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<br /> _ - _ _ _.. `. . . - _. _ �1,,,:_ �Q4983 �
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<br /> ` ` � .�.�,.�a�t�..r�are�erenea w;o z t��t��oounr of�b wY�. .`+�►��ooeed�over an ; .
<br /> ��aII orntrodio�A�oader tbe Nare aod tbit Secyuiry lasuumeat ah�al�be p�i,d w d�e Fat�r .
<br /> - -- �- -�i+ba;Leeder msy Wiiect foes�ch�t�es authaiud.by tijc Sac�ry. � - -� ' ,- - -
<br /> � !.Gr�wifirAu+deead���tDebt ` _. . . �
<br /> . (s)Del�It. I.ender uiay,.t�cwpt is lirr�ed bY re�!s�d b!►t�e S�xetuY in the case of paytoa�t defsults.�,
<br /> .' . nerpi�e immedi�e �n fuli ot'al{swas satined iry tlus Sccunry Insocammt i�
<br /> -. , �. (i)BoROrvec�ef�by fa�7ing tn pa�}r ia fult aay mamhlY P�Y��04�0��►��7!�P�
<br /> toaoot6edueda�e�i6enextm�5lypipment,�r -_
<br /> (�Ba�m�vcr defauUs by fa�7iog,fa a periai ot tlutty dsys.to pafam aay otl�er obliganous cmnmod in this .
<br /> �
<br /> (b)��W�Yo�t Cr[ait Appr�oval. l.mder sha11.if Pe�mitoed bY apQlicai�la 1aw and with the pria�appmvai of tbe
<br /> �p�y,ieqiuc�e nnmedi,�lepaymmt in ful!of aU die sums sawed by tbis�ucuriry It�i� -
<br /> '•�(�A11 ap��a�t.tbe ,.a a bmeficisl iprecrst in a trust�iv�all or p�tt of t!�Pto�ty,is sdd or
<br /> �t d�vise or des4xnt3 the Ba�i9�r�d
<br /> � otba�visef�fie.��edto�hct. b�► �Y . . �
<br /> — - :�,(u��c ... �.s�iod aoa�piod by tlie poc�lu�sa.urgr�ntee as kCg�be�rpiincip�t iesideoot,ar the pia�h�ser
<br /> � - •-. - - :�:�d�-,so`aocupy the piuppt'y, i�at i�is a her cre��ias not ban app�o�►o� ia aecobtaoe , ,
<br /> ... "�-�htbemq�u�eats of tbe Sa�y.
<br /> ' (c)N�'Wai'vv-IF.�oa�r tl�t wooW paaut i.ender w zequinc iaamodiate pa�yment iu fail.b1n I,eoder
<br /> - doea not r�ire snchpsyma�ts.i.eoderdoes not waive its rig6ts wrth�speet to wbsequrnt eredts.
<br /> �_ i�)�b�d�s dHUp See�sc� ln m�ay cu�siat�ces�al�aas iu�edbl►the S�eetuY wtll limit I.endec�a
<br /> _ ri�ta.in tBe case of psyment defauits. w to4ui�e immedi�te Wgmrnt in full�aod faeclo�tf•rwt paid.` 'il�is
<br />--� . Security Mstnanent does nw atMliorirs�cceietattat or foreclosu�if nat pem�Itted by regulauons of the Scc�etuY- -
<br />_- � � te)AMel�r Ket 1�weed Borta�rcr a�xs thst should tdis Security Inww�ent and the note securod ihe�eby not
<br /> 6e eiip'bie far insu�anct wder�hr Nuiana! Housin�,Act within [rom tAa
<br /> - ' date I�rd.i.eoder may.st i�s optioo�d�iotwithsw�dM�anythin�in�np�ph 9.c+equin imtnedi�le pyr�ent in , ,
<br />- _ full of�II swti�ecwied 6y�his Serurity 1mltunteM. A writan st�ement of any awhrxiud s�M of ihe Socrefary.
