ft � � s::r.�j, :'•��: `��oc- :.. . - -- E . .
<br /> �
<br /> r � a�' . ' .. a __
<br /> -� � �S$st v-�,-�-,t< �: '-.��G'_,��y'. � --c-- .. - � ---- —.------�--- ` - - . _ -.- .-- --
<br /> .' �'s��kir"�'„ ;_3` it�F r. _ � t, _ _
<br /> ..--- ,. s.t � �` .,: . . � .��%c.=,• _ i � .
<br /> ,�_ ' ---'-" - ---- -� ..,,.• _- - -
<br /> .-- - _. _. __- - ._,'-` +.-
<br /> .. .- � . - - c� -- '-- --- . .-� --
<br /> _ _ �.<, i�,3 ��--C . _ . � . . �- _ .._ .... _. . - _
<br /> t c . f �'A _ . .. 4..` . �.��=,rV�c. � ' , . ' ' ' ' . . '
<br /> } � 4, c. ,:.s:�.�.. ' ' . ' - �•
<br /> _ �:...a�,st i:z �'�n< � ��.ti:::-��:= . _. - - - - _91 --IQ4�`�4 _ _ � .
<br /> � ' ;Y� � � G�:rrs.= H«,�s.ai;�dvoow�.d.da�iee:rouow�:- . . � -- - _ _
<br /> �� wiw�dt�e
<br /> 7 ; f;-,�atPrt�tiM1 ri L��i l�q�t rrt�t�e�s. Hare�o�rer.tWl p�o�peh►p�
<br /> .,;� :.`��aed'mtete�taetbedd�tcv�dn�oeab�iLeNatcada�Ypeep�►meataadlttesi�/�dneuaierrtl�sNola ,
<br /> t;� :�.:�taeTiresail�a�ee. S�bjeettoa�iia�6leL�►armaw�rittmw�iverlq►ladet.9on�o+ret�11NE1► ,
<br /> - � .. ,` m d�e ueder tlk NotG�mt�the Nafe is paia io iW1.:s�►{••Fundy")eq+�t Zo
<br /> � "�i�:�i`tbe�sy�P�
<br /> -= �,�`=1-::.�:.'•:��::".':�iii�L�ie1R#�(s)Y�r��.as�meats��ri�b a�sY.���i►o�et t6is 5eeurit�t t�nm��:�}Y� .
<br /> =`;�pMeioid;�ymeats a�roond cena ao tlie Ft�qprttY;iP aay;(e)YarI7lu�rd i�nura��Pra�u�:�aad td)y+�y
<br /> _ ;`..��smran�e p�aniums,dany.?Le�e itm�s an afied`�aerv�r itan�."Lmdrr msy.atimate tbe Fw�d�e oa►lie ,
<br /> — bi�isa�circi�atd�andra�o�biearimttesaffutureacro�ritae�t. �
<br /> _--- - - .. ;-,:�.;._;:TI��S$�6ebddmaa�t�a�ed�o��r�o�nbof�ate�dar�ntm�.b�tsfe�loc .
