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<br /> ' ���IM�Gf IiOW a�C[�i�t Of/bC p�OQ�'liY 1�IE�i�IR�S��ItIQ1S 5�11�t 1�50 bC Q�YlIOd��1hiS$GCUEItJt `
<br /> ']Rif[f��I. �Of f�1G fC[C$011la�S tEfGfICa t0 ill�19$lClQlty jllS�i1Q1E�[i4�fE"�OQC[�y• ; -
<br /> -- -�-�.�-- _�.....�.:.,.......a.,e.t�..et hee 1t„eei�hr tA 9rant
<br /> _ .. _. .—__-��W��VQ�A�TiS�L�iRIO�VCf LS I�WIY(ly��[Lir,isi�u+cvl�a++��.�w�...��...�"o�--�v t--— ---. -
<br /> . �OOQVR'�t tZ1C Pl�E[[Sf�q(l 1�1IIC PfOpCf��►IS Yfl�lIC�IIIbCIl�.C7[CC�[fOf ZOG1mb�iI1CC3 Of tbCOla BOtIOWlf WiTlipfS� .
<br /> � �n'll defend�y tbe title m tL�Fivperty againstill ct�ia�a aid dem�nd�.svhjact ta any eocamb�oes of tecad
<br /> � THIS SECUItii'Y IIVS1�tU11�N'f oombiaes unifam covenaats t'a muot�al use and non-uaifam rnvenants wid�
<br /> , , lim�'ted v�i�tiat�by j�aisdicuyaa to cc�ostiWtt a uaifam secority in�ent tavaiag ieal psvpaty. � - •,
<br /> ONIPORM L�OVENANTS. Bamwaand l�eader.cnvemnt�nd agtre as follows: wbea due the
<br /> L �at ot h'Ldpi1 ad Idan�P�eNJ�e�t a�d La1e C�a. Bamwer siu�il P'�P�Y P+►Y
<br /> � p�nciCrai of aod iote�est oQtLe debt evida�oed bY the Note and anY P�PsYment a�d late chatges�e w�der the Nac.
<br /> Z t��is te�7f W�s a�l LuAa7�c� Subject to apptiabtctaw orto s vimmn waiver by Leader.Bortower,stiall pay w -
<br /> l:ender�n tlie dsy mou�hlY�Yma�ts are due under the Note,ua6i the Nooc is paid ia full.a sum�"Fund4")for:(s�)YeadY
<br /> tues�d assessuens ahicb msy atwn priaitY aver this Secarity7nsnument as a tien an the Property;(b)YarIY ka�°b ,
<br /> _ payments a gmu�d�►ts an the Pnopaty�if.any: (c},YeulY h�rd a ProP�rtY insorance poemie�: ta)yealr flooa
<br /> - inaa�mce p�emiums..�f any:(e)Y�Y�8�8���P��•�9°Y:�(f?�Y.�Poy�k by Barower w
<br /> l.ender.ia�ceoeduioe with tbe pmviswns of puagr�ph 8,in liw af the payment of moitgage insuracxe p�ertuums. '17use
<br /> itaas are plkd"E�ow Ikms." I.ender m�y.u m►y time.coDect and hotd F�mds ux an amo�t nat to exceed the masimom
<br /> -�mam�a la�fer for a fedenlly niated ma�tgage loan may t�equi�for 8arower's rscrow accAU�t under tUe federal Real . -
<br /> Fs�te Seakment ptoced�res Act,of 1974 u aqundod frnm timo to am�.12 US.0§2601 a s�q.("RESPA").uniess another
<br /> _ • law d�at applies fi Ne Iiu�ds sets a lescer� If so.Lender may,at any time.colksK aad hold�u�ds in aa amaunt ne�t m
<br /> _- eaceeA ti�ksser amauet. I.ender mAy,estimate the amotmt of PEmds due ua tLe basis of cu�reat dua a�d n�sonabk�
<br /> - estim�es of naes of fuaae ESCmw I�ns or otbetwise in xcacdance with ap��raUk law._ "
<br />_ . 'IUe ��,s6oll be Aeid-ia an institatim whose deposits m insuced by a federal�gedcy,insorumartality,or entity
<br /> -- (mciudieS LendtT;if i.en�kr is such 9n�nstitution)or in a[►y Federai Hane Lo�n Bank. Let�d�'s1�a1�aPP1Y the Fwids to PaY
<br /> " the Etcrow Itea�s. Lender may noc charSe Bac�ower fa tatding and applyirtg the Funds.annuaUy ao�lyiing the escnow
<br /> aocoun�.or verifying the Fscc�nw items,unkss Lender pays Borirower interest on the F1u�ds aad applicable !aw permits
<br /> ' Lender to rnake sucl►a chuge. However.Leader may require Barower to pay a one-time charge for an independent real
<br />•°.�, �sp�tax nepo�ting service used by Larda3a.cannec�on with this Ioaa,unlc�s appljcable law pravides othe�wisa. Unless aa _ _
<br /> `',;,. ---- a8reert�eot_is mad�or appiica6te taw_nq�es iate�st to 6e Paid,Lender shaii not bc ieqeired to paY Boira�rcr any iaieiest or - _
<br /> ;�;•'� eamiags m the Fvnds. Bomuwa aod Lcndei may agcee in wriming,t�owever.that inurest shail bc�tid ort the FundK. LenJer�
