.i `yc .. � - - ' ' . c-. _
<br /> `. :.. ... ..:... "-- . -� . .�. .- - � — --.----"—' =.-r__. ----- -�--
<br /> . . .t-. - _ _ ' - - -
<br /> _-_ �=� *�i- �:' — � � _- _. . � � - - -�' � - - �-�� -- �--- � - • - - -- - -- - . . ° , — , . . --.- -� � - � - -_
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<br /> . . _ . _ , � .. � . __ _
<br /> �,
<br /> . . .. � . . . -- . _ . _ . . -
<br /> � � .� ,ppL'c�bie 4w a�tp epecifj►no�r ee;�taaeati befae sak of tLe rmperty w�t m�y�oE ade r.awinea in a�ia ---.'-
<br /> tbis lraauwa�t. 'ilrore ooaditions are tMR Ban�ower: (�) �
<br /> . . �yY I�u�a tby�af slud�enta�ing Sxutit7t ..
<br /> � P�n�al sua�.�6iCh then«roiila be due uader this sa�utity t�uuieneat ana me rloce ss if no apalaatioa�a�dt .
<br /> - --:,.�..�:(1s=cura aay-defmilt of auy�hetc�Yen�Ns�r_s�teaaents:(cl i�Ys��uicumed ia euforcieg this Secunty - .
<br /> � In�E.includinj.but aiot limiud w.nssaas�le atMr�Ys fea:�nd td)tai�s such ac.'tw�as F.etmet may taroa�ary
<br /> � nqut�e m�d�at tde ficn of this Security insp�umeni.I.enderh ri�hts in the Peoperly�d�larower's abliptiat to pay ibe
<br /> • . sumg sacu�M by this.S,ccuRity Insmunmt sh�ll ooatinue mcha�ed. V�on r��len�e� tiY.Busuvrer. U�is Secunty
<br /> � 1a�cummt�od tlse obliga�ns secun�6ae6y shafl nemain tulty effecdve s if nn tcceleraaon ha�occumed. Hovrever.this
<br /> . ri�t W reinsn�e shaII iwt appiy m the czse ofacceIaation under�agrnpft i7. `• � .
<br /> If. Sde d 1Va1e;C�E d Lws SaviceG 'ibc Naoe of a p�tid intemst in the Nde(toBabeS rvith tbis Seanity . :
<br /> � Ir►�ut�n�ent)may 6e sald aae ar mae times widiout pria notice w 8oimwer. A ssle may nsult�ia a c6�oge ia the eatity :
<br /> ' (known as tbe"Lwn Se�viai")that colkcts taaMhlY�Yments duc uoder the Note and this Security It�trume�t- TLeie also, .
<br /> u�ay be a�e or a�ae clwiga of the Lom�iar unret�ted to a sa1G of the Na�.If the�e is i ebaa�e of tAe Lo�n ServFCeti .
<br /> BOROWG[W1�I bC$IYCQ W[If�l1 OOI�CC O�(I!G Clfi�$E 10 80C0[mf1CC Wiflt�1 14 A�OYC illd�ICa�C IiW. 'lbe aalice
<br /> will state the n�me aud addoess of tbe ntw L.out Setvictr and�dx"sddress to which p�ytr�shoatd be msde. Tha noticc wi�l .
<br /> - �lso carWai�r any atha infamui�mc�ruod bY applicable law.._ `
<br /> = 2R Batacdo�Sa�hwoex. Bamwer s6�U not cause ar peenit the preset�ce,use.iisMsal.staage.or rekase oE at►y
<br /> -= . Ha��ndous Subumas nn or in tbc Pivperty. Barower slwll not do:�aor atlow aayoat else to do.anything aBectieg d�t
<br />---- Piopetty dat is iu vioistion af�ay Uvima�aentai Lsw The pnaeding hvo senpeaoes shaU nat upply i°the�+esmc�use or
<br />_ -' - sto�age oo the Piopacy of small qu9ntipes of Ha�idous Substanoes that are Sene�allY rocogniud to ba sppiopciate ta r�orrtnl
<br />-- raidentisl uses aod to mainten�nce of tbe Ptoperry.
<br />=1, - Baaow2r si�U P�P�Y S�ve Leoder wriuen notice of aay invesd�tion,claim.dentand,lawsuit or other xtlon by any .
<br /> - gave�raneoql or negulato�^y age�.y a Pm'ate PaR�'involving tbe Ptoperty aad any Haardous Substance os Envimnn�eatai
<br /> I�w of which Bomawc:i�s actual 4awledge. If Bamwer learns.ot is nopfiad by any govrnunental ar regulatory
<br /> -_ a�uhoriry,tfwu any iemoval or,ather temedaaon af artY Haz�Mous SubstanGe affating tha Piopecty is necess�cy,Bonnwtr
<br /> �=5 :°'�t1{p�vmptty take all t�peass�ry�ernedial�ctioas in accotdance with Favimomd�W law. . .