<br /> - — " :',.a��7!f�t I.mder if Leadet is�sncb m imtitutiony.I.ender s6a11 appty the Fuad�to py�he aa�ow item�:
<br /> - - °:�d�:�Y�chf�for�oi�ad�p�nn�t�e gm�.�t6s a000�nt a vaiF�n�tbe�►ite�.u�
<br />- :�=�t'oder p►ys�orrower inteast ca tLe Faads aad applic�ble la�r permits Leoder tv m�1ce we6�Bon�o�ru�
<br /> -. sn
<br /> `�d - ;�1�1ei miy�rae in writiuj tbu iataat sWII se paid an tbe Fimds.•Unk�an a�e�mt �pp�ble
<br />�:�". ::°ieqi�te:initaee�t to be p�id,IRadec sbafl aot be requited W pR9�aay internt ar arniap aa tLc Funds.I.endet
<br /> �.::�s!!�ive to:Hoim�ra.without ei�a*�e.as anaual a000wuios dt6e Fu�s s��������F��the
<br /> . � r;'pqi�pqsefoc�eac6de�itwtbeFm�wasmsdol]kFi��t+eptatt�edasadditiaaalsawrityforWesuun�ecundb�r
<br /> `;:''���.� ts aiFuads P�Y�P�'��
<br />' .3f tieamg�t of tbe Fimd�l�dd by Laider.to�er�vitb tbe fatun moatblY P�ymm
<br /> ' �:�`.tb�dn�daes�oft�e eaav+v itams.sb�D�oeed the amount r�eqair�ed to p�y tbe es�row itsms wbm dwe,tbe e:�xss�all bG
<br /> ., _. r��t�&uro�Nes�+opc+ao,ea�er prc�aptl9 rsp�id ta8orna�ier or c�dited to Bara�ver an ie�onthlY D�Y��aF Fuad�.lf the
<br /> aniouat of�he Fu�shdd by La�der is na saiciest ta py tLe acro�v itm�s wrben duG�ocroMershsll pY to LRader any
<br /> . - . � ooaiafce'vpti�ed�.yiacneormo�ep�ymantsas�equicadb7►�
<br />� " •� UP�P�Y+�t ia full a[a1!wa�sxurod bY tLis Sa�vit�►i�trwnea�I.ender sl�ail P�P�Y cduod to Bartn�et ----
<br /> : -. :`::���y��U��p�y�p,��9�p�p�y a�oW a aoq�r�e�by I.eoaer.Leader sb.0 sppir.no l�ter __-—--
<br /> �. . , :t�tn iinai�tY•Aia to tbe sak dtlre Ymperty or�a acquis�don b!►�..*ny Fuads bdd by La�der st tbc time ut ---
<br /> ..�ai��editapo�sttbesumsseaicedbyr.thisSauetyIastrwne+i� -- -
<br /> •, ... 3�s A�iieati��f P�li. Unk�apptic�bte 1a�'Pcrn'ida ott�r�e.all p�yateats radved by Lender aMer. _ ___-
<br /> , ' �sc�n,�nd Z sbal!beapplie�:fi�st,w late c1�c�es due andet t1�e Nat�seca�d.W pr+epRyment e�r�a due undet tbe +��
<br /> .Not;i�t.s4�?s,�YaMeund��r'+S�!pi!�faurtL.toiats�stduC�adla�t.toprin�ip�ldut. �M . __
<br /> � ..
<br /> -. - . . ; 'i� Q�r�r�'3e�. Sarr�s5alt pay all ta�ces�s�tt�.r�ar6s�.6aes aad impositioas.�tm'6utabie#u tbe. ._ - � - _,-- _
<br /> _ ��
<br /> � �.=» prapettX,�ich_tnsy amia prbrity c�a tlui Savrity IastruaKnt,a n d l e a s e b o l d psyments or�o u n d an t s.i f�n Y• y: .
<br /> '' ;�fi;:: �
<br /> • Boriu+�ersbxi!po�y t�ae ob]'y�tions ia the msnae�rprovidod ia pauaaraph 2.ot if nat paid irr that manner.eoacwer sAsll - Y:�.. _ __--
<br /> D�;'.:-� . ��_ _ �
<br /> l�jr the�n on tlme d'mecdy io the peison mvod psyme�►�BaroMer sball pranptly fiumish to La�der all aotica of�mounts • �X T � .�
<br /> - . m i�e�aid oader t L i s p�u�ag�ap l t.�f B o s r o Mer m s ksa t h e s e ps Y m a�t s d i r e c t t y.B o r r a n r e r s h�1 1 p r o m p t[y f u r a i s b t o L e n d e t ,�_::.':'_- !
