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<br /> — � � 1���II���F.�i�.T Mew`��5����O�V�/R�0�1�
<br /> - f1�IM�.ariarrwMrio�S.�diMS�raxt�sienslharof.`�r1h�Po1�`Ma�fr��►����'�►OriR,N�sMrtirwawot
<br /> _ . . of�!r ef tbt ooa��a�s t�rw.�ir.�.,�ic'�r�!r d�dor«a su�ra s�a�r.a MnM►i�aMir s»ar�.r.M..r Mr�..f � �
<br /> — " �tl��wle�t ME�wt dw ai�aile wittieut P�,d�d.P^°hst br i�tict of.a�tdnd.11NnaFt�:i�ficiory►+�!►�w�.ts
<br /> � TrYSlwa��hn d�danar�of ddodt aid d�aNrdior saf�.Trnshs s�aN hew tbe�orsr a#ide af t!�Pra�irh►and if M�xia�1►daid�s the�
<br /> /h�Mrty is to 1�sald it sidl d�posit wiN�TnistN iNs OMd gf Tru�stt ad th�Not�or nobs cnd an�t otha doeu�in�s wid�ci�q�id�r�s
<br /> � ' suuirdlwnbf►,aW shaN ddiwr td Trast�b writt�r notic�af default and�ttion tu caise/M P�'ap�rt11 to 6t sotd,ad Trust�.in tum.shaN
<br /> = , p�p�sasieiitoraotic�irtthe#annt�qiw+�db1►IarwhichstiaMba4ulgfiMdfoc�etordbYTnnht. . , �. � , `
<br /> ` . (o)Afhr th�iopai oE wdi tinw ds mcf►6�i�q�r'�d��ar foNo�g tha ncordation,of i�lotio�o#D�faU,ad liotic�of Oifauir undliot+c�of;--:- `
<br /> ..3alt Aoui�g 6iw�qivNe ttl n��d bf►�aw<<nistN,witheut da�ad aR Trustar,shaN s�N ti�e PenpKh in on�or nian por�ls ad in wd�or�d�r
<br /> -- �T���tr'Mine on th�don and at th�tin�ad ploct desgnat�d in said Notiu of SaM,at pu6lic auction to th�Iw�st biddlr,tM pu•
<br />---_ dasaRinRof!ab�incosh in Iawful nan�y of tM t�edStahs at thet�ntvf sa1�.ThePe�son canduct�➢�s��1•��^1►��a�
<br /> :.''�� d�n�a,p.du,,;Fosfpo�tM sak tran t:e.ro tiaK untit a sl+oH bt canipkt.a aia,iR eve�i�sud►cast mti�s oE postpa�a�t shdt 6e�ive� ;
<br />-- ;r tilCA��!�^:r+�reof hr sucl+vKSOn at sne tim.ana ploce iast apooe+red for ttie sdc;Roviaea,if�:sd.is oostvorwe fa�on�►i+�a+
<br /> � ane t11 dolt�Y���1►��►the lbtice of Sai�,notia 1Mnof shoN b�gnai 9a#hs sane�ii�os ihe Qripinol Notice of SoM.
<br /> ��us�e shoR execaifeai�d deli�to tht purctas�r its Ueed ca►vel►���1I s�sdd.hut without a��or war�tint�l.��•� '
<br /> � inipliid.'The rs�i!oas iii_ttie`O�id of m11 a�ttics or facts sholl bt c4nct�e"Pcoof of HH�r srvthEulness tl�eof:kry,.pe�.!��g� ,
<br /> :'r.`.:'� Iiniitation7�:`mafFP��thtsole::-': _ . :•,:. , .�..�:.:::.�. . _ .
<br /> ` ' (b1.Wlw�Trirst«s�As�usua!t�a the�orers herain.TrustN shdl apptjt.tlk praNds of the sale to pii�me�►t of tfie costs and e�nsei af
<br />.:;<r-- �xKCisi�g the po�r.of soie�of the.sd'at,�iiclu�ng,xilhout limitotioa,tfie�ne�t af Trnstae's iees inc�red.whi��t Tntstee's fses s�+aN not a
<br /> in th�aWnpt�exce�d ih's�fdio�nn�am�n►s bosed.Won the amouM s�axed f�e�►���9�!�=S P.�a►�he bolonta
<br /> �.�,`'. . . , .,.
<br /> ,.. ..
