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-z-.�r-r- ;"� " ' - .. - _ <br /> '. _v�a..�.. ':;.. .. ... . <br /> ,.:-_-��r. _ _ . . _ . . '. _ '___-.___... <br /> C . "' ' ._._ .'-_ `__' -_' -' „�,.. <br /> . .� .-�''_ `.. '�__� ,� . -' ... . . . . __ -_ _ . . . . _. <br /> -,� . =G3. ... . _.. . . ' . � � .(. f. .�, t -_.__. . ..-'� . . . . <br /> S: _ _ ".. ...."'_ '_ �. , ..h=..�_ _- __ ._ ' -' _ --- - <br /> . � .'f —' ' . _ ' ' ' ' " ' ' _ " ' . . i. _ ' . - ,`---_�' - — ._ <br /> � <br /> - � � - � - - - --- — ns .�nc�sai-� <br /> _ �-. < . . -- ` . ,�7�� �.vs�vr.i.z , � <br /> = - - � . . �' . _ . _ ... . , � - <br /> _ `' , �.pqiods ehit Isnder rtquioes. The id�uanoe eairier p�anndm�the�iin�u�oce sl�all 6e choseo bY Bo�o�rer s�.leex b Iandes?s . ' ' _ <br /> �pQtwd wbich sh�ll not be uaeasa�n�tY with�ld, If Bartower f�ils ta;�aiinqin coYaage described abor�.L�ender may:at < <br /> i,ender�s optloo.obtain oo�ieng,e w pcorect Laider's rigbts ia tbe Propaty in�cc�ordm�e widt p�rapb 7. � f�` <br /> - -- --. �1�!!.�policees emd trne�va�s.ahatl be aoappWe to iaedeF srld.shal�ittcltde a sW�d�itd mo�t�t Lender ' <br /> ' sl�tl bsve the ri�w hotd d�e poliaes and�wals. 1f I.aider ze4ujrss.Bortav��r sivll pmmpiy give to Lender ali�eceipts , <br /> of p�id pemioms sod ieaewal aotioe� In�he event of loss.Bonuwer shall give p[ompt notice to t6e insarance can4cr sed . <br /> Lender.Lenaer msY mat�e P'naf�of tass if not iaade prumt!uY�Y��'ec. <br /> � shap be �ed to mswratian ot t�ep�ir`af <br /> ' Unkss l.aode��od Ba�ower otherwise a8�ee iu�v�rit�n8•tt��P►�'� � . < <br /> � � the ptoperty damsged. if the testaatian ai tepair is a�o�wmicaUy�iAie and LsndeFs sec�nty is not tesseiKd. t€9tie <br /> � mstaratioa or�epair is noE ecaoomic�lly fe�'bie or Leodcr�sonuity; tes�ened,tlie insut�oce poca�ds shall 6e <br /> applied�suans see�ed by thi.c Secuiiry tnsmunent,w�etties or not d�en du�wi�h an�r excess p�id to 8amwa (f• _ <br /> Bamwer abandaus the Ptoperty,a does not aatiwer witiun 30 days a notice fmm Lendrr that ihe inauanca c�rrier has <br /> offeaod w settk a cl�irn.theo Lendet mxy colket the utwn�nce pcoceeds• 1.ender may t�st the proceedc to e�epair uF testae <br /> ' . tbe Ptoperty a�to pay sams secu�ed by tLis Secariry InstnmKnt,wl�ethe[�arnot tl�rn dae. 'tIK 30�day period an'tl begu�whea <br /> the notice is given. , <br /> - -.Unless I�rnder a�d Bamawer othetwite agne m wriring.any application af pcocoeds to principal shall not extead or <br />== postpode the due date nf ttie mu+uhty paymeats cefeaed[a irt puagriphs 1 and 2 ar ch�sge tl�e�t af tlee paynxnts. if. <br />=� under pa�giaph 21 the Property is acq�ited bY Lender.Aorrowers tig6t w any it�wtarx�pulicies�td proceeds tesuitmg• <br /> �,,, fcom d�mage to the Ptoperty prior to tLe acquisi6or►shaU pus to Lender m the extrnt of the smns sa�vrM by this Socmity <br /> m tbc a�o�tiaa. <br /> f= ;Ooe�yPr��aesvaC�aa� Msidea�e aud Protectio� at tbe Property, Baer'a�►er's I.a�o Application;: • . <br />;_-;_�: • I.aserolds. Bormwer,s6ai!occopy.estaMish,and use the Property as Barower's princiPal rssicknce within sixry diys after_ .: <br /> _ 'tUe esecutiai►of t6is SecoaLL�l�ent aad sbail continae to axupy Ihe PtupeAy as Bormwa�princip�ee�dence far at �`. <br /> - last ou� Yeu afur af o�cup�ncy. rmlrss t.ender�ottje�unse ag�ees ia writinpe, wfiich canss�E slu�tl not 6c <br /> - �smablY witt� miTess exmuuating cacimutanees esist which are 6�.ya�d Soriower's canaoL Borrowrr shall nai• <br />--.'' deshoy.damsSe ar imPoir dK Ptnpe�tY•allow the Ptupe�ty tu deteria�te.or cammit wzue aa tLe Pmperty. Somnwer shali, <br />-`:?%- 6e in default if arry farfriw�e pc000eding,whetl���r civil ar begim thu in L�k good faith 1�8�"� <br /> coWd rcsuit in forfeinu�e of the Ropertp a ott�v�-ise materialIy impair the lirn cneated by this�Security 1nst�ument�vr <br /> � l.axler's secuptY interest. Borrower may cune s�rch a defautt�nd mins� provided in�ph cavsing the actlon <br /> -, or prvoee�ag to 6e dismis.�witi�a ruling that.ef#.+ender's good faith dete�miaacioa.p�ec�farfeitune nf the Borrower_s . <br /> ' . — �rest in u'�Roperi3i-or-atf�ec iaatcriat-impai�t of�lee-lie�i c�eated bY-this��ity Instrument or_f.eaders security_ _ -__ <br /> ._ � ._ ' <br /> - - - ' s. ve ma[eriatt faise_� - - --- -- <br /> mterest. Boitocver sba11 also be iri de3auif if Borrowet.-dutiag tlr�imn appircatton Proces -�! Y <br /> inaccurate infom�atiari or statemenu to Lender(or faited w provide I.eader with any materia!infom�at�ore)in connectiai vEath� <br /> ` the loan evidenced by fie Nae.includiag.but not limited to. representations conceming Bomnacr's occupancy af the <br /> '� pt,apeny as a principa!e�dence. If this Securiry Instrument is on a feasehold.Somawer shall comply with aU the provisions <br /> of the lease. If Borroa��er acquires fee fide to the Property,the leasehold and the fee titte shaU not merge unless Lender agtees , . <br /> ' to the mer�er ia writing. �'� " <br /> ` T. Pnotectio�of Leadp''s 1t�its in tbe Property. if Borrower fails to perform tFr:.cuvenants and agree�' <br />-�sis Secnrity Insuument,or thec�e is a kgai-proceed�ng that may sign�ficantF�::�°ct Lender�s rights in`�:. � <br /> , property IsIICl�as a proceealing in banh�uptcy.probate.for condemnation or fo r feiture or to e i�s�laws or n e e u la t i a qs).t h�n =_ <br /> � l,ender may do and pay for wnatevec is necessary t�s pmtect the vaiue of the Praperry and Lei�ter's rights�m ihe Pnape�ty. _ <br /> . l,ender�s actians may iacWde paying any sums secu�-�d by a lien w h i c h h ac priority aver this Secttri ty Ins�trar�nA a p p e a n n g -"- <br /> • .` in cairt,paying reasonable attomeys fees and entering on the F�o�-►eacr to mal:e repairs.Aithough Lender may take act%�n �- <br /> ' undei this paragraph 7.Lenderdaes noi�ave to do so. � ��= <br /> 3 Any amounts di.