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<br /> '"�'��1�['����IG Lll�oO�V Q�CiCCiEd CU 1�IC�1y.��i75E�S.�• .
<br /> - , �fl�DQ1V Q�C!S Q�R C��iG Q�y ��s Y���5��i�50 6C OOIfCl��1�4.�W1�
<br /> � All of tl�fa�oius is tefdnsd 1�ie lhis Sa�u�ityr to�nm�t as tde"Ptopeity. ` `. = .
<br /> � BORKOYVF1t QOV@tM17�dut Boimwet i�lawt�iliy stisad�the eswe Ue�7 ooareyed+md hss the tigbt to grr�u .
<br /> -- - - — -�conv�yt�eptaQet[yan�tl�u-uTiepF�op-ertyis- ' fareocumb�noestifs��cor�Bc�ou'tr-v�rauts�d ---- -- --
<br /> �rUl det'ead genaally tbe atle w tDe Nope�ty against s11 claiias a�d detnmd.s,subject to my eoaunbt�noes of mca�L
<br /> � TEIIS SECCiRTi'Y INS7qtUMEPI['combines uqifam aoven�nts far n�aioml use and non-�ifam cavew�ts with
<br /> Woited+r�iuiaes b�;+uis�ian to uo��stimte s uoifa�s�uity iastrwnaa covning real p�opaty. _
<br /> � tR�IPE)RM t!OYFF�IlINTS.�Baruwv aad Le�dercavmfat�wl ap+ee u follows_. y�p�due tbe
<br /> _ � L Pl�a�e�etle�c4�i a�d t�ta'es�Paepal�e�t a�d LMe Ciar6s Bomoarcr slvli pmmptiY PaY
<br /> principtl af aod ints�est oa�be debt cvidenoed bY the Naoe and anY P�Y�t and iat�cUuges dne u�d�rt�e Not�
<br /> 2 i�ia t�e 7t�na�i I�w� SubJxt to�plic�ble liw a W A wnuea waiver by I.ender.Hamwer shsil pay u.
<br /> 1.qider an t6e day maN�lY Wyments ate due ueder tbe Nate.wx�tbe Nate is paid in full,a sum("fiujds'7 far:(a)Ye�arlY ,
<br /> wces�ad��vhich�any awin priaritY ova Nis Sonuiry InsuomaK us lim on the PiroQertY,(bl Y�Y�
<br />- WY�a���ao th� Ptupe�ty. if any:<c) ytatiY hu�d a ProP�Y inAU�no�p�aanu�: (� Y�Y�
<br /> instaat�.'e premiusns,if any:(e?Y�Y�SaE� �OOC P��if snY;�d(�.�Y �PiY�bY BoROwer to -
<br />-- � . I.ender.in aocord�we with the prm�isia�s of p�g��ph 8.in liea of the payment of mpR$a8��-P�imns. These
<br />� itans�ne caltcd"Esc�t�ems." t.ea�er may.at aoy dm�colkct�nd Inld liu�ds u►an amount not to excsod the masimura
<br /> �a knder fa_a fedaaUY tetatod matgage Wva msY�quite for Bonower�s esctuw a000uac under d�e federal Real
<br /> _ Euate Seukma�t Pcoccd�u�s Act of 1714 as artKrtdod from time to time.l2 US C�260!ct s�q.("RESPA"},unkss anaher . .
<br />- , � law th�t applies to the Fiunds aas s kcser amomK. if so.I.eadcr may.ac any 6me,coUtct aM lald Fi�nds ia aa amount not to
<br /> excced the ksses un6uu�. Leadcr may e�e tLe amoaat of Twds due on thc buis oE crosent data and teason�ble
<br /> estimates of txpenditute.s of fatane Escmw 1Eems oc dherwise in acco�Oe with applipblc ixw. "
<br /> _- 'lf�e iiu�ds shal!be hetd in.air iastiEutian wlase depasits ace�by a fedenl agen.y.iastnaaental�Y,a�LY _
<br />--- � . (iactuding Leider,if�.eoder is auch m i�titutiot�)a in aoy b`edenil E1ame Lan H�il�. Leader sl�ll app1Y the Funds to l�Y .
<br /> -_ — ' the Esciaw Ikms. Lender msy not ch�rge Bortuwer for hold'mg and aPP�B the jiud.s,annuallY�Y�B��a' �`.� •�':
<br /> �t,ar verifying tNe E.gcmw Iums,onless i.ender WYS Bonuwa aitenst an the Funds and applicabk ltw permiits . :;,';'•;-,.
<br />'.;,'. Lender to malce such a clnrge. Hdweva.i.et�der may�w re Bamow�to pay a ar�edime charge for an inde�xn6ent na1 : _ _
<br /> estau tu mporting service used by l,ender in cauxction arlth ttus loan.unless appl�cabk law pmvides otberwLs� Unless an �.:'' .
