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<br /> . t+�11s�dl�sa�iaMa�lWlserN�e�: .
<br /> It f!s MwR�t�ts 1R�r1!�i.T��Ms ir e�a�ei s�Nia�t id�it ia�artT i�'�ier aq►�rt�t Ire
<br /> lt�tYMMe�i�tiai�arlaM��[wdMtks,i/Y�ws/e�iQiwib�lawMlloee+s�srat�s •
<br /> Nwr/�s��ew�*M��!�Y�e�1t�►.I11Mr t�e.tl�s r�U�i b�liealle M**�r�ee sWl�ti�e 1�We�tke�t
<br /> sde M�fc��si M ll�e�er t�i h�Mealls I�w Tr�witM�t i�W M�r�.�se�.li�e ,
<br /> — � pr�et.y�triife�etl�._atisli�e�tiiiier.ta�eussa�i�osa.i.�dreter.sie.irAriiaeWF�at.retf
<br /> ws u��ar�i i�aq�eferltr�bsirl�e�M.linrl�e�qlM���dsil�r q 1�eei�ilic Finl�7'b
<br /> - �'���wt.at!le ti�c ai M�ai d a�T R��!xM�1��d�.�.e�ier or ib ie�ipee W 1�'��'�
<br /> � vMR��!4���1��T���irl�dttir�s ttie�sei�?rwbee'�ieal a�e7vs d�
<br /> pe�etl.'l�s rclMis i�ttis Tn�Me'M ieN�11 M�rtwt t�e�Ne�ee of t�i tr�t!ot tle sp�ta�eNs�ie tlierei�e.
<br /> ?e�Mt d�A�y t�e/���i ottie�ie i�d�e tdlowt��iR:W ta alt��e�a ottit ade.i�cl�iir�I�t wot Ni�it�i -
<br /> t�:7rMN.*a t�e.M�i b�iM�aw a.i r�a...�lae aReNr�e�tee�(�)eo.o�.s,eere�ei b a�h se�ies .
<br /> IaMir�a�i(e)�7�lstie/eesw�r/uswr1e�117e�1�'O 9 or abandonmrnt of tlje PropertY.La�derlin
<br /> — ZR I.e�ier t�P��io�.Upar aoodecation undei p�r�rspl► �� of ai�msns�e the
<br />'� P�esa�,b9 s�a�t a bi►l�Y=OP�nted reaeiver)shall be eatitkd to enter u tske possGUion
<br /> � Yroperty aad to colkct the nents of the Pncpercy includins tha�e p�st duG Aay renu collected by Lender or the receiver
<br /> s6a11 be apgliad 6�tttl�t�►3�t_ot it+e�sss aef�t a�eht FropeitY an�!colte�tion o�'repcs,iucladia8.6ut nat .
<br /> lunited w.noaver':fas.Praniums 6n rxavds bands and t�eswnable attomeSi�foa.�nd tben to tlie s�ass sceured hY- -•—— -
<br /> , this Sxurity It�suwnmt � ' . . . .
<br /> � Zl.Qeeaa�el�a�oe.Upon payment of all sums secured 6y this Security lnstrumen�Lender shsU re4uest Tnutee to
<br /> - nccavey the Prapetty u�d shsll surraider tbis 5oeuritY InsWmrnt and aU nates evidencing debt secure�by this Secudty
<br /> - Iastrumeat to Tnistee.Trmta ahstl i+ecenvey tl�e Property Mitlwut Marrxnty aed without cf�uge to the person or penons
<br /> k�aUy eatitkd to;�such person or pasons sbau psyany recaraation cosu.. . .
<br /> 22.S�4�tit�te Trst�a I.eader,at iu option,may fc+om tisne to tirae ranove Ttustee and appaint s succes.wr tnutee
<br />- - to at►y Tnstx appointed hereunder bysa iasaumeat raaided in the county in wbicb this Secu�du�� ea� 'i'
<br /> . �thoat canveyance oi the Property.the sucassor tnutee sUall succee�to aU the�i�p�
<br /> Trusta herein aad by►aPPlicabk Isa. .
<br /> - �3,Re�e�t tor,potkq,Borro�ver requests that copia of the natices af defanit snd sale be sent to BorroMet's
<br /> ��-�=��� �ddrasxhicfi istheProperty Addreu.
<br /> � ` 7�Riien to tl�Secvlty Ia�awea�If ane dt more riders ue exocutod by Borrower aad rxorded togcther with _
<br /> t�s Securi�y Insttutnent,the coveaants and a�reemmu oPeach such rider shall be incorporatod into and shall amrnd and =
<br /> ` sapplatjeat the covea�nts aud agramenta of this Socurity lsutrmnent as if the rider{s)Mea s p�rt of this Seciuity _
<br />�.:.�.� Instrunaea�(Ct�eckayplicabkbox(es)J -
<br /> - 0 Adjwtabk Rue Rider ❑Coadanlai�un Rider ❑Z-4 Family Ridet
<br /> �tiradwte0 Psymietst Rider ❑ Plaaaed Unit Development Rider � _
<br /> � .� �Other(s)Ispxify� ��ckaowledgement o€ Power of Sale . _
<br /> BY SlciNtNCi HEtOw. Borro�ver �xepta and igras to the urms and wvenu�u cont�ined in this Securlty _
<br /> " �' ' i�ttvmeat and in�ny rlder(s)executed 6y Horro�rer and recor "th it.
<br /> �'� . . �'�,,,�„ �✓�..'.�.......... ...................... _
<br />`, : . . .. �-�.�;,,�.
<br /> �David�A.�Hackbart .
<br /> - , . . - --- ..��t.�:..�'�...f��:�c.�.i:�r�.:�...�'.•,�
<br /> , �Debra A. Hackbart
<br /> � tf�e�/Nwr Zhii tJn�I« Ael�ir�wy�ntl .
<br />;,,.�'r,. S!'ATBOF .....�RASICA....:.�........
<br /> . ? • �SS.
<br /> ,. :,.
<br /> t �. �• Q0�1M17f OF ......�.............. _
<br /> °„"i �� , , . „
<br /> _ , 7'1�e ta[e/otns tmtrmna�t wa�aeknoNkd�eed befare�ae t?a�t...��.5�..�"":/....�...�G�f.r..4.l.� u
<br /> , ._ • �•�r�-� � Hacktsart.and Debra t�. �ekbart (Que)...........
<br /> .....R�Y.iS�.�s. ... ... .. . ...................... ............... ,
<br /> . �t=I��� �
<br /> r� I�j C�aa . ��i�M��M1 , .
<br /> . .,
<br /> -- . --�; ' - - - ��-u� - - . . .... �.%�. � .G:� :�f.�.�_�.'�:::�....�.�'� . .
<br /> ' :: t, - t�r� -
<br /> :�
<br /> � � . __,�.����.�...: Glenda Lueders _.
<br /> .........,a.,...........................:.............�.•..............•.•�.s.
<br /> , -
<br />