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. � <br /> � � � 99 1070�� <br /> � TOGBTF�R WITH all the improvements now or her�after erected on the�ProAertY� and all easemants, �!PPurtenances, and <br /> � fixtures now ox hcreafter a part of thC proprxty. All rcplacements and addidons shall also be coveral by �his Securiry <br /> � <br /> Ynstrumeat All of th�foregoin�is referred to in this Securiry InsCrumcnt as the"Property." <br /> gORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estaie hereby cpnveyed and has the rIght to'grant and <br /> convey the Pmp�rty �nd that the Property is unencumbered, exeept for oacumbranccs of raard. Bozrower wazrants and.will <br /> defcnd generally the eitle to the p,roperry ageins�all claims and demands,subjecc to any eneumbrances of record. � <br /> THIS S'.ECURITY iNSTRLTlv�1VT corobines uniform covenants for nadonal use and non-uniform covenancs with itmi�ed <br /> veriations by jurisdiction to consdtute a uniform security insm,ment covEri�g real propexty. <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowex aad Lendear covensnt and agrex as follows; . <br /> 1. Paymeqt�of Princi�al and Yatarst; PrepaJment aad Lete Cbarges. Borrower sha�i �romptly pay wt►en due rhe <br /> principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note�nd any pxepayment and late ehatgGS du�undcr�tho Note. <br /> 2. Funds �or Taxes a�d Insurauce. Subj�t to applicable ltiw or to a wrltten waiver by lrendar, Bo:royver yh2utl pay tp .� <br /> Lender o»the day monthly paymeats aze due unde�t tbe Nate, unal the Note is paid in fuli, a sum("•Funds'� for. (a)yeazly raxes <br /> end assessments wh�ch may anain prioriry oveor this Security Ins�ument as a lic»on the Property; {b)ya�rly leaychold�payments . � <br /> ox ground rents on the ProP�Y, �anY; ��)Yearly hazacd vr property insurence premiwns; (d)Y�arly flood inswrance premuiums. <br /> if any, (e) Yeaz1Y �ortbage insurancC premiums, if any; snd (fl any s�ms payable by.Borrower to Lenc�r ,accoX� v►d�11, <br /> the provjsions of p,s�a�raph 8, in �ieu of the paym�erit of mortgage insu�ance pmaniums; 'i'�ese items ere Ca�.•"F�ov''Items;"• . <br /> Lender may, at any dme, co�ect and hold �unds in an amouni not io e�cce�d the m�cimum amount a lendcr for a federally <br /> related mort�ag� loan may re�uire fpr Borrower's ¢sCrow accouiat under the feder$I Real Estare SettlemanE �roced�res Act vf <br /> 19'74 as aonended f�rom time to dme, 12 U.S.C. Sec4�n 2601 et seg. ("R�SPA"), wiless anpthe.� 1aw that ap�lies to the Flinds <br /> sets a lesser amount �F so, Lender may, at any time, colle�c and hold Funds in an amount not �o exceed che lesser amounG <br /> I.endcr�ay esriinate the amount o�f Punds due on the basis of current data and reaso,nablc estimaus of e�cp�ndir.ures of futtue <br /> Fscxow Items or pth�wise In sceordance with app�acable 1aw. ._ <br /> 'Ihe Funds s�all be hcld iun an insdWbion whose deposi�s are insuned by a feder�.l �{ency, inistrumentslity, or .Cniiry , <br /> (including T�ender, ;if L,ondar is such an insbitudon) or ira any Fedexal Home Loan Bank,Lender.shall apply the�unds to pay tho <br /> fiscrow Yterr�s. Len�er may not charg�Borrower for ho�ding end applying the Funds, enau�2ly analyziun,g �he escrow account, ar <br /> verifyi�ng the Escxow Ztems, unless I.