<br /> -.: �. _ - -
<br /> � -�. tMrtof:andtt�tntbeittmsszf,forthinst!bR4►agrnpl�tc)tseteofinthearder.tMteinstbtsd. :� � __--.__ . _
<br /> t �
<br /> (c1�K P�ft�the#reiil's s�.if'wd N►.s�+�Aa���@).�the sak is by Trostee,ar tGe prapr ca�ct dd otl�er costs of faaclosure und sak
<br /> if th�sat�is�urspti�t ta l�'��Iqwie;thsprocNds of sale shdl be applied in th�ordu stated 6elov,e to ttw po�f of: : . _- -
<br /> . t.,� , _-� _
<br /> - (11 Cost af ary evide�ce ottitk procuted in rainectian with suclr sak and of acry roveiiue�equired ta'be paid; �_
<br /> ° ' (2) Anorneysfeesi".. � _. . :. . _ . ,- _ �—� - - -
<br /> • j� ... . . R�� -
<br /> ` (3) N)SIM1151�1lf1 SlCUfld�1lft�i . .r �
<br /> �` �- ' (4} J{RYOf fiJSt dNd5.1110�1�0�ls.Of`d1f1E►�fl9'IhOld@f5�011d , . ��
<br /> : _:,x`;��� � ` � � .(s3 Zhe remoine.r,if on�r,to tt,e pers«�or p.rsons tegauy entittee tnereto. �.:..�"�
<br /> -- �� '`, �.. ;.
<br /> ., „�-a..•.
<br /> r .,�.z.Y:,=-
<br /> (di If th�9msfKwrl►of MMS Deed of TRUSt is o badc as defined by Nebroska law.mYstatement cor►tai�ed fi aiy otl�section oi this tked� .�, �;#r_--
<br /> notwithstaid'ag,the Beneficiary shafl not be eetitted to�eceive or take and debta shall not be a6lipated to paY ar qiv�:my ca�fession of 1�9- �t�;=�
<br /> - '�.�` nNnt,Power of attan�il to caefess wdgn�ei�t,power'of attomey to appear for a borrower irt a judical proceeding a agreert�ent to pag the casts � �'•s�y�_�'- -
<br /> '... �`,—
<br /> . ` � Y:;`',,`` -of cdMction of the ottomeys'fees.vntess such acts of collection woutd nat otheowiss be prohibited b�r t�ebrasko law.Prov�ded,however.that _ ,:.,.�:.�-.--
<br /> �`��� .r;�;.,:.t..,.;.,"'..'�
<br /> � this sation does ra►oPP�Y to�f���referred to in paragraph 6@).Provided furtt�et,ttat this paraprraph shall not apply to this Deed of ,�;,.,r.�,'�t}-•
<br /> ��.t. . �:',
<br /> ! :y'.t_�, .• :��
<br /> Trust.if the Beneficiory is not a 6onk. . ' � . { '. 4'
<br /> ` T '±��^�� Tnfstar,at its expense,will exeate and defiverto the Bene�iciary,aompih►uPon demand,sucb securi- ����
<br /> , ,_.,4 1�. Aiili�l Sus�fr I�tr��s• . ,�
<br /> ,-� ,' . ty i�atruments as may be required by Beneficiary,in fam and substartce satisfact�rY to 8eneficiary,coverin9 any of the Property,conveyed by � � ,�.
<br /> �-�.:,1 ,�� this Dkd of Trust,which secur fi►instnxrtertts shall be additional securny for Trustor's faithful performance of oll of the terms,cove�ants and i �-,:}�'-
<br /> � '�'•' eonditio�af this Orad of Trust,the promissory notes secured hereby,artd any other security instruments executcd in comectian with this tran-
<br /> E_. -�'°
<br /> �,:;�;=;`:��, . • • ,.'�=-
<br /> . ��r:s;�� , saction.Such instrunents shatl be raaAed w f ikd at trusta's expeese. . ^ - s�,
<br /> °sn:=-.� 13. A�M�M�f S�oni�r Ttwh�. Benefic'wry mayr, from time to time, by a written instrunertt exetuhA and aknowkdged bY �. . .� �,tia-
<br /> ' - &r�ficw�y,maikd to Tnista aad rocorded in the caunty or counties in which the Properhr is laated ard by otherwise comptyirg with ths provi- .'�}�:m -
<br /> � - srons of the applicable�bws of the State of Nebrasko,substitute a successor or successas to the Trustee nomed herein a acfing h�reunde�• ' � ': %"":
<br /> -s�'',��:� � genefk'wry,or its agents.representotires or workmen,are authoriied to enta ot aaY�easaabb fime upon or in any part f • ... - --
<br /> ' 1�. I�c1i�.
<br /> " '� "_:��, . . -- .,
<br /> { . = , oi the Prop�rty fa the purpose of inspecting the same and for the purpose of p�rtonnisg,any d the acts it is authroited ta perform under the ,. -;;'''�
<br /> t�rms of ths Deed of Trost. . . '�,_'' ., � ,`.-:_�-��
<br /> , - �g, ppi�t�h�M�,Upon tfie acm;xrence of any deiautt hereunder,Beneficiary shall hove the option to faeclase this Oeed at trost�o . ��rr�"-.
