ilte]adebted�eess e�ler th�Nate and thie 5earrity . E_._,�_
<br /> �``'_= � �.'3 . Instrurt�ent.Cust to any del'upuent amounts applied in the arder pruvided in P.vagr�ph 3. and then to,prrpayment ot
<br /> �`�;�.�i .. p�ipal, pnY application of thC prnreed9,to the princlpal shall not extend or pastp�me the duc dnte u!ihe mnnttdy �
<br /> �_�.o � �S: _. .: - . _ . . _. �tax�=�el,acrs+ - _ . _ . �
<br /> _ • .
<br /> ' ' �. � ' ' . . .
<br /> �.'. � -S ° �� � �— ---� . _ . .— -- .—.. __.
<br />