<br /> mceiptsevidoacintthePsYmeats.: �' � ..��
<br /> � , Hosrv�a abiaii pramptty dnchss�e aay liee wrbich has priocitS►ova this Secudty b�momenrt unle�s 8ormwer.(a) _
<br /> � . a=rasia�totl�epyma�teftl�c�bUptionsecuredbythelkainam�aneta�xptsbktoLender(b)contatsin�ood ___.._.�:-�--
<br /> - faith dpe lien by;ar ddeeds i�ainst taforcement of the lim in.1eW Dcooeodial�s MLicb in the Lender's opiniort operste ta , ���----.---
<br /> '���• preveat sl�ee mforcemait�f t'be lien or forfeiture of sny part of tLe Property;or(c)seiures from the bolda oi ttie lim aa �;�'�;,�`+_�_—_
<br /> -�:�—
<br /> ;;�,:� � a�reanent s�sl'actay te I�dsc snbordinatina the lien to tbis Sacur�ty Instrumau.lf l.ender detenaines that any prt of � -
<br /> � �-:�.r_-�;; the Prcr�arty is sub.ject to A lien��msy sttain priority over this Securiq►Instnmknt,l.endes msy pve BorroMer s � � .�-
<br /> . _ notice;dauifjiina the lie�.Boma�ar sbat!satisfy ehe fim or tske oae or nwre oithe actions set forth above wnthin 10 days . , '�°• '�_"
<br /> , � ±'�:`�`;�. ofthegivittaof�otieo. � ���
<br /> "� '' 9 Nasari Ia�a�+a. Borrowa shall kap the improvements now e�isting or�a aected on the Property E , �`�-
<br /> -'�`'-�:`�`' insuredagaiitst tass 6y ftsa,hazardsiactuded aittdn the term•'extended eavaegd'snd atty MAl�ht�i�s lo[w�hiCh Ldlder _ i .., ... ._'r';etir=—
<br /> . � II --
<br /> ..�'. � roquira insumnca 7'�iis inspzaisre sliall be maimtained in the unounb�nd for the pertods th�t Lender reqni�s.The ' � :�.�:—
<br /> s
<br /> .� _._`._. insyranoe prcrier providing tdre ias�r�nce s1W1 be chosen by HoaoNa subjoce to Lender'a spproval which slall aot be ` -
<br /> � ��""��?".A'. unrasonablYWithl�eld.� , �
<br /> .:;:.'x:_ , Ap ms�ace poli�iia and ra�ea��Is shaU 6e accepts b k to l,e n d e r a n d s h�l l inc l u d e a standud mort p�e ckuse. �. '� �
<br /> _ 'q`' ` '" Lender s1�3 6ave�e Qigb�a<a hotd the`potkia snd reneM►als.If Lender requita.Bono�re:shall praaptly sive to Lender � j. :.�. ' , ..��� �
<br /> �;,... .
<br /> .'�,�� . a11 receipts of Qati�!psrmi�s�,nd renew��l notices.Ia the event of los�,Bonower shaU Sive proma notice to the insur�nce ; �
<br /> x,,-..... � ,:_-. _
<br /> � •._-.,.,: carritr and I�der.i�n�er m�y m�afce proof oiloss if not made prompdy by Bonower. r , j_';:= �. .
<br /> � Unt�ss Leasder�d Butro�verosE�envise agra in rvritins.insurance procads sh�fl be spplied to ratontian or repzit ; ,_,;
<br /> �� . o f t h e 8 r o p e r t y d a m�a d.�f t b e r a u�+3 ion or r e p a ir is economipll y feaaibk aad Lender's socurity is not fes�en�0.lt the { .. `'' ,
<br /> ' -,.� r a t o n t i o�o r r e p�a i r i s n o t e a a n v�'s r a�l y f e a s i b l e o r L e n d e r'�s e c u ri t y w�a uld be kssened.the iawrsnce proc�ed��11 be f . ' ���''
<br /> :_- _- '•°.�',_._
<br /> ,'�. _:. app l i a d to t h e sums a e c a s e 0 3 ry:h i s S e c uri t y I a s u u m e n t,w h x t h e r o r n o t t b e a d u e.w i t h a n y e a c a s p�i d t o H o rr o w e r.l f � ,.--
<br /> . `-;'�';- Borrower abandons tl�e Pr�esxy.�t daa not ansMer wiihin 30 dsys s natice from Lender that the lnsunnce curiet bas � . •� �.