<br /> : • Aaket subsequent w fcom tl�e Aa�e het�eaf.declinin=to iasuoe thi�Security -
<br /> ' ►�snunknt and the note`secu�.thrceDy.shall be dam�d conclusive proof of such inellgtbility. NotwitAswidiag
<br /> � �Aet�oiut.-�Is-'opsl �cnna��+a • • - ��_ _-_-
<br /> -- ---.-- -._ os�ma a ��t�i�.hyl.ender when the unwail�ixlit}!of jnwr�e u sotely due w� . . �--- •
<br /> � t.ei�de�k failurt w temit a mortgage insurmce p�emium to�he Sccr�tary. ---- — �,,--�
<br /> l� Rei�ONesat� Ranower has a right to be t�ein.xtated if Lender t�a4 required immediate payment iu fuU ba�au.se -_-__-
<br /> etn
<br /> � of Sotrower�s [uh�ne to piy an anwuiit due w�der the•Nae or this Securiry Instrument. 'Rds right:�plies even�fur _---
<br /> . tarclosure p m o e o d i ngs aro iastitu t e d. To rcins t a t e t h e S e c u r i ry Uuuumen� Borrower shall tender in a Iump swn all __-_-
<br /> art�ou�Ns Rqoi�ed w bting Rortowa�account cu�tant including.to 16e extent they are o6ligations of Bomowet under this =----_--
<br /> .' • Security LaCrumaib.farclos�ue costs and nasonabk and customacy aunmeys'fas and eapensesp�,��y associued witb
<br />, ;, the faeciosure p�oceedinF,. Upon�einstatemrnt by Boriower,this Securiry Inspnnr�eat aM the oi�tigations that it socaies _--_--
<br /> shall nTnain in eBat as if Lender had na ra}uind immedute paymeot ia fu1L However.I.ender is r�w roquinod to PeanA -
<br /> - n�takment i� (i�Lender bas ucepted re�nstatement after the catuna�nent of faxMsue procoedin8s vnth�n two a�_____4.
<br />. . yea�s iaunediatelY P��S the commaicert�ent of a currcnt faxtosu�e prooeoda�g.�ii!teanstaument w�l pcoctade �- __-
<br /> - faeciosars an diffecent p,nwids in the futane.or(iii)reinstatema�t wi�l adverseIy affect�e pria�ity of the lieu c�eated by ""��-
<br /> ����:._-
<br /> . this Sauriry Insuumec� '��
<br /> r 11..• Borra�rer Not RdeasM; Forbearance Ay Lendee Nd s� WaitiZr. Exttnsion of tbe tirrie of payment or �;��''�"
<br /> n:-
<br /> `� modif�tian bf amottization of the sums secured by this Security Ibstiument granted by Lender to any successor in inunst ' ,�,� ,:._,,
<br /> �"f::: of Batawu shall nM vperate w release the liability of thc original Bomowu ar Bottoweis saccessor in interest. Lendes ' :•+; ._ .�_
<br /> - ._ ab�U nat 6t r�equired to oo�ntnence S3mceedings aga�nst aay successo�sa�r�or refuse to eittend time for pzyrnent es ' .w���,'
<br /> - �:� �tise.modify amozrizaaon of the sums secured by�his Sec�uity insuumr�nr 6y reasw►af any dem�d aiade by the ° ;...�5j.....-
<br /> :, a�t Sortawer ar BaRVwetk successors in interes� Any forbearance 6y E:ari�ec�eaercismg any right orremedy shall 4 �-,
<br /> �' m!6e a�aiver of or p�eclude the exercise of aay right ar remedy. �.;��� -
<br /> ... ;.` • i�`Snoee$ors sod As�s Baand;Jdnt Aad&ven!Lia6iGty;Co-S�ners. The wvenants and a of �,-"... � _
<br /> �- - this Secvsi'ty insuument shatl bind�nd benefit the successars and assigns of Lender and Bvrcuv�,er.subject to pravisians '=:
<br /> `' � af l�agraph 9.6. Borrower's covenants acni agreemenu shat!be joint and seceral. An} Borrawer wiw co-s�gns this �� �,= ;``:�;'
<br /> Socurity/nst�umrnt but docs not eaecute the Note: (a>is co-signing th�s Sec�ui�v instrument only ta mortgage.grant and I; ..
<br /> ' �, canvry that Borrowcr's interest in the PrvQerty under the terms of this Securicy��men�(D)is not personally ob il gated to -
<br /> � ' � pay the sums secuned by this Security In�tn�men�and(c)agrees that Lender a�.i any other 8orrower rt�y agree to eatend. '.`.•�':
<br /> mad►fy.forbear ar maice any accommodatians with mgard ta the terms ai tlris Security lnstrurrKnt ot�he Nde without d�at - . . . .
