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<br /> . �,�pliC.ele Ww m.y speciry►far iei�a�t�`6erore sre.cc Ibe.Aoperir P����r p�ot s�te co�Yi�i��' . � _
<br /> sec�r tns�ua+at:or tb1�r o�s i��rorc�this.sac�rity tu�a�.neat. '11��o�da�aa ue unc�row.r.:t•t �� . �:
<br /> — - par l.eMk4�If w�un.s which t6a�w4�id be �e.under thi�SeWritY �meM�n8 t6e[Ya�e�s U uo_aoceienlioe h�0 --- -
<br /> '� occweeed:(bk cures�ny detauit at�ny aAer cave�nt-s a apeen�eiMs:(c)Pi�rs all expensefi in�vned in enio�i�d��cwitjr < �
<br /> la�w�ent..iactrdinf.but�t y im i�M�.rc a Y O n�b k m o rn e Y s'[e e s;a n d(Q i c�w�h�c tion st I.ende�w a�►�e Y O M b i�►
<br /> ra�he b��u�e thrt thr!�of lhis Security(nsnutturM.i.cnd�tr�rishts in�he PtopeAy aaA�a�e�oweth a61i�10�y tMe -
<br /> , �p ��•� r M N c a�M i n u r wicl�n sed. -U p n n teit�taeemeet bY Bartower. thi� Seciarity - -
<br /> Inamiinenf-a�d _. �' I i�ain fuilg sffectivc as i[e�o aealaatio�►dad o c c w�d. �b+K V e r.i h i s, . _
<br /> dsht w�einst�Ie slal�nat �4i0n uadet�[a�eaph!7� -
<br /> ' ' t�l Sak d N�1�: �r i�l o e' 7 1 i t N a t e a a p�e t i�!i a t e�!e�t i n l h e N o 1 e l t o jether writh dris Securih►
<br /> ' Iin�ru�rKntl may be soid aae or mocr times withoat prior naice to Bormw�er. A sak tniy cewh in a chan6e in d�e enat!►
<br /> — tknown as thc"tan 5ervicer"1 tAst coikcts nwMhiY PaY�s due under tbe Nate and thls Serurlty I�uttumnM. 71wre alw
<br /> = ` o�Y b�one a maR ctun�es of the t�►Savicu unc+etatM to a s�le ot the Nae. It there is s change of tLe LoM Sa+riar.
<br /> - " Baentiva w�ti be�iven written no�ica of tbe ci�angt in�ocardu�ce vrrith p�rasrapft•t4 above a�appticabk!sw 't1�e ndke . . .
<br /> --- � w�l s�e the�auna and adde�ess of the new I.oar�Serv'�cu and d�e add�ess to which payments at�ouW be m�de.'iUe nolia will
<br />_ aLso co�kain�ty oUKr information tequi�ed by applip6k law. ��g,�,ar t�ekase of�ny
<br /> u� e
<br /> - �! Haardors Srb�Wce� Barowu shtJl aot cause o�Pertnit the P�sence.use.disPos�l• atfectina tAe -
<br />- tiarudous 5ubstances on a ia the Piroperty. Bor�rower s6aU s�oc Aa.aor auow anyone else to do.anythinL►
<br /> _ � pbopee�y�ac is m vivL�ui�oE any Envuo�unentat Law The p�ecediag two sentences s[�all not apply to d�e p�esence.use.ar
<br /> '- stan�e oa t6e R+ope�ty of small quantities of Hazar6a�c Substuices tflat atr generrtiq t�izcd to be�pp�opiate to oomid
<br />' •;s: xsidenti�!usas aad to m�tinoeaane of the P+upeay. .
<br />-�:-.-;,;, Barowa sbati p�umptiy 8ive ltcder writtert notiee of any iavestigNion.ctaim.decaand.�wsnit or utl�action by any
<br /> :"-��' . S�a��Y�'S�a P�'�vue pury invotving fie Pcope�cy a�ad any Haraedous Substance a Environn�! _
<br />� c.'�; � La�r of which Bacower tas act�al icnawkdge. If Bomowee ISams.or<�s aotifud by atty gave�an►enqi os ttaulatory .
<br /> _,.yf. .
<br /> ,,,,..,.
<br /> aw6otity.tl�t any mnaval nc�isar r+emediuior�of any Haza�us Suivaii�oe affec[iag�6e Ptopaty is neces.tary. wer
<br /> �P�P�Y���Y�eneediat aarons in aceordance with Envi�aueen[al Law.