<br /> ' .t , , ,�::,, r.��.,xY
<br /> ���� the ma�ner yrav�ded bY Saw far the faectas�ire of mortgoges on real property. �. , .: '. � �'::��.•-
<br /> ,� :, ''�. �;�
<br /> �::� INf���p.Ilny forebearante by Benefitiary inexarcising ony right or rert�edy henunder,orc7herw�se . .:.,,,�;_;..���,���
<br /> Y...�,:.,� - 16. �r■ea i!�f •:.,.,,: ...
<br /> � :-�'`'-�� ,e f}a�py appticcbfe�rr.sholl not 6e o waiver of or aeelude the exercise of any such Q:g.St or romedy.Likewise,the waiver by Beeeficiary of , _
<br /> .�,�:.` ., �
<br /> - -- esr�defcult of Trustor��rii,Med af Trust shall aat he aeemed to 6e a uvaiver oi c�ry atfier or simitar defautts suhsequentiy acuning. � �:
<br /> '.� �.��� 17, Tn�tw 1N1 R�d,Extensian of the time for payment or madification or omorfization of fhe sums securM Dy this Oeed of'irost r � ,,, •,
<br /> yronted by&neficiary to any successar i�interest of Trustor shalt not operate to releose,in any manner,tha�iobility of tfie aiginal Trustor and � �.��
<br /> ' ,�' Trustar's successa in ir.!erest.Beneficiory shall not be required to commence praeedings against such suctessa or refuse to extend time tor ; •
<br /> .�; - " peymeM a ott�erw;se�fY amo►tizotian of the sums secured by this Oeed of Trust by reoson of any demand made by ihe aigiral Trustor and .
<br /> ;.t, �:':•
<br /> �.�.t�, .�� �� Trusta's successor in cr.lerest. : . •
<br /> . • ' � 18, �i�r6oyy's 1rwa.Withart affecting the tiability of the Trustor or ony other person l+e61e 1or the poymtnl of any abligation herein ,
<br /> ,,,'-,� �.''.,:� . muitioae�,orrd witl�out affeeting the lien or chorge of fhis Deed of Trust upon any pation o}the Properfy not then a theretotae relea:ea as ;
<br /> �. •.r.�:,.:
<br /> °:"': ., secwity fo►the{ull amo�mt of all w�poid obligotions.8enef iciery moY,from fime to time and without notice,li)rekase any pe►son so liable,(ii 1 � .
<br /> • extend the maturlty or alter any of the terms of any such ob}igations,(iii)grant other indulgences, (iv)refease or reconvey,or couse to be
<br /> � ,'� • � rekosed ar recanveyed at any time at Beneficiary's options ony parcel,porfion or nll af the Property, (v►taka or retease any other or additionul • �
<br /> •��'!' �• securit y far m�y obli g a tion herein meMioned,or(vi)make compositions or other ar�angements with debtors in relation thereto.
<br /> � �. "';�t�•`,�� • 19. hAwr Ai�cN.Upon request ot Trustor, Trustee nt trustee's option,priar to reconveyance of the Property to T:ustor, mny m a ke
<br /> '` '� {��a��s to Trusta.Such tuture advancas, with interest thereon, sha116e secured by this Trust Oeed when evidenced by{xomissory ,
<br /> . . titi� iLr�..�.:�. . . .
<br /> � � . ' notes stofing thot said notes are secured hereby;provided that ot no time shaQ the secured principal,future ad�ances,not inctuding sums ad- .
<br /> � � , . vanced to protect the security,exceed an aggreqate principal amount of S_. .__ _____ - - • � - •
<br /> ' �� 20. Ma�r��a 1y TratN.Upon written request of 8eneficiary stMing that all sums setured hereby have betn paid,and upon surrender . , . '
<br /> � of this Oted of T�ust and the Note te Trustee for cancellotion and retention and upon payment by Trustor of Trustee's fees, irustee shutl
<br /> � ; recomrey to Trusta,or the perion or persons leqeliy entitled thereto,without warranty,any portion of the Property then hetd hereunder.the .
<br /> �atitots in such r�co�weyance of any motters or fats shalt be conclusive praof of the t�uthfulness thereof:1he grontee in any reccnveyance may
<br /> -- -- —----=-=--- .
<br /> . be descn7ied as"tfie��n 6t Oersons tegnlh►�ntitfe�thereto". - - - - _ : �
<br /> : ,. � � � ;
<br /> .
<br /> L . . .'
<br />