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� 9� 1071G8 <br /> j <br /> TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT <br /> Bosselman, Inc., a Nebraska Corporation, does hereby give and grant the County of Ha11, <br /> State of Nebraska,for and in consideration of one Dollar ----------------------- <br /> ------------------------------------------- ($1. 00 -------------) <br /> in hand received a temporary easement for the reconstruction of Wood River Road over and <br /> across the following described property: <br /> A parcel of land in the Southeast Quarter of Section 13, Township 10 North, Range 10 <br /> west of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Hall County,Nebraska described as commencing <br /> at the Southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter; thence N 90° 00' 00" E (assumed <br /> bearing) on the south line of said Southeast Quarter, 764.07 feet to the Point of <br /> Beginning; thence northeasterly on a curve to the left, with a radius of 612.97 feet and <br /> a delta angle of 17° 34' 28", an arc distance of 188.02 feet; thence N 51° 36' 43" E <br /> 749.26 feet; thence northeasterly on a curve to the right, with a radius of 532.98 feet <br /> and a delta angle of 38°23' 29", an arc distance of 357.13 feet; thence S 89° 59' 42" E <br /> 412. 64 feet; thence S 00°00' 18"E 5.00 feet; thence S 89°59' 42"E 399.37 feet to the <br /> intersection of said southerly right of way line and the westerly right of way line of U.S. <br /> Highway 281; thence S 00° 48' 09" W on said westerly right of way line, 15.00 feet; <br /> thence N 89° 59' 42" W 811.80 feet; thence southwesterly on a curve to the left with a <br /> radius of 512.98 feet and a delta angle of 38° 23; 29", an azc distance of 343.73 feet; <br /> thence S 51° 36' 43" W 749.26 feet; thence southwesterly on a curve to the right with <br /> a radius of 632.97 feet and a delta angle of 18° 15' 40", an arc distance of 201.74 feet; <br /> thence N 00°00' 00"E 21.35 feet to the Point of Beginning,containing a computed area <br /> of 0.921 acres, more or less. <br /> The within easement shall be and remain in full force and effect for a period of 365 days to <br /> coincide with the commencement of construction activity specific to the reconstruction of Wood <br /> River Road. <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) ���� T <br /> ss. Fred A. Bosselman, Treasurer <br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) <br /> Known to me to be the identical person who signed the foregoing instrument and acknowl- <br /> edge the executed thereof to be his/her voluntary act and deed. <br /> WITNESS my hand and notarial seal this �� day of � ��/ , <br /> 19�_. <br /> BENERAI NOTARY St�of Nebraska ��� <br /> � KATHLEEN J.ZAVALA <br /> My►comm.Exp.�pra 4s,2002 t Pub1iC <br /> My commission expires ^�l,c`..� 13 , �aoo� <br />