<br /> '�;�';.�i�. • `. /+S ILStd In 1�R5�i$T.1�1�.'"H�Z3td0I{S$a6St811CCS�9IC 1�1OSt SY�t4�'�dG�1flCd 8S IO%IC O��l�s$UbSf1110ES by �J- _
<br /> g.nv�u�xnt�1 Q,izv and the following substa�s: gasvline.keroseno;otl�tlamraable or toxic petrole�m produca.toxte ��
<br /> ��;t � . " ., �
<br /> tr; ' _.pes�cides.aad.l�ic�:volatite.soi�nt�l��a�containin�as6estos a�fomnaldehyde.and tadioac6ve matcrials. As
<br /> !�"--f„�-
<br /> �` ` � tis�,"s�titis pa��grapit 20,-'-Faviro�astas f.aw"-�wns federal la�s andtaws of ti�e jurisdiction whecC the iTOpe�ix w au��a. �,;,��-�-
<br /> "� � �y�nb'L�te to bealth.safety or envimnmental pcotection. = - �^`�", „'�
<br /> ;���r� ` . . •;� '1�SON-U11�'IFdRM COVENANTS. Boanwer and Lender fueher covenant and ag�e as follows: � , ��`
<br /> � ' . � - t . : .�'."�.;. 1��;R!mlIIIl9. L!�!C SIq1II g�YE DO�IIY�0 KOITOAlP Q��t0 9CClIl��011 tOQON�B01'�+01►!{'$'.
<br /> y � "'�.f-` -
<br /> ;, �}:� > ; ' • i�ic�qt�:ao�nsant or agreement tn tbb Securlty Iastrument tbut aot prlor to aeceleratlaa uaAer P�F�D���: - �'��"�'°`_
<br /> =s ` � . ' � � :�':�i�e,�FaPl��►pcovides vtberwise). 7'be nottee shaa spedt�'- (t}the defauit,(b)tbe roq�ind W�tMe ,.,. .;,• � = "
<br /> �cNos
<br /> `'�;t' ,F .' ' ven to Borrawer,by widch tbe Ada�N. .. bie
<br /> r �'d�i�if�:te�a�+Ie:+�t6t lesc tti�w 30 da��lran the dste..�ire.a�wtice is si �.-
<br /> '=a�ei�a�i(�ti tlrit fsihue to care t�e deGwlt on or 6d'aae t�date.�pecitkd ia t6e aotke may result in�ooeie�adoa o� �"�,�=
<br /> `,i�=�:.-;. f:.' :�... :. �-tie t�s�bT thb Securit�Lstrunteat and ssk of the Propert' Tbe notioe s6aU tYirtUee iatoro Bonowee a[ �,,�:,..,..,�-_
<br /> � � tue rt�Yt w refii�tate aRer acakratioa sad t�e right to bring a court�ctton m�ert tbe noa-e�tenoe ar s defaule or `-�;-.��.
<br /> � s�y otMer defnx ot Borro�ver to serekration aad sWe. If tbe defaWt is not cured on a be[ae t�e dde apeci�ed is �:.�::
<br /> t6e notke,Leade�at its opHon may sequire immediate paymeat in tall ot all sunn aeeand by t�is Secarity Irotn�aKnt "*{�`'`�<
<br /> �vitbut tuRher dtmaed aad msy isvoke tlie power of sak and asy other remedia permiKM b�spplic�i6k taw
<br /> l.nde�sb�ll be estitkd to collect NI acpenses i�carred tn pursutag the renKdia Prnvlded ie this�c�fraPb 21, .
<br /> . !:�� . indadia�,but aot limited to,reuombk attorneys'tees and casts ot t�le evidenca ' .
<br /> �; r �; � It tAe pewer a�s�le is iavolced,7tustee sha0 record a�otice ol defaWt in each connty i�wAic6 uy put ot tbe _,
<br /> . = k`� `- P�+opertj b bested sad s6�11 mai{copies otsuch aotice ia the manscer pK.uribed by�ppliesble taw to�rower aad to ..
<br /> tUe otUer peno�s pre�cribcd b'spplicabte I�M. ARer the tlme reqoiccd by spplkable bM.7�ustee sMsll=tve publk . .
<br /> • - nofloe ot�aie W the perso�s and in tbe msnner pracrtbed 6y�pptiqblr IaM 7Yastee,wiWout dema�d oa Barro�er. - %
<br /> slall sell the Yroperty at public aucNon to tlk highest 6 W de�at t 6 e t ime an d p b ce a a d u n d e r t h e t e n u d e s i�n a t e d in �. , . "�f
<br /> �' � Ihe ootice otsAk ia one or more parals and in any ordtr Te+�sta determina. 7lrustee msy postpone s�k ot sll or any
<br />'. ��.`� puoel a�the Properq'b9 pa61k annauncement at t6e time and ptsce ot any previuusly schedakd sWe. Lender or its ; _ . _
<br /> � r... desiaqte a�a�purc6ase the Property at any s�k. - _
<br /> � • �:•• ' � U p o a r e a l p t o t p a y m e n t o f t h e p r i c e b l d,'f l r u s t a s h�l l d e l i v e r t o t h e p u r c h a s e r T r u st a's Aeed conve yl a�tlie __
<br /> -�-�: property. Tre recitals ie the 7lrustee's deed shall De prlma tacie esidence o�the truth ot the stateme�b made tUereie. . , :
<br /> . 7ya�e al�alf appty ttK proceed�ot the sute in the[dtuwi�ader. !al to all casts and txpeasa oi exercisies tbe power . i,...
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