<br /> Barowcrsconsen� .:i�t xF'._
<br /> - 13� '�otice�. Any notice to Burrower providcd for in ihi�Security lastreunent shall 6e givc�n by delivering it or by �-`.�: -
<br /> ' mailing it by�fust clus ma�l unless applicable law requires use of,another cr��od. 71�e nwice shall be directed to the
<br />� Yrvperty Addtess or any other address Boriower dcsignates by notice ta Lea� Aay notice to Lcnder sha(1 t�e given by
<br /> first ctass mai)to Lender's addmss�tated hercin or any address Lendcr de�i�rates by notice co Borrower. My notice
<br />=:;-'== : z " �rovidcd;or u7 this Stetuity I�-slssiment slsal!be de!'med t�h�ve hc�given to Barrower or,Leadcr wh�a Riven as provided = -_-_--:
<br /> :,_.�" �ntlnspr�ragraph. '�
<br />� • = 14. Covernins Lawt Sever�6ility. This Security In.trumertt�hall be guvemed by�ederal law and ihr law of the �
<br /> ! �; jurisdictian in which the PrapeAy is lacate�. ►n the cvent thai:v�y pravi�iart or clause oi thiv Sccurity Instrument or the �.
<br /> :j. Nate ca�fUees w�ith applieable law.such canflict shall not aifect other praviyians of this 5ecurity Instrument or the Note
<br /> whichcan 6@ given effect withnut the conflic�ing ptnvisinn. 'fi►this end the prov�+inn�ni'thls Security lnctrument and[he
<br /> ` Nate are declan;d to be�everable. '
<br /> `�': 15. Bwrv�ver's t;opy. dorruwer.rh311 i�e biven n��e ce►nfinmed copy uf'thi.Security In�trument. �
<br /> li. AseiE,enleni oI Rents. Borrowcr una�nditianalty u��i�nti and transfcr�:ui Lendcr aU thc rcnts and tevenues uf the � .
<br /> f�operry. Bortower authoriaex Lender or Lcndrr�a�rms to rnl�ect the rent�and revenuey:uid hentry directc each tenant uf �
<br />�• the PropeAy tu pay Ihe rentc to LcnJer��r l.cndcr�a�;cmi. N�wcver,priur t��.Lender�natirc tn Bnrtnwer of&mawer�
<br /> � � _.:� brrach af any envenant or agrcement in the 5rcuriry In�trumt m.RUITOHCf�II:III CUI�I'L'I;md reccive aU�ent��nd mvenues of , � . .
<br /> the PropeAy as trustee fnr the benefit of I,cndcr and 13c�nuucr. 7'hi+a�rignmrnt nf rcnt�r��n�titute�a»abcc►lute a��ignment ; . .
<br /> - and not rsn�ss�tgnment for additlanal.ccurity only. �
<br /> �:. 1!l,ender gives ncflic�c+!brexh w fsurtower. ta�:dl rcnt�recci�•cS h? iivramrr tl�ali tk h�ld h? Fiurroucr:�s ttu�tee --
<br /> -- � - ta beneGt of Lender only.to t+c applicd tn the rum�.ccurc�!by thc Sccurity [nytrwnrnt:lM I.cndcr�haU hr ratitt�d tc� ,
<br /> `r"}='' = colkct and tecelve all�f the rent�oi the I�roprrty:and Ir►cach trnan�ur ihr 1'tvperly�hal{pay aU rem.duc:utd unpaid t�• ,
<br />� �•;:";;;,,;;�;�:�� Leaderar 1.eaQer's agent nn Lendcr's writtrn drm:uid tu the tenam. ` • �-
<br /> •. ,: �atruwer has not exeruted any priur a►�ignmcm uf thc rrntc and ha�nnt and��ill nn�prrfurm:u�y act that��•uutd i .
<br /> . ?�� ,��e prevers�Ltnder from ezercisin�its rights under�hi�F'.�ragraph 16. "'
<br /> �' ,e�,�, . l.�irr sha11 no1 Ue reywted to enter upnn.rake rontn�l of�+r maint�in the Rapeny befurc ur afecr giYing nc�tiec of
<br /> `�'�„��;�;;,; bc�aeb to Barmwer. How�e�er.Lende►ur a jndici�lly:+p�oittted receiver may do w at�:tnv time thrn ic�hmach. Any '
<br /> �rf�i�� appt�of rcnt�si�tll not cure ur walve any defautt or mv:ilidue any othrr nght ot�emedy of Lrnder. This�ttisignmen! � •
<br /> � �'` nirenl�ufthe Ptvperty shall termin�te when the debt serured by thr 5ecuritq Inswmcnt i.Q:ud in full. •
<br /> '- --= ----�----='- - --
<br /> _ .... _ _ . . .._. _ •
<br /> 4. . _ . _ _ _ -- - .. _ � _
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<br /> :..;: . .
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<br /> y�,� . IjwRr�rf4pUqn�
<br />_. S>.
<br /> .. _ - ' . ..._. _ . .._ .. . . . . . . .. . ._ . ; .. . . . ._. . . , . . .. . � �. _ _ .
<br />