<br /> -;`' � '•"As used in tbis p�t�lgraplr 20,"Hu�dous Substances"ane those substautces dofinal as wxic or haz�dous substances bY
<br /> `��:'r> � .�''Eaviironmental Law and,the fullowing su4�star�ces: gasoline,lcerosene,otlKr ftammable or tosi,�ped'nitum producis.toxic
<br /> _ . pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,materials containing•asbestos or fomiatdel�yde,utA radioactive materiais. As
<br /> .,.,.
<br /> ..:...,�
<br />.. .: :
<br /> ; . -. -�sed�this P�ragaPh.20,"Fnvimnrnen�Law"�mrrn�federallaws and laws of ihe jwisdiction where ihe Praperty is 1 , �
<br /> ,. �hat cetate w tKaitR.safety_or enyira�taietuai�cOte�imt- _ --
<br /> ,, - � NON-iINIFORM COVENANTS. Bcxrower andLenderfurther cavenaa[�nd agree asfoflvws- - - - - - - - —
<br /> � al. Accdaatba:Rcmedies�. I.eMkr s1u�U gtve aotfa ta BaRO�ver prior to Ac�deratia�iNto�rina BurroWa's
<br /> �:i� ` breac6 of say wveaaat or�geement ia tl�Se��it9 Iastrumeat fbut not prtor to acceltration ondee pangaP617
<br /> :���''• okas applic�bk law provldes otherwtse). '1'6e oa��e shsU specify: (s)tLe ddaatt;(b)t6e actbn raNi�'ed to cure t6e
<br />:`::,��°::
<br />:-:E:; • 'defaait;(c)!dst�aat leas tla�3A daxs from ttie datt t6e notice is gives tu.�asno�ers by vrlic6 tbe del�uk must be
<br /> '' ' edred:aad ld)t6at taiNire to curo tl�e de�anit a�u�beffon tUe date�ec�ied is tiie�eetice a�sy re.4ult is aeedention of
<br /> , tUe aums secured by tl�k Seearlty Iastrament�d sale ai We i'c+upert�s 1�e nbtice siw��iartler fatos�Sorrower at �.--
<br /> t6e rlal�t to rdm�te stter a�oder�tior and t6e�ight to Mies a rnart sktiair to�rt fie�an-e�steoce d s defwtt�c'
<br /> anp d6er detease d Borcovrer to nccekention and sala It tlie de�It Is not cared on or 6eiore the date���
<br /> tLe notic�l.ender at its optton a�y require imaiediate psyment m fnit of nll sumg secural by tMis Securlty Iustra�eeat --"---
<br /> � w�thoat farthee demand and may iovake the po�ver ot sak and any other nmedies permiKed 6y appUca6k Is►w =--__
<br /> � Le�der.shall be entitkd to coUect stU expen4es incurred in pursuing t6e remedirs provided in this pncagraAh 21, .�i::'�,�_
<br /> iecludiog,bat not limited to,reagonabk attorneys'tees s►nd cost4 of titk evideece. ;�;--
<br /> cos ..=�
<br /> �_': If ihe power of sale is invdced,lYustee sludl record a notke ot default in each couaty in whicb aoq part of tUe ��;�
<br /> , Prbperty is bcated a�d shall mail copies of such aatke in the manaer prescri6e8 by appUcs�bk Is�w to Borsow�r and to .���,:'_� '
<br /> -- - � the othee persot�s pr�ibed by apglkaMe iaw ARes the time required by appUcable law.7�ustee sl�ll give public � _?'��:_:--
<br /> � � notke o�aak to the pasons aed in the manoer pses�ibed Dy applkable taw '�Yuste�w�thout demted on Bo�rower, :; .�,::.-.
<br /> :�:r;�` �sell tLe P r o p erty At pu b l k t�u d i o n to t h e h l g 6 e s t b l d d e r a t t h e t i m e a n d�e a n d u a d e r t h e t e n n s d e s i g n a t a l in i ;:.,:x1.:,`-
<br /> S
<br /> the nottce otsak in one or more paecets aod ta aay order Trustee Aetermtne�.fi�ustee maY P��P���pu a'any ' '.'-'�T��'.�
<br /> ' .,::- :...
<br /> = parcel of t6e PropertY bY Publk annaancemeM at the time apd plaoe o t aay O�e��j o u s t y s c N e du l e d s a la L e n d e r o r i�s ' ..°..r:_-,.
<br /> ���Y Parcbase the Property at Any sak. . �>�;:
<br /> r..: - „,:.'
<br /> •.'.'� ,, ,. ' Upq�r�cetpt af paymtel o�the price 6id,'ll�ustee s6a11 deiiver to ihe purchaser 1lrustee's deed oar�e3ing�e "� ,��.�.
<br /> Pr Tde recitals in the'Rrusta s deed shaU De prlma tsick evldence of Qie truth of the slatements isade tt�erein. . ��';',.:; �
<br /> , ��s. ' ,�.::
<br />_:;,;,,:;'-, 'llrustee s6aU aPV�l t�0�af the�ak in the tollowing order.(a)to a11 oosts And espenses at exercising the powee # ;�-;�f
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