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<br />_ limited w,neodwes�s.fas.Pr�eritiwas on rroeiva's boods and rauonsbk ucorneys•fas.snd tben to e s�s
<br /> - � this Secarity In�en� . • .
<br /> Z!.Reeoa�e7�uP�ft�Y�t of all sums securod by this Security lastrua�ent,Leader sliall so4uest Trustee to •
<br /> nconvey tLe Pmperty and si�alt snrrender this Secarity Instruma�t and all notes evidcacing debt secared by this Security
<br />- ., Instrua�eut to Tttistee.Tmateo33�U fe�7o�►vey the 8toperty watlwdt waasptyand rvithout cl�tr�e so the petson or persans
<br /> - ". k�117 eatitkd to it.Sucb pecson orpe�sonstlu�U paY snY recotdttion costs. . .
<br /> 2i Si�tit�be lrw/ee.Lander.at itsvption,rr�y fran time to pme ranoveTrusta and appvmt a succeswc trusta
<br /> to wY't'��P'P�nted 1�eanda bl►an u�n+a�t recorded in sLe caunty in whicli this�ecurity lasstrumrnt is recoMod. .
<br /> Wit6out ooawey�noe oi'the P�pecty,the sacca�or trastee shaU succeecf to all tbrti¢tG,�oMer and duties confared upou .
<br /> ?tasteelKrein and by apQlicabk laM. '
<br /> b.ge�eri lror Noticp.Borto�rer requests thst coDies of the aotices af deEault and saie be sent to Ba�roxe�s
<br /> address�vhichittluPsopesty Addres.+.
<br /> u�giiaa to t6i�Secority I�n�t IPone or more riders are execatedb�Borrowu and rocorded together witb _.
<br /> tb�t Sxurity Instruatrnt,the covenants snd aarameets of a►ch such dder sbatt be ar+�arporated into and shall amend and _
<br /> suppldr�eat the covenanq and aFeemeats of this Socurity Instrument as if thc ri3er{s)wera a pasE of this 5avrity _-
<br /> 1tqRruma�t.(Chackspplic�bkbox(es)) _
<br /> ma
<br />. , (]Adjtistsbk Rate Rider ❑Coadominium Rider , ❑2-4 Family Rickr _
<br /> [J Gtadusted Psyment Rider ❑ Plsnned Unit Developmmt Rider _
<br /> �Othe�(s)[specifyJ Ackaovledgement of Pawer of Sale _
<br />- HY Stc3Nnva BEWw. Barrower reeepts and agroe� to the terms and covrnants contsined in this Seeurlty =
<br />-r`' lnurumait md in u►y rlda{s)acecuted by Horro�ver and recordad with it. :.
<br />�v= _ ..��.�� ................................. .._(Seal) _
<br /> �Hora e E. Jenaen
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<br /> � � - - go���e E: Jeasen aad Mas�orie B. Jensen - ��� -
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