<br /> �n�':1R• . . . .
<br /> a`�„` . aQerod ta settk a ctaim,i�en Leade2 a�y co}kct the insurance praceeds.Lender msy use the proceeds to repair or ratore �_ �
<br /> ��-� � the Property or to pay sums sa�araS�this Security Instrument,whether or not then due.The 3(i�d�y periu��vi1f 6esin �- --=— - -
<br /> xk'� when the notice is given. . '
<br /> �� Unkss Ltnder aad Barra�vesosherwise agra ia writina,any applicstion of procaeds to principtl shall nAt estend or
<br /> s':� ' ' � patpone the due date af the maat�r paYments refetred to in puagraPhs 1 and Z or changt the amount of the psyments.If �
<br /> �:a�� . : .
<br /> -. under p�rsgaph 19 the Praperty u aoquirod by 1.ender.Horrower's risht to any insurance policies and proceeds rdultin j •
<br /> � = ' from dam�e to the Property prior to t�te acqaisition ahsll psss to Lender to the extent of the sums securad by ehls Security '
<br /> i�atrument immedi�tdy prior totb+e�c�quisition. � '
<br /> � � • 6, preKC�allo�aMilKai�ti�ee of Pr�ertY;Leautioti�. Bonower shall not datroy.d�ms je or aubsbntialty ;��
<br /> o� ,
<br /> � • �41 . elaoae the Ptoperty,allow th6 Pr�pefly to de�eriarate oe commit waste.If this Security'ln�trummt i�on s kas�hofd �
<br />� - - � Horrower ahall comply with�the Qrovisions ofthe i�se,and if Barrawcr acquird tee titte to the Properly.the teasehota and ; ',
<br /> ' •.. �: � fa titk sh�ll eot merae uetess Lender agas to tbe iaerger in writing. � '
<br /> ;f;,. U � 7. Prott�etio�ot t.�de�s RieW 4s tYt�ra�erty; Mortgs�e l�nnece. If gorrower faits to perform the
<br /> . ''!►�:. .. eoven�nts and a6raments con�ainsd s�ihisSxruisy�astrument,or there is a tepl proceedina that m�y si�nitkandy aRect . �
<br />' '�=" LendePs daltts in the Propetty(s�s�s 9 proeaa�in3 ic�banicruptcy.probate.for candemnation or to enforce lawa or ; , .. �
<br /> � ' , �`�' : " re�ul�tion�).thrn tendermay do an��y t�s�v�atevst is necessary to pratect the value of the Property and Lendee's riaht�
<br /> :.. _ :. ._ _ _ �n the PropeRy.Lender's actions mrr lns�de�iag�any sum�secured by a lien which has prlarity over thi�Security . _
<br /> :1;:. ' ' Inslrument.�ppesrina in court,payiag r�sonable attoreeys'fcd and mtering on the property to m�lee repain.Althou�
<br /> Leedet may talce aatlon under this pirigfa�a T,L�ender das naa bave to doso.
<br /> . . Any amounts disburaed by Lea3et und�ehis paraarapb 1 s6aU bacome addltianal debt of 8orrower secured by thi�
<br /> Seeurily lestrument.Unlas Honower aad Lendt�agrc�ko othcr teims otpaymrnt,these amonnt��hs11 bear intercst from
<br /> " ' , � . � ' tha date d dlsbunement at the Note rate�nd s�31 be psy�bt�with interat,upon notice frotn Lender to 8orrower . � : :
<br /> requesdniMYment. •
<br /> ' - .. _ . ._. . . . . . ' .. . __. . _ . . i. ' ' _ ' _' ' _ _ ' . � ' .
<br /> '( _ .., ; �. _ . . . � . . � . �
<br /> . . . F'_ .._. __.. . _.
<br /> . •
<br /> . � _.I' ... .._.. _ _ .
<br />