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;������ 93 iU�r?a <br /> I7.�er ot thep�ope�y or��sdi�i�!W�t h Dorrnw�r.lf�II or�ty p�rt oi tbe Pmpeey or�ey iutcrea io it ' <br /> I�rokf or t�fertpd(cx if a liaiallcial Intenc�t in BoR+cwer f�sold ar trn��etrod md Harnnwer i�nat�n�tunl perron)witt�out <br /> Lendcr'� pdor Vyrit�en oonsont. I�ander m�y. u iu aptlon. requiro immcdlate p�ymant ln tull of dl wms �ecurod by thl� <br /> SocuMt�InrttunbM.�lowcvet.thi�qNion tl�Il not be exercf�ed 6y t�ardK if�enci�e 1�prohibfled by teda'd law�of H�e d�ts <br /> of 16is S�cvrity IrWtumdN. <br /> �f l.ader e�erci�cs�hi�optbn�l.coder siyll�Iva Aorrower notloo of aocoleratian.Tho notice rlwllpro vido a periud oP not <br /> Ira�tfw� 30 d�yw fmm the dato�he ix�tice is del vered or mcllod wlthin which Borrower muq p�y dl �ra socurod by thl� <br /> Saqtrity Irtst�ttmeni.lf Bwrower foil�!n p�y�hese wnu prioe�.��triq czpiratian�f tid�perlod.L�eedo�mAy involte any remedia <br /> permittad by thit Sxu�i lo�nument without Nhher ndlcc or damKnd on Bomawer. <br /> 18. Borrnwa'r � lo Reltitate. It Homnw� moe�e oert�in condiliarw. Borrower clwll have tho r1Qi1t to have <br /> -- ---- enfanctntent of thia S�cudty Instrt�ment dlacantinuod at any Uma prior to thr carlier of: (a) S days(cr such other pedad ns <br /> •ppflcable I�w m�y apecify for rcinslatement! bcforo wle aP the Pmp�ty pursuant ta any power oP s�le cont�ined Id �hl� <br /> Sacudty Imtrument;or(b)entry of x judgment enfurcin�thie Socudty Cn�uument.Thoso oondiliona�re qnt Horrower:(�)�►ya <br /> I.cnder dl sume whkh then wauld be due under this Sxudty Incuumcnt und tha Noto a�if na acceleatian h�d oavrrod; (b) <br /> cures any defiult oi'any other cavetunis or a�roen�nU�; (c)pv �all expemes incurrod io anPoreing this Secu�ity Instnlment. <br /> --- invluding.but not limited to. r�o+�able atlorne�re'fees; and(d�tokes such actian as Lender rtwy reawnably mqui�to assnre � <br /> thW�he Ikn of this Socu�ity Insm�ment. I.ender s dght�in�he Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the swms socurod by <br /> — this Socurity lesdumrnn ahnll oonlinue unchanged. Upon reinswtemrnt by Bomnwer. thia Setu�ity Insuument ard the <br /> obli�atbns erocurod Aereby sh�ll rem�in fLlly efFoctive iw if n�,�oueler�tion hwd occurnal.Nowiwer.�his ri�ht w reinswte chall <br /> no��pply in the cASe of�lerntion under ppragrnph 17. <br /> 1!. SWc ot Note; Chan�e d Laaa Savicer. 7Ue Notc or a pa�tial interest in the Nate(togetfier with this Security <br /> in�nt)moy be sold one ar mo�timcs wi�hout prior notke to Bornuwer.A sale may result in a clwnge in the entity(luwwn <br /> as the'L.oan Serviar')thet collacts monthlY pnYments iiue under the Nate and this Secua�y instn�ment.There Wso may be one <br /> or murr chan�ea of the Laan Servk�er unrclated to a sale of the Note.If the�+e is a change of thc lAan Serviar.Homower will be <br /> given wrinen nMice of the change in accorder�ee with paragrnph 14 above rud applicable law.The notice w�lll state the name and <br /> �-°- aciJrc„�uf�i�new Iwiw�Servicer�1 lhe nddrcss w wl�kh pc�yn�nl�should bc rosrie.The notice wiU aisu cnnwin�ny uUier <br /> iniormtitioa aquired by applicable law. <br /> .,._� 20. 1lazanbuv Subctan�ec. Borcower slwll not cause or permit the presence. use, c7isposal. stexage. ar release af any <br />_ _- - Hazordous Substances on or in �he Property. Borrower shall not do. no� allow anyone else to do. t�nything ai'fccting the <br />- Property that is in violation of any Enviranmenwl Law. The preceding twa sentences shall not apply ta the presenc�e. use.or <br /> - stor�ge on the Propeny oP small quantities of Haurcdous Substances that ure generally recognized to l+r appropriate to norn�al <br />:=___ r�esidential uses erid ta mAintenance of�he Property. <br />--- Rorroaer