<br /> a g�?o n e n t is msdc or a p p licabbe Iaw trqu'ues interes�to be paid,Lender�al!not be nquirmo�to psy Has�nwer any uuerest os �.,-'�• - -__--
<br /> , eatt�aigs cni the Pyads. $osowier a�r T.en e�r may.agree ia�vnbag�h�w e v e r.��t e a e s t3 i r d i}b e p a i d o i r t h e F u n d s.-i.a t�-- --- - - -
<br /> r e
<br /> - shall give w Boirower.withaat char8e,an annual aecoundng of the F�ds,siiowing c�e�ifs aiKt debits co the Pands anci d�e = _ _
<br /> piupose fa afiich each debit to ttie Tvads was made. The Funds u+e pledged as ad�danal securiry fos all sums secura!by
<br /> � this Savrity Insuument '
<br />' ',�� If tl�e Fw�dg hetd by l.ender excxed the amounts permitted��5e held by applicable iaw.I.ender sl�aaU account ta . �.
<br /> Borrower far the excess Funds in aaordaz�ce with the recgwanents o�apPlicabk taw. if the amount of ttie Fimds beid 6y .�..
<br /> I.rnder at any time is rat sufficient w pay the Escrow Items w h e n d u e.L e n d er may so n o t i f y R o r ro w e r i n w ri m�,e,a n d.in
<br />�,�`� sacb csse Barnwer st�l{pay to t.mdec the amotmt neassary W rn�ice up the deficiaky. Borrower shaU m�kc sry the
<br /> '� - defic'iency in ao mae than twetve monthly payments,at i.ender�s sote�etion. � -_�,i
<br /> , "�`� Upon payment in fuU of all sums sec�ed by:this Securiry Instrument,Lender shall pmmptly reftmd ta Borrower any ---�,-_
<br /> , Funds held by Lender. If,under 21.Lender shall uirc a seA the Property,Lender.pnar to tt�e acquisition or — .-
<br /> sak of the Aoperty,shall apply an�y�Futi�d.c heid by Lender at�tt�e time of acquisition or sale as a ctedit against tt�e sums ��_..._•
<br /> secured by this Savriry insb�umen� , �.:.. :'=
<br /> " 3. Applkation d Pi�ymentg. Unless applicabte taw provfdes ptherwise,all payments received by I.ender unckr -. • ,�•-.�
<br /> paragra�phs 1 and 2 shall be appGed:firsb to any prepayment charges due under the Nae•,second.to amounu payable under :, • = �:-
<br /> g ' 4�:f S�-...,..
<br /> ' _ paragpph 2;th i r Q to intemst d u e:fw r t h,to pri n c i p a i d u e:a n d t a s�to an y late c h ar ges due under tiie Nau. ..:�;.-
<br />. - ` � 4. Ciuu'Bes+�Liens. Borrawar sls�U pay ul! ta.[es,assessmenrs.charges, fines and impositions attrih�stabte to tlte . _ .__:�,�_�-
<br /> Anpecty whicb may attain priarity over this Securiry Ins�rumen�and leasehold payments or groued nmts.if any. Burrower �' ;;;:�..�'=
<br /> T �'- �i:.w,
<br /> ' -- sh111 pay these obligatioas in the mumer provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manncr.Barower shall pay them on ='.�a:_�:3.
<br /> time dir�ectly to the petson owed paymen� Batrower shall promptly fumish to Lender atl notices of anwunt4 to be paid under ;,�:.�i., '
<br /> • '�� : .�-' this paragaph. �Brnrower matces tl�ese payments directiy.Borrower siiall promptty fumish to Lender receipts evidencing :.-,;-_
<br />}�:,;,,i;.;. theVaYmet►ts. .��:'•�.'
<br />• Banower shall prompe��discharge atry lien which haq prioriry mea�is Security Instrument unless Bmrower.(a)agrees :�;�..,�",�,�-�-..;:
<br />� �writing to the payrt�ent of�e obligation r�ecured by the lien in a manner acceptabte to Lender.(b)contests in good faith the • " �;'"'
<br /> 'K��,.
<br /> • fien by.or defends against enfarcement of the lien in.tegal proceedings whicb in the L.ender's opinion operate ta pnwent the �,�-•
<br />' he lien•or e secuns from the holder oi the�en an agreement sacs�factmY to Leadec subordin�ting the lien ".',.��,
<br /> . enforcement of t .
<br /> � to this Security InswrtxnG if Lender detea�nines tha[any pan of the Prope�ty is subject to a her���FicD may at1ain priority � ;
<br /> ' ' 3"' over this Security lnstrument,Lenckr may give Bortawer a noHce ideatifying the lien. Borrower sh;[I satisfy thc lien or talce �:�T "'_
<br /> �ne or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of nodce. � �� � . �.
<br />� ,�._ S. Nazsrd or Property 1nsYraeca Hotrower s6all keep the improvements cnow existing ar 1�ereafter eceMed on the . �
<br /> _-:�.; _ . ._._. _ pin�ty.3scsu►:��gainct Inca i+�tire,ha7ards inctuded xithin the term"extended coveraRe„and any other hazac��including - -_. -
<br /> ,�•;-1� -- y;,,,���.�,�� �
<br /> ,.,::
<br /> ;+; ftoods or f�ooding,for which Lcnder requires insurance. 'ihis insurance shall be maintained in the amounu and for�e
<br />�• . Far�3�1a f!!� IDoge2oj6page�! , .
<br /> � .
<br /> ., . � �
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