�der pays Borrower int�xest on the Funds and applicable law�ormits Lender co mal,ce such <br /> a chargo. Howevar� Lendet rnAy require Bor�rowa to pay s one-timo clxarge for an independes�t real est�te tsx'rcporuag s�svicc <br /> used by L.ender in c�nnection with this loan, unless applicable law provides othawise. Unless en �reement �s mado or <br /> applicable law requires interesc to be paid, Lender shall not be rec�used to pay Bon�ower any interest pr earn�ngs on the Funds. <br /> Bpr�ower and I.endc� may agroe in writing, however, that int�xest shell be paid on the Funds. I.eadea� shall give to Borrower, <br /> without c6atge, an annual accounbin� of tho Fl�nds, shawing credits and debits w the Fhnds end the purpose for whieh each ' <br /> dcbit tn�he Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as addi�ional sxuricy for all sums secured by�is Security Ins�um�t, <br /> If dic Funds held by I-e�der exceed the amounts pc�zn�iucd to be held by applicabie 1�w, L.ender shall account to Borrowe,r • <br /> far the excess Funds in accordance wich th,e requireme�nu of applicable law, If�ho amou�t of the Funds held by I.ender et any <br /> tiuuie is noc suf�iicient t,o pay the Escrow Itcros w6en due,�.ender may so notify Borrower in wriung, and, in such ease Bocrpwe� <br /> shal! pay to Lender the amount n�ary to mako up �he deficiency. Borrower shall make up the defici�ncy in no moro than � <br /> . twelve mon�hly payme�nts,at Lender's sole discredon. , , <br /> UP� I�Y�t in fiilI of a.11 sums secured by this SEC�uity Iustrument, Lcnder shail prorra�tly reft�n4 bo Barr�wer any <br /> Funds held by Leader. If, wnckr paragraph 21, Lender shall acquire or sell thc Property, Lender, prlor W the acquisition or sele <br /> of the pro�e�ty, shall apply any P1mds held by Lender at the dme of acquixit�on ar ssle as a credit�a�ainst the sums secured by <br /> �his Security Insrrume�t . <br /> 3.Applicatioa of Payments.Unless applicable]uw provides otherwig�, all paymcnts recoivod by I,ender under par�ra�hs <br /> 1 and 2 siaall be applicd: fust, co any prepayment charges due umder the Note; second, to amounts payable under p�aph 2; . <br /> third,to iaterest due;fourth>to principal due;and last,to any lat�e charges duc under the Note. <br /> 4, Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all t8xes, esscssments, charges, fimes and�npositions aarlbutable tA the Property <br /> wh�ch may auain prioriry oves this Sxuriry Loshvment, and leasehOld payments or grouad renrs, if any. Bprrower shall�,pay <br /> nc�sc obli�ations in the menner provided in paragraph 2, o;if noc peid in that manna,,Borrowor shall pay rhem an rime direetiy <br /> w the person owed payment, Boirower sha11 prompfly fumish to L�,nder all r�oticces of amounts t�be paid�nder this para�raPh• <br /> If Borrowac makcs these paymeats dir�edY�Borrowtx shall promptly furnis�to La►der recelp[s evidencing the paymcots. , <br /> Borrowcr shall,promptiy discharge any lien which has priority over �has Security Instrument unless Boxxower. (a)agrees in <br /> wridng to the payincynt of th�obligadon xcured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender; �b)contests in good faith tha liea <br /> by, or defends against enforcement of che lien in, legal procecdangs which in thc Lender's opmion.o�ts to pnwent the <br /> en;forcemenc o�the lien; or(c)secures�om the ho�der of the�ien an agreement satisfacrory to Lendcr subordin�qng tho lien o� <br /> this Secu�rlty Instrumenk If Lender determine9 Chat any part of the Property is subJect to a lien which may attain pripnity over <br /> this Sxurity Insavment, Lender may�lve Borrower a aotice idonti£yin� thc lien. Boaower shall s�tisfy the uen or�lce ane or <br /> more of the acdons set fonh above w�ithln 10 days of the givin�of notice. • <br /> Form 3028 9/90 <br /> �-aR(Nfi)�a���l.oi �aq�2 of 6 IMdaWt�d? <br /> A2FNE3111-02/97 , f 02d46B0 1"'� <br /> Z'd ' 6Z6'ON J,l If103 213Sf1dH2l3.13M WtiLZ:6 666 ti'Sti'Ntif <br />