<br /> ' '� shall give m Boriowtr.without charge.aa anaaat accaa�ng of the.Funds.sfawimg cciedits and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> purpose foc whi�h e�ch debit to the f�nds was made. 7lie FWnds�re pledged as additionat security for all surns secwred by
<br /> . ttns Seciaity InsuumenG �
<br />-"��,F If tbe E'vads hetd by l�ender exceod the amounts pe�mittcd to be t�etd by applicable Iaw.Lender shall account to
<br /> Bacmwer far d6e excess Funds in accadar�ce with t1�e s+egui�ments of applicable law. If the arnount of the Funds i�id by .
<br /> :��':'�F� Lender at aay auue is rat sufficient W pay the Escraw Items when dae,�.ender may so notify Bocrower in writing.and.i,�a
<br /> - - ` such case Bocmvrer sha11 pay to Lender the amount neressary to inalce up the deficiency. Hoaower shall make up�6e �
<br /> . ' deficia�cy in no moce than iwe�ve monthiY PaYmenu.at Lenderk sole disccetion. �
<br /> Upon payment in faIl of all sums secnred by this Securiry Instrumen�lxnder shall pcomptty refund to Borrower az�' .
<br /> ' Funds held by Lender. if,under paragraPh 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Property.l.ender.Pnor to the acquisition or -
<br /> sak of the Pa+operty,shall apply any Funds held by Lendcr at the time of acquisition ar sale as a credit against the sums =
<br /> securod by this Security/nstrumea� � -
<br /> 3. Applkation ot PlR�ments. UnTess applicable law provides otherwise.all paymcnu received by Lender under _
<br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be apptied:first,to any prepayment thacge.9 due under tlic Nae:second.to amounts payable under =
<br /> - �asagraph 2;third.ta interess dec�favnh,to princ�pal due;and last,to any late chatges due under the Note. _
<br /> 8 _
<br /> ' , d, C6arges;Liena Bomnwer shall pay all taaes.assessmenu.charges. fines and impositions attri6utabie to the . _
<br /> pcoperty which may attain priority over th�Secnrity Instrumenl.and leasehold payments or ground rents.if any. Bornower =
<br /> : shail psy tlxs�obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrawer shall pay them an _
<br /> W�e direcUy to the persan owed pay��. ��wer shal!promptly fumish to Lender aQ notices of amounts to 6e paid under
<br />� ; t�h�is paragm� lf Barrower�es r[�ese paymen�g direct�y.Borrower shall promptty fumish to Lender receipts evidcn�,ting =
<br /> • . '' • Bo�n'ower shall promptly dischazge�y lien which has priorlry over this Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees -
<br /> "��� '' iawriting w ahe payrnent of the obligatiaE sesured by the lien in a manner acceqabie to Lcnder.(b)camests in good faith the • _
<br />.��,,;��,.. _
<br /> ' . lien Isy.or defends against enfo[cement of the lien in.legal procecdings which in the l.ender s opinian operate to prevent the
<br />�=ry��'��• enfarcement of Ute lien;or tc)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien -
<br /> �'�,;�.�: ce tAis Security]nsuument.,If Lender detem�ines thac any part of the Froperry is subject to a lien which may anain prioriry =.
<br /> over this Sccunty instrument,Lea�der may give Bomrw�r a notice identifying the lier�. Borrower shall satisfy tfir tien a take `
<br /> - one or more af the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of rtoticc. -
<br /> ___ __ _ 5. A#r.asA or praperty lawsance. Botrowet shall keep the improvements aow existing or hercafter erected on the
<br /> :��y�'�. •• �" , Praperty ins�d against loss by fue,haz,:rds included within the term"extended covcragc and any other haiards,inttuding
<br /> � tlaods or flooding.fa whEch l.ender re�uires insucance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the , .
<br /> t:
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<br /> :�i(� � . -
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