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200402621 <br />MIBIT 'A' <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of Section 27, Township 10 <br />North, Range 12, West of the 61 P.M., Hall County Nebraska, said tract being more particularly <br />described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at the Northwest corner of said NW 1/4; thence running S 89° 55'54" E on <br />the North line of said NW 1/4 for a distance of 2285.56 feet; thence S 49° 37'54" W for a <br />distance of 231.22 feet; thence S 26° 07' 03" W for a distance of 57.09 feet; thence S 09° 14' 14" <br />W for a distance of 107.99 feet; thence S 14° 50'29" W for a distance of 284.75 feet; thence S <br />41° 42'40" W for a distance of 109.77 feet; thence S 13° 58'57" W for a distance of 60.12 feet; <br />thence S 27° 13' 05" E for a distance of 194.86 feet; thence S 11 ° 55' 39" W for a distance of <br />189.88 feet thence N 89° 30' 10" W for a distance of 181.78 feet; thence S 04° 42' 23" E for a <br />distance of 819.98 feet to a point on the North line of Old Military Road; thence N 89° 49' 35" W <br />on the North line of said Old Military Road, for a distance of 1839.19 feet to a point on the West <br />line of said NW 1/4; thence N 00° 04'47" W, on the West line of said NW 1/4, for a distance of <br />1895.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING said tract containing 84.117 acres more or less, the <br />Westerly 33.00 feet thereof being McGuire Road right -of -way, the South line of said NW 1/4 <br />assumed N 901 00'00" E in direction. <br />