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<br /> -- _ --- - - =--r- -- -= - - ---- -- _�._ - -__'-
<br /> � .��- - — -- - - --- �� ,`-- ---. / . . , c-,_ ���IAQ��..� .. � -"
<br /> - - --- — �---,- : � _ .- - - -- . . ". •, _�1�� i V'�i7Ei� _
<br /> __ .. . _ �. - . . . . �4 .. .
<br /> ! � , �w��I�G�!OUW Of klCf�!(!�pt tIIG p!'CpC!!Y•�;iu!i�l111C�f.�•
<br /> �f1�1�Ei 10i1r 0�b!1!�i��dIC�X ���IQ�If1�S 3�t�f0.�1C COY���SOL1f�ly .
<br /> j1�Q1� Al�Of dlG fOfiCjOpl� 1!�litEd EO 10 t�t�GCIY1[�►�tYl��d1C°�MOQ�lty� �(bC O 1�
<br /> —". �—'�RO�t1(��1jA�'S�t�OIi�OYMt!19�ilW ff1�y S!{SCd il�lbC GSiatC�ClCb�►COlIYl�lCd alld _ �. .��. _ _
<br /> , ��p�rey tbe plropaty�nd d�at d�e PmpdreY ix�u�a�e�.=xapt fa�of rxad. Banow�warr�ts and" �
<br /> • wiU defend�y tbe titk w the PtopertY+t�u a!1 ciw�and de�subjecc W�ny en�wnDrar�oes of re�ad. . .'
<br /> � 7HIS SEClJR17'1C iNS['RUMEN'F�aombi4es�ifaat oovmnts far tatiafal use and aon-anifam xave�antx�witl�
<br /> - � .�limiutiv�ci�tioRSby�cocct�stim�semifwa�sec�niry��Y�48�P�Y•., �
<br /> t1NiladRM COV@TAN1'S. �onovretand�.enderoovami��g�ee u fdlows: . :
<br /> � � �. l�r�eN d lH�ci/�aMt t�Mee�f:lrer7�e�t a�l.Mc C1ur�n. Ba�wer slull ponipd9 P�Y�due d�e �
<br /> pp�ccineipit of and iewenesc on thc debt evdaiced bY the Nate md anY P�Y�����es due under the Nae.
<br /> — f�_ ii�i�'�{�I�l. ��p�iC�E IiN Ci EO!VYl11fC�1 W�Yt[�1�Cl.BOS[OVYCrSIliII Qax 1R1
<br /> Lp�der m 1he daY�Y P���r�e dae uader the Nate.uatii the Nate is paid io fi�U.r�n l"f'�)ta�:(�)Y�Y .
<br /> tues rd u�M1�1i�Y�P�h'ova this SacaritY in�m�a��s�lien an We R+cpety;(b)ye�lY I�e� .
<br /> a�►�nd raqs fln dx QtopeitY,�f any:tc)Y�Y�a P�P�K3' �O°� P.,'�ums; (d) Ya�Y fi�
<br /> iri�•P����►Y•(�)Y�Y�E��P��•if an�,and tfl mY��P�Y� 6Y��tO
<br /> Lajder,ie�a000�d�oe with the provisiaas�af p�ragt�pb B.ia tiar of thc p�Yment of macgage insuran�x pKm►a�ns. 'i7kst .
<br /> items ae cailea"Fsc�ow t�" 1.«,aa may,ac a►y am�cotkec aad tiow�eas in a�ut�oant not w eaoeoa a�e n�ucimu�a _
<br /> amooac s tmder fa a fede�ally telatod mo�t�a8�loan maY re4ui�e far Hatower�escrow acoount urder the fedee�! Real =
<br /> Estate SeWemd�t Pmceduces Act of 1974 a�atneaded fran time to tinfe.l2 U.S.G�2601 t�seq.("RFSPA").unttss�wd�
<br /> � � lsvr tWt applies w tDt�ods seu a les.ser'anwunt If so,Lender m�►y.u any tiax.cdtoct and bold fiuids in an�unt not w
<br /> � C�I�IC�itQ�l'I011tlf.' j.CRdCf Alil��11111ALC ihC if[I0111lt Of�Ii1QS f�0I!t11C�SfS18 Of CW!!DI�dit�ifld tC�SOOi�C
<br /> � fS�l��CxpqldlQllC3 Of fDf1i[�.'ESCNW IIC11tS Of O�IGf W1SC 111�CCA�ifICC W1I�1 l�Q�ICAMC 4W. '
<br /> 71ie��u�ds ahali be heW in atr itutitotiam wlwse dePosits are ins�u+ed by a fedet�l a8rnc9�ittst�mentality,a entity ,
<br /> . . (imcludinE i.erider.if I.eoder is such an iastiwtian)or in nny Reden!Hame I.oan Bant. Lender shall�pply tde Eiads ta psy'
<br /> - We Eacmw ltems. i�ender may,noc cha�8e Borrowa for hotding and appiYinB[be Wnds,annwllY aa�lyzia8 ti�e esc�ow
<br /> -_ — �ccoimt,ar verifying the�sctuw Items,,uakss i.rnder PaYs Bamwer intereu on tbe Funds aud applicabk law pemnts
<br /> l.ender to m�ke sucA a charga Hawever,l,ender may recNin Barrowet to pay a one-time charge far an indepenifent n�al . , ,
<br /> --- _est�te wc r+eportiog setvice used by i.a�de�a►connection with this lo�n,unless applicable taw provides otl�ecwise. Uakss an
<br />- - --- a� -�cieF3�at{�ofb�seguise4w-pal�8��tt�itMetest°r
<br />_-_---�-�-�---- - � • . . �.a�is maAe o►appticable iaw�qt[it�-��p�k - -�
<br /> . eamings on the P�mda Barower arK!Lender may agt�ee in wrifing.howtver.that i�shaIt be paid o�tiie Fvuids. l.endes- -