shell promptly give l.ender w�ftten notice of any investigation,claim,demand. luwsuit ar other s►cticNn by any <br />- govertu�ntal or regulatory ngency or privatc pany involving the Property�nd any Hazardous Substunce or Environn�rnal <br /> of which Borrower haa actual km+wledge. If Borrower lepmx,or is natified by any govemmenwl or regulutory authority. that <br /> _ �y removal ar other remediatian af any Haza�dous Substance aifcctinR Ihe Property is na�ssery,eorrower sheil promptly tnlcc <br /> _ all ne,c:cssary remedial actions in aecordunce with Envir+nnmenlal law. <br />-- As used in this pacugraph 20. "Hazardous SubRtances" u+e those substances dePned a.c toxic or hazurdouF substances by <br /> ,f :,.,, E�rvirviui�dnl Law �h1 ihe f.�ii.:wing subcit►nces: gawli�ir, icr�u�rnc. uihcr iliunmubie or laaic pelroieum Pnxiucis, iuxic - <br /> - ;;;,,,4;�,a� pesticide�and herbicides.volatile wlven�s,materfals rnntai�in:asbestos or fom�aldehyde,a�d rndioactive matenals.As used in <br /> '.'.,:,, this p�ragraph 20. "�nvi�onmental Lsw" means federal IAW��and laws of Ihe jurisdictda�n where the Propeny is located that <br />_- " relate to health,safery or environmentel protectirn. <br /> NON-UNIFOR.".1 CQVENANTS. Bonow•er and L.ender further covcnunt and agree ux followc: <br />,�.; 21.Accelerati��;Remedles. I.ender shaiY give notice to Borrower prior to Acceleration followJng Botrower'R breach <br /> of any covenant or agn�ement in this 5ecurity Inslrument lbut nol pHor to acceleration underpa ragraph 17 unless <br /> Applicable law proWid4w otherwise).The notice shall specify: (A)the default=(b)the uction required to cure tt�e detault; <br /> (c)p date,not les.v than 30 days trom the date the notice is�Iven to Borrower� by which the deioult must be curedi And <br /> (d)that fallure to ci��t the defAUlt on or before the date specif7ed tn the nottce mAy result in acceleratlon of the sums <br /> >�• secnred by this Se���rlly lnstmment and sale of the Property. The noticr shall further inform Borrower of the right to <br /> � reinstate aRer acre9rralion and the right to bring a court action to asserl the non-existence of a detault or any other <br /> detense ot Bomower to accelerat3on and sak, if the default ts not cured on or betore the dnte speci8ed in the notice. ,- <br /> I.ender,qt ifs option, mpy requlre ImmediAte pAyment in full oP all sums secured 0,�•this Security Instrument wlthout <br /> •� t:'� K furlher demend And ms�y invoke the power of sale nnd s�ny other remedies permittec�•b� applicabk law. I.ender slwll be - <br /> -•� �'� entitled to collert all expenscs incurred in purcuing the remedles provided in this parugraph 21�including,but not Umiled - <br /> to,reasmwble attorneys'fe�And costs of titic evidencc. � <br />';s, ;`;�� ��" If fhepower oF sale Is invoked. Trustee slwll recoM a notice of default in each county In whlch any part ot the <br /> Property is I�tec1 and sh�ll moil copies oP such nntice in the mAnner pr�rritxd bv applicable Ipw to Borrower ond to <br /> '�'::,�� `� the other per.w►ns pmscriUed by npplicable luw.After the tim e rcyuired by appHc�bYe 1Aw,'fruslee shAll Rive publ�c nMtce <br /> .�r.,,,.-:-::L�, <br /> - rt,:5;t.;ti7, •,►� of svle to!he person.+�nd in the mwnner pre�cribed by applicablc luw•. Tru.ctee, �v97fi��ut demand on Bo�row•e�,xfiall seli - <br /> ' '" ",.x•• the Property at public auclion to the h(ghest bidder at the Ume and plorc and under the terms desiRneted In the notice of <br /> �+�,;� sale in one or mor4 parcelx and fn ony order Tructee deter�ninrs.Trushr moy posipone sale of all or any parcel oP the - <br /> ' ~~ Property by ublic unnouncement at the time and place oP s�ny prevlously srheduled wle. I.cnder ��r its destgner may <br />.`�;`�— -;�. � pureha9e the PProperty At pny s�le. _ <br /> i���. <br />