�bursed lry Lender under[his paragraph 7 sGalt txcome aci�litional debt of Borrower secured by t��� � "' <br /> Secu r i t y tnctnrrt�ent Unless Bamna�er and l.ender apree to other termc af pay�et�thetie amaunts shall bear interest from the E;n.....} <br /> �:_:: <br /> . date af desbursement at ehe vote rare and shall Ue payahle.with in[ereit.upasa��ce fro�n l.e n d et to Borrower reque s t ia� . �'�-.,. <br /> PaY��- � e �•=.�._ <br />' & Mortgs�e In�r�ca if t.e�r required martg�e insurancc as a condi6on of m�(.-ina the loan secumd by this � . �, . <br />� Suurity Imcrument,Borrower shali�3�the premium.�rec{uired ta maintain thc mortgagc in.urance in effect. If.for ao� ' -'� <br /> � . reason, the mortg�e insura�xe caverage reyuucd by 4ender lap� ar cea+es co be in ei1fect. Borrawer s:ha11 pay tF;� ' _ <br /> premiums cequired to obtain cavc�e substantially cyuivatent to the mortgagc in�urarnc previously in'effecb at a cas� , <br /> sabstantiatly equivalent to the cost to Borrawer af the maAgage insurance prevwusty in effect.from an alt�r�e martgage <br /> ' ,: ;� insurer appcaved by Lender. If�ubsiantially eyuivalent mong�e in.rurance co�•erage iti n�►t available.Barrowc�e shall pay to � <br /> Lendcr qch monih a cum equal to onc-taelfth of�he yearly mortgage in.wrance premium being paid by Barraw•er when tEie - :" <br /> , insuranCe coverage iapstd ar ceased to t+e in effect. l.ender will acee�x.u�e and retain these paymen��as a loss re�erve in 8¢e� :�;�,• <br />- _ o€rtwrtgagc insurar�ce. L.ocs reserve paymcnty may na longcr t+e thc option of Lendcr.if mortgage in�urarcc� � _' <br /> � �� coverage lin the amount and for thc pcnod that l.ender requires)provided hy an in.urer appmved by Lcnder again becomes <br /> _ . �, av�ilable and is otNaitKd.Barrowrr+hall pay the pcemiumy rcyuimd to mainta�n mangage intiurance in effect,ar to providc a � <br /> focs resene.umil ihe requimmem far inongage insurancc cnd�in acc�rdanre tivi�h uny��rittti�n agrcemem t+etwecn Bc�rmwcr <br /> - and L,ender or applicable law. . <br /> - -- g lnspection. l.ender or itc aficnt may makr re�.nanahle cmrie�cr�n:md inc�ciiun.uP�irr Puqxny. Ixnder SIt:►ll ( <br /> ' . � " givc Bnrmwcr notice at the time nf ur pnor t�+an in.pectiun�pccifying rca�nnablc cawr fnr thc in�pcctian. <br /> t,,-- .-- <br /> i� . 10 Candemeation. Tht pakeed.of any attxrd iu claim fnr damage•.dimct ur cunnectinn tvith any <br /> Smglc F.umiy../'ynnk�fae-lreddie Vxl'�IF(IR{11�STRt�fl:��••l m(orm('�,+cnant. 9;9i ipu,e?��f/,Ih+e�•�� <br /> 6ttrt lalee Bu�:ee�+iu�.lur � <br />- ' ,. -..�t -�� ' tu IR�'eT I:�U 180D.'.769:i9J��i�A{61�h'Nt•1F�t f . <br /> . _�i-1+^�4Q � <br /> . . •rel_-s, . <br /> . .:.. .� <br /> _ ` ' _ ` _' '_._.,..._. _._�_-T.. <br /> x._. �.. ... . . . . .. r ' ' . . . . ... ' - � ., � - _ . - ' - <br /> �:�.°;.i+�T-�-_"._ " _'_. . . ' . . • ' • <br /> . -3" . . � . . .. . . <br /> . -�� '. • ' . . . , " � . . . . . . : . <br /> j� • . . �' ' " ' . . ' . � ,. <br /> �. . = 4 . . � . ' � I � • � . - . . , � •� . , _ . - • . • <br /> � ' - . . 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