<br /> � sl�a11 give to Bomnwer,widyout cLarge.an annual aceaaming of the�d�,�ad itional socurity for al!su�secusied by-
<br /> - .�SCpose far whicb each debit to the l�u�ds was made. 1be Rmds�e�g . ,
<br /> :: • 'this Securiry Instcumen� to be hetd 6y applicaMe law. t.�nder sball accouni to `
<br /> =. if the Pwxls held by Lender exceoci the amoants penni►ted _
<br />_..�;;. Bonuwer for the exc.ess Funds in acca�e with ti�e�lW�°�of applicable iaw. tf the amount of the Fi�nds held by
<br />-- I.ender at su►y time js not sufficient m�ty t8e Escrow Items whtn due.Lender ma:X so notifl►Borrower i�wrtting,and.in
<br /> sac!►qse fiotmwer shall paY to i.eader the amoau.aC�S�Y to make uF the�eficiency. Basower sl�ll make up the
<br /> ;�i defkiencY in no more ttt�c�veiva monthlY PaYments,at E.ender�s sote discraion.
<br /> . vPp►WYm�mt in faE!�a11 sums secured by this�ecurity 1nsGrumtn�L.ende�c shall pramptty refund to BcKmwer any
<br />`:�,:•� l.ender.pnor to the aoquisitioo or
<br /> Funds beld by Lender. If u�dcr paragraFh 21.Lender sba11 aoquire or sell the Prope�tY.
<br />;::�F`�,; sale of the propetty.shall apply�au�Funds hetd by l.ender at tfie time of acquisition or sale as a cnedit agatnst the sums
<br />- secured by ttis Secariry Iaswmen� � � nts receivecl by L.ender under
<br /> ' 3. Appliwtbe ot Paymentg. Unless a licable law vides otherwise,all payme
<br /> par�graphs t and 2 st�atl be appliod:fuxt,to any prepayment charges due under tt�e Nae:second.to amaunts paya6le under
<br />. p�gtaph 2;thirA.to insesese dae;fouRh,to principal due:and las�to any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> 0. C�s+ Lie��. Bartawer sha31 pay sU taxes,a4sessments.charges. fines and impasitions atm'bu[avie t�ttie
<br /> ts or nd nnts.if ar►y. Bormwer
<br /> pmperty which may auain priority over fhis SecuritY Insaument.and Teasehold PaYmen 8�
<br /> - - shall pay tha4e obligations in the ma�s.-6er pcavided in paraSraPh 2.or if not paid io tt�t manner.Bo�rawer shall pay them on
<br /> _ itme diraKiy to the�e�malc�es�these imYmentsrdirarsly Brn o eo s�hall praL m�ly fum h to�l.ender recef'pcs��denc�"�n8
<br /> � chis puagraph. .
<br /> �.r:'^� �Bo�rmwer shall ptomptly dischatge any tieri which has priority over this Security lnsmment unless BormR�r:(a)agrees ;
<br />_ �-- in writing to the payment of the obligaaon secnred by the lien in a rtEarireer acceDtabte to Lender:(b)contests in gaod faith the
<br />'`�„_;. � . lien by.a defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal procecQ:��s which in the I.ender's opinion operate cv Qcevent trit
<br /> � enfaretnent of the lien:a(c)secuns ftvm the hoMer af the lien an agrcement satisfactory to Lender subordic�atin8 tha liezs . ,
<br />�=="�;�� to this Security inswr�xne. �f Lcnder determines tha�:�triy part of the Prope�ty is si:bject co a lien whicb may�rxin priority' •
<br /> �'T�''' over this Security Instr�.l,ender may 8�ve Sona�er a nolice identifyi�g the�en. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or talce :
<br />- - on�ar aac�e of the actions set fonh a6ave within 10 days of the g►virtg u!notice.
<br /> --- - - -- S. flazud ar Pro�ertY i� $urrower shal!krcp afic:rnpsovements now e�irriaQ or hereafter erectcd on the _
<br /> ' '� ptopnty insw+eA against loss by fire.hazards included within the term"eatended caverage'and<:�y other haiards.including
<br /> •, . floods a flooding,for w[ti�Lcnder requires insurance. 7Uis insutance shall 6e maintained in the amounts and for the
<br /> � Fin�312a flf�,yr{qe 1 nJb paRe.+)
<br /> .
<br />` . ' � - - - -- - - . --.. ,... - ... • -
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