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<br /> . � ` Rlqit A1.L 11MAt �I 111�1! ��SKMCS: 'ih�t Tpe O��rland Natioin�i� Ila�ik of Cr�a�t �slasd� `±
<br /> __;�._�p�r�tlo�e* _t,h�,pirt� .of__t6e ttcat _parr. in cattsid�erb�t�.�iq.■n1 aF �t6�-wu�`uf ZMenfi:t'ro � `
<br /> � `�'___-_�� aL��� L..�i��l �w� `AAjt _ - _.____- - _ Wi�Oa�,t0 l�-��'���� ._- r
<br /> � Co�erci.�t led�ral lbst�� ��ratioa. : ltabrui�a_ t.urporetion� the p�rty oE Lhe
<br /> ' secand part, s�ceipt Mhereaf iA i+ereb� scknnrled�ed, bi�rt scantea, �r�aigned�a�wt� , °
<br /> _ ._ t=ansfez=� �nd,_ �+f these presente doas grant, aaai�n and tran�fer untn its eaccasso�s. ; ,
<br /> , �.awl assisss, a,cerCain 1'rust IIee.� y6erefo Ei�e-asid 'ftte Overland listinna� �Jank of Ctatd
<br /> < Island is 11ensficiasy. viet3. z Ni.lidnson,` a �sinsele oeisaa; =-
<br /> : is�Trustor. a�d C�rcial Federal san1�. A�Federsi Savina� nank is Tr'wEee. • -
<br /> vbich 3twt Dsed �a�! dste� the 30th day of July� . , l.9 91 . and cecordad t6e
<br /> � lYt da� of_ At1S• � .14 41 . ae Docaiaent No���.0� of ehi. ,. '
<br /> i�lO�TGAGE Recozda of Hall .. Couatp, Nebraeka amt-a11 fta risbt. titl� aoi .- .
<br /> int�zest ta t&s propert� therein dc�cri6sd, as follo�+a, tovits Thc Saaterly.8iftyr.a�td
<br /> Y.i.�ht ?enths� t5Q.8) feet of Lot �ro (Z�. Black Fifteea t�)� s�hiaer�g l�dditioa to . ,
<br /> � tltt cit^� af Grand Islaai}, i41'E CmmCi��;:�ab=aslcs. .- , . ` � -
<br /> �. � ' «; � .: .
<br /> .. _ • ', . - �
<br /> . _ _ , .,:,.;... . . 'f`�•`, � � '�;
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<br /> . ..,,:::.,. ....�. ....:...._ . .......
<br /> � . - - • .
<br /> —- -- -- --Toge�tier vi£�-tl�e praia3$s�sry note tl:ereln.deserl6e<3� .�nd the_,�6ney.dirP.:+ar to_ -- -'. --- �
<br /> `becowe dus tl4ereuude�, iacicsdinR intereat thereon, subJect only ta;the pYOVisioas -
<br /> of said .Trust Dee� therein ront�ined. • •:�� " ":
<br /> • IN IiITt1BSS�•iii�£REOF, Tfte Overland Hatianal Bank�of Gr�nd Lgl�:.z1, a corpotat3otl, �.
<br /> hss cauaed. t6ia Aesign�ent af�-Truat Ueed to be executed:fl��.ttn Ptesi,dent . .
<br /> ` an3 attested by ita �- �vtee Pr aident/L:agh�er . and ita cd p Xate aeal to 6e
<br /> - , ' �ereunta,sffixed tbi.s �_ day ot :Jul� � . 19�. '
<br /> •._��-.�� ,�^:. f:���,.. TIlE OYERI.ANU N 1pNAi, BM�iK� UF GRli�U ISLAlID,:� .�
<br /> -`'�� ( 't`}F'.� ; • A CUAPD N ♦��
<br /> ; : • `' � ` '`r' .:'- sy: '
<br /> - ., • ,�� . - c� • . . Atteat:
<br /> , . _ b . � .. . . . . . .. ' . .
<br /> ___ ,sr�re,a��w►sx�� � � . . , _
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<br />_ -- COUli'PY O! EALL ) '
<br /> On thie 30th day o# July :�, '�9 �Y�,+ bel��re me a nnta,�g. public
<br /> � duiq Co�.�eeion�a and qnalified hi antd tor eaid caunt� ar� atnte, pe►snna�Il���eawe _
<br /> the AI10VE Robert A. KoYrts � 'And David D. S:aasoa �• a� '�he
<br /> - Overl.and National �ank ef �rand IAlend, who are pereanally know� t, ,me tp IIE the
<br />- idenCical qessons i►tiose- �� r��'� nftixed to the •above •Asafgnment nt 1'ruAt Ue�d es
<br /> the Preaident nnrl Sr. Vice Pseaideat/Cashies nf �a�id cvrpoxation
<br /> and they acknovledge the �.118tTt1nlP.ftt to Ge tl�eir voluntary Act ��rd deed nnd tl�e
<br /> _ _ ____-� voluntary ac� and deed of �ai.d cocporation. _ . _
<br /> r� �' / /�i'�i(ii/K._� � -.
<br /> , ot�+ry Publlc
<br /> _ `� My Cosriaelon Expiress ���'���� � '_
<br /> wd..����, �/
<br /> RB'�U�_ � `_
<br /> Grand Island Abatrect
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